Thursday, September 30, 2010

Crew Guys That Are Not Ugly...

Yes. I, the cold-hearted ice queen who scorns all things boy-related, has just named this post, "Crew guys that are not ugly..." Why? Let's look at it this way. If you are wearing spandex, and you are not skinny, and you are wearing SPANDEX, which, let me remind you, is VERY FRICKIN' TIGHT, and you are NOT skinny-or even slim...would you feel confident? Maybe. I don't. So anyways, (the spandex is on top and bottom. The top's color? A bright red. It make me feel like I the flag in front of bull) we were taking pictures for the yearbook, and everyone had to take individual pictures. The guys were sitting close to there, stretching (they have nice muscles...*hits self for previous though*), and we were taking pictures, right in their line of vision (directly in front of them), with a boat behind us. We all had to hold an oar, and take a picture. WE HAD TO. Otherwise, I would've declined the offer. Quite pleasantly, but declined. We had to. So, to the picture! The other girls in crew are relatively slim (except like, 2 or 3, but they're like, healthy and fit, I'm not a stick type...Then again, no one's a stick), and rather pretty(idk what the guys think, I'm not a guy(duh), but I do know a couple of them had bfs, so, yeah.). They have nothing to worry about. Sadly, I do...*sigh*
Let us not dwell on these matters (even if they are some cute guys...*pinch to see if I''m really Lynda*...I am Lynda...but they were kinda...*hits self before self can say anything stupid again*). I'm going to a regatta this weekend! Tomorrow, at 4pm, I shall leave for Columbus. There is a regatta there, and I am going. YAY! I'm going to race in this one, so I'll have something to write about on my own blog! YAY! Alright. Same ending as usual.
I have Greek tomorrow, G'night!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We ♥ Carrie!

Happy, happy, happy, happyhappyhappyhappy birthday, Carrie! I hope your day was totally awesome! ^.^
This is a post in which the other five Curly Fries extol our wonderful Carrie's many virtues so that everybody is aware how awesome she is.
I'll start.

Carrie is such a wonderful, kind person; she's always a good listener and never mean. She is very good at hugging people. ^.^ She is a very good friend; all her posts are upbeat and they pull me out of my cloud of school-induced, why-in-the-world-is-the-week-only-half-over-why-is-it-not-Friday-yet gloom. She also taught me how to make perty hearts. ♥♥♥ <-See?
Have a great rest-of-your-birthday, Carrie!

Momo:Ooops...hehe...I haven't checked 6LCF since yesterday, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CARRIE! You are a very sensitive soul (I sound like an old fortune teller) and you love everybody. You are a very enthusiastic floutist and I'm thinkin' you and House are gonna be leadin' Symphonic Band. You also support my daily fanatics (which I know may sometimes be a little too...eccentric) and laugh at my jokes. I think the rest of the curly fries covered my ideas. Gosh. I was gonna say that. Well,  happy birthday again!


House:HAPPY (er, belated) BIRTHDAY! I hope you had a super awesome one; you deserve it. Can't wait to see you as my stand partner in Symph Band ;D lylal [love ya like a liek], House.

Virgil: Carrie is one of the sweetest people I know :) she's very  generous (she always acquiesces when I  beg her for food at lunch. Hardly anybody else does!) and kind and awesome and amazing. I've never known Carrie to say anything intentionally mean to/about somebody. She deserves to have a freaking awesome birthday. <3 <3 We love you, Carrie!

Thank-you. :)

Hey Hey!

Hm... It's defititely *not* my birthday today. Haha, Thanks,guys. I love the decorations! ^_^ The banner made me smile. "Lynda, stop eating Carrie's cake!" today... I had to take a standardized test. Fun. I get to repeat the whole process tomorrow. Yay. Can't you just see my excitement?

Today has been AMAZING! My room is now decorated with balloons, and all of my friends were so sweet and wished me a happy birthday and I got a billion and one hugs. ^_^ I loved it a lot. And my facebook was filled up with notifications. That was fun. Imagine it about 2 hours from now. Hmmm... Maybe not. I dunno.

Btw, I love the cursor. It's very Carrie-like and adorable.

Anyway, I must go and do homework. Ew. I really don't like homework. At all. Really. I don't. Too much thinking. Especially on my birthday. >.<

Thank you to all!!!!!

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Last Tuesday of September!

I notice, upon looking this over, that this post seems a bit overreactory and giant-squid-of-anger-like. Perhaps I went a little overboard with all the bold and CAPS LOCK OF DOOM. . .?
Ah, well. You have been warned; the following post may be a bit bratty.
Tomorrow is Carrie's birthday!  :D It's going to be totally awesome, you know. I'm currently making the banner with a combination of Gimp and Picnik; it's quite nice.

