Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, Virgil!!!

Today is June 30, 2010. There is a significance to today, as all readers should know. We've been talking about it for ages and ages and ages! Today is Virgil's BIRTHDAY!!! SHE'S TURNING [*beep* Due to security reasons, this message has been censored *beep*]!!! OMIGOSH!!! We're all so happy for her birthday, and that is why the whole blog has changed. The background, the glitter, the animation, the sparkles, the heading, and the proportions too! There are two videos which you should have noticed; one is Virgil's very own Google Search Story. The other is from our distant friend, Momo. Momo's at German Camp, so she can't be with us on this fantabulous day. She made a video a while back and ordered me to upload it on our blog when this special day came. IT HAS COME!!! So watch it. Look at the blog's glory. Gawp at it. Worship it. READ THIS POST...obviously. Now the CURLY FRIES will each write their own little section, about what they like best about Virgil, what they would've gotten Virgil if they had a million dollars to spare, and whatever else they want to write, about VIRGIL. The birthday gal. Virgil's name is also included, she can write her reaction to the festivities. It's optional, so Virgil, dearie, you don't have to write. (In honor of Virgil, the title, is in RED, her colour)
House: VIRGIL AHHH IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY AHHH HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!!! (Because I'm at my summer house, and I wasn't clever enough to plan a month ahead, I can't get your birthday present to you... -.-" But what I did was make a nice little slideshow of pictures that remind me of you, which you can watch to the left [to the left, to the left... yes? No. Okay.] of here.) What I like best about Virgil is that she's always happy and nice and cheery and faithful [... that sounds awk, sorry] and yeah ^_^ If I had a million dollars to spare, I'd hire Dan Brown and Dan Brown and Natalie and Daniel Radcliffe and the Vlogbrothers and James Galway and "Mrs. O'Hart" to come over to Virgil's house to help celebrate her birthday. [lolz, sorry. Didn't see Lynda's bit. Uh, then I'd get any people that Lynda's million didn't cover. And I'd hire an agent and legit editor/publisher/whatever for her soon-to-be bestselling books that she's gonna write.]
Momo: [See video to left]
Carrie: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Virgil!!!! Happy birthday to you!!!! And many moreeee... Well, I guess this is my post for today *frump* but as long as Virgil has the most amazing spectacular fantastic day, that's absolutely perfect with me! It's a bit hard to point out a few things that I love about Virgil, since I love everything about her! She's smart,,no she's hilarious! She always has a way to make anyone smile. :) I love how random she is. Like, if there's an akward silence, you can almost always count on Virgil to break it. Virgil is probably the absolute best writer and flute player I've ever met. And I love how she's modest about it, even though she's frickin' amazing. She's just been such a good friend to me these past years, and hopefully many years to come. To say the least, I wouldn't be the same person I am today if I never met her. FLUTE PLAYERS FTW! (<-- teehee! Sorry, couldn't resist.) I love you, girliee! ♥
Lynda:Oh dear. I started this but I have no idea what to write. I guess I'll start with what I like best about Virgil. I like how Virgil is always so crazy and obsessed with Harry Potter. She's always so nice to everyone. If I'm feeling pretty crappy, just seeing her little antics will make me laugh. I love how she loooovees curly fries, and how we named the blog, and ourselves after (admit it, it was named after Virgil's obsession) her favorite school food, curly fries. She always begged for curly fries from me and xiy because we got school lunches all the time. Ummm...of course, I like her because she's bloody brilliant, funny, Englishy, and because she's my fiancee!!! If I had a million dollars, I'd probably get Jo (JK Rowling) to go and visit Virgil, along with teh MuggleCast guys, Dan Brown, and ummm...Hank+John Green. I'd also buy her that roller coaster, Top-Thrill Dragster(TM/C/R), cuz she likes it so much(she can share it with Momo, I'm sure she'd be a good little girl, and share)and I'd get her tons of B&N or Borders giftcards. Happy Birthday, Virgil!
xiy: [Just a short note before I get to the good stuff: Lynda, Lynda, Lynda. You really need to work on your commas. Most of the commas in the introduction were quite unnecessary, young lady. But since I don't want to be a buzzkill on such a "fantabulous," as you put it, day...] HAPPY BIRTHDAY, [note the comma!] VIRGIL!! AHH!
Soo... Am I supposed to list what I would hypothetically give you, Virgil? All right. We could...let's see... I'd get you a pass for the movie theater so that you could go see HP+DH as many times as you'd want (that sort of thing probably doesn't exist, but oh well). Or a time machine to go back to Rome. But time-traveling scenarios rarely work out well, so maybe not. OOH! I know! We could go to one of those re-enactment fair things (like a Renaissance fair, y'know?) for ROME. And then you could experience it all without any time-traveling side effects (i.e., getting killed accidentally)! And you could hone your mad Latin skillz.
Anyway, presents aside, today is most certainly a very special day.
We love you much, Virgil! ^.^ Have fun today! There's only one a year, after all.
VIRGIL:You guys are made of so much awesome that you just don't know what to do with it, do you? I guess I'll start off by saying that I love ya'll very much, and I couldn't ask for better friends. Siriusly. If I had a million dollars to get myself a birthday present, hm... that's tough. I quite like Lynda's idea of getting to meet all those people. I might just buy a million dollars' worth of books. Or I'd pay for us six Curly Fries to go on a vacation to Venice... hehe... or the Disney Cruise. <3

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

*Le Gasp*! It's the 6LCF Two/Bi-Monthiversary!

