Monday, May 31, 2010


Happy (slightly belated) Monthiversary to us!
Look Above!!!

(Well, now it's not there anymore, but you can find it, if you so wish, at our YouTube channel--

Happy Memorial Day!!!

The title says it all. The end. Not really though....Happy Memorial Day though to those of you who live in the U.S. of A. with us! In our little town (that isn't too little) we celebrate this lovely holiday with a giant parade (and we dom't have school, woot, woot!). The marching band comes out (we've got an AH-MAZING band) and all sorts of people march the 2 miles or so. Groups like Girl/Boy Scouts, soccer teams, hockey teams, churches, people campaigning, library people, and other random groups. This year I walked in the parade with my church, instead of walking however, I rode my unicycle. I'm cool like that. It was really, really hot and I died a little. It was fun to chuck handfuls of candy to little, ungrateful, greedy children. The hockey team (of like, eight year-olds) in front of us each had a bag of candy in one hand, and yet, when another one chucked some candy to the crowd, they all dove for it! I was like, "You do realize that you have a bag of candy in your other hand...right?" I didn't actually say that to them though. Before I went to the parade I was at Virgil's house, creepin' on her. Just kidding! We had a 6LCF sleepover in which we made sock puppets and a video. The video isn't loading very well so that will probably be added into this post later.We had so much fun making it though! First we "went swimming in the moonlight" as xiy says, then we came inside and "brainstormed" for an hour about what we would do. It ended up being improv and a dance. Lots of brainstorming required...

I just went swimming for an hour or so and now I'm back and the video that I was talking about is here!!!!! YAY!!!! I realize now that it may be a little boring for most people...but it is funny to us. So hmph! We finished video taping at like 12:30 last night, er...this morning. I am soooo happy for the monthiversary!!!

Hmm...what else...? In honor of Memorial Day I will tell you a short (very short) history of it. Ahem.
  1. It is a holiday. In the U.S.A. Where they remember people.
  2. It is always on the very last Monday of May (which is today O.o)
  3. Also known as Decoration Day.
  4. It was first celebrated for Union soldiers after the Civil War.
  5. Which is around when the Union was reunited. *clap, clap, clap*
  6. After World War I all soldiers were included in the celebration/memorial.
  7. At 3 p.m. local time, there is a remembrance for all who died (I didn't know that!!!)
  8. Back in the olden Confederate days, Memorial Day was celebrated with a solemn service remembering those who passed.
  9. There is "The National Memorial Day Concert" which takes place on the west lawn of the United States Capitol.
  10. Many schools recognize this as the start of summer. Ours doesn't. Poo.
Sorry for the short post people! Happy Monthiversary and Memorial day!!! And watch that video!!!!


Ooops! I forgot my question of the day! I only have 1+ 1/2.
  • Where do those white puffs that fly through the air come from and why are they so hard to catch?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

One Whole Month of Six Little Curly Fries!

The One-Month Anniversary of Six Little Curly Fries is upon us! At last, the blog is officially one month old! It's been thirty days since the start of Six Little Curly Fries, and we're still going strong.
We curly fries are going to throw a huge celebration in honor of this fact. It will involve sock puppets, Archie, and loads of food. Tomorrow, there will be a very exciting surprise for all you loyal readers. It will be in video form (if we manage to upload the thing properly... </pessimism>), and it should be quite colorful.
The point of this post is just for the curly fries just to write/type down some thoughts about the anniversary before the big anniversary-celebration post is put up. If you, the reader, have any thoughts/suggestions/compliments, put 'em in the comments, please!

I'll start this, then:

xiy: Goodness, it's already been a month? Wonderful! We've got some really neat things planned, and there'll be free food [as long as Archie doesn't eat it all...] for everyone. The *real* anniversary was technically yesterday (May 29), but we didn't have our little anniversary surprise ready yet. So it'll be up on the 31st, hopefully. So, um, yeah. Happy occasion. I'll leave the rest of the pre-celebratory talk to my fellow curly fries.

Lynda:Yay! It's been a MONTH....Wow, I didn't actually think we'd be still really into this by now. I mean, my blog is basically dead...Well, since we're all such awesome friends, I guess I shoulda known that we'd still be going strong. I really don't have much to say, but, I'm posting TODAY (Monday) so I'm kinda late. Anyways, nothing inspirational comes to mind except "Go 6LCF!!!" May our friendship last.

Momo: As xiy said, today isn't *really* the monthiversary...but whatever. I am super duper excited to do the special surprise and it will be totally awesome! Not only that, but it will be on my day to that might mean a special post from me. I can't believe we are going through all this trouble for the one month anniversary (just imagine the first year anniversary!!!). Not to mention that today is my half birthday and I will be driving in exactly one year. That's right. Be scared.

House: Wow, it's been a month. Dude. A month. I'm actually quite shocked; I wasn't sure if we could have made it an entire month with this blog, but perhaps we shall thrive, after all. That'd be lovely ^_^ And... yeah. I guess I don't have too much to say on the topic. Like, it's really cool, but you already know that.

Virgil: Tempus fugit! The time really has passed quickly. We've had such fun over the last month, and I do hope that we can continue this blog for a really long time. Like, we'll be old and wrinkly, still updating this blog every day. I love my fellow Curly Fries :) And today we will be getting together at my house to conspire a plot involving sock puppets. Be excited.

Carrie:One month already? Time sure does fly. :) But all was swell in the time we had and all will be better in the time left to come (which I'm sure will be alot!!). Hm, I really don't know what else to say...Thanks so much to all of our readers that came back every week to read, even if they didn't leave comments. We really appreciated it! I'm glad the blog worked out so well to begin with. We've had so much fun so far (ermm, sorta?). I'm sure much more fun stuff will come soon though. And to the rest of the Curly Fries, everything's been *great* so far. Thanks for being awesome.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

French Things, The African Children's Choir, Boston, etc.

Hello, my Muggle friends! How are you on this wonderfully sunny Memorial Day weekend? I am quite good. We only have seven more days of school, which is a delightfully small number. It feels like summer already, and it kills me to think that I have to put together my final French presentation AND study for finals.
I quite like French things, but the French language is not one of them. I like baguettes, wine, French ice cream, crepes, and I like going to France, but I don't actually like the study of the language. I'm dropping it next year so that I can continue with Latin and also take Ancient Greek. (That's what nerds do.) Maybe someday, like in college, I'll take French again. 