I now have completely given up on science class, at least for the time being. For the past week, we've been doing endless significant figure, scientific notation, and factor label "practice problems" that are all annoying, badly formatted ("I forgot to make those exponents superscripted," my science teacher says when faced with a problem like "7.9x10-4," which, as you can see, is an entirely different problem without the frikkin' superscript), and all-around tiresome and stupid.
The last problem of yesterday's homework was a problem in which one had to somehow convert pounds-per-inch-cubed into grams-per-milliliter. The problem did not specifically say that it applied to water (which is the only instance I know of right now for which converting between inches cubed and milliliters is possible). Oh, no. Instead, it only said "an object."
Now, one is OBVIOUSLY not allowed to assume that the object whose density is being measured is water; that would be an incorrect assumption in most cases. In fact, the most recent lab my class did completely and utterly FAILED because practically everybody just assumed that mass=volume (like it does for water at certain temperatures). So their densities were all one, and it was ridiculous.
Of course, that fact seems to have ENTIRELY ESCAPED my dear science teacher, who, when asked how to do the problem (my classmates, apparently, have grown some sense and did not assume that the problem was talking about water), just said, "Oh, yeah, the problem was talking about water. After all, that's the only way you can solve it."

Please excuse me for a moment, while I go and scream out my frustration.


Obviously, I need to go scream some more. And maybe swear a bit while I'm at it.

So, yeah. My science teacher is annoying, and I seriously cannot imagine spending another eight and a half months with her.

That's all I have to say. Lynda's usually the ranter, but I needed to blow off steam.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Book Club, Chinese Club, and Creepy Stalkers (club?)

Hi. It's Monday. Yay. Why did I choose Monday for my day to post? Everybody hates Mondays (including myself) and I look forward to Tuesdays just to be done with Mondays. I can't wait for the one-year anniversary so we can change our days. Dibs on...I don't know yet.
THE RESULTS ARE IN! The book club book has officially been decided! We will (at some point in the near or not-so-near future) be reading and doing book-club-y stuff with  D'Aulaire's Book of Norse Myths. By D'Aulaire...I'm guessing. The book club is not an exclusive 6LCF thing, though. If you are a follower or reader (but if you read, you should be a follower. Just sayin') you can join in on the fun. I think we'll be posting stuff on the book club page--check that out every now and then. Also, grab friends, family, pets, neighborhood rapists, and priests to join in on the fun. Maybe we could accumulate a few followers that way too!
Next subject: Chinese Club. Today, xiy, Lynda, and I went to Chinese club; despite the fact that none of us officially take Chinese. Today was the Moon Festival thingy and we ate moon cakes and Pocky and other stuff. I liked it quite a bit. I learned a new  song too! I think the Chinese teachers are expecting us back next week...they have food sooo....
In other news: Creepy stalkers join Momo's lunch table and eat smelly liverwurst sandwiches and talk about stalking 1.) The girls' soccer team 2.) Momo and 3.) back-door-neighbors. Now, I know he's no true stalker, but he was really weird. He just came and sat down at our (me, my sister, her boyfriend, her friend, and her boyfriend's two friends) and pulled out that delightful liver*gag*wurst. Not only did he make a mess and have bad manners, but he also tried to get me to buy him food. Back to the stalking: Moments after he sat down, our new friend told us a story of how he had wanted to watch the girls' soccer team play a game. So, he rode his bike in the rain to a nearby field. The soccer team was not there. Our stalker persisted; traveling to a few more soccer fields and then a different city. Next, he asked me my name. And if I had a Facebook. Then he got up and bought some popcorn. After my table members discussed possibly vacating the premise, he returned. So, we all sat and listened to the new guy talk about how he found out that his friend (who is a girl) lives behind him and how they're back-door-neighbors. He was all like, "It kind of sucks that she's a girl because with my boy neighbors I can just go over and walk into their houses without knocking. But with a girl it's useless!" I nodded for the one hundredth time as he explained how he had never seen her house so he went to check it out. He explained how he went to his garage to see the back and then walked around to the front to "check her house out". He noted that it is "much nicer than mine." And that he wants to see the inside. Hmm...I would warn the girl if I knew her. Well, that's all about the stalker. *shiver*
Speaking of shivering...Today while doing my homework I noticed how cold I was and I was complaining about the below 50 degree F temperature. Then my dad offered to turn on the heat. It must be really cold. D: I was even a little cold while warming up for fencing! That's when I'm supposed to WARM up! I hate the weather here.Hopefully tomorrow will be warmer! Until next week.
Sahcraht massage! Ahf yah sah thahs, wraht yar cahmmahnt ahn Spahgatta Nadle.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Why October is Obviously the Best Month of the Year

Hello, all!!

La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! Virgil loves October and mochae too! That's Virgil's worrrrrrrllllld!!!

I'm a little bit on the hyper side right now because I just had a grande mocha from Starbucks and I don't usually get grandes because they're ginormous. (Firefox accepts ginormous as a word!) Today, however, I was in desperate need of caffeine after a long rehearsal so I deviated from my usually order of merely a tall (which, for you non-Starbucks-goers, is a small) and got a grande. I love mochas. Or is it mochae? Is mocha a first declension noun? Mocha, mochae (f): yum.

Today is Saturday, September 25th, which means that a certain someone's birthday is coming up! It also means that the most awesome time of the year is once again nearly upon us: October. 

I've spent my whole entire life trying to decide which time of the year is the best. The Christmas season is, of course, high up on the list, but where the 6LCF live it gets unreasonably cold in December. November could be argued as the best month since it is National Novel Writing Month, but the stress and lack of sleep partially cancel out the awesomeness. Summer is awesome since there's 1) no school and 2) my birthday, but summer also involves putting on sunscreen, which is one of my least favorite activities. It also involves sweating a lot, which I also do not enjoy. (I used the word "also" too many times in the last couple of sentences. I apologize.) There's really no argument for February or March or April.  Sorry, guys.