Happy two/bi-monthiversary, guys! Howzit goin' (I do hope you're all doing well and haven't been, oh, trampled by enraged hippogriffs or anything in the past day)?
I have the pleasure of announcing that today, June 29, 2010, officially marks the end of the second month that the Six Little Curly Fries blog has been in existence (and it's spelled with an "e," not an "a." Another one of my fanfiction pet peeves... But you don't need to hear about that)! It's been a great two months; I hope the blog'll keep going strong.
I've got a little pic for you that doesn't really have anything to do with two-monthiversaries, but it does pertain to blogs and I think it refers to a problem that, unfortunately, the 6LCF do seem to have. I'll just let the picture do the talking, 'kay?
Sorry about the usage of bad language; however, I think we're all mature enough to take it, aren't we?
Oh, and I think it's interesting to mention that I found this picture on another Blgospot blog that's been going on for years now, and apparently they celebrated their two-monthiversary as well. Woot, kindred spirit (of course, their blog had readers from practically the beginning, and ours totally doesn't; oh, well)!
What else is there to talk about?

Have any of you ever read The Tough Guide to Fantasyland, by Diana Wynne Jones? It basically parodies "regular" fantasy by listing a whole bunch of tropes (go visit to learn what a trope is; but don't blame me if you end up on that website the entire day--the place is quite addicting)--or cliches, but "tropes" is a cooler term--in alphabetical order, then treating them as if the book was a guidebook for a tour through "Fantasyland" (aka your generic fantasy, well, land).
Everything from "apostrophes" (how do you pronounce things like "Ga'orad"?) to the "reek of wrongness" is there, and the book is hilarious. Especially the reek of wrongness. So go read it if you haven't. 

So... I've been writing ("been writing" in this case meaning spending forever thinking of a good plot idea and then writing one chapter in a frenzy of inspiration) this one, erm, story (it's not a novel yet), and I was wondering if you nice people could read what I've written (heh, all less-than-one-thousand-words of it)? Pwetty pwease? 
Yeah, Virgil's the legit writer, but I do like to exercise my writing muscle once in a while. Not that anything good really comes out of it... -.-
I'm a better editor anyway (you should hear me when I'm reading fanfiction! There's only been a few where the grammar's really good; the story can be wonderful, but the authors always forget commas and semicolons and they don't know that if you're writing "[dialogue]," [person] said, you must put a COMMA after whatever the dialogue is and not a period!! ARGH.
For example:
"I don't like this." Bob said.
Even though it's supposed to be:
"I don't like this," Bob said.
See? A COMMA, not a period! 
But anyway, moving on...).
So, yeah. After my questions, I shall show you my great opus (ha!).

1) Have you read The Tough Guide to Fantasyland?
2) (After you read my excerpt) Do you think it's okay? Any suggestions?
3) (After you read my excerpt) Do you think I should continue this?
4) Does fanfiction grammar make you cry? Do you read fanfiction?
5) Are you happy that 6LCF has reached two months old?
6) Do you think we'll make it to a year? Two years?

All right, here's the excerpt (*hides*)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Since Momo Isn't Here Today...

Hello, all. Since Momo is at German camp without a computer handy, I, xiy, feel it necessary to post something here. Therefore, today's *post* will just be about the upcoming "events" of Six Little Curly Fries.
(Feel free to add to this, my fellow Curly Fries.**)

1) Virgil's Birthday
This is probably the biggest 6LCF celebration since the monthiversary. As you can probably tell from all the excited posts these past couple of weeks, Virgil's birthday is on June 30. Now, we may be making quite the fuss about it--too much, perhaps--but we Curly Fries do love throwing parties, be they real or virtual. Therefore, the birthdays of each of the Curly Fries are very special events indeed. On the 30th, there should be very pretty sparkly decorations set up (courtesy of Lynda, I think), along with much surreal food (there was a surprise set up, but that kind of died, so... yeah).
It's rather exciting, isn't it?

2) The 6LCF Book Club
(Maybe "6LCF-BC" for short?) We shall be discussing various books of our choosing--the first book we will be discussing has yet to be determined, due to the fact that not all of the Curly Fries are able to vote on it at the moment. It's located on a separate page. Go to the "Pages" sidebar and "Book Club" should be the third page from the top (right now, it's the last one), under "Quotes." We will read a TBA amount of the book each week, then post our thoughts/etc about said bit of book (at least, I think that's how it's going to be...please confirm this, fellow Curly Fries!). There might even be some structured questions, perhaps posed by a different Curly Fry each week. In the Susan Bones Book Club at Hogwarts (AKA the MNFF forums) for every post, somebody adds a new "TQ" (topic question) that everyone can answer. H: Sounds good.

3) The Two-Monthiversary*
Now, I realize that there will be no celebration video for the two-monthiversary, since, again, everybody is not present to make one. However, I feel that the two-monthiversary, which is actually tomorrow, June 29, needs a mention. Obviously we are celebrating on the 30th, so the two-monthiversary can be included in the festivities. The sock puppets won't make an appearance on YouTube or anything, though.
But, hey, let's have a small moment of private celebration!
April 29, 2010--June 29, 2010

(And Lastly...)
We are now entering the month of July, doncha know. This marks the second month of summer vacation for the Curly Fries. American Independence Day is coming up, too.***
Continue to have a nice summer, guys.