Since this week is the Week for Awesome, I am going to tell you about one of my favourite charities, the African Children's Choir. They are truly awesome. Basically, the African Children's Choir improves people's lives through music, "a magic beyond all what we do here (Hogwarts)." They hold auditions in some of the most poverty-stricken regions of Africa, and then a group of kids are chosen to be in the choir. These kids' lives are automatically turned around. Most of them have lost at least one parent to HIV/AIDs, often two, and they don't have much of a chance for an education or a future. After touring with the Choir for a year, the children go home where their entire education - through university, in some cases. The basic goal behind the organization is helping Africa's most vulnerable children today, so that they can help Africa tomorrow. You can visit their lovely website here and buy their songs on iTunes. 
I'm not going to give anything away, but let me just say that it was totally unexpected. And amazing. I was wrong about who the Necromancer was, but I was right about who Machiavelli's Elder master is, and you'd NEVER guess where Joan, Scatty, Palamedes, Saint-Germain, and Will are. I can't wait for Book Five.

THE CELTICS ARE GOIN TO THE FINALS!! I'm so pumped. The game last night against Orlando was epic. Kevin Garnett is such a beast in every possible meaning of the word, and Rajon Rondo is apparently going to be my new brother-in-law. Yayy. The Celtics play so well - like, really as a team, not just individual players trying to rack up their own statistics. That's probably do to better-than-Brown coaching. Okay, I know most of the other curly fries don't care  much about professional sports, so I'm going to stop now.

Um... what else was I going to post about? Have I told you that my brain turns to mush when it's hot outside?

Here are some questions for you guys, because I guess that's the new thing. Answer them wisely.
1) What excactly is the proper use of a rubber duck?
2) Are you the imprint of a departed soul?
3) What is your Patronus?
4) What is a Horcrux?
5) What is foreshadowing?
6) Harry/Ginny, Harry/Hermione, or Harry/Luna?
7) How do you feel about summer vacation? (Personally, I just can't wait to get back to Hogwarts.)
8) Regardless of Harry being born or not being born, do you prefer James/Lily or Sev/Lily?

Shorter post today to make up for the long one last week. :)

Peace, love, and otters,


Friday, May 28, 2010

Bottle Rockets Go "FWOOOOSSHHH" ^_^

"In headaches and in worry/Vaguely life leaks away,/And Time will have his fancy/To-morrow or to-day." —As I Walked Out One Evening by W. H. Auden

(^Hah! I remembered a title this time ^_^ [A few hours later: Frick, frick, frick... forgot tags, didn't I.... >.< )

First and foremost, I would like to tell you about the charity that I will be supporting on this lovely, happy, sunny May afternoon.  This charity, SOS Children's Villages (, is pretty awesome, which is why I chose it to support for my Week of Awesome charity.  What SOS does is help orphaned children, abandoned children, and children whose families are unable to care for them around the world.  SOS helps them grow up in a good and healthy environment where the children can interact with other children their age.  They are raised based on four principles, my favourite of which are numbers one and four. (1: Each child needs a mother; 4: Each child grows up within a supportive village environment.)  My favourite thing about this charity is that they do not try to isolate the villages from the communities surrounding them; they let the children interact and play with people outside of the villages just as you would do in your own neighbourhood.  If you want any more information, it is available at their site, which I have linked above.

And now I am going to ask a few questions ^_^ (Even though I'm not the youngest and it's not Passover....)
1) Where is the dividing line between funny and sad?  I ask this because today in class, a few kids were discussing funny/ironic ways to die.  (One example: A man is *really* drunk and wants to go bungee jumping, so he climbs up to the top of a cell phone tower.  However, he didn't bother to correctly measure out his rope, so he jumps, plummets, and splats rather impressively.)  It was odd to see how the entire group of six kids would laugh at some stories, but would then be silent after hearing others.
2) Who likes sock puppets? ^_^
3) What is your favourite movie you watched when you were a child? (*Cough* Hello Kitty or Lion King *Cough*)
4) What are the rules for wishing at 11:11/any other time when the digits all match nice and lovely, on a birthday cake's candle(s), or/and on a star? (Like, things such as if you can change your wish, if you can tell people a hint/vague subject about your wish [but not the actual context], etc.)

Today, we were shooting off bottle rockets in science.  It was totally wicked ^_^ (We made these rockets by cutting up two 2-litre bottles, putting nose cones and fins and things on them, filling up the bottom half with water, pumping air into the bottle, then quickly letting the air and water escape, causing the bottle to shoot up impressively or not-so impressively into the air.)  There was a bus parked rather close to the field we were shooting the bottle rockets up from, and whenever a rocket would fly close to the bus, we would all start kinda hoping for the bottle rocket to crash fantastically into the bus ^_^ (Alas, none of them did, though one girl's got stuck on the roof of one of the nearby wings.)

We [Carrie, Momo, Virgil, and I {Lynda and xiy take French}] took the second half of our Latin finals today.  *Crosses fingers* Hopefully, we did well ^_^

Today, I learned that long hugs > short hugs.  (I know we are not required anymore to say something we have learned, but I still kinda like it.  Though asking questions is fun ^_^)

I do hope your day went well.

With all due respect,

(from xiy: heehee, I do like the English spellings. They're so much cooler than American spellings. XD)


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Since Everyone Is Making Their Titles Long, I'll Make Mine Long Too

