Friday, July 30, 2010

It's Friday /Again/...

"I also lie a lot, which keeps me thin."
 —Hugh Laurie

It's Friday, which means it's my turn to post. I didn't realise this until today at about, like, noon-ish. And since then, I've been procrastinating it off by doing things such as going to the mall, cleaning (*shiver*), practicing flute/picc, and eating, and I've been procrastinating off /those/ things for, like, ever.

Anyway. Once I realised it was my turn to post, I realised that Lynda didn't post yesterday. And holy crap. So the Six Little Curly Fries that have perfect posting attendence (well, with excused, pre-announced absences) might be able to "punish" the one [i.e. Lynda] that doesn't. And wouldn't that be fun ^_^
Unless, of course, Lynda can give a reason as to why she didn't post yesterday... however, we're not supposed to accept anything short of her being, like, sedated and in surgery all day. Or not having internet connection because of travelling/electronic complications. Or something.
... Lynda? :)

In other news, there's not much going on with me. (Exciting "news," yeah, I know.) I'm going through the hellish months known as soccer conditioning and tryouts for this year's team. It kinda sucks. A lot.

In *other, happier* news, I got a really cute dress and skirt at the mall today ^_^

(Because I want to:)

1. How is your summer going?
2. Punishments, anyone...?

With all due respect,
House [is a beeeaaaassssttttttt]
[Um. . . Why is the above text in purple? I have no memory of writing such a thing. :/ ~xiy]
[Likely story...]
[Haha, noooooo.]
[Hahaha ha ha haha... ha. xiy, you're such a kidder ^_^]

*Note* Most of this post was railing on how Lynda missed a post, but then Virgil missed /her/ post, which you might have noticed. May it be noted that Virgil has an excused absence for her July 31, 2010 post. 


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hello ^_^

Why, hello, you! ^_^
And how are you on this lovely day? It's way too humid outside for me, so I might just stay inside like I actually am able to do today. Yay.

So I arrived at my grandparents' house a few days ago (Sunday afternoon, to be exact), and so far all has been fun, even though I'm happy to be coming home in a few days. Let's see, what have I been doing so far? Well, on Monday we just got comfortable, ran a few errands, that type of stuff, but yesterday we went to the Wilds. *pauses for oohs and ahhs* The Wilds is basically a giant conservation for endangered animals from all around the world. They have safari rides for visitors for around and through the different pastures and areas. It's really cool if you've ever seen or are interested. Their website is if you'd like to read about it. :)

So far today, I've just been lounging around, having some noms, and fiddling around on the computer. That's... probably... what I'll keep doing for today, since I have the house mainly to myself.

I'm just going to keep this post relatively short for today. There's not much else to say...
Well, okay then... bye! DFTBA! <3

(To my fellow 6LCFs, personally, I miss the questions. They gave us more to comment about...)

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

O.O Scuba Diving

Haaaapy Tuesday, all of you wonderful people reading this blog~!

Today, I went scuba diving (*collective gasp*)!
What did I learn from this exciting experience? Two things:
1) xiy scuba diver; she will never be one.
2) xiy is very, very bad at interpreting underwater sign language.
I learned point #1 immediately after the instructors (and the instructional video) said that "if one holds one's breath while scuba diving, and then rises, one could rupture one's lungs." Oh, and "it is scientifically proven that if one tries hard enough, one can rupture one's lungs in 2.8 feet (approx. 0.85m) of (sea)water." Great. Wonderful. I am never, ever, going to ever scuba dive in deep water after this. So, yeah. ^.^ That, and the whole pinch-your-nose-and-blow-out-to-equalize-your-sinuses-and-ears thing (it's extremely hard to get a good grip on one's nose when one's nose is in a scuba mask).
The only time I'd scuba dive again is if there's relatively shallow water, with some pretty coral reefs and some interesting wildlife. Maybe then I'd go. But otherwise, no.
It's not even that I find scuba diving scary, per se. There's just too much crap ("Oh, no! xiy used a BAD WORD!" I can already hear your reactions. >:}) to worry about. And it's underwater. And lungs could possibly rupture. Three cheers for the bends! ^_^ And my eyesight's not too good without my glasses.
[Which brings us to point #2!]
I learned point #2 while trying to watch one of the diving instructors give out directions to do one of the underwater skill-things that we were supposed to learn. Everything was sort of blurry, and I couldn't see terribly well, and, I swear, some of those hand signals could mean anything. So I got rather confused. :( 
(So don't ask me to interpret underwater hand signals, either.)

Otherwise, I had a pretty good day.
I've been fiddling around with my LJ a bit recently. Follow the link if you dare. It's not a terribly interesting blog (I say a lot of the same things I say here); I just sort of write about my life, etc. But you're welcome to go comment on it if you wish. :) Go on, do it. I need comments. (And I have no friends on LJ, which kind of sucks. Apparently, I'm shy both in real life and on the Internet. :|)
There's some totally awesome icons you can find on LiveJournal too, if you look carefully enough. I found a lot of really awesome LotR ones.

Haha, look at me talking about LJ on Blogspot. -.-;;
[One last thing, though: if I were to have a blog somewhere else, I would definitely make it on Wordpress. Just sayin'.]

Okay, lastly:
Could we do another theme week, perhaps next week? Does everybody have use of a computer? If not, we could always wait until, say, later in August to do it, but I was wondering.

