Wednesday, November 30, 2011

oh hey, I forgot to post on tuesday

Today is Wednesday, November 30.


 That's basically all I have to say. 

Hey Momo, we're Christmas colors!! <3

Saturday, November 26, 2011

"That must've been a horrible day for them..."

Meh. Font color isn't working again. To the first person who reads this who is a Curly Fry, can you change the font color? I don't know why it's not showing up for me. :/

So anyway, I just finished watching King Kong with meine Mutter. It was... intense. And very long. 3 hours and 8 minutes.

It also reminded me a lot of Titanic. (Despite the fact that when they were getting on the ship to discover Skull Island, Titanic was right behind them.) It also was the same amount of time, and the same type of weather, when they crashed into the island and when Titanic crashed into the iceberg. Of course, King Kong is fictional... The ending is also the same. Spoiler alert: King Kong falls off the top of the building pretty much the same way as Jack fell into the ocean. Oh yeah, and Ann (the "Damsel in Distress") had a second love appeal named Jack. And they took place around the same time? It was just so coincidental. However, it was a FANTASTIC movie!

Well... almost fantastic. First off, I have come to the conclusion that no movie producer has ever passed physical science class. Anything that freaking big can NOT move that freaking fast. It's not possible in any way shape or form. Now maybe their strides CAN be that big, but there is no way that it can really run faster than a cheetah. And cheetah's are fast. It's the same thing for cells, the bigger they are, the more time things take to get to the middle. (Surface-area ratio or something like that?) Same thing with multi-cellular organisms: the bigger the animal, the more time it takes for the brain to react to a nervous signal.

And that was Carrie's science lesson of the day. Even though it's Saturday.

Another thing I didn't understand was why, when people are running frantically away from something that's gonna eat them, why they don't hide under a rock or something. Dig a hole, anything. But nooooo, they have to keep running and get themselves killed! Dumbbutts.
I would've hid.

Okay, well, I hope EVERYBODY had a fantastic Thanksgiving. :) And that you are thankful for everything in your lives. <3

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Friday, November 25, 2011

oh right it's my turn to post today

I hope everybody had a lovely Thanksgiving! Mine was quite nice; my family spent the day at home cooking, and it was very relaxing.

Nothing much really happened today except that my parents dragged me along to go Black-Friday shopping, though I didn't really get anything major. Mostly it was just stuff for my little sister, eg a winter coat and a ginormous package of giant Legos. I probably had more fun with the Legos than she did. >.>

In other art-and-sort-of-relevant news, I'm going to be getting a tablet (not to be confused with a computer/iPad sort of tablet) soonish, which is exciting because drawing with a mouse is difficult and now I'll be able to draw semi-legit things in Photoshop now. Hooray! :D

Ummm. Yeah. That's really about it.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving and Such

Happy Thanksgiving, my fellow curly fries. 

Isn't nice not having school (even if its only an extra 3 days off)? I've been enjoying myself with Greek Project (which, by the way, I've gone all out with) and Thanksgiving festivities. 

Today my family and I went to the Hard Rock Cafe to feed the homeless, a tradition of sorts, and hang out with church friends. Then we went to a family friend's house and enjoyed a MARVELOUS feast of turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, rutabaga, sweet potatoes, asparagus, beans, root veggies, bread, stuffing, and lots of other little things I didn't even have time to process through my body. We then sat around for flan, apple pie, pumpkin pie, carrot cake, and my sister's homemade pink buckeyes.All the while my sister and sat and played really funny games and bothered each other to death.

Next, we traipsed over to another family friend's house for more dessert. I didn't eat any but it was fun listening to the adults reminisce and our friend's elderly and extremely Alzheimer-y grandma be confused. I felt kind of bad laughing but she kept calling her own daughter the wrong thing and asked how many units were in their house and if it was a new house (they've only lived there 16 years). 

Now we're home and I feel like a balloon in the Macy's Day Parade.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


HAPPY THANKSGIVING from all the Curly Fries! ♥

Thanks to our families and and friends and various long-suffering readers for putting up with us for another year!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


No more school for the rest of the week! 

And I get to eat FOOD!! 

These are the reasons why I love Thanksgiving. 

Um, what's going on in life? I'm really behind on my NaNoWriMo. Gotta get caught up tonight. That's all that's on the agenda. I've already eaten plenty of junk food and I watched two episodes of Glee Season 1. It's all good stuff. 

I don't have much to say today. 

