Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's Theme Week #3!

So, as was agreed yesterday, this week shall be another theme week, in an effort to fuel some creativity and break the monotony of school and such.
Theme week number three consists of picture-oriented posts (aka posts with at least somewhat-related pictures in them, at least four).

Ergo, I am posting today with a collection of bad icons and assorted pictures.

Yesterday, I was experimenting with icons and such, on a website called Picnik, which lets you upload and edit pictures (I think five, but I don't know) for free. It's really fun.
What I came up with were:
This quote-from-Don-Quixote icon, which is rather difficult to read; it says, "when life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?" It's not that great. >.>

I quite like this one; it's a 6LCF icon, which immediately ups the awesome-factor. xD Also, it's easier to read and very colorful. It's nowhere near what most LJ icon-makers do, but it's okay for a beginner without Photoshop, I think. ^.^
This one happens to be part of my birthday present to House, as we are both editors and so we understand such editing-in-purple-related jokes. This is, like, my most legit icon, and I really, really love it. It's my favorite out of the three. <3
You can use these icons wherever; as long as you don't edit them, I'm fine. No credit necessary, but it's nice to be appreciated, y'know?
Not that anybody would ever want to use any of these, I don't think. . . -.-;;
Anyway, we have finally decided on what to do for our Six Little Curly Fries book club. 
We've decided on a kids' book of Norse mythology, exact title TBA. None of us are very familiar with Norse mythology, I don't think; I myself know most of the gods and such, but I'm not familiar with the individual myths themselves.

So I thought I'd give you guys a run-through of the main Norse deities.

Odin is, like, the Zeus of Norse mythology; he's the "father of gods and men." He has two ravens, Huginn and Munin, who fly around and give him information. He exchanged his eye for inner wisdom. Wednesday is named after him; he is the god of logic/thought/wisdom/etc. He's got an awesome eight-legged horse named Sleipnir.
My terrible interpretation, MS-Paint-style:
"i haz speer!1!"
Thor, the Thunderer, is sometimes thought to be the son of Odin and sometimes thought not to be. He's very buff and manly and such, since he's power personified. Thor has a giant hammer called Mjollnir, which causes lightning/thunder. Thursday is his day.
Note the LARGE, DANGEROUS HAMMER. Now stay away from the LARGE, DANGEROUS HAMMER. Got it?
 Freyja is the goddess of love/beauty, but she's also a warrior. Also, she and Freyr, her brother, are one of the Vanir; the other guys in this bunch (except Loki, who's neither) are Aesir. Aesir, Vanir, Loki-the-outcast-but-we-love-him-anyway. Everybody clear on this?
All right, back to Freyja.
Freyja is also sometimes called the Queen of the Valkyries, and has this super-awesome magical necklace called Brisingamen. Friday is her day.
Isn't she perty? Oh, and I know that the way I'm drawing them makes it look like they're not actually holding the weapons; sorry about that, but I'm too lazy to go back and fix 'em.

Freyr is, of course, Freyja's twin brother. His sacred symbol/animal is the boar; he is also the god of fertility/success. Apparently, he likes fighting with elk horns more than he does with swords. He doesn't seem to have a day of the week associated with him.
"i can haz boar?"

Tyr is the god of war and the lawgiver of the gods. He used to be the *leader* of the gods, but then Odin took over. He's very good at fairness and righteousness and stuff.
Yeah. . . I really suck at MS Painting swords. . . Tyr is awfully hairy too. >.>
Also, he only has one hand. (He sacrificed the missing hand so that the big bad wolf Fenris could be bound.) Tuesday is his day.

Loki, my favoritest god ever (my favorite goddess being Athena, just FYI), is also called the Trickster, the Sly One, or the Sky Traveller. He, as previously mentioned, isn't Aesir or Vanir, but he's descended from the Ettins (aka Elementals). His element is fire, and he's sort of half-demonic because of his heritage.
His alignment is sort of ambiguous; he helps and fights against the gods, and eventually he gets strung up on a big rock with a snake spitting venom into his face (he probably developed severe ophidiophobia from this xD) as a punishment--mostly for killing Baldur.
He also is the father of some of the craziest people/monsters on earth, including Fenris (big bad wolf), Jormurgandr (the World Serpent), and Hel (the goddess of death).
<3 [I also fail forever at drawing fire on MS Paint. >.<] 
Heimdall is the golden-toothed guardian of the rainbow bridge, Bifrost, which leads to Asgard (aka the home of the gods). Heimdall has a giant horn; he will blow said horn to alert the Aesir that Ragnarok is coming.
So, y'see, rainbows are totally manly. ^.^
Did I mention the golden teeth?
Then there's Skadi, who's all icy and vengeful and stuff. She's married to Njord, the god of the sea, but they have sort of a rocky relationship. She wanted Baldur, but Baldur got killed by Loki, so Skadi hates Loki (actually, I think most people hate Loki). She's the goddess of righteous anger, justice, and vengeance.
I made her background blue so her hair could be white; I like the idea of Skadi with white hair. Also, the fact that she's carrying a whip comes from the book Runemarks, which is a very good book. It's sort of Norse-mythology related, but it's a novel. so obviously we're not doing it for book club.
There's loads more, including Frigga, Odin's wife; Baldur, the god of spring; Hel, the goddess of death whose face looks sort of like this:
 So, yeah, I can't possibly list/draw them all; I hope you enjoyed this little mythology lesson (which took me, like, an hour to draw >.<).
Happy Theme Week!

Monday, August 30, 2010

*No title today*

You'll find out about this later...(but that's me!!!!)
Hello, people!!!!!~ <--Heheh, I just pressed that swirly button. I love that thing. ~~~~~~~~~ It's my favorite letter. ~.~ Haha. That's a funny face. :~) Now the swirly is a nose!!! Look what other noses you can make: <:o) (that's a clown!!!!) or you can make a chicken nose: :>, or a guy with no nose, but buck teeth: :B Hahahahaha! These faces can have different eyes too! You can make this kind of smiley face: =). Or you can make this one: %). Or even this one: 8). Wow!!! So many faces!!!! :{) <---AAAAHH! HE HAS A BEARD!!!!!!  </:{> <-- Santa!!!!!!!!!  Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh right. A post.