Goodbye, then.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Gah! My flight is gonna leave!!!!!!

From that title,I assume you know that I am at the airport. Sadly,I am also lacking a computer. So I type this on my mom's iPhone. I am starting to hate Apple. Due to my current predicament, I will keep this short. Really short. If you haven't noticed, I made a new page!!!! I was bored, but it should be fun. I may not be able to post next Monday, seeing as I will be in Sequoya National Park! Well, I will be leaving Texas soon (we had a layover here) and starting my family's camping trip.


P.S. Could someone make this font green? iPhones apparently don't do font colors.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

In Which Virgil Tries to be Brief and Fails

Me: House, have you posted today?
House: Today's Saturday.
Me: Oh, I knew that.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Virgil!  *cue theme music*
La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! Virgil loves reunions and Scotland, too! That's Virgil's wooorrrrrrlllllddddd!!!

Hello! Well, I have a lot to cover today. Last Saturday, I was extremely busy with frivolity and such at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, so I couldn't be bothered to write a legit post. This post, to make up for it, will be exceptionally longer. *pauses for chorus of "yay" 's* I'm not going to go into too much detail about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, because 1) it was just too amazing to describe and 2) I don't want to brag/ make people jealous. So, I shall give you a brief summary. Brace yourselves. 

First off, I was there for this Harry Potter conference called Infinitus, which was basically a gathering of the most awesome people in the world, with the important exception of the five other Curly Fries. I saw this musical called "The Final Battle" which was a bit like A Very Potter Musical only it complied EXACTLY with the books. It even showed scenes that were just mentioned in Deathly Hallows but not completely played out - like when Ron and Hermione go to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and <spoilers not included for Carrie's sake>. So yeah, it was the whole entire Final Battle, starting with when the trio gets back to Hogwarts. SO EPIC. Then there was the Night of a Thousand Wizards, which was basically this HUGE party in the Wizarding World which took place after the park had officially closed for the night, and it was ALL Harry Potter geeks. This made it really cool, because not only were you in Hogsmeade and Hogwarts, but nearly everyone around you was dressed in wizard robes or other HP attire. (Everyone, that is, except for my dad.) there was UNLIMITED FREE BUTTERBEER. I went on the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride, which is like a roller coaster only... not... and the hour-long queue to get in is nearly as amazing as the ride itself! The line snakes through Hogwarts castle, and - well, it's just too awesome to describe. I spent two whole days trying to absorb the awesomeness that is Hogwarts castle. On Saturday, I saw a pre-viewing of A Very Potter Sequel, which was totally awesome, and on Sunday I got my picture taken with Darren Criss! (On Monday, our Universal Studios tickets were expired because we only got them for two days, so we went to Disney World, which was fun as well!) So yeah, that's me trying to be brief.

Today was basically the only day all summer that all six of us were here, so we had a little shindig at xiy's house that involved plenty of hilarity. It was so much fun - I hadn't seen any you guys in over a month! 'Twas a fun 6LCF reunion. We were going to make another sock puppet video, but that takes so much... effort... plus, my hair (that is, the hair on my Virgil sock puppet) kept falling off. >.<

So... on Monday, I leave on my annual trip across the pond to Edinburgh, Scotland, (best city in the galaxy) and then we drive to the Lake District. My mum's family lives there, so it will be great to see them again. Uh... yeah. I may or may not be able to post for the next one or two weeks (I get back the Saturday after next, but I'll be way too jet-lagged to write a coherent post. 

I can't wait until school starts and we'll be able to see each other every day again!

Peace, Love, and Potter,


Friday, July 23, 2010

Wait... whut?

"一个小熊猫,叫 Martin,吃很多糖。你好,熊猫! 我爱你!"*
^The full extent of my Chinese. Besides mad counting skill.
— My 小组课 at the Chinese language immersion camp thing I was just at for two weeks (lolz, that's probably not grammatically correct at all. Sorry, xiy and Lynda.)


So... yeah. I've been at camp, which is why I haven't been posting. But now I'm home. Yayy.

The first thing I notice about the blog is that there seems to be a certain lack of blog spirit, as shown by the shortness of recent posts. [-hypocrite-] At first, I was like, "Oh, hey, someone should give them a nice little dose of Curly Fry spirit!" But then I was like, "Oh, wait. Yeah, not me." (And that sums up the past bit for you nicely.)


Uh. Not much has happened. Oh, yeah, except that A Very Potter Sequel came out TWENTY TWO HOURS AGO! And I've had stuff going on today, so I haven't seen it [yet]. I'm probably going to devote my night to watching AVPS. (But, really, I haven't really done much. The only legit thing I've done is soccer conditioning. Lots and lots and frikkin lots of it. And I edited Virgil's prologue. But that's about it.)

... and I guess we're not doing the questions thing. Whatevs, cool.

With all due respect,

*Dear Google Translate: By the way, you're often incorrect. Just saying. xo, H

Thursday, July 22, 2010

*Yawn* It's Thursday again?