The Six Little Curly Fries

[House would like to note that she thinks that it's funny how there never are any comments on our collab posts. It makes sense, of course, but it's still kinda amusing.]

*Virgil thinks that it should be called the Bimonthiversary, because adding prefixes to words that aren't real words in the first place is so jokes.  
^Lolz, I like how "lawlz" sounds ^_^
**So we're doing it as a proper noun? Awesome.
^No, I didn't. In that situation, you don't necessarily need a comma. I've seen it done both ways in published books that presumably have been edited. HP, for example, doesn't use a comma before "...too." But A Great and Terrible Beauty does. So it's really a matter of taste.
Ha! ^.^
^Ah. I've always put a comma in because it keeps it nice and organised, but that makes sense. (I think about 25% of the commas I use are unnecessary... oops ^_^ [Like, if it could go either way, I put one in. Which is probably incorrect in some way. W/e.])

[Note to the other Curly Fries: I've been using the little signature thingy, if you haven't noticed.
If you guys don't like it, feel free to take it off of the collab posts.
{Alternatively, if you /do/ like it, then feel free to use it in your posts, as well. (Oh, yeah, and if you don't like
the "xoxoxoxo," then you can obviously take just that part out.)}
Idk. It's just a little thingy that I thought looked nice.
x House]

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Birthdays and Bagels and Books... Oh My!

Hello! Today is Saturday, June 26. Do you know what that means? (That's a rhetorical question, since I'm about to answer it anyways.) MY BIRTHDAY IS IN FOUR FREAKING DAYS.
(The song "Different As Can Be" just came on iTunes on shuffle. This makes me happy.)

People always talk about birthdays as if they're a great thing, but I don't really like them all that much. I like being a year older, one year closer to being allowed to drive/vote/legally purchase alcohol/etc, but I don't really like the idea of my actual birthday. I guess I'm excited for the presents, because I always get plenty of gift cards for bookstores, and I love buying books. 

You see, everyone says that a birthday is "your day" and that you can do whatever you want, but it's quite a bit different when you have to share your birthday with a twin. It's just another day when I have to figure out "compromises" (Me: I like chocolate cake! "Kate": I like yellow cake! Parent: *buys yellow cake*) and listen to Kate jump around for the five minutes in which she is older than me. It doesn't actually make sense, because she's always five minutes older than me no matter what the age numbers are, but... you know what I mean. (Her name isn't actually Kate, in case anybody was wondering.) I'm also a bit bummed out that my older sister, who doesn't have a 6LCF code name, won't be here for our birthday. I hardly get to see her all summer, really. This week, I was gone; next week, she'll be gone; the week after that, I'll be gone... you get the picture. 

I had a bagel when I got back from Reading Camp today, and it was awesome. Camp had really good food, but there were no bagels for some strange reason. Like, there were extremely legit hot breakfasts every morning with eggs and bacon and the whole "nine yards" (where does that expression come from? American football?) but no bagels. I loooovvvveeee bagels.  

Speaking of Reading Camp, it was awesome. I think it's probably the most responsibility I've ever had in my life so far, and it was a lot of work, but it was totally worth it and we had so much fun. The kids improved so much, and they were all so sweet. There was a ton of junk food out during the counselor breaks (AKA while the kids were with the teachers & after they went to bed) and I think that I gained a ton of weight, but I have a week to work it off. I'm excited for next year. (For the Curly Fries who are friends with me in Real Life on Facebook, there are seven hundred pictures up that you can creep on if you wish. That wasn't an exaggeration. There might actually be more than seven hundred...) 

I feel like I've been talking about myself a lot in this post. Hmmm. 

So.... yeah. A lot to look forward to in the coming weeks. 'Tis all very exciting. 

Questions for the Comments:
1) Do you know when the new Alex Day album will be available on iTunes?  (I was just wondering)
2) What do you like and/or dislike about birthdays?
3) How's your summer been so far?
4) What's your favourite word?
5) What was your favourite book when you were a kid learning how to read?

Peace, Love, & Otters,


Friday, June 25, 2010

Holy Frick... Jeez, It's Friday

"I'm not worried about a damn thing." —My grandfather (Papa)

Ahh, I walked around all day being like, "Hm.. it's Friday. That's nice." I sat down at the computer and looked at the screen, and the little thingy at the top of my monitor was all like, "Fri 7:00 PM," and I was like "Frickkkkk."

So anyway.

Happy Friday. I guess I don't have much to tell you... the only thing I suppose is notable is that I'm not where I am when I usually write up my posts; I'm at my summer house. So, yeah.

Oh, wait. Yes, I do have something to tell you:

Momo and Virgil often criticize me for being too bossy (teehee), and yeah, they're a bit right. But I'm usually what makes stuff get done, I guess. Or whatever. Anyway. Last frikkin forever ago, Virgil proposed the idea of a book club reading group thingy that we could do. And I think that's a fantastic idea, and the other Curly Fries seem to like the idea quite a bit, too ("AWESOME!!"), so I think we should do it. And getting us started, I guess, will be the theme for my questions [except the last one, that is].