I'm pretty confused right now. About like, life and stuff. 
Just so ya'll know, Math Teacher agrees with me that right-handed people are superior and left-handed people are just trying to be different so that they can complain about their awful, hand-smudged lives.

That is all.


Monday, November 21, 2011

The Stoa of Zeus and...HELLO, I'm back :)

Hey y'all. Missed me and my lovely southern-y ways of greeting? Even though I'm a northerner? (I'm serious, I'm from the North of China...lulz) Anyways!

I was gone from the internet for a long time. I was working on the Greek project so I needed internet, and now I am making use of my internet access to write y'all a post! Woohoo!
It shan't be a long post as my computer time is almost up, but that's okay, because any words of wisdom coming from my mature and 16 YEARS OLD (Happy belated Birthday to me, anyone?) lips will be greatly appreciated by y'all. RIGHT? * intimidating glare* RIGHT.

So my Greek project is on the Stoa of Zeus. Ever heard of it? No. There are like, 2 legitimate websites that contain information that is even slightly credible about this sketchy stoa stuff (see the alliteration?), and one of them cites the other as a source. Hello??? Anyone find that weird? So I used my amazing skills of super-clicking to click through the Google search pages until I reached 2 more credible pages (FYI, they were on pages 57 and 59). Surprise surprise guys, they both cited the first website. Whatever. As long as my presentation goes well and I get an A, I'm fine with it.

So. The time has come for me to say goodbye and farewell to you faithful readers (who don't leave any comments...except House's dad-HI HOUSE'S DAD!). I have Greek tomorrow (dur), so I need my beauty sleep. Especially since my SWEET SIXTEEN year has begun. Need to look glamorous to attract 'em lads like bees to honey!



Saturday, November 19, 2011


AAAHHHHH!!!!! IT'S LYNDA'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!! :D OMG! She's like, the oldest now. :P ♥ WE LOVE YOU LYNDA! And here's a little celebratory song: ♫ Haaaappy biiirthdayyy too youuuu! Happy birthdayyy to youuu! Happy birthdayyyy, dearrrr LYNDAAAAAAA!!!! Happy birthdayyyyy too youuuu!!!!! ♪♫

YAYY! I wuv birfdays. :3

I have had a very wonderful day with my momma! We went out to put together my brother, who is currently in Afghanistan as some of you may know, a care package. So, it's been a long day but a very fun one! :D

Ew, I had to go to Wal-mart today. I don't really like Wal-mart, but this one was alright. It was enough for me to handle at least. All the stores I went to today were exceptionally alright, obviously some more than others. Like, the Subway we went to for lunch actually had a white guy working there. Oh, I know, that sounds so awful to say but it is true. Most Subways I've ever been to have only had black/ Indian people working there, so this was a slight shock. But it was yummyful as always. :)


Meh, Carrie just did a stupid move and ended up deleting the second half of her post :(

but anyways, after that, we went to a book store, which was kind of boring because we only looked for things for my brother and not actually books. but on the bright side, I got new earphones. :1 they're lovely. (Meh, my shift key is not working like I'd like it to, >:( ) Speaking of books, how was book club? Do we have a new assignment? Who even went?

So, um, I'm just gonna go now. yeah? yeah. KAY. BAI!

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

HAPPY BIRFDAY, LYNDA!!! :D I am going to work on your prezzie tonight, and then mail it to you. :) and it's going to be so wonderful!

Friday, November 18, 2011

happy almost-birthday, Lynda!

Tomorrow is Lynda's birthday! Hooray!

Tomorrow is also when I have a fencing tournament/library thing (not in that order) to go to and a Greek project to finish and a lot of homework to do, and I'm not really looking forward to the last half. We might possibly go see the second Happy Feet for Lynda's birthday, though from what I can tell from the trailers it has no redeeming qualities other than very cute penguins. I guess that makes up for the possible lack of plot and general sequel-not-as-good syndrome, so I'm looking forward to it.

Momo is right now probably in Jerseyland, which sounds like fun. I'm not going anywhere for Thanksgiving, but that's alright as well, since sleeping is so much easier when there is no traveling involved.

I was going to start homework tonight but then I got distracted by The Little Prince, some of which I can read in French though I mostly stuck with English, which is kind of a sad book but also quite a happy book and I do recommend reading it if you haven't already (I read this one sequel to it when I was little without having read the original book, which made me very confused but now I understand all the things!).

Virgil and I left Nerdfightery notes in all the copies of John Green's books in the school library today. It was fun, but then the librarians chased us out because it was four PM and the library, being silly, closes early.