Hullo. I'm bored. Erm. I know everyone (starting from Momo) has started writing long novels as posts again. I'm gonna break the chain.Yeah. It's hot. You know what? I think I'm finished! I have nothing to write about.
O-oh. I forgot. Yes, the questions are getting seriously boring. Ummm... That's all. Sorry for a short post.
BTW, please visit my blog: My Blog for a longer post-ish thing. I finally updated it. Not quite sure when. The days are starting to get fuzzy in my brain...(Do brains rot? It feels like mine is)


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Yay!! ( I dunno why I just said that...)

Greetings, world! OK, so at the moment I'm like, multitasking to the extreme (IE: talking to 4 3 4 3 1/2 people at once, blogging, that social network site stuff, and listening to music) *FUN* but now my attention is centered on posting. Like I always do. Almost every Wednesday. *Sigh* I'm tired... Camp was fun today, though. TOMORROW AND THE DAY AFTER ARE OUR PERFORMANCES!!!! Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay... This is very exciting. I can just feel my adrenaline pumping.
Oh my, now I have no idea what I'm going to post about. And I feel like my head's about to explode. Too. Many. Things. At. Once. NEH >.< ...but I MUST go on!!! Yes, I shall go on and continue posting to you, my lovely reader.
Ugh, now* I have to plan my packing (my one of many steps to being coming less of a procrastinator)
*well, not NOW now, but later now...
Ah, but, yes, I am going on a trip to the lovely land on the southerns of my state. For one week, but I promise, I will still be posting.

Nom nom nom...

Anyhow, tomorrow is the first/ opening of our performances (feat. the fact that there's only two). I'm doing a song from Billy Elliot that is entitled "The Letter". For those who know the musical/ song I get to be the dead mum. Another girl from the camp is being Mrs. Wilkinson, and one of the littler kids, who's a boy, is being Billy. In my opinion, the song is really sad and emotional. It's about how Billy and Mrs. Wilkinson are reading the letter from his dead mum, and how I'm supposed to be the voice of his mother inside his head. It's a really good, and if you're interested in hearing it then go look it up (if you like that brief repetitive Broadway music).

I think it's question time!
1) Have you ever seen Billy Elliot?
2) The movie or the musical?
3) Did you like it?
4) Do you like theatre/ Broadway in general?
5) Popcorn, anyone?


Smiles, hugs and lots of love,
Carrie :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ah, the Joys of Shipwreck Camp

Hi, guys. Today's post has been brought to you by the incredibly ancient computer at my mom's work. It's so old that it uses Windows 2000; therefore, there's only Internet Explorer on the darn thing. I'm already missing Firefox and its nice, if annoying, spellcheck. Oh, and the computer totally butchers font, so that everything looks weird and pixelly. Blah. >.<
AND the keyboard is covered in this crusty, dusty, sligtly yellow-white old gunk that is absolutely disgusting. THe mouse has some of the stuff on it too, but it's slightly better. Except that the bits of gunk on the mouse are sticky as well. Which is also disgusting.
See what I'm putting up with just to post this? Gosh, I must love you guys.
[Actually, I'm posting 'cause I'm bored with nothing else to do. Heh.]
So, for the next eight days (as in, until Friday of this week and then from Monday to Friday of next week), I shall be attending this thing called Shipwreck Camp. It's a local, non-sleepaway affair, so don't worry--I will still be around. Basically, the premise is something like, "if you found a hypothetical shipwreck, how would you hypothetically go about salvaging it?" and stuff. For the past two days, we've been learning about the basics of marine archaeology and shipwreck survival and boatbuilding (with plastic soda bottles).
Speaking of plastic soda bottles, today there was an activity where we split into groups and built a not-more-than-twelve-feet-square boat using plastic bottles (not just soda ones, actually; there were some square juice bottles and some gallon milk jugs in the mix), plastic bags, one roll of duct tape, and some bamboo sticks.
My group's was, I'm pleased to say, was the best and most seaworthy. Ours actually had a working sail; however, there was barely any wind and so it couldn't really go anywhere. It was sort of a catamaran-like structure, with one giant more-or-less-square sail made out of a white trash bag. It was pretty cool.
For lack of a better name, we decided to call it the "Gilligan." However, the person in my group who made the sign spelled "Gilligan" wrong, so it ended up being the "Gillian." *sigh*
Tomorrow, the camp's going to canoe in a marsh. Lovely.

Now, a different topic.
Yesterday, while coming home, I heard on the radio that NASA is going to hibernate (aka totally shut down) Spirit [the Mars rover, doncha know] for the Martian winter. There's so much dust on Spirit's solar panels that it doesn't have enough energy to heat itself electrically (which is what it's done in the past few winters). Also, even after the winter's over, Spirit's probably never going to move again--its wheels are all really messed up and stuff. But NASA's still going to use it as a weather station or something. Poor Spirit. THe other rover, Opportunity, is apparently having better luck; sometimes, a few stray breezes blow off some of the dust coating its solar panels.
This xkcd comic sums up my feelings quite well: (Poor Spirit. It's okay, little rover. I think you did a really good job.)
It's been six years since NASA sent Spirit and Opportunity up to Mars, y'know. Six years. Wow. I remember when they were launched (gods, that makes me feel so old). . . It's passed pretty quickly, really. Huh. Six years.
*mumbles incoherently for quite a while*

Less than a month to go until my birthday!! ^.^

I guess I'll just leave it at that.

[I agree with Virgil that the whole "asking questions" thing is getting old. Can we do anything else? Another theme week, maybe, now that everybody's regained use of a computer? DISCUSS IN COMMENTS.]