*Sigh.* I have been getting so distracted recently. It must be because school started and my brain is telling me to do stuff that does not involve the use of the brain. Stupid, lazy, dumb, fat brain. I was so distracted on Saturday, that I took an almost 2 hour-long break to play with some Playdoh that I found*. I was just sitting at the homework table, looking around, when I saw a shiny bag (actually, it wasn't shiny, just interesting). So, naturally, I stopped doing my work...well, continued not doing my work...and investigated. I was all "OMIGOSH! PLAYDOH! I LOVE PLAYDOH!!!! LET'SPLAYWITHTHEPLAYDOHANDMAKEFUNTHINGSTOMAKEOUTOFPLAYDOH!!!!!!!!!!

So I made some stuff. And took some lovely pictures:

That is me!!!!!! All innocent and sideways!
Look how it crushes my fragile body.
I fell because my back pack was too heavy. :(

The part after these too pictures is too gruesome for me to show on a blog...so I will only show the repercussions.

The back pack left me for the dead. How very sad.
And another view...notice the back pack's expression.

I also made some Playdoh Hyperbole and a Half figures...but I can't get those photos up. Oh well. I hope you liked my lovely interpretation of life in High School.

My whole intention was to demonstrate how terribly heavy back packs can be (mine was 33.5 lbs. yesterday).It really is unhealthy. I think I will have eternal back problems from this once-innocent creature. Speaking of which...maybe I should write on some of the papers that live in the bowels of that thing... 
GAH! I can't believe no one has found these yet. If you did, please write "purple eraser" in the comments.

* I didn't spend all of the two hours playing with Play Doh. I also made towers and watched the screen saver on my computer.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

GreekGreekGreekGreekGreekGreek!!! etc.

Greek class (that would be the classical, ancient, awesome Greek - not the kind that's actually spoken!) started yesterday and it MIGHT be my new favourite language, though possibly still second to Latin. We learned the whole first half of the alphabet, using those awesome dry-erase strips with a dotted line down the middle to help you form letters, like the ones we used in first grade. 

Alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, eta, theta, iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu.

That's as far as we got :) aren't you impressed? All of the 6LCF are taking Greek, with the exception of House and Carrie, because they wish to sleep rather than go to school early and learn another dead language. 

Our marching band had our very first football game last night (House, I apologize It's kay. Whatevs. - I'm just reporting things that happened on your day, but the thing is, I just woke up) and the band totally rocked it, even though the football team lost. We had fun :) After the game, Poofy (he chose that codename) and I became "facebook official" so that everyone would have the weekend to simmer down and hopefully not harass us too much. I still fear Monday morning though >.< House is going to have her revenge on me ^_^

In other news, I made pancakes this morning, and I used Momo's mom's idea of adding some cinnamon and vanilla to the mix (she did that to waffles, so I figured it would have the same effect on pancakes) and they tasted delicious. The batter was delicious as well :)

Peace, Love, and Otters,


Friday, August 27, 2010

"Why hasn't anyone posted- oh... frick..."


So... we (as in our high school's marchin' band) just got back from our VERY FIRST EVER game! And it was pretty sweet, I must admit, even though our football team seriously sucks (and we were playing a really good team... the score was, like, thirty-something to zero-zip-nada-wow), I think it'd be right to say that we had a totally awesome time ^_^

In other news:
- We [the 6LCF] have made it!!!!! through our first week of school!!!! Ahhhh! (A lot of the others had their very first Greek lesson this morning, and they're pretty pumped up about dead squiggly lines whose names sound like robots. They'll probably have a fun year.)
- My birthday's in, like, less than a week. But whateves.
- Sixteen year-old Esther ("cookie4monster4"), a Nerdfighter, an inspiration, and a very very very awesome person, has died earlier this week. Which really sucks. Because leukaemia sucks. Because leukaemia's pretty much just the buttiest butt butt die, like, ever. Frikkin cancer. (If any of y'all want more info on/about/concerning Esther's awesome, I'd suggest taking a looksee at the Vlogbrothers' latest video or visiting her channel, cookie4monster4. Idk if any of you guys ever watched her. I did/do. But yeah. Enough of that.)
- Virgil thinks I dressed up too much today. Whatever.
- Virgil's gonna have a BOYYYYYYYYYYFFFFRIIIIIIEEEENNNDDDDD!!!! We can't wait! :D :D :D :D :D

What other YouTube channels [besides Dan Brown, communitychannel, Green Brothers, Alex Day, Charlie McDonnell, etc.] do you watch?

With all due respect,

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back Pains, Ice Cream Socials, and Kindergarten!

HI! Today at school, I realized that my posture had become like an old crone's. I straightened my spine, and felt pain. At which point, I panicked and decided that I had developed a rare case of Early Years Arthritis (EYA!). My backpack is way too heavy, and I have way too much homework. Is that me complaining? YES!
Ah, next point. ICE CREAM social! I went to that today, and signed up for various clubs. They are: Latin Club-Although, I don't know why. I don't take Latin, don't speak/write/read Latin. I only know a bunch of Latin freaks who peer-pressured me.
French Club-which I have a legitimate reason for joining, I take Latin French(great, now I'm writing LATIN for everything!) so I understand it a bit.
YEH-Youth Eat Hunger?  Youth Evaluate Hair? You Even Hurl? Ah, I forget what it means. Which just says that I'm not doing it. I'm not quite sure why I signed up for it...
Women's Crew AKA Rowing. It's actually a sport, and I already signed up for it, so.. yeah.
Last topic! KINDERGARTEN! Mysister went to her first half-day at Kindergarten today, and she was so proud of herself when I got home today, (This is where you go, "Awwww"!)and I went like, *SQUEAL* OMIGOSH, YOU'RE SO CUTE! *SQUEAL*!!! Then, I realized she's growing up, and I overreacted. *SOB* *WAIL* *SNIFFLE* "You're growing up before my eyes, and I'm just blinking, and you're almost 5!!!(I said 5 like it was 50) You're going to be going to first grade soon!(Said first grade like, some-faraway-land's-college-where-I'll-never-see-you-again!) *WEEP* *MOAN* *CRY* *SNIFF SNIFF*
Yup, done now! Tomorrow, I'm waking up at 6:20 to get ready for Greek...which starts at 7:10, and I live, like, 2 minutes away (walking moderately) from the school. So, I'm kinda being early. Maybe I'll change my alarm clock to 6:30 or 6:40...Maybe I'll just decide not to take Greek, after tomorrow. IDK what I'll do. I do know I need to go to sleep NOW or I'll never be able to wake-up tomorrow!