1) Do you like the idea of us forming a little book club thingy?
2) Do you have any particular book[s] that you think we should read?
3) How should we go about discussion etc.?
4) What is your favourite book genre/type of book?
5) What is your least favourite book genre/type of book?
6) What book length are you comfortable with?
7) Do you have access to a library or somewhere else where you would have access to a lot lot lot of books that we might read for our club, in the case that we can not [for whatever reason] borrow from each other? [Just checking.]
8) Yes or no: Should we start off with a book we've pretty much all read and discussed already? (i.e. something like a John Green book)*
9) In our case, "Curly Fry" or "Curly Fries" is a proper noun, right? ("Hello, my name is Lynda, and I am one of the Curly Fries."/"This weekend, the Curly Fries went on a wonderful adventure through the streets of Venice.")

With all due respect,

*Virgil's kinda already asked this, and the group has given a pretty negative response (because we've pretty much already dissected it over our lunch period), but I'm just checking.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Holy *beep* It's my turn to post!

As you can tell from the title, I forgot it was my day until 2 minutes ago when I was on the blog, angrily wondering why no on had posted yet...*sigh* Summer does this to me. I forget almost everything, except for random things and recreational things...Alright, since I want to grow up, and become a technology person who's super rich and super smart, (in an Apple sense, not a Microsoft sense...I know Bill Gates is rich, I still would rather work for Apple...though Google's great too...) I will go on about the new iPhone, and my new iPod TOUCH!!!*mind wanders off*
Trouble he will find you no matter where you go, oh oh
No matter if you're fast, no matter if you're slow, oh oh
The eye of the storm or the cry in the mourn, oh oh
You're fine for a while but you start to lose control
He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh!
Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh
So don't forget as you ease on down the road
 Oops! Hey there again...a little sidenote  here: Who the heck is "Jay-Z"? I should probably know this.(It counts as a question) Alright now the song...It's by Lenka, and it's called "Trouble is a Friend", I rather like it. Now to technology: THE NEW iPHONE! It's called iPhone 4, and the technology is "iOS4". It's so freakin' cool! Now you can skip the next paragraph, it has technology mumbo-jumbo in it...
This is a review from the Wall Street Journal, by Walt Mossberg. "Just three years ago, Apple wasn’t in the mobile-phone business at all. Since then, its game-changing iPhone has become the most influential smartphone in the world. Now, on June 24, the company will roll out the fourth generation of the device, called the iPhone 4...Physically, the iPhone 4 is attractive and feels great in the hand. Even the back is now clad in glass, which Apple claims is a superstrong variety 30 times tougher than plastic. I dropped it several times from a few feet onto a hard surface with no problem, and it acquired no scratches at all in my testing, even though I didn’t use a case or coddle it. (I know that he's testing...but gosh, just imagining a beautiful new i...Always brilliant at marketing, Apple has dubbed its new screen the “Retina display.” At a resolution of 960×640, it has four times the pixels of its predecessor and displays a whopping 326 pixels per inch. I don’t know how it compares with the human retina, but I do know that, just as Apple claims, text on the screen shows no jagged lines, even when expanded to giant size..." Then it just keeps going...blahblahblah about the new folders that you can make, a limited amount of multitasking, and the faults of the signal bars and AT&T being the only server-blah blah blah.
Alright. Now to my new iPod....Technically, it isn't mine exactly, but I use it a lot. (Up to yesterday when my dad took it...) It's actually my mom's, I mean, it's registered to her account. My dad won it from this science thing in which he sent in a suggestion, and his name got picked as one of the three people who won iTouchs <- I highly doubt that's how I'm supposed to name it? Ah well, I'm too lazy to type iPod Touch six times. Anyways, it's really cool cuz I have these fun little games. One of 'ems called "Ninja" I love it! It's really fun, and then there's this traffic thingy in which cars crash...well they're not supposed to but, I tend to suck at it. :P Ah...oh there's this pointless game called "iDrag Paper" which is basically, you keep dragging the toilet paper roll until you get to the very end, as fast as you can. My fastest time is 10 seconds. Ummm... Yeah, I think I'm done for today. This is a rather large post....btw! Can anyone see the invisible stuff?
1.If pro and con are opposites, wouldn't the opposite of progress be congress?  
2.Why is it that on a phone or calculator the number five has a little dot on it? 
3.Is it legal to travel down a road in reverse, as long as you're following the direction of the traffic?
4. When atheists go to court, do they have to swear on the bible?
5.What do you do when you see an endangered animal that is eating an endangered plant?  
6.Why don't woodpeckers get headaches when they slam their head on a tree all day?
It's Virgil's b-day in 6 days! YAY! Not that we're doing anything...
Alright, last time, no one wrote "kapoo", let's try again all right? After all, I even gave out a clue! There's lotsa invisible words today! Write "kapoo" if you see 'em!

P.S. I've just found out *giggle*, that I'm ticklish on the thigh....please wait while I get my brother to stop tickling me!
There, I'm back...I always though I wasn't ticklish...I used to be ticklish in the armpits, now that's gone, I'm ticklish on my thighs. *sigh* So much for being immune. On the bright side, it looks awkward, tickling one's thighs, and it's much harder too! YAY! I am kinda immune!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

No, I have not almost forgotten to post.