Monday, July 19, 2010

Oh, How I've Missed You All!

Momo is back!!!!! *Applause, cheers, screams of happiness!*. Well, I'm back from a lovely month at camp. It was so awesome, and I have so much to tell you guys! 

First of all, I would like to say "thank you" to xiy and Virgil for writing the only letters. I saw House in the third week there so she didn't technically have to write me....but Lynda and Carrie! I am heartbroken! Oh well. I'll live. Besides, the mail I got was super slow in coming (it took forever to reach me), and I'm sure you were all so busy. 

Second of all, I was going to buy you guys presents, but I'm not a money tree. Instead I just found a ton of 4-6 leaf clovers that you guys can choose from (I want the 6-leafer!!!!!) when I see you next. 

Third of all... well, I actually didn't have a third point. Hm. Oh! I have something interesting! The portfolio with all the work we did in the month that I was at camp weighs four fricking pounds! I weighed it at the airport while I was waiting to get checked in. It's pretty intense. 

I've noticed that all the posts have gotten immensely short. Summer must be really kicking in for you guys. It feels like it just started for me! Haha. Yesterday I was at the beach in Ocean City, NJ with all of the cousins from my mom's side (17 to be exact), and it was so nice. I had to buy a new swimsuit though because both of mine got jacked up at camp. One got icky from the icky lake and the other got stretched out from something. I am guessing the sauna. And yes, we do have a sauna at my camp. Booyah!* At the place where I got my new bathing suit, they only had bikinis/tankinis (which are worse than bikinis) so I got a bikini and some boogy board short things. The only teensy problem was that because I was in the Ocean, which has waves, the bottoms kept almost falling off! I have no butt. Which can be sometimes problematic. 

Speaking of Oceans, I couldn't help but notice that no one mentioned the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico being fixed! It's so exciting! Now they just have to clean up the millions of tons of oil that leaked out! Yippee!! I actually learned a lot about this at camp because for my class' third Projekt projekt project (sorry, still in German spelling mode) we had to read a ton of articles about in German and then debate about how much BP would have to pay. There were two sides, BP and the people. I was BP. We lost. And we have to pay $30 million. *sigh* It was a really cool project though, and I got a good grade. 

Not only did I get a good grade from camp, but I managed to get 3 free t-shirts! I pretty much made the store bankrupt because they really only sell about 3 t-shirts a day. Bwahaha! My nerdiness makes people bankrupt! Woot!

I think that was about all that I have to say. I like the new format of the page. You can tell Virgil made the slideshow thing at the top. Tee hee. Actually, House could have made it too, but I am pretty sure Virgil made it. 
I am in that picture somewhere. But unless you know me in person, you don't know where I am!!!!! Hahahahaha! And I am wearing fancy clothes! I am sure House approves of my fanciness.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Questions:
1. Have you seen Toy Story 3?
2. Would you like to come see it with me sometime?
3. Guess what kind of hat I got from Norwegian people? (House may not answer)

Momo :D

*Since when do you say "booyah"...? O_o

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Greetings from Hogwarts!!!

Hello, Curly Fries! I'm here in my dormitory up in Ravenclaw Tower, and I've been having the time of my life these last few days. I won't say too much because 1) I don't want to make you guys too jealous and 2) my dad's laptop has keys that are further apart than mine, so it's hard to type. I'll just give you some highlights...

1. Hogwarts Castle at night is the most beautiful thing to have been constructed on this planet.
2. This play called The Final Battle. It's totally awesome.
3. This play called A Very Potter Sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Lovely Ravenclaw stuff!
7. Forbidden Journey ride... AHHHHHH
8. Queue for the Forbidden Journey ride... indescribable. omr.

So yeah, I've got to get this up before midnight. I'll tell you more about it some other time!

The whole "let's answer questions" things is getting old. Let's think of something else to do in ever post, yeah?

Peace, Love, & Eagles,


Thursday, July 15, 2010

*Yawn* It's Thursday?

Hello! I am going to write about 3-5 sentences today, so enjoy!
I'm going to Canada! In August, I'm going with my family. Ummm...That's about it. It's hot again! Hope you've been having a lovely summer, with or without AC!
Have you been to Canada before?
видим по-късно,
P.S. Sorry 'bout the extremely short post!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

This is the 6LCF's 75th post!! *excitement*

Hello you!

Yes, I am indeed posting the 6LCF's 75th post. This is a bit exciting. I mean like, 75 posts in 2 months?? That's crazy! Anyhow, today I was not feeling well so I unfortunately could not go to the wonderful magical world of *theatre camp*. *sniffle, sniffle* Oh well, I should be feeling better by tomorrow. :)

I have no idea what I'm going to ramble about today... I sort of thought I'd do a "My thoughts of this and that" sort of thing. Like, how many Priuses (Prii???) I've been seeing lately. Not that I don't like them, it's just there's SO MANY nowadays. Seriously, I've been seeing a Prius every 5 minutes. Less than 5  minutes sometimes. Yeah... Ummmm..... so.... *awkward silence*

Moving on...

To my Dearest 6LCF, Chow-Chow has passed away after a lovely and adventurous 4 1/2 years on this earth. Actually she passed away last week. I believe it was Wednesday night... :( May she R.I.P. in the fluffy heaven/ after-place of all good critters. *sniff sniff*

Still moving on...