 æ™šå®‰!<-for House, as a test.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Guten Tag! Wie geht's? ...Gut? Nicht so gut? Schlecht?

^German skills! :D Yeah, I don't know the word for 'or' yet, so please excuse that. Did I get most of it right, Momo? 

(Why does my computer keep switching font colours on me?? Gr...)

So I, Carrie, have survived the first two days of high school. Yay. But unfortunately, I have like, actual homework to do now. Which is saddening. *sigh* But luckily I finished my math and now I only have to finish English. Blah. As for my classes in general, I guess they're okay. Some of my teachers are kinda whack. I'm beginning to hate science. :( Well, I guess it doesn't make a difference, I've never liked science. Just this year in particular, I do not like the class so far. At least I have it before lunch. ^_^ And I'm pretty sure that at some point I will get the chance to blow something up... um, I mean experiment with different combustibles. Fun, fun. 
Summer, wherever have you gone, my dear? Oh pah, I don't miss it that much... *slight sniffles* But I will be okay. I shall be okay.
My English class is fun. In it with me are 4 of my fellow curly fries. (House, you would *love* her.) 

Away from the beloved topic of school...

I somehow hurt my knee today/last night. It's incredibly unfortunate. This morning, it felt just like a huge bruise. But now it feels like I may have pulled something. I've been sitting down for a bit just relaxing and working on homework and whatnot, so I don't know if it hurts less, worse, the same. I'm a bit scared to stand up... but my back-side is becoming numb. Meh. 

I suppose that's about all I have to say for today. ^_^ 

Whales are awesome. 

*Sigh* Back to the lovely world of homework. 

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The First Day of School

It's the first day of school, and I already wish that it were summer again. >.<

My day went pretty well; I like all of my teachers (the French, global studies, and math teachers are particularly nice), and I've got a few classes with my friends, so it's all good.

I actually shouldn't say I *like* all my teachers. The science one is sort of scary, and I'm genuinely nervous about that class--physical science has never been my strong point; I much prefer biology. People have said that my science teacher is mean/difficult/scary, so I'm suspending judgment on her for a while.

So my parents want me to take Chinese II or III instead of gym this year. I'm not the biggest fan of gym (actually, I dislike it almost to the point of loathing), but I don't want Chinese to completely throw off my currently-pretty-nice schedule. My counselor and I are meeting tomorrow (so I get to miss some of the scary science class :>) to discuss it.

Ugh. I had homework today. There was, like, tons of math homework, and I spent over a half hour on that alone. Maybe I need to take quicker notes or something; I dunno.

Anyway, right now, I've done all the necessary homework. But I don't feel like writing a very long post for some reason, so I think I'll just leave it at that.

((At least I can say I survived the first day of high school. . .))


Monday, August 23, 2010

We're All Grown-Up! sorta...

Today, the last day [official] day of summer was spent by the Curly Fries wearing skirts. That's right. We all wore skirts today! Now, we have completed yet another of our many aspirations that is the 6LCF Bucket List (kinda). We also attended our high school orientation, which isn't nearly  as important as the fact that we wore skirts. However, as the title so nicely implies, we are growing up! *tear, tear* The Six Little Curly Fries are starting a new chapter of our life that does not involve the same lunch period for us all, which is quite depressing. I am thinking of changing mine so I at least four of us are together. 
Although I don't have much to say today, I would like to mention a certain awesome blog (<---click it!!!) that I was introduced to by my dearest friend xiy. This blog is extremely hilarious as well as well written. I have spent the greater part of yesterday looking through it, trying to absorb all of its glory. I love this blog!!!!!
Well, that's about it. I am sure xiy will give a lovely review of our very first day of high school tomorrow. That's all for now!
If you are reading this, please incorporate turtles into a comment below (don't be too obvious).

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Getting Stuff Done!!!

In spite of the fact that I only got about two or three hours of sleep last night (see previous post) I am getting a lot of stuff done today! This hardly ever happens on Saturdays, especially in the summer. I'm very proud of myself, actually. I left Momo's house at  about 10:30 and got a back-to-school haircut. The lady who cut my hair also styled it in a cutesy-curly fashion , so even though my hair is naturally curly, it's especially curly today. Like, instead of being a random mess of frizz and curls, it's cute ringlets like Shirley Temple. So I came home, and my dad had made CHALLAH FRENCH TOAST which is basically the best thing in the world, and one of my favorite things about being half Jewish. My grandma has the best challah French toast recipe ever, and I don't care who disagrees with me. 

So after gaining about ten pounds, I went to Office Max with my dad for back-to-school shopping, which was really, really exciting. I just love the new pencils, shiny binders that haven't started falling apart yet, folders that gleam in the glow of florescent lights. *sigh* and I also got thing supermegafoxyawesomehot pack of various types of clips that come in all sorts of metallic colors, and it basically made my life. This is one of my favorite times of the year. (The grand total of all of my school supplies was nuts this year. It was over $150. O.o) 

Then I went to Famous Footwear (we stopped and Starbucks on the way :-] yum) and got two new pairs of tennis shoes - one pair that's actually for tennis (and gym) and one pair to keep at home for working out (which I totally do every day... bahahaha). Then I got home and discovered that yesterday, my older sister had gone shoe shopping and bought the exact same tennis shoes without my knowledge. Crazy stuff, man. 

Then I cleaned off the counter in my room (it's always covered in junk, but I need that space to do my homework since my twin sister thinks she owns the kitchen table) and separated all of the British money in my wallet from the American money, which took a really long time.

Now I'm going to go do my summer reading, since I'm only about halfway through the book and school starts on Tuesday. I'm not really worried, though, because I have a secret weapon: SparkNotes. 