Well, well, well! You've come back to the lovely day of Thursday! I know that you can't resist today (who cares if it's not up to you if there is a Thursday or not, I'm happy with this mandatory day), so let's get started! <--that phrase, it reminds me to one day actually get up really early, so I'll be able to say "Good Morning!" I suppose I'll have ta wait til summer break....which, is in...14 days!!! School's almost over! *clears throat* well, this day count is if you count weekends, and the last day of school. Now, this week's theme is the "Week of Awesome" where we pick our favorite charities, and go berserk about it! My favorite charity is (the one I just, is that a word?) Soldier's Angels. I particularly like their motto, "May No Soldier Go Unloved". I've always cried when there's a movie with soldiers that die, and then there's inspirational sad music *cough cough Glory cough cough* (I loved Colonel Shaw and Major Forbes!) So, this is the reason why I chose a charity for soldiers and their families. The URL is go there if you wish to donate anything, or even if you just one to check it out. Since I would suck at describing it, I won't, and I'll just leave you to see the website on your own time, kapeesh?
Today, I wish to go on about something that bugged me the whole entire day. This is something that Virgil knows about. Xibalba AHH XIBALBA ...Look familiar? If not, this is how you say it: sih-ball-bah, or for you crazies that actually understand the phonetic language (you can tell I can't by teh way I say "crazies"), /ʃɨˈbɒlbə/. Now, this is the underworld. This is part of Maya mythology. The world translates roughly into "Place of Fear". Sound fun? It's ruled by a Mr. Hun-Came (One Death) and Mr. Vucub-Came (Seven Death). However, Mr. One Death is much more senior/powerful. There are several other "rulers" who are basically demons that are responsible for one gruesome thing or another. I'll list it below. For the squeamish folks, please ignore the picture and the list below.
1. Xiquiripat (Flying Scab) and Cuchumaquic (Gathered Blood) who sicken people's blood 
2.Ahalpuh (Pus Demon) and Ahalgana (Jaundice Demon) who cause people's bodies to swell up
3. Chamiabac (Bone Staff) and Chamiaholom (Skull Staff) who turn dead bodies into skeletons
4. Ahalmez (Sweepings Demon) and Ahaltocob (Stabbing Demon) who hide in the unswept areas of people houses and stabbed them to death
5. Xic (Wing)* and Patan (Packstrap) who caused people to die coughing up blood while out walking on a road.
Now that I'm done with this, I'll explain why I wanted to blog about this. You see, Virgil, darling that she is, was reading...THE NECROMANCER during math class! OMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSH!! THAT IS SO FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!! ...Anyways, she comes upon the word, "xibalba". It sounds familiar, so she asks me if I've heard it before, which I have. I was reading a book on mythology...*pause current subject* I need to pause so that I can go on about my theory that Dee, in The Necromancer, is going to get the necromancer to go to Xibalba and get dead people. That would be so COOL!!!*restart subject*...and so I came upon the word. Of course, I don't remember until 9th period, which means that that one word was annoying the heck out of me. Thank goodness it's almost the end of school; I don't have to pay too much attention. I would have said, "Xibalba" to the question "How does Scout's opinion of her father change in To Kill A Mockingbird?"(Um, Virgil, there is underlining) Ok.
Onto the next matter of business. The Question of the Day. (This is just a little tidbit of info. I had the same science teacher as xiy, so I also know about QOTWs) My questions are...
Why doesn't McDonald's sell hotdogs?
At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?
Why is there a disclaimer on the Allstate Auto Insurance commercials that says "Not available in all states"?
If you dug a hole through the center of the earth and jumped in, would you stay at the center because of gravity?
Do they bury people with their braces on?  
What's the difference between normal ketchup and fancy ketchup? 
If ghosts can walk through walls and glide down stairs, why don't they fall through the floor?  
If a bald person works as a chef at a restaurant, do they have to wear a hairnet? 
I have a whole bunch of strange questions like these, but I don't want to bore y'all. That's it for today! Tomorrow's House's turn to post, and she's probably going to, already did, is doing so right now...edit this post. Happy 2 days until the Six Little Curly Fries' one-month anniversary!!! (Imagine, we make such a fuss over one month, wait til the one year anniversary!!!)
Luv, Lynda
P.S. I've noticed that everyone has their own specific closing abbreviations.. Is suppose mine is just the alliteration of the "Luv, Lynda" *sigh* I feel so diminutive!

*I find it creepy that this dude's name is one letter apart from xiy's. At least we know that xiy's an awesome person, and would never do whatever he does! :) <3

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today There Will Be a Linkity-Link-Link in the Bloggity-Blog-Blog. Teehee!! ^.^

Evening, Chap! Wow. Is it really the last Wednesday of May 2010? [Rhetorical question] Welcome to today's addition to the Week of Awesome. The charity I chose to tell you about today is World Food Programme (WFP) <--- linkity-link-link numero uno (should be unus because of Latin power) but you can also help out and/ or get to it through <--- linkity-link-link numero duo
Anywho...about WFP: (I'm on the website right now. You should be, too!) Some of their goals include reducing chronic hunger worldwide and responding to emergencies fast. To help prevent hunger in the future, WFP sets up programmes that use food as a way to build aspects, spread knowledge about nutrition, and help keep communities strong and dynamic. WFP also makes sure to help with school food programmes in developing countries and those in poverty. But they don't only help with the fight against hunger, WFP also believes in good nutrition for those with HIV/AIDs. They mainly help out in the more developing countries/ areas like Africa, South America, Asia and the Middle East. They also are working hard in Haiti, helping out with food drives and such (:
Freerice is also an amazing website that works with WFP. Basically you don't need to sign up or send anything, all you have to do is pick an academic topic and answer questions (about vocabulary and mathematics and such) at whatever level you want. With each question you answer correctly, they donate 10 grains of rice to countries in poverty. Within five minutes, you can donate about an entire bowl of rice.
Now either you can go save a life or read the rest of my post. (I would suggest the linkity-link-links; I might just ramble from here.)
Actually, I'd like to share a piece of my writings with you guys. :D It's not too recent... I'll probably save more recent stuff for later on.
*clears throat* Here we go. Enjoy!

Feeling alive. Being able to breathe air. Feeling the pulse of ink. The ink that runs through these veins. No use for blood. Why live like a normal human? Rather to live as a poet. To suffer from writer's block and insomnia. Find peace in lovely landscapes and inspiration. Why live like a normal human? Live for the moment. Feel the ink that runs through the veins. Suffer from heartbreaks, while finding love in synonyms and antecedents. Escape from paper. Listen to the notes, Experiment with colour. Hear whatever isn't there. Colour your own world. Paint the blue sky purple. Listen to English in Japanese. Fall in  love with everything. Remember what wasn't there. Cherish all that was. Apologize for nothing. Hear what you see. Taste what you feel. Feel the ink that runs through the veins, Nothing's going to stop me now. Why live like a normal human?***

Yes, well 'tis all. -[^.^]- <(good-bye, all!)
DFTBA! Now make like a superhero and go save the world. ♥

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

*I know and like the kind of thing you want to go for with the huge block of simple sentences, but you probably want to have a few complex/compound-complex ones in there, too, so it doesn't get choppy or boring sounding after a bit.  Even compound will do.  But I like the main idea of the passage, yeah.
 **It's a poem! The point is to be like that, not grammatically correct (see e.e.cummings). Poetry has no guidelines (except that it must be awesome).

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Cannot Think Of A Title At The Moment, So This Will Have to Do

'Lo, you guys. This is the last Tuesday of May! :o It's funny how fast time flies when you've got such a regular time-marker such as a blog updated every day. It's nice, too, that there are six people working on this blog; Six Little Curly Fries is pretty much guaranteed to stay updated daily, since we'd need at least a majority vote to discontinue this blog. So, loyal readers, the 6LCF are gonna stick around for a while (*knocks on wood*).

The Tower is floating somewhere in the Orion Nebula at this point, so unfortunately there will be no squishy chairs to sit in. But Archie and I have set up some refreshment pavilions, so go help yourselves. 
As Momo's post probably told you guys, this week shall be known as the Week of Awesome. Therefore, I will be telling you about a very cool organization called Doctors Without Borders, or Medicins Sans Frontieres (I dunno how to add accents onto the letters), aka MSF. Their website is, which has a lot of information on what they are and what they do. But basically, MSF is a humanitarian organization that works in around 60 countries around the world; they mostly give medical help, though while doing so they also try to help people get better living conditions and so on. They are quite awesome, really. Go check out the website; I didn't do a terribly good job of explaining this. 