ON A HAPPIER NOTE, next Thursday and Friday I will be performing stuff :D for my camp. Which is exciting... So next week when I post I probably will be flipping out. Maybe even just do a post of...words. Musical words.

I think I'm about done here. I will go back to being uncomfortably not well, and lazy, and maybe even finish the book I was reading, write some stuff. That sort of thing.
Okey dokey. DFTBA! ♥

(P.S.- My birthday is on a Wednesday (2 months and 15 days from now) and I'm excited since I get to post?? on my birthday! Woo.)

1) What do you enjoy doing when you're at home sick (if you're able to actually move around)?
2) What is your favourite kind of pet?
3) Lamps or overhead lights?
4) Polka dots or stripes?
5) Time travel or space travel?

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm Typing This When I Should Be Playing Piano

This post has been brought to you between periods of me practicing Mozart's Concerto No. 17 (which is a very pretty piece). I really *should* be playing more or less nonstop for an hour, but I always take *little* breaks anyway, so why not put them to good use and post on this wonderful blog of the Six Little Curly Fries?
Why not, indeed?
Hence this post.

The Tuesday Tower hasn't been around for a while; I apologize (you have no idea how much I'm tempted to spell "apologize" with an s) to all you people who liked the refreshments. Archie's still here, though, should you want to hug him. He appreciates the hugs. He says that he would also appreciate any extra food you would like to pass his way; apparently, he's not particularly picky when it comes to things edible. I say that he really shouldn't eat any more considering his condition (see picture below), but he never listens.
So feed the sheep at your own risk.
[I'm rambling, aren't I? This post won't have anything nearing structure; I'm just warning you now.]

^^That's Archie right there. You see what I mean about his condition?^^
[By the way, he's got a bandanna because he's being the flag of Corsica. It was for a French project.] 
Anyway, moving on. Y'know, the only thing I miss about school is the curly fries. I really want some curly fries right now... 
*mutters to self and then goes to look at the 6LCF profile pic and pretends that the curly fries pictured there are real and edible*
*it doesn't work* 
[xiy is sad now.]

Anyway (again), today's kind of a rainy day. Nothing much is going on; I think some of the Curly Fries may be at band camp. I am not at band camp because I have given up band (*hides behind barricade*) in favor of art. Therefore, I can't really join in on the band-camp bandwagon (har, har?).
I'm pretty bored. 

There's not really much to say.

Sorry about the shortness of this post. I'll try harder next time.
Questions (even though, like, nobody answers them anymore):
[Some are recycled from my last post, since nobody answered any of them.]
1) Which is better: Latin or French?
2) Do you like cats?
3) Any food allergies?
4) Are you doing anything fun this summer?

Saturday, July 10, 2010


First off, I apologise for the exceptionally short post that this is about to be. I just got home from Kentucky, but you see we have company at my house, so I have to get off the computer ASAP and not be such a "recluse."

Kentucky was fun. Lots of hard work and digging. We were building a retaining wall out of tires. I pretended that I was at Camp Green Lake, but that got old after about two days. Dig dig dig dig dig dig dig. 8 to 3:30. But then after digging, we got to swim in the lake that was there, so it was nice. :] 

Band camp on Monday.

Infinitus on Friday.

I don't think you realise that I've been waiting to go to Hogwarts since I was like six... and yes, it is quite a few years overdue, but I'm finally going.

Peace, Love, & Otters


P.S. Crap, questions. Right.
1.) Bottom bunk or top bunk?
2.) Fruit gum or mint gum?
3) Fries or mozzarella sticks?


Friday, July 9, 2010

Momo's Letter!

Ah! A ray of light in our too-hot-summer existence!
Momo has sent us a letter from camp!
[Now, I know this isn't my day to post, but, heck, 's an exciting event, right?]
Below is my [xiy's] transcription of said letter. 
All spelling and grammar has been preserved.
To My Dearest Curly Fries:
June 24, 2010

Hello, everybody! This is Momo...if you couldn't already tell. I am sitting here on the top bunk of my lonely bunkbed here at camp, and decided I should write a letter. Right now it is nap time here, but I don't do naps. I am being serenaded by the lovely "cawings" of crows/ravens and loons. It's actually getting quite annoying. How was Virgil's birthday, I'm guessing you already celebrated it because we have snail mail here...and you'll probably get this in a month or something. Camp is so far really fun. I'm here for High School credit so we have actual classes. I am in the highest class (WOOT, WOOT) and we are talking about Youth Culture. Our first project is coming up this week, we'll have 5 in all. I'm also in the newspaper group, out first paper comes out tomorrow. We started yesterday...the school newspaper should try brainstorming, writing, printing/distributing a newspaper in 3 days (and in another language). The only bad thing about the newspaper here is that we work on computers with internet, but we can't use the internet for fun!!! :(
Alright, now to make this letter more personalized, I will write you each a little letter:

To Carrie: Hi!!! I hope you are having a fun summer! You would really like this one girl in my house, you are really similar! I hope you and "A" are still together and not being naughty!

To House: Dude!!! House! Your camp is GHETTO! It's actually a Christian camp (haha) that was transformed. The food is supposedly not great and it makes you constipated, but a 7 yr.-old told me that soo...
P.S. I'm sure Easy has told you all about it...