Why hello there...
Today, I plan on philosophising. Ok, so earlier I was talking to a friend and he brought up some of his "Rules to Immortality" and I would like to expand on this consuming thought: When you're immortal, or possess immortality, do you just keep ageing forever? Or do you stop at a certain point? I've always thought that you just stopped ageing at a certain point and lived the rest of forever like that. And what if you wish to die? (You know, like those "I'll give you any wish...") Can you still die? Sorry, it's a bit morbid... but it's a thought, nonetheless. And can immortal people make their immortality disappear? Or is it just stuck there? I guess it really depends on the situation, but you can always wonder, right? Imagination only exapnds the mind. BEyond THE SKY is your limit. Hehe, do you like what I did there? Well, anyway, I guess that's my share in philosophy and wonder for today.
I have a little story for you today! Actually, it was from a couple days ago, but I wasn't able to post until today... Ok, so I was with my grandma (dang it, missed 11 11) and we passed an Arby's that was having some construction done. On the sign over the door it said "Even during construction we're open (or something along these lines). Caution: Beware of falling curly fries." It made me giggle a little bit. (: I would've taken a picture, but I didn't have my camera with me. Grrr.... The only thing I forgot! =/ Oh well...
Also, as good as a book that My Sister's Keeper is... like really it's amazing! It's so sad... I'm already about to cry and I started it two days ago. But I would recomend it. It's very deep and it makes you really understand the lives of family members of people with cancer and how it affects every single thing they do and say.
And I believe that is all for today, errm tonight?

Ah, So many questions, so little time...
1. Have you ever read My Sister's Keeper?
2. Do you have any questions?
3. If you could travel back in time; where would you go, who would you want to meet, and why?
4. What is your favourite number?
5. What are you thinking about right now?
6. Is this really the end of my post?

So go be crazy: throw a party! DFTBA ♥♥

 Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Hate Humidity and (female) Mosquitoes*!

Like the title says, I am not a big fan of humidity. Heat is alright, but when it's sticky as well, I start melting. See that little sentient puddle of goo over there typing this post for you? Yeah, that's me. It's not even that hot, really. In fact, there's kind of a cool breeze outside, but inside it's all icky, and inside is where the computer is. Sigh.
Oh, and the other thing I hate about summer is the mosquitoes. I, apparently, am extremely allergic to mosquito bites, and instead of getting neat little circular bumps like most people, I get these giant red patches that are disgusting to look at and extremely itchy. They actually kind of look like hives. Currently, there are three of said huge deformed bites on me (one on my left leg, two on my right), though, since they're about three days old, they're not quite as scary looking and not quite as itchy. Yay?

^Apparently, "yay" is not a word in the Safari *dictionary*. There's a little red line under it. I just thought that was interesting (since it's the first word with a little red line under it--I do pride myself on my good spelling ^.^).
Which brings me to another point--I hate it when spell check thinks a word is wrong when you know you've spelled it right; my name gets treated as such whenever I use a school computer and it's not added to the dictionary. In fact, on the school computers, anything you "add to [the] dictionary" on Microsoft Word gets deleted. So I can make the little red line under my name (which is not your typical English name, oh no) go away for one day, but then it's back the next day. I know this because I tried it in computer class; one uses the same computer each day, so it's not like I was using different computers or anything. It was quite the scientific experiment. XD I really don't get why it does that. I mean, even if one were to add swear words to the dictionary (and most are already in it; I'm just saying :p), all it does is take away the little red line. It doesn't do anything, except remove the annoying little line. And anyway, it *enriches* the computer's *vocabulary*, right? So why does the stupid thing reset every day? Argh.
But then, this is coming from the school who blocks department store websites (that, in fact, were necessary for a French-class project-thing that involved French fashion and stores) for "pornography," "lingerie," and "inappropriate images," but doesn't block, say, Facebook. It doesn't block Blogspot, but it mostly blocks LiveJournal. A perfectly innocent website can be blocked for "inappropriate content" or whatever. I don't even know the reason behind any of its "filtering." Anyway, rant aside...

My little sister can stand up by herself and walk a little (collective "awwwww, isn't that cuuuute! <3")! She can also say "da-da" and "ma-ma." So, yeah, we're getting there. She's also supremely cute.
But before this turns into one of those blogs devoted solely to baby-stuff, we must go onwards!

Tomorrow shall mark the one-week-until-Virgil's-birthday milestone! If you, the casual reader, haven't noticed yet, Virgil's birthday is on June 30th. We plan to give her a big party on that day, complete with confetti and colorful banners. Unfortunately, Virgil is not with us this week (no, she's NOT dead; what in the world are you thinking?) because of pirate reading camp--reading camp where they dress as pirates, not a camp where they read pirates--so she cannot celebrate her almost-birthday with us. Momo is gone to camp as well, and House is soon to follow (waaaah!). So a reduced number of curly fries must hold the fort as best we can. It sounds so exciting when put that way, doesn't it? :)

This has been quite a long post. I had fun typing it.
Unfortunately, you shall only be graced with my presence for a few more questions after this, and then I shall go and leave you for a whole week. *gasp* Yeah, I know, you're devastated. Sorry.

To the questions we go!
1) What's your favorite type of cake?
2) Do you like shiny new school supplies?
3) Aren't plums delicious?
4) Have you read through the entirety of My Immortal? If so, how does it end (since I never cared to finish it)?
5) Are you excited for Virgil's birthday?