Ahhhh! The one-month anniversary of 6CLF is coming up! :D :D I can't disclose any more information than Momo already has (top secret, remember), but I will reiterate the fact that involves sock puppets (in fact, I've got another 6LCF drawing with sock puppets as the subject); I will also say that we will probably post something really really cool on Sunday, as well as our semi-usual Sunday post (see, we don't post on Sundays unless there's something cool and interesting happening, or we just have to say something. That's why the last two Sundays have been mysteriously devoid of posts).

I've been reading Night Watch by Terry Pratchett for the past couple of days, and there's a few quotes I just had to post:

The Rust family had produced great soldiers, by the undemanding standards of "Deduct Your Own Casualties From Those Of The Enemy, And If The Answer Is A Positive Sum, It Was a Glorious Victory" school of applied warfare.
[Doctor] Lawn his other hand he was holding the world's biggest syringe. [Vimes] saw the huge instrument in [Lawn's] hand. "What in the hell were you going to do with that?"
"Baste a turkey, in fact."
Havelock sighed, but inwardly, since he respected his aunt. He just wished she was a bit more sensible about cats. He felt instinctively that if you were going to fondle a cat while talking about matters of intrigue, then it should be a long-haired white one. It shouldn't be an elderly street tom with irregular bouts of flatulence.
People are content to wait a long time for salvation, but prefer dinner to turn up inside an hour.

Oh, yes. The Question of the Day*. Hrm. Lemme think of a good question.
Alright, I've got three.
WHAT is your name?
WHAT is your quest?
WHAT is the capital of Assyria?**
[Thank you loads, Monty Python--we love you!] 

So, yeah. That's basically it for this last Tuesday of May. See you guys in June!

*In fifth grade, my teacher had a Question of the Week, which he called QOTWs (pronounced "kwaht-wuhs")...This reminds me of that, for some reason. But it'd be a "kwaht-duh." Somehow, that doesn't sound nearly as cool.

**This question can be replaced with:
1) WHAT is your favorite color?
2) WHAT is the air-speed velocity of an unladen [European/African; the questioner should make sure to specify, lest said questioner fall into a Misty Pit of Doom] swallow?
3) a "WHAT" question of your choice

Monday, May 24, 2010

Theme Week #2 Begins!

Before I get into the writing of my actual post, I would like to end theme week #1. And with a bang..ish. I was thinking about Blue Laws (or silly laws) that I could write about, but I couldn't choose one particular place. So instead, I looked up the top 100 dumbest laws in America. I chose a site that had them all in order already, but I didn't think I should copy and paste all 100. Instead, I will tell y'all of the top 20. *Dims the lights*. This is...The Top 20 Count Down!
  1. It is illegal to drink beer out of a bucket while sitting on the curb-Illinois
  2. It is illegal to fish in your pajamas-Illinois
  3. It is illegal to hunt from an aircraft-Iowa
  4. It is illegal to hunt whales-Kansas (it's funny because I doubt there are many whales in Kansas!)
  5. It is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket-Kentucky
  6. it is illegal for children to attend school with their breath smelling of wild onions-West Virginia
  7. You can't kill a hedgehog you have as a pet with a green colored dagger-Vermont
  8. It is considered an offense to push a live moose out of a moving airplane-Alaska (I know we already had this one!)
  9. It is illegal to set a mouse trap without a hunting license-California
  10. It is illegal to pile horse manure more than six feet high on a street corner-California
  11. It is illegal to walk across the street on your hands-Connecticut
  12. It is illegal to fart in a public place after 6:00 pm on Thursdays-Florida
  13. It is illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp-Georgia (gosh darnit! We already had that too!)
  14. It is illegal for a man to give his sweetheart a box of candy weighing less than fifty pounds-Idaho
  15. It is illegal for a woman to drive a car unless her husband is waving a flag in front of it-Louisiana
  16. It is illegal to take a lion to the movies-Maryland
  17. It is illegal to deface a milk carton and is punishable by a $10 fine-Massachusetts
  18. It is illegal to provide beer or other intoxicants to elephants-Missouri
  19. It is illegal to slurp soup-New Jersey
  20. It is illegal to greet each other by putting one's thumb on the nose and wiggling the fingers-New York
Haha. That was funny. Okay, and now theme week #2 starts. Goodness! Okey dokey then. I'm not  exactly sure what I'm supposed to do with this, but today we are starting our second theme I already said. We will be having the Week of Awesome (this was proposed by Virgil). This means that each curly fry must choose a charity of choice (that's redundant, I know) and tell the others why it is so awesome. The charity of my choice that I have chosen to choose is called Compassion® or Releasing children from poverty Compassion in Jesus' Name. <--And no, there are no commas. I'm not allowed to get into the specifics with religion, so if you don't believe in Jesus, just ignore the "in Jesus' name" part. What this charity is is a  Christian organization that gives families a child to sponsor. My family's child's name is Sheuly. She is from northwest Bangladesh and her family only makes about $32 a month. Each month my family sends $17. This small amount of money allows her to go to school with real books, get more quality food, better quality buildings in the village, and, of course, the introduction of Christianity. Along with this, we send her letters every once in a while and she sends letters back. It is a great charity and I think more families should join to help the millions of children in poverty.

Today I am not feeling as chatty as normal. Especially since it is so purty outside and I don't feel like sitting in front of this computer any longer. Besides, there isn't much to write about anyway, so this is about it.

News Section:

  • Starting today, instead of having what we learned today, we will be having the question of the day. I suppose you could choose one or the other depending on what is on your mind. The questions can be rhetorical like "What is the meaning of life?" or meant to be answered like "What is 1+1?" in which case they would be answered in the comments.
  • This week (for realz this time) we will be having the official one-month anniversary of the 6LCF. This special anniversary post will be very special...and secret... All I can say is that it involves sock puppets.
My question for the day is not rhetorical. It is quite a good question I think, and that is:
Should a boy, even if he is going out with a girl already, not ask her to the school dance that just happens to be next week because they decided (over email or something) that they will go (they said "I guess" though) together, or should he still ask?

The End

P.S. I just noticed (when I wrote "The End") that I had written this entire post on the wrong I had to copy and paste all of it here.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I Like Things With One-Word Titles, but This isn't One of Them.

Hello everyone! Happy May 22nd, 2010. There will only be one May 22nd, 2010 --EVER!! --so make the most of this one. Unfortunately, I must do homework and study for finals today >.<; what a terrible way to spend a perfectly good May 22nd. Five of the 6LCF (Lynda couldn't go... she was there in spirit, though!) went to our local Target today to get pretty socks for a very special Curly Fries project. Together, we picked out socks for Lynda... I do hope she likes them. I paid for them. A whole 2 dollars. Generous, no?

