Friday, May 14, 2010

dang i forgot to put in a title and now it's Saturday... frick. fail.


1. Omg Auditions Imgonnadie

First and foremost, I've got auditions for a band/symphony-group-thing, which I've just about died a few too many times over in the past week or so. (Virgil's trying out for the same group. There are upper and lower groups. She'll make it into the upper; I'm just trying to get in. We both play the flute. Carrie also plays the flute.*)

2. Hands

Hands are pretty bloody impressive. As a FBI agent friend of one of my teachers once said, "Someone can kill you with their hands. They can't kill you with their feet." People can pull a gun with you quite easily with their hands. Doing that with your feet is harder. (Just a little bit.) A ring can symbolize a person being married... or they're just lonely, pitiful, and/or can't accept reality. Hands can also convey emotion. A girl "b*tch-slapping" you can show that she is really, really upset with you. The feel of another person's hand grasping to yours can convey love, trust, and/or fear.

3. Romance and the 6LCF

1 in a new relationship
1 in a existing relationship
1 in denial that she likes someone (but not really because she doesn't, but we're going to try to convince that she likes him/he likes her, anyway, since we don't have much else to do)
1 crushing over a certain someone
2 Not in a relationship/I dunno (Not that I don't care. I just dunno.)

4. Frikkin Pickles

So I was at the store buying pickles. I got little chip ones for my sammiches, but then had to go look for larger pickles for eating outside of sammiches. I picked up a jar of spears, thinking that they were dill spears, since the label was the exact same, but nooo. They were (agh) sweet pickles. I did not realize this until I took that first, horrendous bite. Now my retainer is going to taste like sweet pickles. Omg.

5. The Brand New Banner Thing!!!

(It was drawn by xiy, by the way.) I wanted to point out the little details to you that might have not caught them:
Virgil: Has symbol of the Deathly Hallows on shirt; is holding a pencil
Momo: Is holding a hedgehog; has unicycle on shirt; is in the typical "ta-da!" stance because she is hyper/happy
Carrie: Is wearing mismatching knee socks; has dinosaur on shirt; heart above head
xiy: Has eighth note and piano keys on shirt; has pencil behind ear; is carrying a notebook
Lynda: Is standing on books, pretending she is tall; has "NO SWIMMING" on shirt; is looking fondly at a dollar bill
House (me): Listening to music; has American Eagle logo on shirt; is the only one wearing a skirt
Other: Notice the lovely unicorn, url [that you are already at], dinosaur**, painter with cool hat, xiy's signature, rainbow, lovely radiant ray-thingys coming off of us, science beaker with bubbly liquid, glasses with fake nose/mustache, unicorn, Archie (who has chocolate ^_^), and subtitle "WHERE WE REJECT YOUR REALITY AND SUBSTITUTE OUR OWN"***.

6. What I Learned

Today, I learned two things:
1) Hugging someone when they're wearing a black tee shirt that is very warm can be rather pleasant.
2) Lynda should probably ask me to supervise her if she ever puts on mascara again.

With all due respect,

(Not too exciting, yeah. I know.)

Edit: I really suck at remembering to put in a title... yeah, sorry 'bout that, then.

*Which is surprising because we are all very awesome people. Not that flute isn't an awesome instrument or anything, but the tenor sax still has us beat by a lot. (In my usually-not-so-humble opinion.)

**She is my dinosaur, actually. Her name is Kitty and has taken up residence on Nerdfighteria Island.

***(Which is a cute little tribute to Adam Savage, professional mythbuster)



  1. Yay! Sammiches and pickles and banners! ^.^
    Though, really, I think that one really could kill someone with their feet if they really wanted to. Even though it'd be a whole lot more difficult, it could be possible.
    (Ohh, so that's where Kitty's living...I wondered where she'd gotten to... :p)

  2. 1)Sweet pickles? Blasphemy!!

    2)I have killed a man with these feet...

    3)nice post.

  3. @xiy: (Tell that to FBI dude, not me. [Like, it'd be *wayy* more difficult, but still possible.]) Yup ^_^ We decided that getting a warrant to house a dinosaur in our backyard in Chicago *might* not work out... but of course she'd be welcomed to Nerdfighteria Island. So that is where she will reside :)

    @Virgil: 1) I know >.< 2) Which man[/woman {W, MMAS!}]? 3) Thanks. You're posing tomorrow. (You /probably/ already know that, but just a lil reminder. Or something. [I felt like telling you again.])

  4. ahem.

    1.) Sweet pickles are delicious! What are you saying you fiend?
    2.) The Black Knight insisted that he could kill a man with his feet. Take that FBI guy!
    3.) About that romance thing...IT LIES!!!!!!!!!!! That's all.

  5. @House, re. Momo #2) yeah, I'm not sure if you got the MP reference...

  6. Ohhh. You two should know that I simply do not have the time for such movies....

  7. whaddya mean "pretending to be tall"???
    Why is it that I find out about this post, like, a month later?