October is very clearly the best month of the year, and I am going to tell you why. 
This is going to be in list form, because I had enough of writing persuasive essays in English class last year.
The reasons are in no particular order.

1.) Hoodie weather!
In October, the temperature gets just cold enough for one to wear a hoodie all day, but not so cold that one has to wear an unflattering marshmallow jacket. Hoodies are the best type of clothing to hug people in. 
2.) Pretty leaves!
The leaves go all pretty in October - not like in November, when they start to get all brown and gross. The best kind of leaves are October leaves.
3.) Apple cider!
People drink apple cider in October. I love apple cider.
4.) Halloween! 
     a. Pumpkin carving!!!
     b. Haunted houses
     c. Hay rides
     d. Dressing up
     e. Trick-or-Treating
     f. Candy!
     g. Making decorations
5.) Outlining!
In October, you can enjoy the awesomeness that is NaNoWriMo without the actual stress of knowing that you have to complete your 1,667 words per day. You can outline, world-build, character-build, and all that good stuff. 
6.) Routine
When October comes around, the year has at last fallen into a normal-ish routine. After October, one starts to get really sick of this routine, but it's awesome for the time being. 
7.) Clubs
Extra-curricular activities at school take all of September to get going, and then in October, everything is finally organized. Science Olympiad events will be assigned. Latin Club will be able to start thinking about things that are more important than the Homecoming Parade.
8.) The tennis season ends!!!
This one is fairly self-explanatory. I will finally have a life, and I will no longer have to physically exert myself.
9.) Hot drinks! (Apple cider sort of falls under this category)
October is the month in which one transitions from frappuccinos (cold drinks) to cappuccinos (hot drinks). This is really, really exciting.
10.) Harry Potter movie marathons on ABC Family
Of course I own all the films anyways, but abc shows them with the deleted scenes! OMZ!!!

Those are just a few of the many reasons why October is the best month of the year. I would open the comments to discussion, but is discussion really necessary when it's just so plain that October is the best? No, I didn't think so.

In the comments, add one more reason why October is amazing that I haven't listed already. 

Peace, Love, and Otters,


P.S. I forgot one! October is when there's a family weekend at my sister's university! I get to see her for the first time in almost two months! Yayyyy!!!

Ooooooh crap.

mah b.


Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hello. Continuing my eternal search for sleep...I have decided that this post shall be made up of comics, about...what else? SLEEP!
I wish I were as lucky as old people. People expect them to doze off!
My therapist would be like, "It's been 2 consecutive days, and you've only slept a total of 8 hours???!!!"
Nggg...Wish I could do that.
I KNOW, RIGHT? Wait, silk sheets? Good grief...That's one rich bear....I'm gonna be her one of these days.
As hard as it is to believe, when you're so sleepy that you've reached a certain point, this does happen.
Sorry if it's blurry. It was originally really small. Isn't it cute though? It kinda reminds me of how xiy draws her people...A bit.
Ahhh... Drunk kitty.
I have Greek tomorrow. I am done for the night. G'night people!

P.S. My newly found abs (OMIGOSH I THINK I HAVE SOME) hurt like hell....Gahhh......PAIN!!!! My biceps (I HAVE THEM TOO!!!!) hurt also...My neck hurts (I already knew I had one. Do YOU HAVE ONE?)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You smell AMAZING!

Uhh... Yeah. You probably do, no doubt. I smell quite delicious myself. (Erm. I just took a shower...) But yeah.
Yay! It's Wednesday! (HEY! That rhymed. )

What was I going to say...?

Well, in a week it's going to be September 29th. That's exciting. Not like it's anything /important/... Psh! What am I saying? It's just another day... ^.^"
Guess what day is important? Sunday! Guess who's coming? My GFF (German Friend Foreves!!!) As you can tell, I'm a bit excited.

Speaking of guesses: Hey! Guess what? Today's the first day of fall (yay!) and there's a full moon tonight.....aaannnndd I just had yummy chili.
Nice shower + good food = happy Carrie.

*begins to hum to fill a little bit of time*

Sooo... Symphonic winds, anyone? ^_^

Uhhh... I believe that's it...? I don't exactly have much else to say today. ^_^ Heh.

And I have a question: What's your favorite M&M color?
[A bit random, I know, but it's a question nonetheless.]


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So. . . Yeah

Hi there, all you people who read this blog!
Unfortunately, I cannot put Greek into this post (grrr >.<), but in Greek, "hello" would look something like "xaipete" (chi-alpha-iota-rho-epsilon-tau-epsilon) and be pronounced something like "hai-ray-tay."
It's probably for the best that I can't actually use Greek letters, because I'd probably mess up the accenting anyway.

I have started fencing, and it is very fun. Momo does fencing too, and Virgil is planning to join soon. So that'll be nice.

Erm. . . So, yeah.

It's almost October (goodness, September went by quickly), and October means it's almost November, so by the transitive property (hah! I am employing geometry/algebra terminology!), it's almost November. And if you don't know what November means, you need to go to and see.
And then come back here; don't leave me permanently!