*Because, you know, it's only the female mosquitoes that bite people. The male ones just hang around sucking plant juices.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Momo Go Bye-Bye :(

The title says it all. This is Momo, reporting in for her very last post for the next month. I don't know how any of you will be able to survive a whole month without my splendocity?<--That's a word, okay?! As I am sure many of you have figured out by now, I'm going to camp! I am super excited for this, but sad that I will miss all of y'all. I may write my posts and have my sister be the honorary scribe, but I don't know if I would have time to do that. Also, when I'm at camp, I lose track of the time and forget what day it is...which may be a problem. Besides that, the mail service at camp sucks, it takes a week to send mail from there home. Someone else could fill in for me if they wish. 
I'm not writing this on Monday. It's actually Thursday, but I must type now. Remember in my last post when I said I was going to camp on Monday? IT LIES! Camp does start on Monday, but I leave on Sunday. "But Momo," you may ask, "I thought you just said you weren't going on Monday? I'm so confused!"
My response to this would naturally be, "Well, little child. Momo has to go on Sunday so she can take a bus to camp on Monday. Meanwhile, on Sunday night, she must stay in an icky college dorm, with a complete stranger, in the blazing heat normally associated with Minnesota." You would nod your head up and down like a good little girl, and start sobbing because you don't want your beloved Momo to have to suffer in an icky college dorm, with a complete stranger, in the blazing heat normally associated with Minnesota. That is why I can't post on Monday and must type this now. "B-but Momo," you may ask, "Why are you typing on Thursday and not Saturday?"
And I would respond, "SHUT UP! The reason is is that on Friday I am going out of town (Pennsylvania...blah) for the day with our exchange student. He was here for a year and is leaving while I'm at camp."
I think that about covers it...I really hope someone figures out that they should post this for me on Monday...
I hate being white in summer. Do you know why? Sunburn. Oh, it is so painful (Lynda, don't mock me in the comments about how you never get burnt!) and red, and then it peels and gives you skin cancer. I was at Cedar Point again, which was AMAZING! I went on a total of 18 rides (including repeats) and I got to go on Top Thrill Dragster again!
In the morning, we got to the park before opening time, so we had to wait for it to open. Then, we (my dad, exchange student, another exchange student, and I) ran to the Dragster...even though police officers kept telling us to walk. We got there and there was already a a gigunduous line. We waited for an hour, and it still hadn't run with people on it. There was some mechanical error so my dad and I went on some other rides. It eventually opened up, but the line was about 2 hours long. After lunch, it was closed down again. About half of the people in the 1 hour line left. We didn't get in line, but we were about to, so we started walking away. Then, as we walked away from the ride, there was a giant whoosh. The ride was all better and we hopped in line. We only waited for half an hour (which is a really short wait for the best ride in the world) and then went off to do water rides.
Back to the sunburn. I put on 70 SPF sunscreen in the morning before we started riding. I reapplied it in the afternoon and as we went along. The only place I forgot to put it on was my neck and my scalp. I'm still not used to short hair (I donated my hair around Easter) and usually don't have to put sunscreen on my neck. I got really burnt though. Then, I somehow got sun burn on the top of my head! How does that work? Now I can't brush my hair without a searing pain in my head. *sigh*.
I believe that's all I have to write for now. I bet I'll add stuff later. Bye!
1. What is your regular bedtime on school nights? On days off/summer?
2. Are you excited that Eclipse the movie comes out on Virgil's birthday? [I'm not]
3. Do you get sunburnt?
4. What is your favorite number?
5. When you go places, do you pack a lot, or a little?

I'll miss y'all! See you in a month!
(This was posted by xiy, by the way. Momo's gone to camp by now. But she'll be back in a month, so it's all good.)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!!! :)

Lookie! It's a daddy dinosaur with his little dinosaurs ^_^
(How can I tell it's the daddy, and not the mommie, you ask? 
Because the mommie would be pink, or she'd have a bow, 
or she'd be making a sammich, or something. 
Bottom line: It's the daddy ^_^)
Poor daddy-dinosaur... He got himself and the kids lost just 'cause he wouldn't listen to the mommy and take along a map. Whoopsie. =.=

To the Six Little Curly Fries:

2) Below: What are you doing to celebrate your dad on Father's Day?

Momo: First of all, I'd like to say this is a very nice Father's Day post thing. Well, today I am going to camp, which will make my daddy sad, but he'll live. We sort of celebrated yesterday with a home-made waffle breakfast with strawberries, ice cream, and whipped cream. I made a lovely card and drew pretty pictures on it. :) Today we went to church, and tonight, the rest of my family is going to dinner...I think. That's all!
xiy: I made my daddy breakfast this morning (fried egg, some cantaloupe, and toast). I've yet to give him a card, though (*shiftyeyes*); but I told him I love him very much, which is what the card does too anyway. But I will give him a card--it's traditional, after all. And it makes everyone happy, which is nice (and I gave one to my mother, so I don't want there to be any unfairness). :)
Carrie: Oh wow.... sorry guys. I actually did not know about this post. =/ But anyhoo, me and my dad went to the zoo. That was fun. We went all the way up to the northern trail, and at the zoo in where we live, that is a very very long walk. In fact, we walked the entire day! And had tons of fun, so it was worth it. Then, after that my dad's parents took us to Bob Evans for dinner. It was De-lic-ious. I think that my dad liked his fathers' day very much. ♥
Lynda: Oh my, this is all so pretty! So today's Father's Day...Ahh...I have yet to do anything for my dad, hehehe...Umm...well, this is sort of because he's at the lab, so I haven't seen him all day, and well... I didn't wake up at like 8 to make breakfast for him cuz I'm rather lazy. I did however, make a pretty card last week, and all that's left is to print it out, and hand it to him when he get's home!
I also sent him a very pretty ecard.I would've sent a personalized video thing from JibJab, but I'm not a "member"('s not expensive, but, I can't really pay online seeing as I don't have a bank account...). Ah well. I don't think we'll be going to some large dinner thing, we're having yummy noodles at home. Then again, we always have yummy noodles...Oh dear, this is rather long. 
Anyways, if my dad's reading this, which he should, if he gets my email to read this, Happy Father's Day, Dad! I love you!
House: I woke up and made my dad a card filled up with lots of inside jokes that we have made up for the past... like, ever. (Where did you think I got my amazing sense of humour from? Daddy, of course.) And then my mum and dad ran out to the bagel place to get bagels for breakfast, since we realised after a bit that we have no food. In the house. At all. (Well, some Frosted Mini-Wheats. But whatever.) Later today, we are going over to my grandparents' house to have a really big (Italian) family dinner/lunch/gathering thingy :)
Virgil: Um... on Father's Day morning, I told my dad that I loved him and then I left for camp. A week later, he left for Boston. Fifteen minutes after that, I got home from camp. Sooo sawdy.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rubik's Cubes & Related Topics