So yeah, that was my day. You probably don't really care that much about what I did today, but I just feel so accomplished that I want to brag about it to the world.

*Virgil's talking and no one is listening*
Peace, Love, and shiny pencils,


Hey :D

"We've got to hold on to what we've got/Cause it doesn't make a difference/If we make it or not/We've got each other, and that's a lot/For love... well, give it a shot/Whoooahhhhhhhhh, we're half way thereeeee/Oooooohhhhhhhhh, livin' on a prayer!!" 
—Bon Jovi, "Livin' on a Prayer"

Hello ^_^

Busy busy busy day! Our school's marching band [I play picc; Virgil and Carrie are on flute; Momo's clarinet] had our debut appearance today, and we, like, totally rocked it, so my day started out pretty well. Then I had to go the eye doctor's because my contacts are being butts and going all dry and crap on me, but whatever. It's all cool now. (Ooh, and I started a new blog that's more laid back than my one that I've got going now [which has become 60+ drafts of 3/4 written posts... hehe, oops]. Teehee. Sssh.)
Anyway... yeah. (I know this is really really late in posting, but I haven't really had much computer access for the past bit. Forgivesies? :) )

Oooh, and I just spent, like, five and a half hours with my fellow Curly Fries [plus our honorary Curly Fry BFF, Lee]! They're off pulling an all-nighter together. (I left early because I haven't been feeling too great all week, and zero sleep isn't really a fabulous idea right now :) ) I wish them luck on their trek with staying up until much much much later today! Stay strong, girls :) [But if you, like, NEED the sleep, totally go for it. It's all good.] We are going to bury a time capsule with memorabilia from the past couple years, and we're gonna dig it up in about four-ish years. I contributed some of my and Virgil's old band music, a souvenir from a field trip Momo, xiy, and my class went on, and one of the first papers we planned out this blog (the 6LCF blog!) on. Pretty sweet ^_^

[If any of the other 6LCF want to say anything about how the all-nighter is going/went, feel free to say so here. If not, I'm sure Virgil will fill us in later on :)
Lee-hi im tired bye
Momo- Gah!!!! It's almost 5am and we're still up!!! We just watched baby fetuses and stuff. It was really fun. I am so tired. Can't. Wait. Till. Sunrise.
xiy- Neeeeeeeeeeh. There are no words.
Agh. It's painful, staying up this late. We had toast, though, at three in the morning; I had strawberry jelly on mine. It was yummy. Right now, I'm subsisting on the cheese dregs from the pizza we had earlier.
Neeeh. x.X
Carrie-meeehhhh. kgljdabnjgjkglanvjklfyhu... meeehhhh. >.< It's 5 AM. Fun. ^_^
Lynda-*yawn* The sun had better rise fast...I'm going to bed when it does...for 4 hours....it had better rise pretty frickin' fast...REALLY FAST....*last thought going through conscious* RISE SUN, RISE!!!!!!
Virgil- I'm not actually all that tired....a flkfj lafhdljdg *falls asleep on keyboard*

With all due respect,
House (and the rest of the Curly Fries, plus Lee)

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hullo. I just wanted to mention that no one has specifically told me what I was going to do for my punishment. Yeah. Anyways, today is a very important day...er, was. <-Cuz the important thing happened already...but then, there's another important thing later on, so...ah, today wasill(my combination of was and will. Not very creative, but whatever) very important. My brother, today, in the morning, from, like, 9:30-10:30am, was at school. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE MY BROTHER'S AT SCHOOL!!! I'm soooo proud of him! Technically, today was merely a little introductory thing, and today is a half-day, and on Monday, it'll be the start of full days. My little bro, we'll call him....Mouse(it has to do with his name ; )), is 2, turning 3 in September, and from now on, he'll be going to Day School! And now, I shall ask a question. Am I allowed to call that Day Schooler, a Pre-K student? I mean, tecnically, he is Pre Kindergarten. So, uh, my point is, when I filled out a questionnaire, and wrote "Mouse-Age: 2, Grade: Pre-K", was I right?
This afternoon, will be the Orientation for Kindergartners. My little sister will be one this year! I feel so...*sniffle*...it's so strange, my little siblings are growing up! *sniff sniff* *gulp* *wail*...
Alright. That's about it. ooh. I forgot! Normally, I try not to rant here, because I have my own ranting blog(which...I should update :P), and well...today I just feel like ranting a bit.
So there's this lovely new webcomic that xiy has introduced me to, and it's just...wonderfully hilarious. I loooovee it. BUT! It's sooooo short, and right now, it's not being updated fast enough! I've finished the whole thing, and I really want to know what happens!!!! ARGHHH!!!!
That's it!
پھر محبت!!<-That means: "luv ya" in Urdu...I love that name, Urdu...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Farmer tans and sweat, how delicious...

Why hello there!
ONE. We are the Raiders. TWO. A little bit louder! THREE. I still can't hear you! FOUR. More, more, more!
Meh. I'm sooooo tired. >.< band camp + band camp + school starting soon + exhaustion = even more exhaustion! And that cheer gives nothing away about our location. In fact, my grandparents live in an entirely different town on like, the other side of the state and their mascot/ team are the raiders. I felt a bit special. ^_^ Anywho, this week is just band camp. "Prepare" for school. "Enjoy" the last week of summer. Uniform Fittings... ZOMG! Is that tomorrow??? Hm... And *non* sleep-over (YAY!). Then I'm going to a Greek festival. Fun Fun.
♪"Hey there Delilah, this is your ex-boyfriend, Sampson...."♪ (Haha, that's a funny video. I might put a link somewhere in here.) Linkity-link-link = AWESOMENESS!  Well, maybe I won't put a link since *technically* it's related to the bible. (Oops) But if you want to look it up look up: Tim Hawkins, Delilah skit. So yeah, that's that.
Today, I learned that I can multitask quite well.... not only can I march and play flute at the same time (heh), but I also can text and cross the street, while watching for cars. Skill.
Agh! Procrastination! I'm sorry. >.<
Well, for the most part most of my week has been marching band camp. That's been ok. The songs are pretty cool, especially when we get to sing them. ^_^ Teehee. "WHOA! We're halfway there! WHOA! Living on a prayer!..." Imagine around 325 teenagers shouting this at the top of their lungs. Oh, yes. Good times, good times.  
And guess who's beginning to play picc? Hehe...
Hey Hey Hey! Guess who's birthday is in... 1 month and 11 days? Well, first comes House (hers is in15 days)... but then it's me. Yay. Yes, I do plan on having a party. :)