There was also a kind-of book club meeting today in which nothing very much was accomplished. There were muffins, though.

/ramble ramble ramble


Thursday, November 17, 2011

So...Is the Theme this Week "Don't Post"?

Did I miss the memo? Is there a theme this week called "Don't Post"? That's unfortunate. I guess I won't post. <-- LIES.

I sit here in the library of our school typing this because it is Thursday, my day to post, and I have to go to study circles for bio and I would really like to post today and break this dry spell of not-posting from the rest of y'all.

Recently, bio teacher has been teaching us mitosis/meiosis and has been rather obsessed with...erm...female meiosis. He started the class today with "I'm so tired. Last night my daughter got the first of 400 meiotic cycles! IT'S EXCITING!" It would be very awkward to have a biology teacher as a dad (and even more as a husbad.Just imagine, "Wow! This is so cool! We are producing sexually! How interesting!"). ANYWAY. BAD IMAGE IN MY HEADDDD.

Holy omg. We have a huge bio test tomorrow and I'm freakin' out, yo, freakin' out!!!!

In other news, xiy just showed me how she and House completely TROLLED on MC's blog: They make me laugh.

In other other news, this weekend I shall be attending pre-thanksgiving with my family. It's only going to be the best time ever. I get to see almost all of my not-in-college-cousins (who I haven't seen in forever). We're gonna be partyin' up in thur. Yep.

That was a post,
Off to study circles maybe.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette is a very long name oh gosh x.x


I have finally learned the meaning of sophomore year, and it is NHD. More accurately, the destruction of your life, courtesy of NHD. Also known by its full name, "National History Day," it steals the lives of young children with much potential across the nation in its cold, dead grip. I'm already regretting agreeing to take on this beast x.x (at least I have the most brilliant partner in the world, xiy, and together, hopefully we shall be able to overcome the horrors in store.)
... and tomorrow's only the second deadline of the longgggg project. Oh, my.

In other news, sophomore year is progressing nicely. My daily amount of YouTube watching has diminished to almost nothing, but that's alright. At least I've found some new music to study to.

I can't believe it's fall! It's very autumn-y here. There are lots of leaves on the ground, and the weather is even more temperamental than it usually is. I'm quite happy about the leaves falling, though, since it means now is leaf-raking time! I do like raking leaves. It's so much fun, and you have such a lovely pile to jump in at the end of your hard labor ^.^
I also like fall because it marks the beginning of cold weather time, otherwise known as tea and hot cocoa time, otherwise known as my favorite time of the year {seeing as how it correlates so nicely to hoodie and sweatshirt time}. Also, October is over, so I needn't live my everyday life in constant terror.

Other recent developments in my life:
- I saw a very fluffy puppy today and successfully resisted the urge to steal it for my own.
- The hair atop my head has gotten longer.
- I've lost many of my pencils/pens that I started out with in the beginning of the year, which means I get to dig a little deeper into my supply for the rest of the school year.
- Lauren Lopez talked to me, looked me in the eye, and brushed her hand on my by accident. Thus, my life has been lived to its fullest and I am now entirely satisfied with the Universe.
- Oh, and 11/11/11 11:11 happened! Did you guys make a wish? :D

... and so ends your weekly adrenaline rush from reading my fabulously interesting post. ta-daaa.

With all due respect,

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Oh, hey reality, how's it going?

AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!  I just want to crawl into a hole and fall asleep for 6 months.

Bleh. Sorry, I'm just not feeling well anymore. 

Aaaaaaand Facebook is distracting me :P BUT! I did remember to post today. :D I've had a very fun weekend so far. ^_^ (and just week in general) So, how about I just tell you about my entire week! 

On Monday, all of the curly fries went to go see... STARKIDPOTTER!!!!!!! It was soooo amazing! In case nobody else has already told you, I did burst into tears when I met Lauren Lopez. :P It was... TOTALLY AWESOME! :D Words can't even describe it. Which reminds me, I need to put pictures on Facebook.

Rest of the week was blah, school. Tuesday and Friday we off though. Although, Friday I still had to go to school since I had to WORK! :D The one nice thing about working in the school book store is that you FINALLY get paid to be there. :P It's amazing. 