Arr, hello there mateys! Step aboard the Good Ship Virgil! All ashore who's goin' ashore!
*cue theme music* La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's World! La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's World! Virgil loves Tom Felton and pirates too! That's Virgil's whhhirrled! *end theme music*
(In case you haven't noticed, I'm a pirate today. I'll explain that later. Arrr.)
Philosophical Statement of the Day:
It recently occurred to me that life is like a Rubik's Cube. I'm not entirely sure how/why, but I intend to find out.
Now, onto more important business. I just discovered (and by "just" I literally mean, like, two seconds ago) that the name "Virgil" anagrams to "Girl VI" which is so jokes because I'm the sixth girl to post on this blog every week. Of course, it also anagrams to "Girl IV" but that's not nearly as jokes, because I'm not the fourth one to post. 
As you probably know, today is Saturday, June 19th, 2010. That means that yesterday was Friday, June 18th, 2010. Do you know what that means? THE WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER OFFICIALLY OPENED YESTERDAY!! (House failed to mention this in her post.) AND I GET TO GO THERE IN LESS THAN A MONTH. ARRRR LUDI ARRRR (The "AHHH LUDI AHHH" is changed today because I am a pirate. Arrr.)(Even though ninjas are still way more awesome.) I watched the grand opening on Mugglenet, and a ton of the stars from the movies were there, including Tom Felton (he plays Draco Malfoy, for those of you who don't know) whom I plan on marrying someday. I haven't told him yet, though. Us folks on the Dark Side may have lied about the cookies, but we have him, so it's all good.

Speaking of the Dark Side, the other day I saw a flair on facebook that said something like, "Come to the darkside - we have Snape. Oh wait, no we don't. Oh wait, yes we do. No, we don't. Yes, we do. Oh, just... never mind." It made me smile. =D

I'm listening to some songs from that band House mentioned called A Rocket to the Moon. They're quite good.
(Oh dear, I must work on this whole segway-into-another-topic thing. You see, in writing, you can just start another chapter. Maybe I should start dividing posts into chapters so that it will be easier to randomly switch topics. I'll just slide in a little asterisk and hope nobody notices.)
I leave for Reading Camp tomorrow!! I'm very excited, because I get to learn how to read... haha no. Actually, I'm a junior counselor - the campers are younger kids who live in the inner city, and they are at least a year behind where they should be in terms of reading level, if not more. The camp is PIRATE THEMED, and we had a counselor meeting today, so we were all getting into the pirate spirit. Arr. So yeah, it should be fun. I'll have no access to a computer all week (it's an overnight camp), so don't be offended if I don't comment on anybody's posts. It's not because I don't like you. I should be able to fulfill my Curly Fry duties next Saturday, though.
I was creeping on Momo's YouTube channel last night and I saw a little birthday message to me. (Was I supposed to not watch it? Er...) Momo, you're a sweetie. And I liked your diva disguise.

*Question Time!!*
1) Translate: Arrr arr yo-ho arr swashbuckling arrr mateys... ahoy!
2) What does your name anagram to?
3) Have you ever read Looking for Alaska?
4) Do you think it would be cool for us to have a 6LCF book club - like, we could all read the same book and then like... discuss it? It could be open to other people who read the blog too (are ya there?).
5) All in favour say "aye" all opposed say "nay."
6) I nominate Looking for Alaska for our first book! All in favour say "aye," all opposed say "nay."
7) Is there a different book you would like to nominate?

Peace, Love, & Otters,


P.S. Even though some of us won't be here, I think we should still do a collab post for Father's Day, k?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Quotes, Robin Hood, and xkcd

"Rise and rise again. Until lions become lambs." 
Robin Hood (2010)

"I don't like you, House. I hate you." 
—The television drama series House

"As a gift to myself, I will never forgive you." 


First off, we (as in Lynda and I) have discovered this magic wonder thing called making a new page. Lynda has made her own "DUDE LOOK WE CAN MAKE NEW PAGES!" page, and I, following suit, made a quotes page. But here's the only problem: only three of the six Curly Fries have edited the page with their quotes. The three that have been kind and added their quotes are the three Asian Curly Fries. I think this is simply a bit more proof that Asians = Win.
But anyway, to the others that haven't yet added their quotes/removed their name (*Cough* Virgil, Momo, Carrie *Cough*)... yeah. A bit of a reminder ^_^ (*Cough* Or imma eatchoo. *Cough*) 

In other news, we've officially been on break for one week. And, dude, I'm still not used to this whole no-classes thing. It's seriously been messing me up. (*Wakes up* *Looks at clock* "10:34? Crap, I'm late for- oh, wait... dudeee." [This has happened to me way too many times over the past week. It's sad.])