In art class, we've been making logos for imaginary companies, so I made a DFTBA one. It's pretty nifty. ^.^

*hums off-key*

That's about it, really. Not much to say. Carrie's birthday is coming up, and the twenty-fourth shall be my one-year anniversary of joining NaNo (you did follow that link, right? so you know what NaNo is, right?). :D
And then it'll be my LJ's one-year anniversary on the twenty-seventh of October.

I hope you had and/or continue to have a great Tuesday. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010


I'd rather not say anything right now.

Mostly because I don't want to get in trouble for using extremely colorful words.


I just added this secret message in on Thursday...good for you if you found it.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Playing Kickball, Making Plans, and Other Things I Fail At

Hello internet! Happy Yom Kippur! Er.... wait, it's not really a *happy* holiday. But you can't really go up to somebody and say "Solemn and repentant Yom Kippur! Woohoo!!" 

There wasn't a queue at Bruegger's today. Now that's something to celebrate!

La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's World! La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's World! Virgil loves Uranus and Cronus too! That's Virgil's worrrrlllldddd!

So right now we're studying mythology in English class, which is really exciting. All of the Curly Fries are in my English class except for House, and we are having jolly good fun learning about (spoilers!) Father Sky getting his privates chopped off.

I played kickball with my church youth group today. It was fun. We were supposedly raising money for cancer research... I guess... but I'm not really sure how the money was being raised. Poofy's youth group was there too. I'm kind of terrible at kickball though, but that's okay. The farthest I ever got was third base, but then I was on my way to making a run and I got tagged by the ball. People on my team thought that it hadn't actually hit me, but I decided to be honest!

Also, our plan to go to Build-a-Bear workshop is officially postponed until at least next weekend. on account of not enough people being about to go. We fail at making plans. That's why we decided to make xiy dictator of the 6LCF, because then maybe we can get stuff done. 

Okay. I think that's it.

Peace, Love, and Otters,


Friday, September 17, 2010

Complete Sentences are Overrated

"Nothing like a hot chocolate after you're done with the science." <3

  • I'm impressively lazy, so this post comes to you in bullet-point format thing
    • 6LCF are going to Build-A-Bear Workshop to make a mascot
    • Carrie & House will not be attending
    • *tear*
      • ^I think that might have been the ugliest rainbow I've ever drawn
        • Yayyyyy!
  • This week:
    • Terrible terrible terrible fails of auditions
      • Probs made last chair in CYWS (at least I'm in)
      • Failed at SGORR (their system's weird as anything, though)
      • Megasuperimpressivefailed at Wind Ensemble auditions
        • at least Symphonic'll look like an insane improvement?
    • Build-A-Bear Workshop
      • I already told you about this
      • whatever
    • I got new (wintery fall) clothes
      • Yay, new clothes
      • New clothes, yay
    • Idolizing the upperclassmen
      • I have found my idol in the school :D
      • *obsess*
      • ^1/2 jk
    • Soccer has made progress!!!! :D :D :D :D :Dzomg
      • Really?
      • Really.
      • We won our first game (vs our kinda rival school, I guess), so yayyy
        • 2-0
        • yayyyyy JV
        • J pride, yo
      • Yay :D
      • Now I have to go up and put spirit up around the school
    • Autumn is approaching!!!!
      • My favourite month! Yayyyy, autumn!!!
        • Thanksgiving!
        • Sweaters!
        • Pretty trees and nature crap!
        • (Hopefully) no rain! [lol]
        • Not winter, so it's not -3,000°!
        • Other fall-y stuff!
  • Goodbye
    • yeah
    • uh
    • bye
  • with all due respect im too lazy to capitalize or punctuateorpressthespacebar hah jk thats obnoxious
  • house

  • (PS) i pretty much always forget something so this is where the PS would go yeah

Thursday, September 16, 2010

wAHt a BorIN' but BUSY life I HAVe...

Hullo. I'm incredibly sleepy right now. I'm going to type another 5 sentences or so, and then fall onto my bed(conveniently placed adjacent to my desk...HA! I use math vocab...) I have this animated water persona right now...It's very cool...I fell asleep during math class...I'm serious! I did. I fell asleep for like, 3 minutes, and then shot straight up in my seat. I then fell asleep on top of my viola during orchestra...For about 5 minutes, when my orchestra teacher was drilling the 1st violins...The music was so screechy and had such horrendous intonation was the most beautiful lullaby I had ever heard. I'm sleepy. G'night,,,wait, Was today my to post? Gosh. I know that House n' xiy are gonna have an editing marathon on my post it my turn to post? You know what? I DON'T FRICKIN' CARE... Yeah. Was the theme week today "picures"? Yup. It was...wasn't it? You know what? I DON'T CARE...I'll just put this thing up that I drew...
Hehe...I hated those dotted lines when I was little, but I LOOOVVEED the little scissor pics...I'm gonna marry 'im...No, not the scissor pic, an extremely hot guy with a 6 pack...that's not too buff. The 6 packs get ridiculous at a certain point...
Stop staring at my sorry excuse of a chair/table. Paint is not the easiest computer program with a touchpad. I wanna Macbook. Those things are pretty. ANyways, this is me, in math class. 'Cept I think I was in the chair...
Alright. i'm done. greek's tomorrow, i tink...w/ev
good night all you suckers out there! ( i feel like i'm drunk while writing this post...lack of sleep does this to you...)
p.s. ooohh. the words are in the middle...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