Ooh!! People have been talking about this new posting toolbar all week, but I have yet to see it. It's shmancy! There are bullet points and everything!! (...wait, were there bullet points before? Hm...) (That part got highlighted in white and I can't figure out how to undo it >.>)
Today's post is going to be written in parts. I'm not sure how many parts there will be, but you can expect quite a few. If I spend an extended amount of time writing and not doing my homework, my sister (let's call her Katherine) will yell at me. And if there's one thing that will ruin my May 22nd, it's getting yelled at by Katherine. (Actually, it's already happened two or three times, but I don't want to make it four.) So, to appease Katherine, I shall write one part of the post, do some homework, then write some more, do more homework, and so on. We'll consider this little introduction the first part. I'm off to do my maths.
And I'm back! I finished my maths homework - radicals are fun. When I checked the odd-numbered problems in the back of the textbook, half of them were wrong, but it's okay. Textbooks make mistakes. :) Unfortunately, my method of getting "Katherine" not to yell at me hath failed. She yelled at me when I was on my way upstairs (I'm not really sure why...), and then she came upstairs to ask me for help on some homework, which resulted in more yelling at me (because I was trying to explain that she had made a mistake in which number to substitute for "c" in the quadratic formula). Anyhow, enough about her. I probably need a good yelling at every once in awhile, anyways. Just maybe not every hour.

This week, I learned that there's cyanide in apple seeds. (xiy told me, and then this fact was confirmed by my dad, who knows everything.) I also learned why "chicken Parmesan" is called that even though the cheese on top of it isn't Parmesan - they bake Parmesan cheese into the breadcrumbs! That's why it tastes so good. Interesting, n'est-ce pas? (I learned the cheese fact from my French teacher. Madame Hdiamond gets off-topic easily; that's why we love her.) I also learned the pluperfect and future perfect tenses in Latin. That's four things... I learned a lot this week!

Because it's THEME WEEK, I have looked up a number of silly laws from my homeland of Great Britain, where the Great Brits live.

1.) A taxi driver must ask passengers if they are suffering from plague or smallpox.
2.) A bed may not by hung out of a window.
3.) Any boy under the age of 10 may not see a naked mannequin.
4.) Any person found breaking an egg at the sharp end will be sentenced to 24 hours in the village stocks.
5.) Any whale washed up on the shore is property of the Queen, so she can use its bones for her corset.
6.) All double-decker buses must be painted red.
7.) It is forbidden to ask a Scotsman what he wears under his kilt.
8.) It is illegal for any commoner's pet to have sex with a pet belonging to the monarch.
9.) It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
10.) All land must be left to the eldest son.

Speaking of England, I must now go do my English homework. (<- Unnecessary)
...and the English homework is done! Actually, I still have an extra credit essay to write (because I'm an overachiever) that I think is due Friday... eh, I'll do it later. (<- Unnecessary)

So, let's see here. I had stuff that I was going to write about today, and it was all planned out in my head, but... oh yes! Another Harry Potter drabble!! It was written for a Mother's Day Challenge, and it's a wee bit corny, but that's what Mother's Day is for. Warning: involves awkward Harry/Ginny. He should have gotten with Luna.
P.S. This ended up being quite a bit longer than I originally intended. I apologize.
In my mind, when I was younger, I used to romantically compare Harry’s eyes to emeralds sparkling in the lamplight. Today, however, they look more like distant lakes glazed over with a thick layer of algae. I am tempted to dip my foot into the water and see was lies below, but there is no need. Tomorrow is the anniversary of his parents’ deaths, the first anniversary since he defeated Voldemort. He is thinking to himself, something he has been doing a great deal ever since the Battle.

We sit in silence, exchanging emotions in the place of words. I touch his hand; he takes it willingly in his own. I open my mouth to speak, and he does the same simultaneously.
“You first,” he murmurs.
“So…” I begin, not knowing what to say.
Suddenly, the door of my room swings open to reveal Ron, with his hand clamped over his eyes. “Put your clothes back on and come downstairs – we’re about to start Mum’s birthday dinner without you,” he says.
“We’re just sitting together, mate,” Harry says, his face turning pink as he does so.
“Yeah, for now.” Ron exits without another word, leaving Harry and me to have a few more words together before joining the madness that is the Weasley dinner table.

“The party’s waiting,” I say to him softly.
Downstairs, a feast like no other has been prepared by Dad and George. Mum is sitting at the head of the table, and every few seconds somebody has to push her back into her seat as she keeps trying to help set the silverware. Once we enter, the bustling seems to settle down and everybody takes their seats. Harry is grinning almost as wildly as Mum now. His eyes are lit up once again, just as they were in the days of our youth. As Mum looks around the table and beams at every family member in turn, her smile does not change when her gaze reaches the man who has jet black hair rather than ginger.
One at a time, we each offer a birthday toast. When it comes to Harry’s turn, he seems to be trembling, as if he’s not sure if he has the right to speak. I give him a small nudge, and he raises his wine glass.
“You’ve always been there for me when I’ve needed it – there for all of us – and, y’know, people say that I’m an orphan,” he gulps hesitantly, “but, it’s not true. You’ve been a mother to me in times when I’ve needed one most, so Molly… Mum… here’s to you.”
We clink glasses with one another and break into a very loud and out-of-tune chorus of "For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow.” As we sing, Mum and Harry’s eyes are locked in a loving gaze that can only be shared between a mother and son. A single tear of joy edges its way down her rosy-red cheeks.
Perhaps I can share her with one more person.
I warned you about the corny-ness. It's cornier than Boston Market cornbread.
I'm going to go do my Latin homework now. When I get back, I'm going to talk about the release of "The Necromancer" (siriusly? The swanky new toolbar doesn't have underlining?) and the awesomeness that is "The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel." Be excited. (<- Unnecessary)
(Unnecessary ->) Latin homework is done. Yayy. Now, I shall write an excessive amount of words relating to the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. I would like to give you the option to skip over this next paragraph, but I'm not going to, because I actually really do want you to read it. I suppose I can't really stop you from just skimming it over, though. I have yet to perfect my mind-control skills. Warning: I might get just a little bit overexcited.