Then, yesterday and today I hung out with one of my non-curly fry friends. That was nice. I haven't hung out with her in the longest time. We watched a movie last night, and then went shopping/to Starbucks/ to Taco Bell/ took pictures today. It was just a nice unwinding day. I got the CUTEST (Ohhhh, here we go, Carrie with clothes :P ) vintage sweater. It's soooo cool! It's red and blue block striped and it has an academy emblem on it. I also got a pair of suspenders (that I have wanted forever). So, I've just had a really nice day. ^_^ Also, Virgil, I wore your birthday present today. :) I love them! (little bow clips- also adorable ^_^ ) 

Oh, my golly gee! It's almost Lynda/ Momo's birthday! :D How exciting! I'm gonna send both of you cards! It'll be great. :) 



Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Friday, November 11, 2011

NHD-sy things and the eleventh of november

So you may remember that House and I did a rather silly project on Robespierre last year for not-quite-National-History-Day; this year, we're at it again, only instead of Robespierre, we bring you another French revolutionary who happens to be a) conveniently tied into American history, b) not hated by the general public and not considered a raving maniac, and c) a person who actually lived a nice, long life. In short, Marie-Joseph-he's-got-too-many-names du Motier, commonly known as the Marquis de Lafayette.

The outline powerpoint is due Monday and I spent awhile today doing that; it took longer than I thought and I got through about three-ish slides.

It's quite interesting to see how Lafayette gets old; one minute he's all chipper and wig-wearing and then he suddenly gets kind of old and chunky and you can see his actual hair color, which is apparently completely brown-red even when he's, like, sixty years old.
here is an illustration to illustrate my point
We've not gotten very far into the exact design of our exhibit board yet, but hopefully it'll nicely fuse the French and American flags together and it'll be pretty and mind-boggling and sparkly. :D
something like this, maybe, minus the mini-Lafayettes. also, this kind of looks like some sort of shippy Hetalia fanart, but it's not. and I just realized that I super-failed on drawing the leftmost American flag. >.<" ah well; too late now
Soooo, yeah. It was a lovely day today; Curlyfryland received some snow, but it didn't stick around, much to my extreme disappointment. I ate a lot of ice cream and leftover Halloween candy and also read a lot of Merlin fanfiction and completely failed to increase my wordcount, but that's okay because I still have the rest of tonight and I'm almost to the halfway point and yeahhhh.

It's 11/11/11 today! Make a wish! (I missed 11:11 AM, unfortunately, but there's still the PM, so it's all good.) I wish that NHD were over, amongst other things.

okay bye.


This Week was Totally Awesome!

This week is so good. We only had three days of school (Monday, Wednesday, and today).
Not only that, but on Monday night we went to see the Starkid SPACE tour. It was only the most magical freakin' night of my life!!!!!! My voice is still a little wonky (as bio teacher would say) from screaming so much. It's funny, in all of the illegal videos I took, you can hear *SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!* little bit of singing *SRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMM*

In addition to singing all of the greatest hits from A Very Potter Musical, Sequel, Starship, Me and My Dick, and Little White Lies, the night was full of really funny comedy, inside jokes, dancing, and over-the-top fangirling on our part.
It was the best birthday present I could ever ask for. You guys are the bestest :D. I wish we could go again.

Tomorrow, Friday, is a conference day for the parents and we get to sit around and do NOTHING. Well, except, like, NHD and homework and studying and chores and...yeah.

It's rather cold.

xiy, Virgil, and I went fencing today. Virgil left early and then xiy and I decided to go fence in the neighboring dancing room. We fenced under spotlights and it was epic. We both won that match.

I'm cold.

Well, I think that just about wraps up this week.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Oh hey, it's Tuesday!

Today's post will come to you in 2 parts.

Part 1:


The Six Little Curly Fries went on adventure last night, and we saw the Starkid SPACE tour as a sort of really-early-birthday-present-for-Momo-except-that-Lynda's-birthday-is-actually-closer. It was magical. We had VIP tickets (thanks to the fabulous Mrs. Momo's Mom) and we all were given free posters which we got signed by the Starkid gang. We actually got to talk to them! It was so cool. I hugged Joey Richter (!!!! <3 !!!!) and also got to talk to Meredith, Dylan, Joe, Jaime, Brian, and AHHH LAUREN LOPEZ MY HEROO!!! (She told me that I'm awesome. That's like the equivalent of Ellen Degeneres telling you that you're funny or F. Scott Fitzgerald telling you that you're good at writing. Seriously.) We had a ton of fun been those-screaming-girl-screaming-their-heads-of-at-the-front-of-the-stage, and the concert itself was really great and exciting and so full of energy. They sang all of our favorite Starkid songs and we all sang along. Their guitar player was an Awesome Asian names Charlene Kaye who was also their opening act, and she was pretty cool. They also had a ton of other cool people touring with them. There were a lot of people we know who were there, mostly from our school, but I also saw one of my friends from church events which was exciting.