*insert incredibly witty title here*

Hello, you!
Today has been a quite wonderful day for a variety of reasons. And coincidentally (although I don't believe in coincidences) my good days always turn out to be Wednesdays. ^_^ *surprise surprise* and my birthday's on a Wednesday this year. But anyways... today's been a good day. (Have I already mentioned that?) I got a 100% on my geometry quiz, received a lot of compliments on my new haircut (Thanks, guys ^.^), um... went to German club... let's see, what else happened today? Well, a lot of good stuff happened today that I am proud to inform you, my lovely reader, about.

( a good possible hour later...) 
Dreadfully sorry, technical difficulties... and homework. Lots of homework. >.< Darn you, high school! Gr... I didn't get home until like 6 PM, and now it's 11 PM. And I am very very very very tired. I want to sleep... but I must. go. on. to. finish. post. *Neh*

Mm... what am I thinking? What *am* I thinking? 

Oh! Well, as some of you may know, I am receiving a foreign exchange student (from Germany) very soon and I am quite pleased to announce that I have gotten a response via email from her. ^_^ Yay. Only a few more weeks until she comes. I'm so excited! *squeals with joy.*

And to my other curly fries, I unfortunately cannot join you in your super duper amazing adventure to Build-A-Bear Workshop. D: And for my reason why? I'll have to tell you at school. 

Agh. I'm sorry, I really am too tired to go on... but I believe that this was a fairly good post. 


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Too Much Homework. . . x.X

The xiy that is typing this post is a reincarnation of a previous xiy, who died tragically while trying to complete the overwhelming amount of homework she was given today.

Haha, just kidding. But I did get tons of homework today, which explains the reason I'm posting later than I usually do. Not that it's really *that* late, but still.

Well, the whole reincarnated-me thing reminds me of this one book, Kraken, and since I've got nothing better to do than complain about my workload, I shall explain why reincarnation reminded me of it.

Kraken is a novel by China Mieville, and in it there's this character (I forget the name) who can teleport things by breaking them up into tiny pieces and then putting the pieces back together at the other end (apparently, this is reminiscent of Star Trek, although I don't know anything about that). However, the catch is that if he tries to transport living things, the process of breaking-up actually kills the living thing, and then the putting-back-together sort of clones them. It's a totally new them at the other end, but with the same memories and everything, so you can't tell the difference. But, in essence, they died and were reborn.
So the teleporting guy has teleported himself many times before, and it's come to the point that there's a ton of vengeful ghosts of past hims who are all very, very angry.
[By the way, teleporting-guy is not a main character, but it's totally cool and weird all the same.]

So, yeah.

Vote in our Norse-mythology book poll! Currently, D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths, Gods and Heroes from Viking Mythology, and Favorite Norse Myths are all tied for first place with three votes each. The Usborne Illustrated Guide to Norse Myths and Legends only has one vote.

I made a 6LCF banner over the weekend.
Isn't it pretty?
Yeah, that's about it. NaNoWriMo's in one month and sixteen days! :D I've got a few chapters outlined and a lot of the backstory, so I'm pretty much all set. I'd be happier if my characters were out of hibernation, but I suppose there's plenty of time to wake them up before November.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Never Mind

I feel like I've been saying "never mind" a lot recently. I started writing a post about how the band directors at our school are mean, and then I was all, "never mind." I started doing homework, and I literally said, "Never mind." I thought about eating some vegetables and I said--wait, I didn't say "never mind". Never mind. Ah! I think I have a disease called nevermindosytis. Nev--no! I won't say it! I will restrain myself! GAH! Well, since I really don't have much to post about I will go through with talking about the band directors at our school. In short, they are making us play this as an audition piece for the top band.It's crazy hard. I think I might die. Yeah. What else is new? NaNoWriMo's coming up and I still haven't thought of any plots. This could be problematic. On the bright side, though, we are finally going to start a book club! Yay! Thanks to the hard work of xiy, we will finally be starting a book on Norse mythology in two weeks. Notice the poll at the top there (please vote if you haven't already). In the lead are D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths and Favorite Norse Myths; check them out or you'll have to read them without getting a say in the matter.That should be exciting. As well as our excursion to somewhere to build-a-bear at a certain workshop next weekend! I am so excited to go because I've never built a bear!!! *excitement*. Well, that's all for today.
@Lynda/anyone else who has discovered this: Please make your own "secret" messages and also write about the red balloon that just floated past your house in the comments. Random. I know.

P.S. I almost forgot to post today and then when I was wondering whose turn it was to post I realized that yes, it was indeed my turn. I did not forget, though. :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Book Club Choices

Okay, guys. We really need to get started on our 6LCF book club. After doing a Google search on "Norse mythology for children," I have found the following books.

Curly Fries, vote either in the comments or on this post itself; readers, if you so wish, vote in the comments, please. We'd love to hear your feedback! <3
ACTUALLY, nevermind about voting in comments. I'll just make a poll. (*feels stupid* >.<)
If you want to vote in the comments, go ahead, but make sure to choose the two you want in the poll.
Suggestions will still go in the comments, 'kay?