Haha, I'm really procrastinating on this, aren't I? Well then, I guess that's it!
Whales are awesome. ^_^

Smiles, Hugs, and Lots of Love,

P.S.- To Xiy: I'm sorry I never added my bit to the collab post for your birthday. Although, I had tons of fun at your party and really do hope you had the most *spectacular* day. Ever. *Sigh* Also, dreadfully sorry this is a couple days late. >.<

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Post #102

Hi! Hi! Hi! :D
I had a most wonderful birthday on Saturday, courtesy of the Curly Fries. Thank you all, for coming and making it awesome!

Anyway, today, I would like to talk about. . . Hrm. I'm actually not quite sure what I'm going to talk about.
Well, for one, school starts in exactly a week. There goes summer. It's been a really great vacation this year; summer didn't pass too quickly, which is good.
I've also been writing the sequel to my NaNoWriMo novel, since it's not November yet so I can't actually write the first book. It's been going quite swimmingly. I am a very mean author. I like heaping misfortune on the characters; it's fun. ^.^
(House and Carrie, you two should totally do NaNo! It'll be fun!)

Also, I finally finished The Silmarillion yesterday. For those who don't know, The Silmarillion is, like, the prequel to Lord of the Rings. It tells about the stuff that happened in Middle-Earth in (mostly) the First Age, with a bit about the Second Age and then a summary of the Third Age (and it very, very briefly goes through the events of LotR at the very end). You don't necessarily even have to read LotR to understand any of the stuff in the Silmarillion, since it's a prequel.
After reading it, I've got, like, a much better idea of what the heck happened in LotR; before, I was just like, "Okay, who is this person?!"
The one bad part is that practically all the main characters die in it, which really sucks. 
There's also this fanfiction called "The Silmarillion Gospel," by Araloth the Random. It's what would happen if the Silmarillion (which is already written like a myth) was turned into Biblical English by a bunch of fangirls. It's hilarious, and one of the rather few good fics on ff.net. Go read it! You won't regret it, I promise.
I recommend this book for Book Club. It's a bit confusing at the beginning, but it's really, really good by the end.
Please? :3

That's more or less it for today, the 102nd post.
(Oh, and there's going to be a 6LCF all-nighter on Friday! Woot!)


Monday, August 16, 2010

The Second 3-Digit Post!

I dead. 

Haha! I tricked you all!!!! I'm not dead! I am just extremely hot and tired and hungry and possibly a bit sunburned. Day 2 of band camp is over, and I am starting to feel the burn (literally). Namely in my shoulders, neck, calves, and stomach. Today was mostly outside, with the exception of lunch and a run-through of the songs. We got assigned to our squads and marched in pretty designs. I think the final product will be really cool, but the whole practicing everything x100 and memorising music just doesn't seem too...appetizing...for me. *sigh*

On a completely different note:
This Friday the 6LCF are having a sleepless-over! (woot) We are planning an all-nighter at my house...possibly in a shed in my back yard. I don't want to spoil what we'll be doing...but it will not involve sleep. I am too tired to write. Maybe I'll add something later.

This little tidbit thing was added almost 1 hour after the initial post. I JUST HAD AN IDEA!!!! We should make a 6LCF time capsule at the sleepless-over! We could bury it somewhere and then in twenty years or something, we could dig it up and see the stuff that we buried. That's all.



Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's xiy's Birthday!! *throws confetti* & 100th Post!!!!!

Normally I would sing the "Virgil's World" theme song, but since today is xiy's birthday, it's technically her world.
*cue music*
La la la la, la la la la, xiy's world! La la la la, la la la la, xiy's world! xiy loves writing, and Tolkien too! That's xiy's worrrrrllllddd!!!!!

Happy Birthday, xiy!! 

In honor of xiy's birthday, I have pushed my skills with technology to the limit. When House drew a picture for the blog banner, I managed to scan the picture, get it on my computer, AND upload it. That sounds like an easy task, but I had to use the memory card from my camera (because our hp scanner doesn't scan to CDs or USBs for some annoying reason) and then I had to figure out how to transfer it from said memory card to my computer, which involved putting it back in the camera and then finding the chord that connected my camera to the computer, etc, etc. It took like an hour. I also added pretty lights to the blog. 

Usually it's xiy who does all the technology stuff, but she shouldn't have to decorate for her own birthday!

...yeah. I also made her a present, but it doesn't have anything to do with technology. It involves construction paper, a lot of tape, a martini glass, moldy shorts, and so on. She'll find out what it is when I give it to her later today.

This is going to be a collab post because of the special occasion. 6LCF: your mission is to write a birthday message to xiy in the provided space below. 

Momo: Not only is it xiy's birthday today, it is also the 100th post on 6LCF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, xiy! Yay, 6LCF! Yay!!! I LOVE YOU, XIY!!!!! You are so awesome and cool and stuff. I wish I was as talented as you! I hope you have the most spectacular of birthdays and like Virgil says below, go wild!!!!!!!!!!!!! But use protection. Don't do drugs. And bombs are bad. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lynda:Ok...Happy Birthday xiy! Your sarcasticness and hilarious takes on the world make me laugh when I'm feeling sad, so continue being strangely weird! Yes, those were compliments. Anyways, hope you like the present I got you, my B-day card, ecard, and the awesome cake cursor that I've attached to the blog. Isn't it cool? Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!