The Necromancer comes out on May 26th. Do you have any idea how soon that is? FOUR DAYS!! Ahhh!! You don't know what The Necromancer is? Well, I'm about to tell you. The Necromancer is Book Four of a six-part series called "The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel," which is possibly one of the best fantasy series of all time, coming in a close second after Harry Potter. It's actually a lot like Percy Jackson and the Olympians, only it's more true to the actual mythology, and it's better, especially in terms of plot. The first book, The Alchemyst, introduces a pair of twins (twins are awesome. Have I told you that I'm a twin? I don't think I have.) named Sophie and Josh, who may or may not be the "Twins of Legend." It's epic. The whole entire novel takes place over the timeframe of a matter of hours, and it's based on a variety of mythologies, especially focused on Norse, but also a lot of Greco-Roman and some Egyptian as well. The main character (besides the twins) is Nicholas Flamel, born in 1330. He's immortal, and he's been guardian of this really ancient book called the Codex for centuries - which is what keeps him and his wife alive, because it has the recipe for the Elixir of Life. Anywho, within the first ten pages of Book One, Dr. John Dee (also immortal) steals this book to give to his Dark Elder masters (the bad guys who want to destroy humanity and retake the world) and... the adventure begins. I won't give anything else away. Once again, the first book is called The Alchemyst. #2 is The Magician, #3 is The Sorceress, #4 is The Necromancer (which comes out in four days AHHHH) #5 is The Warlock (coming May 2011) and #6 is The Enchantress (Coming May 2012). You should honestly read these books, especially if you, like me, have an interest in mythology - or if you just like fantasy in general. Honestly, I'm so glad that these books started coming out after Harry Potter ended, or else I would have almost nothing to look forward to in life.

Going on and on about this amazing series, I haven't yet mentioned the author! Tsk, tsk. The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel is written by Michael Scott (no, not like from the Office) who is: 1) Irish, and therefore has an amazing accent 2) AWESOME. 3) really involved in the Flamel "fandom" - he answers almost every question that anybody asks (unless it involves spoilers), and he participates in the discussions on the Flamel forums (which you can find here) 4) AWESOME.

Speaking of books, I just finished a book called "The Greatest Knight" by Elizabeth Chadwick, and it was one of the best historical fiction novels I've ever read! It's set in the Middle Ages and it's about a knight named William Marshall (who was actually one of the characters in the Robin Hood movie that I talked about in my last post). The paragraphs are quite long (hehe, kind of like mine are sometimes), but it's very entertaining and fast-paced (most of the time), and a lot of the settings are places that I've been in England and France, which is cool, because I can picture those places in my head.

Okay, well I'm done rambling for the day. Have a nice week.

Peace, Love, & Otters,


P.S. I'm too lazy to edit this for grammar. House (and Momo!) can feel free to do so if she so pleases.(Done.)
P.P.S. I apologize for the very long post. I guess I'm making up for last week's very short post.

Friday, May 21, 2010

"Nerdfighting" is Totally a Proper Verb

"Because of [N]erdfighting, I have finally found the courage to seek a Great Perhaps." - An Anonymous Nerdfighter
Hello ^_^

Part I: Strange Alaskan Laws

cIf you are in Alaska:
Moose may not be viewed from an airplane.
While it is legal to shoot bears, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited.
(In certain cities of Alaska:)
It is considered an offense to push a live moose out of a moving airplane.
No one may tie their pet dog to the roof of a car.
It is illegal to string a wire across any road. (Heh ^_^)
Persons may not live in a trailer as it is being hauled across the city.
It is considered an offense to feed alcoholic beverages to a moose.
A person may only carry a concealed slingshot if that person has received the appropriate license.
Moose may not... ah, "do it" in the streets.

(Kay, we'll stop right there....)

Part II: National Geographic Centerfold Posters = Love

So we were in Science today. We looked up and saw a rather large blob of yellow on the bookshelf in the back of the room, which was a cause for great excitement, of course, since this great big mass of yellow was a ginormous collection of National Geographics from around 1997 to 2000. When we flipped through one of them, we realized that there was a MAGNIFICENT POSTER* in the middle!! So we then flipped through all the other issues, searching for more MAGNIFICENT POSTERS, until we managed to find allllll of them. Then we laid them out on the table, divvied them up. (Some of them that we received: a map of ancient Rome [Momo], buried treasures [Lynda], biodiversity [xiy], physical science [Carrie], and the universe [House]) And now wherever we choose to hang them up (Momo hung hers up in her room above her bed. It looks pretty jokes** ^_^)

Part III: ... I Think That's About It....

... aaand, yeah... that's pretty much it. Kbai. (Sorry about the rather short post- *Pauses* *Gasp!*)

That is not it!
What I have learned[/realized/decided] today: If I were to ever have a getaway horse, I would name him/her/it Trixie. And he'd/she'd/it'd be a really awesome horsie.

Okay, now bye. Like, for real.

With all due respect,

*[Yeah, pulling a Cooking teacher one on ya.]

**[In Nerdfighterspeak, "jokes" means "cool".]


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wacky Ways of Washington

Helllloooo people!
Today, is Thursday, my day. How cool is that? Since today is a theme week, I will be posting about the strange and wacky laws of Washington!
1. All lollipops are banned.
2.When two trains come to a crossing, neither shall go until the other has passed. (Does that make sense?)
3. It is mandatory for a motorist with criminal intentions to stop at the city limits and telephone the chief of police as he is entering the town (Which basically means, if you're about to commit a crime, please call the police before coming into the area. This was meant to curb the loads of criminal acts commited...Obviously, it didn't work)
4. It is illegal to pretend that one's parents are rich. 
5. Women who sit on men's laps on buses or trains without placing a pillow between them face an automatic six-month jail term. 
6. You may not ride an ugly horse.
7.It is illegal to attach a vending machine to a utility pole without prior consent from the utility company.
8.  All motor vehicles must be preceded by a man carrying a red flag (daytime) or a red lantern (nighttime) fifty feet in front of said vehicle.
 9. All "motor vehicles" to carry an anchor to be used as the emergency brake.
10. A man may be looking at five years of jail time for "deflowering" a virgin. This is against the law regardless of the woman's age or marital status.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

*Cue action theme-song* I'm on a mission...

Why, hello there! Sorry about the title; I actually did come up with a mission today. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what it is. :) Maybe one day... one fine day. But anyways, I messed up my finger yesterday... and now my typing is messed up. For the time being I'm not able to do a number of things (i.e.: type, play flute, participate in gym class, etc...) It really is not fun. So for the record, never ever play handball. Ever. Please promise me that you will not go and try handball because you may end up like me. Oh wait, you'll probably survive. I'm just such a dork, I get hurt in regular everyday activities (ie: turning corners, participating in gym, etc...) Still, be cautious, young ones... be cautious.
Hey! Ho! Lookie here! It's THEME WEEK! And as you may have read in previous posts, this week's theme is Blue Laws. *goes on Google to look up 10 blue laws to share with you* (and I get interrupted ...Hi House... and Momo. Thanks for IMing me while I'm posting. I promise I did not mean that in an annoyed tone.) But back on track...
Ten incredibly outrageous things that are illegal in Massachusetts (AKA- 10 blue laws in MA):
[Teehee, I'm using Roman numerals!]
I. It is illegal to give beer to hospital patients.
II. At a wake, mourners may not eat more than 3 sandwiches.
III. Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked.
IV. An old ordinance declares goatees illegal unless you first pay a special license fee for the privilege of wearing one in public.
V. Taxi drivers are prohibited from making love in the front seat of their taxi during their shifts.
VI. It is illegal to go to bed without having a full bath first.
VII. No gorilla is allowed in the back seat of any car.
VIII. Tomatoes may not be used in the production of clam chowder.
IX. Quakers and witches are banned.
X. Children may smoke, but are not allowed to purchase cigarettes. (I really don't like the first part of this law... smoking is bad and kills you. Doesn't MA love its children?)