This week, I saw Robin Hood. It was pretty good, I guess. A bit too action-y for my liking, but still a decent movie. Just as Virgil told me, there's a pretty wicked fiddle part in the film score, which makes the movie instantly awesome.

Because I guess it's a thing that we do, I'm following suit of xiy and linking the new xkcd comic for today:
(Don't worry, you non-programmers... us more common folk get this one :) )

This week, I learned that I like this band called A Rocket to the Moon ^_^

(*Rereads* Yeah, the summer's going a bit slow... but I guess that's what summer... does...?)

1) What is your favourite kind of cookie?
2) What is your favourite music album?
3) Are you used to this summer thing yet?
4) Have you added/made a change to the Quote page yet?
5) Are you a dinosaur?
6) Mac or PC? [Remember, snipers in the trees...]
7) Do you think it's perfectly acceptable to tell someone that you shouldn't be friends with them if they answer "PC" to the previous question? [Snipessss...]
[8) Virgil, where's my draft? Girrlll, if you ask me to beta something, I've gotta fit you into my schedule. Give me an estimate. A month, a few days, a week... never... when should I expect it? *Sigh* Writers.]

Best wishes!
(Just kidding.)

With all due respect,


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Washington, Adams, and Jefferson, Oh My!

*hum hum* Life's like a road that you travel on
When there's one day here an' the next day gone
Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand
Sometimes you turn your back to the wind

There's a world outside every darkened door
Where blues won't haunt you anymore
Where brave are free an' lovers soar
Come ride with me to the distant shore

We won't hesitate
Ta' break down the garden gate
There's not much time left today, yeahea...

Oh...Hello there! I'm watching/my brother's watching the Disney/Pixar movie, Cars. That was just the lyrics to "Life is a Highway". I rather like the song. I'm not going to wax poetic about "Voyage of the Dawn Treader", buuut, the trailer came out today!! YAY! I have nothing to write about....
Hmmm. Well, the first week of summer has been awesome, tiring, and kinda boring at the same time. Let's see, on Saturday or Sunday (whichever one my mom picks) we will go to an outlet, and shop! YAY! I can't wait. I love the smell of new stuff in a lovely and large mall or outlet...*daydream* Anyways, summer isn't that easy for me. I have to do "summer homework" from my mom. For example, every day, I write Chinese, and research a president, starting with Washington, Adams, and Jefferson, oh my!
OK! Now, I'm gonna go on with the questions.
1. Do you like pie?
2. What type?
3. Are you obsessed with anything? What?
4.What are you doing for Father's Day?
This last question is deep, thoughtful, and you MUST answer it. No: "...", "what?", "IDK"
5. When are you no longer a "CHILD" (I know it's 18, legally, but in your opinion)?
For all you people who bother to read  this part: HAHAHA... OVERACHIEVERS!!!...btw, if you do read this part, in the comments, write "Kapoo"
Luv, Lynda

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nom-noms the blue dinosaur!!

Why, hello there! *Begins to hum Bohemian Rhapsody* Thanks, xiy... *Sigh* Heh, I'm posting at midnight. I feel awesome. :D And a bit hyper.
Anyhoo, earlier [umm, last night?], I had an amazing smoothie. It was delicious and extremely healthy (Bananas, blueberries, juice, and ice cubes). And now I am very happy because it is Wednesday, and I'm going shopping later with my mommy, and tomorrow I get to hang out with this super cool strange person (*for all curly fries, it's just that one know. Lynda and Momo--I dont think you like him much...). My first week of summer has been incredible.
....I like the colour purple....
Sorry, that was irrelevant. Hmmm, what else to say. Well, about the title: Nom-noms is my blue dinosaur that I got at Cedar Point. To be specific, he is not just any blue dinosaur, but a blue Tyrannosaurus Rex. (If I spelled that correct, or almost correct, I feel accomplished in a way.) (you were just one letter off--you've got a right to feel accomplished! :D) NOM-NOMZ IZ CUMIN TEW EATS YEW!! ♥ *Doodles little dinosaur on blog* Teehee.
Meh, I'm itchy. >.<"
Okey dokey! Good, finally something I can discuss with you. If you are a fellow YouTuber like myself, I am interested to know if you ever watch Meekakitty. If you have never seen her, go look her up right now. Really, she's hilarious and gives a BUNCH of good links.
Blahh... now I have nothing more to say.
Heh. kbai.

The following survey will not affect you in anyway and is for mere entertainment purposes only. Do not participate if you suffer from a weak heart, or you just don't want to (but that's no funnnn!!!) :
1. Do you see midnight as a day in itself?
2. Are you really answering these questions?
3. Do you like smoothies?
4. If so, what flavor is your favourite?
5. If not, why not?
(If you want, you can skip #4 if you answered #5 and vice versa)
6. Are you bilingual?
7. Did you know that YOU are awesome?
8. Did you also know that I become rather hyper when I'm tired?
That must explain alot...
Extra credit (for what?) : What is the life span of the average canary?
Oh geez, now I have to look up the answer for the extra credit...

Have a nice life. Go throw a party! DFTBA!!!! ♥

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,