To Lynda: Hi, buddy! Are you surviving your two lovely siblings? I decided to sent this letter to your house because I figured you'd be most get excited easily. Anyway, when House gets mad at me, I nominate you to say "Easy" a lot. :)

To Virgil: Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating with the Curly Fries! One of my classmates gets to meet J. K. Rowling this summer, I thought you'd like to know. Have fun at Infinitus!

To xiy: Hello, xiy! How have you been? Have you been keeping busy? I do hope you posted Virgil's birthday picture, it was super cool. Don't get bored, OK? I miss your witty comments! Bye!

Okay, I'll have to start homework (yes, I have homework, but it's fun) soon. I expect letters soon, or perhaps one GIANT letter! I hope someone posts this...

1. Do you have my address?
2. Did this come reasonably quickly?
3. Without doing anything to in any way help you answer this... Hast du Mich verstanden?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Terribly Hot Thursday

*gasp*...It's sooooooo frickin' hot!!!!!!
*melt* *liquidy fingers form*
*typing begins again*
Ahhh... Hello! It's going to be a rather short post. It's too hot to think/type. Anyways, our house has AC in 2 rooms. (We don't have central heating, so no AC unless we install a window/portable/thingy AC.) Those two rooms are A) the kitchen and B) the master bedroom. The kitchen is a place I tend to haunt anyways, so that's fine. The master bedroom, my parents+my siblings sleep in. In the daytime, I walk around there doing nothing except keep my body parts from touching each other--i.e., armpit area, folds of fat on stomach, neck area, etc. Sooo....I've been slowly losing pounds! Yay! See, sweating is a very important part of losing fatty material in you. As I'm the only member of the 6LCF who is actually in need of losing some 30 pounds, I tend to know these things. *sigh* [Lynda, Lynda, Lynda. You are not fat. So stoppit. -xiy] [Dude, you're way more in-shape than me. Siriusly.-v]
Alright! A happy bit of news! We have communication with MOMO!!!! She's alive!!!! She sent me a letter and I recieved it yesterday. The letter is a 6LCF letter, so I'll be handing it to xiy tomorrow, or tonight, cuz she's my neighbor, I'll just walk over, and give it to her. She can then send it to the rest of y'all! (not including readers, sorry.)

1. Have you guys all melted, at least once, yet?
2. Should I even ask another question? (No one is answering or commenting anymore.)
3. (Guess I answered #2) Do you have a sprinkler? 
4. Have you run through a sprinkler these last few oven-days? Enjoy it?

बाद में मिलेंगे,
P.S. If you hadn't noticed, I've been changing my signature lately. They all mean "see you later," cuz I usually say "seeya" to people in farewell ("cya" in chatspeak)... Saying "Good-bye" takes forever.
Today, it's Hindi. The pronunciation (Hindi speakers who are reading, please forgive my ears and brain), to me, sounds like "Bought-a-manly-inn", with an accent. *Nervous giggle*

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday. Wednesday. Wednesday...

Why hello there! I was so excited to post today (why? I have no clue... but I was) and I just remembered that I had to post. It's not that late anyway, so I'm okay still. Well, today was my second day of my seventh year of theatre camp and it has been quite swell so far. We got our solos/ duets/ trios/ group numbers today and that was quite exciting. I am doing a duet/ trio called "The Letter". It's such a sad song, but I'm still excited. I bet you're wondering what exactly my camp does. (Oh, you weren't? Well, I'll tell you anyway...) Ah, well it's musical theatre. *Sings a bit* Okay, so maybe I'm not the best singer... but I'm at least decent. You know, I've always thought I was ok... but back on track... We also do dancing and acting. [Insert cricket chirping here] .... I've always fancied acting. Then singing. Then dancing. I don't know, that's just my opinion. Think what you will, this is a free country after all. You're still awesome no matter what your opinion is.

Hmmm... maybe I'll talk about my opinion on opinions. Not that I actually have an opinion on them. I respect your opinions. I mean, you're entitled to them. It's whatever you want to think of a certain person/ place/ situation/ etc. And that, my fellow human beings, is my "opinion" on opinions. *In announcer voice* This program has been brought to you by The Toothpaste Co.; All your toothpaste needs in just one place! Tune in next week for a post by CARRIE!

Wait! It's not over yet (or is it?) ...Nah, I think I'll ramble for just a bit longer. Teehee, I learned how to beat box the other day... it's actually really easy. All you need to do is just say "boot" and "cat". [music lesson for the day] Agh. I have bad news (well for me anyway it's a bit bad) I have to get braces soon. ): It's not that I'm not looking forward to having a pretty smile for once in my life, but you know... yeah. ._. funnn.

Well, I think that's about it, correct?

1) Did you do anything spectacular or ultra fun for the fourth? (in other words, what did you do?)
2) Have you ever had braces?
3)Do you like hugs?

