6LCF Bucket List (Kinda)

Hi. I was just pressing the "next blog" button and I came across this one blog with a bucket list type thing. I didn't really like the blog itself, but I thought it would be cool to have a list of things that we should do together. Sort of like a bucket list. Except we're not dying. We're all dying, really, when you think about it. Unless you're immortal like the Flamels and Dr. John Dee. I will start with a few. Feel free to add anything...even if you don't think it will be possible. Once we have done that thing together, cross it out.

1. Be mentioned by one of the Green brothers (we have our priorities straight.)
2. Have more than 10 followers
3. All go on vacation together
4. Celebrate a first-year anniversary
5. Road Trip!!!!!!!
6. Meet a famous person [Define "famous"...](What about when I'm famous? Will that count?) No, since we've already met you.
7. Buy something awesome together. (But we've done lots of awesome stuff. . .) <-- It says "BUY something awesome" ...
8. Go to Science Olympiad Nationals <---Hahaha lolz
9. Make a book club *hint, hint*
10. See the Grand Canyon
11. Watch a sunrise in a different state
12. Ride a roller coaster together
13. Watch a really cool sunset in a different state. Because waking up early is a no-no.
14. Travel out of the country together
15. Write and/or self-publish a collective 6LCF novel/anthology of posts
16. Graduate college (xD hahaha)
17. Graduate high school :P
18. Have one day where every single one of us is in either a dress or skirt and has make up on. It'd make my life ^_^ (A skirt, maybe, but not makeup. Ew. :p) (<I second that) *rolls eyes*
19. Make an official 6LCF flag
20. Make the most of this blog, and have tons of fun doing so yay ongoing things
21. Attend a concert [i.e. not, like, a band/orchestra/choir concert; one where people, like, legit sing and stuff] together
22. Exchange some kind of 6LCF friendship bracelet
23. Complete an all-nighter. Because even though House technically was not present for about five hours of it, Lee was there and Lee is an honorary member, so I think it should count.
24. Go to a Curly Fry's wedding (real)
25. Make a time capsule. :O 
26. Create something special together at Build-a-Bear Workshop!!
27. Visit Lake Retba (Lac Rose) 

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