Well, that was amusing, wasn't it? Much more amusing than my usual ramble. 'Tis all for now. DFTBA! ♥

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blue Laws

Whoa... This new posting thing is so
*ahem* Anyway, today's the first day of the first official Six Little Curly Fries theme week! From an agreement reached in the comments section of the previous post, the curly fries have decided to tell you wonderful readers about blue laws this week. So go get your food and drink from the Tower (look, it's a lovely neon black color today!), and sit down and listen to me ramble on.
So. A "blue law" is a law generally found in the United States that were originally supposed to enforce various religious standards; most of them were about alcohol and Sundays, though not necessarily together. Some say that blue laws are called blue laws because they were originally printed on blue paper. However, that has never been proven. Most blue laws have been declared unconstitutional or just left unenforced.
...Hmm. I just Googled "blue laws," and apparently a real blue law is just any law regarding drinking/gossiping/"sinful" behavior done on Sundays, though my US History teacher said that a "blue law" is just any unenforced silly law. So, in order to keep you readers interested, I will go with the latter definition (if you want to hear about the colonial blue laws and/or legal drinking times, or just background stuff on *real blue laws*, please leave a comment and I or another curly fry will do a post on it).
Y'know what? Just to clear up confusion, we could call these laws "silly laws." Whether they're *blue* or not, they're still funny and interesting, and I'm all about keeping you guys interested (whether I do a good job is another matter entirely). People, please vote on the naming--should we stick with "blue laws," or change it to "silly laws"?
[Basically, that last paragraph was a disclaimer; I don't want people--i.e., legal buffs--telling me I don't know what the heck I'm talking about. Maybe I do, maybe I don't; the laws are still real, even if they're not blue laws.]
Here goes:
1) In Maine, a law says that people are required to take shotguns to church in case of a Native American attack.
2) In Watersboro, Maine, it is illegal to have a dog leash over eight feet long.
3) Men with shaved chests are not allowed to run around in Omaha, Nebraska.
4) In Colorado, one is not allowed to mutilate a rock in a state park.
5) Throwing missiles at cars is illegal in Alamosa, Colorado (gee, I never knew that!).
6) Women must get permission from their husbands in order to wear false teeth in Vermont.
7) It is also illegal in Vermont to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole.
8) In Akron, Ohio, it is illegal to sell colored chickens.
9) In Indiana, the value of pi is, by law, 3.
10) In Florida, if an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.

I think ten laws is enough for one day. Don't worry; Carrie, Lynda, House, Virgil, and Momo will all be posting blue/silly laws for you wonderful readers.

Lastly, I would like to end with a poem. It is "Ode," by Arthur O'Shaughnessy, and it's probably (1) the most epic poem ever, (2) one of the few pieces of poetry I really, really love, (3) EPICNESS INCARNATE, and (4) Just awesome.
If you hate the poem, it's okay; I'll accept that. I like to think of myself as very open to people's opinions. ^.^
Oh, and by the way, apparently there is an abridged version of the poem (three stanzas) and then there's the entire poem (nine stanzas). I'll just be posting the abridged one because I don't want this post to be too long; it's long enough already.

Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy

We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamer of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems.

With wonderful deathless ditties,
We build up the world's great cities,
And out of a fabulous story
We fashion an empire's glory:
One man with a dream, at pleasure,
Shall go forth and conquer a crown;
And three with a new song's measure
Can trample an empire down.

We, in the ages lying
In the buried past of earth,
Built Nineveh with our sighing,
And Babel itself with our mirth;
And o'erthrew them with prophesying
To the old of the new world's worth;
For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth. 

See you guys next week!

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Post From Momo:

Woah! New style, look what I can do now: couldn't do this before! Or this: sweet! And different preview thing, and page breaks!
Sorry, the formatting for posting changed, I would stop, but it is just so fun! Weee! BTW, this post is going to be in 4 parts-ish...unless I ramble. Then it may be 5 or 6. But then again, I may forget what to write a part, so it may be 2 or 3 parts (crap. I'm rambling, never mind).
Happy Monday, May 17, 2010! Enjoy it now, because this moment will be gone in a few seconds, there it goes. So sad.  Ahem. Did you know that today is a very "holidayful" day? Because it is (oh no she did not just begin a sentence with "because" *gasp*). Today is Armed Forces Day, UN World Information Society Day, UN World Telecommunication Day (that sounds interesting, eh?), World Hypertension Day (as does that), Anniversary of the 1st US Same-Sex Marriage (yay!), Mia Hamm's birthday, and Constitution Day (Norway). Man, I just love World Hypertension Day! FTW!


Have you heard about our cooking teacher yet? Ms. Land we'll call her. She is extremely stupid, annoying, culturally challenged, and frankly, a very bad cooking teacher. This week, we will be learning about Asian Cuisine. I do not think however, that Ms. Land realizes that "Asia" is not just China. She asked xiy and House what they could tell the class about what they eat at home and where they are from. House is adopted, but she has been to China before. She doesn't eat Chinese food at home, but Ms. Land doesn't understand that. xiy does eat Chinese food at home, but seemed a tad annoyed with Ms. Land's pronunciation of words, her descriptions of food, and just a tad annoyed with her references to other Chinese traditions. I think they should have made Ms. Land look even dumber by doing this:

Ms. Land: "House," [she didn't actually say House] "where are you from? What do you eat at home?"
And House should have said: "Um. I'm Korean. I don't know about Chinese food."
She didn't do that though because she is too good. *Sigh*. Then somehow, our class got into this whole argument with Ms. Land whether it is pronounced "sherbet" or "sherbert". I, being the short-tempered little girl that I am, shot my hand up and said, "Well, actually, I think some people call it sherbert and that both are correct." Needless to say, Ms. Land does not like smart-a**s like she made a bet. She told me that if I brought in a product (not a picture) with "sherbert" written on it, she would give me 50 extra credit points. That is a lot of extra credit. Soooo I did a little research. I found out that sherbert is another name for sherbet and that both are appropriate. I also discovered that sherbert is slang in Britain and Australia for beer. I told my mom about this, and she and I are about to go to the grocery store to buy some sherbert/sherbet. If we can't find any with the actual label of "sherbert", I will make my own label with a sticker machine I have. Mwhahahaha! I feel so evil!