House: xiy!!!! You're so awesome and amazing and brilliant and nice and smart and funny! Like, the ultimate Nerdfighter. (Plus, you're one of, like, a handful of people that I know that actually can use a dash appropriately in writing ^_^) And I am honoured to be in your tightest circle of friends; it means so much to me :) I HOPE YOU HAD A BIRTHDAY ALMOST AS AMAZING AS YOU ARE! We all had an awesome time <3
OH! And when making your picture, xiy, I realised that I'm the only 6LCF whose name doesn't start with a letter that is also a Roman numeral. Sorry for breaking the pattern, guys... -.-" (<- xiy taught me that ^_^)

Virgil: You're a frickin amazing person, xiy, and I hope you know that. We all love you very much, because you're just so frickin amazing and because you're you, so yeah, have a happy birthday. Go wild, but not to wild, because we don't want to have to have your party in the hospital or the police station, okay? <3


Lynda still needs to do her punishment, whatever that may be.


We should really decide on a book for our 6LCF book club, if we're going to do it.


Peace, Love, & Otters,



Friday, August 13, 2010

Busy Weeks, Birthdays, and Beastly Memorisation

"You have two choices, and once you've chosen, you have most of your decisions made up for you." —Anon*

Hello ^_^

Dude, xiy's birthday (and birthday party ^_^) is tomorrow! Ah!!! I just got back from running errands all day (new soccer cleats, better shin guards, xiy's birthday gift, and doctor's). It's still actually really hot here, which is excellent because my team's got a super scrimmage tomorrow. (i.e. three games in four hours in the hot horrible ihateyousomuchdie sun)

I'm so excited for xiy's birthday! She's having her very first extra super special birthday party ever!! And keeping up with tradition, we're changing the banner drawing for her birthday. However, xiy is usually the one who does the drawing, seeing as she's the official artist of us six. We obviously can't have the birthday girl see her own banner before it's time, right? ^_^ And so I took up position of making the banner. About twenty seconds into it, I realised how crap I am at drawing people, so instead of drawing the traditional figures, I assigned everyone an animal. Because I'm just barely better at drawing animals ^_^ (Momo is a frog [1]; Carrie is a whale [2]; Lynda is a fish in a bowl [3]; House is a cat [4]; Virgil is a panda with bamboo [5].) I figured I might as well clear that up before it gets posted tomorrow... ^_^

Anyway. This week's been unusually and annoyingly busy, what with soccer and marching band. Ah, well. I suppose it's kinda like them getting us used to the school year once again :)

And with marching band comes lots of new marching band pieces that need to be memorised. And I (being me) am determined to at least try to get some of them memorised by this Monday, when the directors will be open to students playing by memory to be checked off. So that's what I'm gonna be doing for this weekend ^_^
(^All three of those sentences are actually sentence fragments. Whatever. Sorry, xiy ^_^)

... so, yeah, that's about it. Exciting, I know.

With all due respect,

P.S. DEAR XIY AND LYNDA: Sorry my handwriting's so crap... ^_^

*Dude, I'm totally naming my kid "Anon."

[1] Because frogs are cute and kinda crazy and green. And they hop around a lot.
[2] Because whales are totally adorable, duh ^_^
[3] Because fish can swim, and I can't really draw much else. Teehee.
[4] Because that totally works.
[5] Because pandas are happy, cute, and they can kill you by beating you with their [bamboo] sticks.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

End-of-Summer Cleaning

Ah. Hello everyone. (I'm pretending that this blog has readers who aren't apart of the 6LCF.)
So you thought that I wouldn't post again? That is the reason I chose to wait until this late to post. Not. The reason that I waited this late was because I had NO time. It is, the annual End-of-Summer Cleaning Week. Also known as, My-Mom-Has-Taken-A-Week-Off-Work-To-Wage-War-With-The-Dirty-Ways-Of-My-Family Week. Fun, eh? I have been taking part in this. Not exactly willingly. Yesterday, she cleaned the sun room's carpet. As in, took out the Turbo Carpet Cleaner that sprays water and detergent and actually has little scrubbers to help clean. So the carpet that was once gray, black, brown, with orange spots, has turned into a white-with-brown-specks carpet (the brown was originally there). Amazing. Today, she has taken all the removable rugs, carpets, and mats, and cleaned them thoroughly. Not to mention completely whitened the dirtiest dining room chair. After that, she proceeded to terrorize all the dirt and grime on the carpeting of our basement. She has gotten sunburn on her shoulders, and her face has turned red. Since I don't get sunburn, my shoulders have just been tanned to a color that resembles burnt sienna. Ah. What a day.
Now, to another subject. School. High school, as a matter of fact...
From the years K-8, we have been given the school supplies list, schedule, and locker combinations well before the start of school. I believe this is a given. Otherwise, how would we have time to buy all the notebooks, binders, pencils, pens, rulers, calculators, pencil lead, erasers, notebook paper, etc? That's a question I have for this year. I didn't get a supplies list. Did my fellow Curly Fries get one? I don't think so (correct me if I'm wrong, though :)). We are getting ours the day before classes start. On the day of our 9th grade orientation*. Wonderful, right? Now, all I have to do is to tell my parents to go out and buy stuff at night. After they come home from work. Hehehe...Not gonna happen. So this year, I'm going to wing it. I have binders from last year, and notebooks, and notebook paper. All I will do, is have a binder/folder and a notebook/notebook papers for each class, except gym. Aren't I a genius?
Themes. I have some ideas. Please vote, and/or add new ideas!
  • Your favorite country, and fun facts about it.(Country Week)
  • A hilarious video that you can add a link to.(Funny Video Week)
  • Some place that you want to go.(Place-you-wanna-go Week?
  • A rant? : )(Rant Week)
  • A quote?(Quote Week)
  • A person who you admire....wait, that sounds like a school essay...(...)
  • Specific song that you like, and lyrics.(Song Week?)
Okay! That's it for this week's Thursday!**

* Lynda!!!!!!!!!! I thought we agreed not to give our ages/grades away!!!!
** You also wrote half of this post on Friday...tsk, tsk, tsk.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Hello there! How are you on this lovely and extremely hot (meh.) day? I'm sweating half to death and it is not fun at all. Grrr.... 
Summer is slowly drawing to an end, and school is getting ready to begin once more. Joy. You know, why does summer save its hottest days for the end? It only makes me want it to end faster. But then again, I like fall very much. Fall = Thanksgiving (yum. food.), my birthday!, Halloween, pretty colours, cooler temperatures, etc., etc. *Sigh* Lately, I have just been lounging around the house, enjoying the air-conditioning. It really is wayyyy too hot outside for me. >.< But luckily, this basement is cold. Me likey. :D 
Oh oh oh! You know what else I like about fall? Marching band. *Cue hoorays* And marching band camp is beginning in a couple of days. 6 hours of flute. Oh, the excitement. [And to those 6LCFs in MB, are we supposed to bring our instruments with us on Rookie day??] 