D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths [amazon info]
Apparently, the d'Aulaires have written other books on mythology and other things, and I like the illustrations. Pic of the book cover in the link.

Gods and Heroes from Viking Mythology [amazon info
It's technically "young adult" and there's 152 pages, but there seem to be a lot of illustrations (well, it says "full color" in the description, whatever that means). The one review of it on Amazon is four stars, so it seems okay. Pic of book cover in link.

The Usborne Illustrated Guide to Norse Myths and Legends [amazon info]
I don't like the cover illustration at all; it's a bit overdone and just sort of ickily green. It's a short book--only 48 pages--so I guess some of the lazy people in our group (*coughthepeoplewhoaretoolazytomake6LCFvideosevenwhenwe'reallinthesameplacecough*) won't have to exert themselves overmuch to get through it.

Favorite Norse Myths [amazon info]
I like the paintings in this book, from what I've seen of them. There aren't pictures *everywhere*, but the ones that are there are really good. It's 87 pages and 14 myths.

There are lots more--just go on Google/Amazon and start searching "Norse mythology for children" and you'll get tons. It's silly to list them all, so I just stuck with four.
If any of you, Curly Fries or readers, have any extra books you think would be good for the topic [that being "a children's book of Norse mythology with lots of pictures"], please tell in the comments.

For now, choose two books maximum; then, if there's too close of a competition, we narrow it down to the top two and then choose again.

Voting closes in two weeks; that should be enough time.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

This post doesn't have a title, but my NaNo 2010 does!!!

Today marks the 9th anniversary of what went down on September 11, 2001. While that was really terrible and all, I wish people would stop using that as an excuse to be prejudiced against Muslims. There are extremists in every religion, folks. I'm not going to comment any further on the subject, but I just think that people in this country dang Amuricans need to learn respect.

With all due respect, which is due to EVERY HUMAN BEING,

Okay. Actual post starts... NOW!


"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.
Open your eyes, look up to the skies
and See..."
-Queen, "Bohemian Rhapsody"
The opening quote for Virgil's NaNoWriMo Novel 2010, titled "Transparent Pages"

Salvete, readers! It's Saturday, which means you get to enter the wonderful world of Virgil!!
La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! Virgil loves November, and writing too! That's Virgil's worrrrrrrllllldddd!!!! </theme music>
So yeah, that quote up there is how I plan on starting this year's NaNo novel. I don't have a legitimate first sentence yet, but I have plenty of time. Before xiy and House attack me, I'd like to point out that the word "See" is capitalized for a very important reason that is basically the premise of the plot. So there. 

I'm really excited about the fact that my plot is actually existent, which is to say that it has a BEGINNING, a MIDDLE, and a (somewhat ambiguous) END. This is a whole lot more than can be said about my 2009 NaNo novel, which had a cool beginning, a really lame middle, and basically no end.  

I won't tell you too much, but it's going to be totally awesome!

Um... I wrote another song parody! You know the popular Ke$ha song, "Your Love is My Drug"? 

This is about the graveyard scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Your Blood is My Drug 

Horcruxes are not enough, no
To obtain immortality
I'm seeking eternal life
I'm starting to invade your dreams

I'm gathering my Death Eaters
I'm casting Imperio
I'm trying to make a comeback
Bring me back to full power

What you've got boy, is hard to find
I think about it all the time
Your mum's protection, in my veins
Enough to make me go insane

Because your blood, your blood, your blood is my drug
Your blood, your blood, your blood
I said your blood, your blood, your blood is my drug
Your blood, your blood, your blood

You're going to pay the hard price
Your blood will fuel my heart of ice
You thought you were my demise
Now no one will heed your cries

You're a fool for trying to defeat me
You think your bravery will haze me
The Boy Who Lived, you'll live no more
I am going to return, ever stronger than before

What you've got boy, is hard to find
I think about it all the time
I've got a body, I have found
That I can cause you great pain now


Wormtail's hand and my dad's bones
Plus your screams in soprano tones
I'm coming back, it is foretold
I need the power your blood holds

So I've got a question,
Do you wanna have a wizard duel in the graveyard?
Do you think your parents will be happy to see you
When I cast the spell?
The spell
(huh) the spell
(huh) the spell
I will cast the spell

[Chorus x2]

Hey... hey... so... (evil, high-pitched giggle)
Your blood, your blood, your blood, your blood my drug.

I like your scar.

So, yeah. I hope you enjoyed that.

Um... there was another marching band game today. The football team lost, but the band won, and that was partially due to the fact that the school we were playing against does not have a marching band.

Actually, our marching band has more students in it than their entire high school. Now that's saying something.

Do I have anything else to say? Oh yeah - what time would be best for most of the Curly Fries to have a Build-a-Bear Workshop field trip next weekend?