Guess what?!?! This week (well, on Friday) [Edit: Er, actually next Saturday...], 6LCF will be celebrating their one month anniversary! On Sunday (I think) we will be having a collab. post talking about the history, or lack thereof, of the Curly Fries. Look forward to that...

If we did not mention it already, last Saturday we had a very successful flashlight tag/Monty Python party. Sadly, Carrie couldn't make it, but she was there in spirit. Also, if you don't know, flashlight tag is like, a tradition of us. It is a cross between hide-and-go-seek, freeze tag, and ghost in the graveyard. You have to wait until it is dark outside, then have one person be "it". They count to 60 while everyone else hides. The "it" person must find everyone by shining a flashlight on the person (this is called "being tagged"). If you are tagged, you must go to jail. You may try to leave jail, but the "it" person normally keeps a close eye on you. People can also free you if they are free and they tag you. Once everyone has successfully been locked up, the round is over and you begin again. We try to play this a lot, it's super fun. I don't have anything else to see you, talk to you, until next week...Bye!

I lied! I forgot to say what I learned this week. This week I learned that "What had happened was..." is in the plu-perfect tense. That's all. I couldn't think of anything funny. Now laugh and go away. Bye. For realz.

Never mind. I lied again. I want to have a theme this week. Leave any theme suggestions in the comments, then xiy can have the first theme post and I can finish it off next Monday. Unless no one wants a theme. I would be sad. Happy Hypertension Day!!!!!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday (insert clever aliteration here)

The day you've been waiting for all week is finally here! It's SATURDAY!! (pause for applause - hey, that rhymes!)
I'm typing exceptionally fast today because I just got back from a very long game of tennis with my dad, and I guess tennis exercises (ugh, I can never spell that word. I had to go look it up) your fingers... or something. Or maybe I'm just in a fast-typing mood. Anyways, on to business. Today, I learned that Robin Hood's last name wasn't "Hood," it was "Longstride." Robin Hood was his hood name. More on that later. This post is going to come to you in FIVE PARTS but don't worry, they'll be short.

Part 1) New updates on my "Virgil" fanfiction account!! Although I write fanfiction that doesn't go on this account, these are the pieces that I don't mind my friends and readers seeing. This is a link to my author page: CLICK ME! I recommend "Behind the Curtain" (which is currently the second one on the list) but "The Rat's Lament" is also new (hence, it has no reviews... yet).

Part 2) INFINITUS!! Ahh!!! There's going to be a Harry Potter conference called Infinitus at the Wizarding World theme park this July, and guess who's going - me!! We're going to have the geek party of the century. I am so pumped, it's actually kind of ridiculous.

Part 3) I saw Robin Hood last night, and it was so good! The plot was quite drawn-out though; it was probably about half an hour longer than it really needed to be, but who cares? Plus, I'm related to Stereotypical Dim-Witted King :]

Part 4) 17 more days of school!!! We only have two more five-day weeks, and then Memorial Day week, and then the last week of school!

Part 5) My big sister tried on her cap and gown last night *sniff, sniff* she's growin' up! Tonight's her prom, and she just got her hair done up all nice and perty.

So, yeah. This is a relatively short post (well, compared to my other posts) but then again, I'm quite a short person. I might be the shortest of the 6LCF. ("So why do they call you Little John?" "What are you trying to insinuate? I am proportional!" - Robin Hood)

Peace, Love, & Otters,


Friday, May 14, 2010

dang i forgot to put in a title and now it's Saturday... frick. fail.


1. Omg Auditions Imgonnadie

First and foremost, I've got auditions for a band/symphony-group-thing, which I've just about died a few too many times over in the past week or so. (Virgil's trying out for the same group. There are upper and lower groups. She'll make it into the upper; I'm just trying to get in. We both play the flute. Carrie also plays the flute.*)

2. Hands

Hands are pretty bloody impressive. As a FBI agent friend of one of my teachers once said, "Someone can kill you with their hands. They can't kill you with their feet." People can pull a gun with you quite easily with their hands. Doing that with your feet is harder. (Just a little bit.) A ring can symbolize a person being married... or they're just lonely, pitiful, and/or can't accept reality. Hands can also convey emotion. A girl "b*tch-slapping" you can show that she is really, really upset with you. The feel of another person's hand grasping to yours can convey love, trust, and/or fear.

3. Romance and the 6LCF

1 in a new relationship
1 in a existing relationship
1 in denial that she likes someone (but not really because she doesn't, but we're going to try to convince that she likes him/he likes her, anyway, since we don't have much else to do)
1 crushing over a certain someone
2 Not in a relationship/I dunno (Not that I don't care. I just dunno.)

4. Frikkin Pickles

So I was at the store buying pickles. I got little chip ones for my sammiches, but then had to go look for larger pickles for eating outside of sammiches. I picked up a jar of spears, thinking that they were dill spears, since the label was the exact same, but nooo. They were (agh) sweet pickles. I did not realize this until I took that first, horrendous bite. Now my retainer is going to taste like sweet pickles. Omg.

5. The Brand New Banner Thing!!!

(It was drawn by xiy, by the way.) I wanted to point out the little details to you that might have not caught them:
Virgil: Has symbol of the Deathly Hallows on shirt; is holding a pencil
Momo: Is holding a hedgehog; has unicycle on shirt; is in the typical "ta-da!" stance because she is hyper/happy
Carrie: Is wearing mismatching knee socks; has dinosaur on shirt; heart above head
xiy: Has eighth note and piano keys on shirt; has pencil behind ear; is carrying a notebook
Lynda: Is standing on books, pretending she is tall; has "NO SWIMMING" on shirt; is looking fondly at a dollar bill
House (me): Listening to music; has American Eagle logo on shirt; is the only one wearing a skirt
Other: Notice the lovely unicorn, url [that you are already at], dinosaur**, painter with cool hat, xiy's signature, rainbow, lovely radiant ray-thingys coming off of us, science beaker with bubbly liquid, glasses with fake nose/mustache, unicorn, Archie (who has chocolate ^_^), and subtitle "WHERE WE REJECT YOUR REALITY AND SUBSTITUTE OUR OWN"***.

6. What I Learned

Today, I learned two things:
1) Hugging someone when they're wearing a black tee shirt that is very warm can be rather pleasant.
2) Lynda should probably ask me to supervise her if she ever puts on mascara again.

With all due respect,

(Not too exciting, yeah. I know.)

Edit: I really suck at remembering to put in a title... yeah, sorry 'bout that, then.

*Which is surprising because we are all very awesome people. Not that flute isn't an awesome instrument or anything, but the tenor sax still has us beat by a lot. (In my usually-not-so-humble opinion.)

**She is my dinosaur, actually. Her name is Kitty and has taken up residence on Nerdfighteria Island.

***(Which is a cute little tribute to Adam Savage, professional mythbuster)