*catches my breath* okay, I'm done.


Because I was too busy being a concert-going teenager yesterday, I am now behind on my NaNoWriMo wordcount. It's great that we don't have school because it's election day, or else I would be in trouble. I'm still catching up right now, but then I want to get ahead.

I just made a pretentious Moby Dick reference. ftw.



Friday, November 4, 2011

happy national dress-up-like-Bio-Teacher day!

I think that Momo has already mentioned in a previous post what Bio Teacher (as opposed to Other Bio Teacher, who is the biology teacher of House and Lynda and therefore far less cool) dresses like; for those who missed the memo and and don't feel like clicking the link, he basically wears a lumberjack shirt and carries around a gold (but probably not real gold) coffee mug every single day. Today, by popular agreement of our bio class, was dress-up-like-Bio-Teacher day, in which over half the class showed up wearing plaid. It was funny.

here is my interpretation.
Bio Teacher also bought us bagels, because we organized Bagel Fridays and nobody else wanted to bring them today, so he was forced into it. So it's like he's earning negative money for teaching us. ^.^ I had a raisin bagel and it was very delicious.

School was pretty dumb today and nothing very important was accomplished; after school, Lynda and I hung out with a fellow freshman nerd who, unlike his largely far-dimmer compatriots that populate my math class, has decided to take proper traumatizing ninth-grade geometry/algebra instead of being dumb and jumping up a grade. It was nice and we talked about how the high school library is terrible and also about grades, because no nerdy conversation can be complete without a conversation about grades.

(It almost made me feel popular. ^.^)

And then I went home and ate a lot and now I don't feel so well and I really don't want to do some dumb French homework assignment. And the IB programme is stupid. They need to work out their nouns and adjectives, because that's just stupid. (Speaking of the IB programme, there used to be a poster for it hanging on the wall of the school, but then the wind blew it off the wall and it broke a window, so now it is no longer there; that amused me to no end.)

In NaNo related news, my wordcount is at 7,115 (I haven't written anything yet today) and I guess putting up excerpts is, like, a thing, so here you go:

They ended up, oddly enough, with a minimum of fuss and explodey noise on some sort of damp greyish rock with enough terminal force to bruise a rhinoceros; gods not being rhinos, they got away with one slightly bashed shoulder (Rediculus), a copiously bleeding nose (Sors), various smaller injuries, and lots of pained not-wailing-because-gods-are-better-than-that. Rediculus ended up having most of the minor bashery and landing in a puddle as well, as Sors was the god of luck and it was probably about time that particular facet of his personality kicked in. It was only fair.

So, yeah, NaNo this year is about Roman gods. On vacation, only not really. Sort of. I don't even know. But anyway, I need to ask you Latin people quite a few questions once December kicks in and I actually start to care about realism.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

So Many Things to Do (and NaNo isn't one of them)

Goodness. Today was so busy. I am so glad I'm not doing NaNoWriMo this year. There is, however, a certain emptiness to my November so far.

If you are Virgil, xiy, or Lynda, GET BACK TO WRITING NAO!!!!

Anyway. After a loooong day of school, Virgil and I volunteered with our school's Youth Ending Hunger club by making pasta. Virgil left at 4. From 4-5 I cooked pasta with a very interesting boy...he wasn't very good at the whole cooking thing. I was about to leave and there was still one more batch of pasta to be cooked. I very explicitly told him to put oil in and then wait for the water to boil and then put the pasta in. Just as I was leaving, I turned around, and there was the pasta. In the not-boiling water. Without any oil in it.
*shakes head* Men really should not be in the kitchen.
After coming home, starting homework and eating, I went to clarinet lessons.
Now I'm here. Finishing homework.
Not doing NaNo.
And still being busy.
Isn't that fun?


Tuesday, November 1, 2011



I love Damian. 

Ummm um umm ummm let's see. What the current word count? 

It'll go up before the night is over, though. I'm just on a Glee break. 

Here's an excerpt from what I've written so far today:

Any small motion might trigger a torrential downpour of tears which are precariously balanced at the thresholds of my eyes, held there only by sheer will and surface tension. Thank God for hydrogen bonds. 

Teehee. Science lolz.