Anyway, I suppose that's about it. Have the most spectacular end of summer! DFTBA! ♥ 

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Basement Stinks

My basement stinks. Quite literally, in fact. (Oh, by the way, right now, as I'm typing this, it's 12:34 pm. Awesome.) Shall I tell you the story of the most terrible odors exuding from the bowels of my house?
I think I will.

The stink started on Saturday; I noticed it first. My parents, being rather oblivious, assured me that it was nothing. The next day, my mom went into the basement for an early shower (we have a shower down there), and apparently the stink had gotten worse. After her shower, she came upstairs and told my dad. 
My dad was completely and utterly sure that the smell was from the peaches we had picked on Saturday. Even when my mom told him that they smelled perfectly fine and nicely peachy, he still stubbornly insisted that "if you smell them from far away, they stink!"
Eventually, after a few minutes of intense searching, my mother found the source. It was from a carton of ancient eggs that were apparently forgotten and never opened. The smell was disgusting. The yolk had dripped all over the basement shelves and onto the floor, and it must've also made its way somehow onto my bike helmet, because now my helmet also stinks and I cannot wear it.
My parents totally owe me another helmet.
Right now, the smell's gotten a lot better, but one can still smell traces of rotten egg if one goes down into the basement.
Anyway, that's the story of the stinky basement. I hope you enjoyed it.

I've been planning my NaNoWriMo novel lately. I must be doing something right, because after giving my outline to Lynda to read over/critique, she fell in love with one of my characters. I really don't see how, since he--Caelan--is a bit of an angsty, antisocial hermit. Apparently, his name is wonderful.
I don't get it, and neither does Cael-in-my-head. See, the problem is that he. in fact, loves this other girl, who kind of eventually dies, and Cael is rather sensitive. Anyway.
Yay. I have fangirls.

School starts in two weeks. Fourteen days. GAAH.

My birthday is in four days. YAAY!

It's rather hot today. But it looks like it's going to rain, so that's quite good.

There's really not much else to say.
See you guys later, then.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Shopping and Home Videos

I never thought the phrase "shop 'till you drop" was a literal phrase...it is. I went shopping today with my two cousins and aunt and got some clothes, a birthday present for xiy, and some candy. I think xiy will really...um...love...her present. :) Haha. I think she'll like it. I also think House will be proud of me for doing so much shopping. Speaking of House, congrats!!! House made it onto the soccer team! Yay! I used to play soccer but I didn't really have time for it this year, I guess. It's so sad that school is starting soon. I don't wanna go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! While I was shopping there was so much back to school stuff! I wanna have summer for another month!!!!!!
I will ignore this miserable fact for now and reminisce my innocent childhood. Yeah, so today, before I went shopping, I watched home videos. I was so cute!!! My mom kept asking me to sing the ABC's, which was annoying...but it's alright. I don't really have anything else to talk about.
Wait! Yes, I do!!!! I went to Cedar Point (again) with my cousins and family. It was pretty fun. Okay. That would be all.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Peaches, Brief Bit on Canada, and...er...(you guys have a label called, "Lynda punishment"???)My Punishment

Ok...So to start off with, I'm back from Canada. Umm. I'm also back from picking peaches today (yum). Ahh... My punishment. So, I'm ok with the 5000 words thing. It'll be a pain, yes, but it's not humiliating (unless I go off and ramble about something embarrassing). Um. NO. Virgil, all I can say is that you are evil to bring up the NaNoWriMo novel idea. (Oh gosh, I've just realized that saying that will make you guys a bit leaning-y to that...but I can't erase it cuz my backspace thing won't work) Ah. Canada was fun. It's much like the USA. Ummm. Yeah. A lot of things are really different though. I'll just mention a few here, and go on about my trip on my own blog (so I can beef it up a bit). The water. It's HORRID. As in, OMIOSH-I-will-never-drink-this-again-it'll-kill-me-and-I'm-dying-for-a-drop-of-Deer-Park!!!(Deer Park is a brand. I suppose there's supposed to be a copyright/TM/SM/R thingy) The, ah, languageS. It's cool when I flip over the Oreos container, and see FRENCH. *giggles madly* Anyways. Peaches. Oh, my, gosh. It's killing me. The itchiness of the peach fuzz! I think I've become allergic to anything and everything. I got this huge itching urge, and I know it's itchy on everyone else, but my skin turned reddish, and I just couldn't stop scratching! Washing with soap and water did help. The peaches this year (my mom+cousin say that the White Lady peaches mixed with the yellow ones) were not that great. I think the past few years were better, I would know, because we've gone there for 10 years in a row (talk about dedication+loyalty!). Though, last year, we couldn't pick them, we had to buy the expensive already picked ones at the farm. Ummm.. Ok. Lastly, onto my "punishment". Er. Guys? Aren't y'all getting a bit too excited? I'm mainly talking about xiy and House. (The text block, xiy, the text thing!) (The happiness, House, the mentioning it in every one of your comments and posts!) Ah. oh, I wanted to ask something. Virgil, are you sure this is the 100th post? The post thing said this is 95. If it is, I believe I ruined it for you...again? Ahaha...
Alright. I'm done. I know this isn't something so awesome that it's posted on a Sunday, but no one else posted, so I thought it would be ok. Besides, isn't my punishment extremely important-ish? So, I'm connected to it. In a way.

G'Day, Wee Lads an' Lassies!

Okay, I know I utterly fail at the whole Scottish accent thing, but my mum's quite good at it.


Geez, don't get too excited. I had loads of family fun in Scotland and England. We watched a lot of "Friends." It rained a lot, but that's expected. I drank an average of six cups of tea per day, which was expected as well, and I think I gained at least five pounds. I gained about 35 pounds if you include the pounds I got for my birthday from various relatives, and if you work in the currency exchange, that's nearly 70 dollars. I'm rich!!! I'm home earlier than I was going to be, because our flight from Manchester wasn't delayed (we were expecting it to be delayed, because... well, because that just always happens) so we caught the earlier connection home and here I am!! Our luggage didn't catch the earlier flight, but oh well. 