Yeah, I'm just gonna do 3 questions today.
Okey dokey. YOU are AWESOME!
dftba ♥

Smiles, hugs and lots of love,

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

GAAAH the HEAT! >.<;;

Hello there. How's life? [Oh, and happy Tuesday.]
Me? Ah, well. Life's okay, but I am not a fan of this weather. Today the temperature's supposed to be around 92F (for all the cool people who use metric/Celsius, that would be around 33C--I did that conversion in my head; be PROUD that my math skills haven't totally atrophied yet). Anything higher than 85F I don't like at all. 'S too hot
And there's no AC in my house, so I have to make do with ceiling fans. *Sigh*
*melts into a puddle of goo*

Yesterday, my family and Lynda's family went to the beach (it was a lake, not an ocean; just clearing that up). It was quite fun. We went in the afternoon, so the heat wasn't as bad (and, anyway, once you get into the water everything's nice and peachy). My dad got sunburned anyway, though. Heh. We also made this sand-fort-castle thingy at the very end; it's probably gone by now.
And I learned that my little sister is scared of large expanses of water. And she won't step on sand. Babies are funny creatures, aren't they.

In other news, I do believe that House has gone to camp by now. :( If so, there are now only four (4) Curly Fries left posting until at least mid-July, possibly even early/mid-August [I'm not too well-versed in the various schedules of the Curly Fries. Forgive me]. So, for all you readers excited for our book club (if anybody other than the 6LCF is reading this, please drop us a note in the comments? Even if it's just something like "hi there. bye," at least we know people are reading this), it won't be up 'til then.
Oh, and my birthday (August 14) is one month and eight days away! Woot! *eagerly begins countdown*

I requested a book called Kraken from the library ages ago, and I finally picked it up on Saturday (the book just came out). It's by China Mieville (there should be an accent aigu over the "e"); I really like his books, from the three I've read. I've gotten about one-fourth of the way through the book, and it's good, if weird. Oh, and the book uses British spellings; Virgil should be happy to hear that.
To sum up what's happened:
There's this giant squid in the British Museum that got stolen, and the curator, Billy Harrow, has no idea what's going on. Meanwhile, the police, a gang, and a cult devoted to the squid (the "Church of the Kraken," or something like that) are all looking for it, and Billy gets caught up in everything. And he still has more or less no idea what's going on. ^.^ Oh, and the squid/kraken's appearance/disappearance could just possibly signal the end of the world. Whee.
There's magic involved in the book, though it's all very modern (iScry FTW!).
So, yeah, xiy likes the book very much. The book makes xiy happy.

[Oh, wait. Questions...]
1) Which is better: French or Latin?
2) When is your birthday (you only have to give the date)?
3) Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
4) Do you use metric on a daily basis?
5) What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
6) What's the formula for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius?
     Celsius to Fahrenheit?

Erm, that should be it for this Tuesday, July 6, 2010 (one month and eight days until August 14!!).
Please continue to have a good day; don't let me ruin it or anything.


Saturday, July 3, 2010

*Giggles Mischievously*

Happy 3rd of July!!!!
...wait, what? 
Indeed, it has always irked me how people refer to American Independence Day as "The Fourth of July." It's kind of weird when you think about it in the context of other holidays.

"So what'd you get for the twenty-fifth of December?"
"Dobby knitted me some mismatching socks, one with a pattern of Snitches and the other with a pattern of broomsticks. You?"
"Ugh, every twenty-fifth of December it's the same maroon sweater... hey, d'you think Dobby would like it?"


Ahh, I feel so refreshed today. I couldn't sleep last night (I was too excited about the release of the very first Deathly Hallows movie poster - which is bloody amazing, I might add. It looks eerily similarly to the poster for Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone, only instead of Hogwarts looking all serene and magical, it's on fire and in shambles.) so finally, after about two hours of being frustrated with myself for my insomnia, I decided that I'd read a bit of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. (That's where I currently am in my eternal cycle of rereading the series.) 

Oh, the nostalgia. I haven't read Book Four in so long, I had forgotten how epic it is. AND I noticed things that I don't recall noticing before. After the Yule Ball, couples giggling behind rosebushes? Snape busting them and taking points away from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw? Now THAT completely went over my head the last time I read it. The beetle that Harry sees is most obviously Rita Skeeter - now I feel extremely slow that I haven't caught on until now. The "Uranus" jokes in Divination had never before made sense to me. I think that Book Four was the one that the films got most wrong, because honestly, I was halfway through the book and I thought to myself, "Hmm, this bit is only about twenty minutes into the movie..." They skip the lovely antics that happen between the start-of-term feast and the arrival of the foreign guests. Who wouldn't love to watch students squeeze the pus from Bubotubers (a cure for more stubborn forms of acne - and I'm sure it has less side-effects than the pills I'm on) and I've always wanted to see how the films would portray a Blast-Ended Skrewt. Anyways, as I observed the very last vestiges of non-angsty Harry fade into the past, never to return, an idea suddenly struck me. 

I should just stay up all night.

You see, I've been on quite a ridiculous sleeping schedule all week - staying up until 1:00 am and sleeping until noon. I knew that I would have to get to sleep early on Saturday night (tonight) in order to get up early on Sunday morning, which is when I leave for Harlan. (Harlan is the place in Kentucky where the mission trip from my church will be building houses. When referring to the trip, people usually just say "oh, I'm excited for Harlan!") 

I figured that if I deprived myself of sleep, I'd be able to get to sleep earlier tonight, therefore... I dunno. My reasoning isn't very good at three in the morning. Whatever the reason, I stayed up literally all night reading Harry Potter... and I'm not tired. I feel exhilarated. I'm going to Hogwarts in less than two weeks. I'm going. It's been nearly three years overdue, but I don't even care. Pass the butterbeer. 