PDBAQBI, (Please Don't Be A Qu'ran Burning Idiot)


Friday, September 10, 2010

Angsty Ramblings Brought to You by House

—My frikkin crazy science teacher


Right, so I logged onto the blog and I saw the new background, which I would like to call to your attention if you haven't already noticed it. Because I know that I saw it and was like "Dang, that's different... whatever. Cool," but idk if you had that same reaction. So.
I JUST GOT HOME FROM SOCCER PRACTICE (JV Women's). And I must admit that after all the conditioning and training and practicing and crap we've gone through, we have magically, stunningly, in-trucking-CREDIBLY gone from being a crap team to an even worser team. Which is impressive.
Because, see, you've got three types of people on the team:

1. People who have actually had legit coaching in the past, so they're 3/4 legit
There's a select few on the team that have actually, like, had actual coaches that have coached them at least one time in their life. And this group of girls can actually pass, trap, kinda dribble, and keep possession for more than two seconds. They're good enough to be bored to death at "practice," but not mental athletic machines that make the Varsity cut.

2. People who have been on this team but have actually developed a few skills!!!
I would like to give this group a lot of credit. These good people actually try try try their hardest to do what they can with the, uh, coaches we're given. However, they only get a little bit better with each practice. Not, like, a lot better, which would obviously be ideal.

3. A) People that try but still kinda suck
3. B) People that don't really try
[You're clever enough to work those two out for yourself.]


I think I should go now. Kay. Bye.

With all due respect,

P.S. Oh my gawwwdddd I got two and a half hours of sleep last night. This growing up thing suckssss >.<

-and this is the end of probably the most optimistic and vocabulary-y correct post you've ever read ever-


[*labels "cat vomit"* *actually lol's*]

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I had a nightmare...*shudder* It was horrible. I don't know why it was horrible. Or even why it was a nightmare! It just...was. I'm too disturbed by it to write much (I fell asleep for half an hour, woke up in terror, and remembered it was Thursday). I'll just explain the nightmare.
It was a dark and stormy night...(influenced by the animated Snoopy persona that I have for Firefox) Everyone in the town of Edes(don't know why it was called that. I just...knew it was called that) was fast asleep. Including a girl named, Lynda. Pronounced with a SHORT "i". Very important to know. All of a sudden, (this was a fairly fast nightmare) people just started coming out(yes, I'm changing tenses.), and yelling, "Lynda!" Pronounced Line-da. NOT HOW YOU PRONOUNCE IT! The day went on, with people just acting normal, and calling me(changing points of views....yes, I know) Line-da. It felt sooooo scary. I don't even know why! It was like, Line-da, pass the butter! Line-da pass the salt! Line-da, can I see your homework? Hi Line-da! Why are you reading again, Line-da? etc. It was absolutely, the most horrific thing I'd ever experienced. I honestly don't know why. I just woke up after the last "Line-da sentance", which was, Line-da, do the conga!*shudder* Anyways, I woke up in pure terror. Horrible.
If anyone can explain to me why the heck that dream was so frickin' terrifying, let me know!
And, yes, for you readers out there, of which we have 2 new ones-Andy Bell and Hannahbananaboomboom (yay!), I actually think of myself as "Lynda" sometimes in the real world. (hahahahaha, to the ones who know what I'm talking about)

Oh well. I'm going back to sleep...As always, after Thursday comes Friday, which is a Greek day...I HATE WAKING UP EARLY!!!!! >:(
Almost forgot! Today, we didn't have school, because of Rosh Hashanah (which I spelled wrong on my blog...dang it)  I'm going to wish every Jewish person who's reading this, and not reading this, a happy new year! (I sincerely apologize if I get the next part wrong) L'Shana Tova!!!! : )
Isn't he adorable?
 By the way, for those of you who believe that I shouldn't mention Rosh Hashanah, because it's a Jewish holiday? Go learn some tolerance.

*The day I say "good morning" is the day I wake up really early and remember to post...which is a LOOOOONNGGGG ways away.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

*bowp bowp bowp*

Hey there, stranger! 

*Wait a second...*

Hahaha! Any who,  how ya doin'? I'm doing just fine, thanks for asking! ...Okay, now this conversation is just becoming one-sided. ._. 

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway,  umm... Hm, where was I going with this? Oh yeah! So, as some of you may know? This week is suicide/ depression awareness and prevention week (as sponsored by the cause To Write Love on Her Arms). And today in particular was somewhat special. If you are on facebook, you may have seen this, maybe not, but one of the T.W.L.O.H.A groups made a special event where you help support the cause by writing Love on either one of your forearms. I actually wrote it on the inside of my wrist since that's the spot that can actually make a difference. (A major artery that's located to your heart is right inside of there.) I love Sharpies. Yep, so that's about it for that? GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Or as I like to say: make like a superhero and go save the world. : D 


Guess who's birthday is in... 21 days?! I'm not even going to tell you ^_^ So, you're gonna have to guess. Yes, I am indeed excited. Finally, I won't feel quite as young compared to everyone else... 

I really have no idea what else I really want to talk about, maybe I'll just set off an intelligent babble. Of course that may not turn out as wanted...huh, scratch that. 

I feel so inferior, all my friends always have stuff to talk about but I almost never do. (Exception: theme weeks.) Should I start planning beforehand? I dunno, I'd probably forget by the time I begin my post. Oh golly, I'm never good at these, am I? See, if you knew me in person, you would probably agree that I am indeed a quiet person with a lot to say. That's an oxymoron, I know. But it makes perfect sense! *Sigh.* I guess I will go on with my signature Carrie ways, in hopes that you enjoy them anyhow. I always try to keep it original. 