I was going to be writing the 100th post today, but since a certain LYNDA forgot (yes, I heard about that, you naughty girl) I suppose this is the 99th post. But this is the very last double-digit post EVER,  so I suppose that's cause for celebration, too. Yippee!!! 

Whoa, dude. Being jet-lagged is like being on a boat. >.< I traveled through time today! When people from Star Trek, Harry Potter, etc. go time traveling, do they get jet-lag? Ooh, speaking of which, I read The Time Traveler's Wife last week and it was really good. I already knew the ending because I had seen the movie, but the book was definitely better, as always. 

I think I'm just going to reply to everyone else's posts here, and that way you won't have to scroll all the way down and click on the thingy to read them. Yes, I know my friends well. You guys are lazy. 

Friday, August 6 - House: the "chick with the black pony tails and bangs and gothic kinda look" is Abby, and she's my hero!! I haven't started our summer reading yet. 1) Yes! We should totally do it. We just have to pick a book. 2) She must let us read her NaNoWriMo novel!! 3) It's been such a wonderful summer :) I haven't had any free time, but that means I don't get bored. Tennis team practices start the day after tomorrow, so summer holiday is kind of over for me. D: 4) Well, what am I suppose to say to that?!

Wednesday, August 4 - Carrie: Shadow of the Colossus sounds very... interesting. :)

Tuesday, August 3 - xiy: I can sympathise. It rained all the time while we were in England. Firefox isn't letting me go to your linky-dinky-portal of magical blogity-goodness. Just FYI. 

Monday, August 2 - Momo: Crack-climbing sounds like something extremely dangerous that I definitely would not do. I went on a high-ropes course while I was across the pond, but it was uber-safe even though we were really high up. I always though you were the type of person to jump off a bridge. 

Well, there's one week's worth. My head feels funny from the jet-lag, so I think I should stop staring at this computer screen. I have a couple questions, but they're only for specific people.

House: did you get the chapters 1 & 2? I may have forgotten to attach them, so just let me know... yeah.
xiy: What do you want for your birthday?
Momo: Will you be back in time for marching band?

Additional note: the other day, I got a very exciting email, but I'm not going to tell you what it was about!! HAHA!! *dances around* You'll probably find out in late-ish October, I think. I'm not revealing any more information until then.  

Peace, Love, & Otters,


Friday, August 6, 2010

Summer Reading on a Lazy Friday Day (Fridayday? lol what?)

"You could paint your history over any way you like, but you'd always see those first few brushstrokes."
—Jodi Picoult's Handle with Care

Hello. Again. [And again and again...]

Well... what's been up with me lately? Hm... let's see. I'm back at my summer house, though I won't be here tomorrow. Right now, I'm watching NCIS, but I haven't been paying attention to the plot, so I don't really get what's up. The chick with the black pony tails and bangs and gothic kinda look is talking.

I've been doing a lot of reading lately. Our school has required us to read at least one of two books this summer, one of them being My Sister's Keeper (by Jodi Picoult), which is the one I read. I really liked it, so I went to the library to get out another one of hers, Handle with Care. The only things I didn't like were (1) I didn't find the voices of each character to be that diverse, (2) The ending wasn't called for, and (3) It was pretty much the exact same story as My Sister's Keeper, except with different words and names and diseases. But I really like her writing style and stuff personally ^_^

I've been reading a lot, which has got me thinking about that book club thing we thought of starting forever ago... remember that, yeah? :)

It's nice here. The weather's let up nicely, so I can sit on the beach and read my books.

1) Book club. Are we doing this, or what? School's starting soon. We might not have time then, what with homework and stuff. You know.
2) Lynda's punishment. I think we're waiting until she's back to decide, but what's up...? (Apparently, Virgil's got some ideas...)
3) No, really. How's your summer going? ^_^
4) Bleh, we're going back to school so soon... [Statement as a question, yeah. Chill.]

With all due respect,

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday, almost Thursday... darn computer

Hello!!!! Sorry, 6LCF :( This computer kinda hates me and decided to restart itself without my consent *sad face* 
Anyway, still keeping it short, I have not been online for the past 3 days, but instead have spent time enjoying the outdoors and starting and finishing Shadow of the Colossus. (WIN) The ending was really sad though. Maybe I'll explain about the game? well, it's a video game for PlayStation 2. And basically, the main character brings a princess, who was sacrificed, to this forbidden land (but you don't find out it was forbidden until the end) and the great voice of above tells you that you have to fight all these Colossi to bring her back, but there is also a toll you must pay at the end... TO BE CONTINUED!!! If we (as in my sister and her friend, with my other sisters' and my advice) were to play nonstop, we would've been able to finished in just over half a day. Yes, in all it took us just over 13 hours to finish Shadow of the Colossus. It was quite fun ^_^

So, next week I will be posting at a more reasonable time. Yay. 

DFTBA!!! ♥ 

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Eww. Everything's Humid Again.

It's raining today, but the rain's just making everything stickier. And I don't like sticky.

And now my little sister just tripped and fell and she's crying her eyes out and being comforted by my mother. Poor little sister (*cue a round of "aww"s*).

Anyway, yeah. It's Tuesday again. The last week went by rather quickly.
There's not much news today. My birthday's in eleven days (:D ^.^), though, which is good.

I'm not the biggest fan of all this humidity, but at least the plants are getting watered. All the poor grass outside is all yellow and dead. It's rather depressing, really. So it's good that they're finally getting some life support.

There's not much time left of summer before school starts again. Which isn't as good, but I'm rather excited, if only for the shiny new school supplies (*.*). Though, after a few months, they won't be as shiny anymore. :(

Oh, and I'm on WordPress now. I thought it might be fun to make a blog there, and this (clicky the link! please?) seems to be the result. It's probably not going to be a particularly good blog, but yeah.

Um, there's not really much to say. 
I generally try to post longer posts, but there's just not very much going on. :|