(I haven't told my parents about my all-nighter, so sshhhh!!!) 

Um... in other news, Serena Williams won the women's (um, Firefox? Yeah, "women's" is definitely a word...) final in Wimbledon, but Murray lost in the semis to Nadal, and none of you care about tennis, do you?
Speaking of tennis, I got a new tennis racket yesterday, and I named her Rafa. She's fantastic XD

1) When was the last time you reread a Harry Potter book?
2) Have you seen the movie poster yet?
3) Are you as excited as I am? (The correct answer is "no")
4) Are you already working on getting your parents to let you go see the midnight premiere of Part 1, even though it's on a school night?
5) Can you tell that I have somewhat of a one-track mind at the moment?
6) Who's your favourite Harry Potter character?
7) Which is your favourite Harry Potter book?

8) Favourite Harry Potter movie (mine is Part 2 of Deathly Hallows, and yes, I acknowledge that it doesn't come out for a year)?
An extra-special bonus question for House: have you finished editing the Prologue yet? Virgil is getting impatient >.<

Peace, Love, & Otters,


Friday, July 2, 2010

Frickkk Why Do People Wake Up This Early

"Women's intuition is surprisingly accurate." 
—Xu Xiaobin's effing long [but good] novel [that I just finished], Feathered Serpent

Dear world,
You wake up too bloody early. Legitimately. Like, you're all up in the /morning/. What's wrong with you? Sheesh. I tried my hand at getting up this early [8:00 am], and in my personal opinion, it sucks major butt. But whatever.
I think the only people excused from this letter are the people who have to get up this early for, like, a job, or something. Or, like, if you live somewhere where you have to, like, tend the cattle or fetch water that's fifteen frikkin miles away. Or something.

So... yeah. You might have inferred by now that (1) today, I woke up much more early than I usually do, and (2) I'm not enjoying it very much. In fact, I'd say (3) it kinda sucks. Because I'm cold. But whatever.

My dad is behind me watching Supersize Me (2004), one of my most favourite documentaries of, like, ever. He's in the very beginning of it, commentating as Morgan goes along, because we've both seen it before. Right now, they're playing "Fat Bottomed Girls," by Queen. Great song right there, that is.

Uh. So what else has changed since my last post...? Well, Independence day is drawing nearer, as is the time when I must go to camp.
Oh, yeah!
Imma be there next week and the week after that, so I won't be able to post. I know you'll miss me. Try not to miss me too much.

Last night, I watched the hundredth episode of one of the best television programmes of ever, Ace of Cakes. The crew designed a cake that had a little plastic roller coaster going through it in honour of the opening of a new, gigantic, amazing, awesome, amazing, awesome, and did I mention awesomely gigantic and gigantically awesome? roller coaster, The Intimidator.


Throughout the show, they reminisced through cute little video montages about the past 100 episodes and how crazy amazing it's been. The show ended with Mary Alice working her philosopher side and saying how she thought that a roller coaster is the perfect metaphor for their bakery, Charm City Cakes. (Which is usually what I think of when I hear "Tri-C," btw.)

Yeah. That's about it.

Bye. See you in, like, three weeks ^_^

With all due respect,

[An hour and a half later:] Crap, I forgot the questions.
1) List the last three books you've read.
2) Do you have any plans for the Fourth of July?
3) Do you like wearing flip-flops?
4) If given the chance, would you ride The Intimidator?
5) Do you watch Ace of Cakes?
6) Cupcakes or cake?
7) Cookies or cake?
8) Android or iPhone?

[An hour after posting questions:] Oh, hey. Labels would be nice.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thursday After the Big Event

    It's Thursday once again. Yesterday, obviously, was Virgil's birthday. This post will probably be the shortest post ever on our blog. I'm bored, tired, sickly (*cough...gag...sneeze*), annoyed by the relatives/family get the gist of it. Anyways, I'll just write about my birthday, as it's kinda the thing to talk about with a fellow Curly Fry having one yesterday. Mine's in November. My birthstone is topaz; I prefer blue or clear. All those people and things that say "citrine" is my birthstone....GRRRRR...I read about topaz first, it's prettier, it has a blue type, so I'm keepin' it.
    This year, I'll turn [*beep* CENSORED *beep*]. I'll finally get my ears pierced, and the first part of the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie will come out on that day!!!!!! YEAH!!! I'm going to try and convince my parents to let me go to the midnight premiere of it, and maybe it'll be a 6LCF b-day party for me. I get a party every other year, and this is one of those PARTY years, so, it'll be fun.
    Oh, I gotta inform y'all. I have a new obsession. Sailor Moon!!! I've always like that manga, and I've finally found it online....*evil laugh* I CAN FINALLY READ IT ALL!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!
     Ok. I have to go now. I'm sorry if my post is very jumbled!
1. What do you want for your birthday this year?(Virgil, this for you, translates as, what the heck did you get???)
2. What do you plan on doing for your birthday this year?(Again, Virgil, what did ya do?)
3. Are you bored? Even the teensiest bit?
4. Do you know who Sailor Moon is?
5. Are you ever annoyed by relatatives/family members?
6. Did you ever dream that you were a pink and purple polka-dotted giraffe?