I suppose that's all I have to say. (Were you expecting anything else?) 


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Today is the Seventh of September

Yay. *halfhearted cheer*

Well. There's not really that much to say. Today was pretty hot, but it's going to be one of the last high-eighties-Fahrenheit days we'll be getting here for a while, I think. Tonight's low is supposed to be 59F, at any rate. 

Oh, and 6LCF has ten (10) followers now! Woot! Thank you, all you wonderful people, for following us and reading this blog! We Curly Fries really appreciate it. :) <3
[*cough* If you want, you can tell your friends. Spread the word, y'know. ^.^ </shameless self-advertising>]

Erm, I really don't know what to post about today; I guess I'm really burnt out by last week's giant post. Oh, which reminds me--fellow Curly Fries, we must choose the edition of children's Norse mythology we're reading for book club. Let's have an exact title by next week, yes?

And because I don't want to have an all-text post, here's a icon with fireflies on it I made, the original photo having been shamelessly nicked off of a news article on by yours truly. ^.^ 

It's very pretty, isn't it? *.* All those swirly golden lights. . .

My science teacher is very silly. She does not know the different between a constant and a control in a scientific experiment, and insists on treating the two as if they were interchangeable, which they're not, not really. A constant is a variable or many variables which are not changed; a control is an experimental group that has nothing done to it in the way of changing variables so that there will be a basis for comparison.
In conclusion:
A control is sort of made up of constants, but they are NOT THE SAME THING.
My science teacher is stupid. >:( And I'm going to have to put up with her for an entire frikkin' year. xC

Also, there's this practice quiz for the science test tomorrow online that she said she'd give us a link to (so that we wouldn't have to copy down some giant link in our notebooks), but it has not yet appeared. Argh. >.<

Er, that's about it.


Monday, September 6, 2010

The Invasion of the....(dramatic pause) HILLBILLIES!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! THE HILLBILLIES! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!!! Oh, right, I made them. Heheh. This is the last picture-post for theme week three (even though I technically already had a picture post. Whatever) and it will be spectacular. Now, this picture-post is a story that will be told by dear friend. I'll let him introduce himself. Here goes*:

 Hillbilly Heaven:

Why, hello thur! My name is Pa (pronounced Pa-aw) and I live hur in Waest Virginia on this hur corn farm. This year the corn don't be doin' too good. Look at this corn hur on my right. This hur specimen looks like darn poo on a stick! A right shame, if you ask me. Speakin' of which,  I best introduce y'all to my family.
This hur is my lurvely wife, Luisa-May. She was a pageant gurl up until 'bout 8 yurs ago when a rabid dog dun bit her leg off. She never had that pageant walk agaain. She is a beaut, though.

This hur is my eldest son, Jimmy-John Jr. He's a littleslow but them doctors always say he just special. He ain't never had no hur and his left arm is shorter than the right. He's a good boy, just a little slow.
Next up we got us Liza. She don't look like none of us, but she sure do look like that old manager of Luisa-May's beauty contests. I forgive my wife though for her adulterous deeds. Liza is a beauty and she'll bring us in the money when she turns 13 next summer and can enter them teen pageants. Mmm-hmm.
This boy hur is my son, Charlie. He don't do no work on the farm 'caus he's too weak. He likes them books instead. And the math. He sure do love the math. Wife and I can't count to 20 without the use of our toes, but this boy hur is a genius. He do them taxes and what-not for us. I think imma keep him around.
After Charlie we got Mary-Sue. She likes the fire. I don't know what's wrong with her, but she done lit her dolls and such on fire. I think she may burn down the barn soon. I gotta make sure she don't get them matches no more. Or that blow torch. She sure do likes that.
Last and maybe the least, we got Jo. It's a girl (JoAnna) but when Luisa-May was pregnant we had hoped for a boy to follow the patterin that are chillun' was born in. When it was a girl I was so mad. I just pretend he's a boy and don't look when I change the diaper.  He don't got no talents like my other babies had. All he do is poop.
Well, that's my family. I hope you done enjoyed that. Come again! Bye-bye, now!

Oh, Pa. Wasn't that lovely, guys?! Maybe Pa and the family will return someday. Or maybe not...we'll see.
SECRET MESSAGE! Type "secret" in the comments!

*A Lesson in Hillbilly Speak:

Vowels should be pronounced as follows:
a: Long and annoying. For any a. "And" is "a-aand", "again" is "agaa-in",except for words like "hair" which are pronounced like "hur".
e: Pronounced like a u or an "ey". "Here" is also "hur", which may be confusing to those who have not studied hillbilly speak. "Hello" is "heylo". "Elephant" is "eylephant".
i: Short i's elongated, long i's are normal. "I did" is pronounced as "I deed". 
o: unchanged.
u: unchanged.

Please use improper grammar (y'all could pleez use them unproper grammars).

Add the word "them", "done" and "thur" to everything. (I would like to feed the chickens. Them, I'd like to done feed them thur chickens.)

Please practice this lesson until perfected. Then continue in the reading of the post. (Practice that thur lesson until y'all have done got it perfect. Then y'all can continue reading that thur done post.)