Friday, September 30, 2011

xiy's new look

I am writing this post while the other Curly Fries are off at school, and I have to say that it is quite a nice feeling to be at home while everybody else is in ninth period. However, the reason for my absence involves getting four teeth pulled out earlier today, which is not a happy occurrence. At all.

(Like, I would definitely prefer being bored to death in a freshman-infested math class learning about stupid matrices with all my teeth intact instead of sitting at home minus four teeth and bleeding copiously from the gums.)

So right now, I'm still drugged up on Novocaine (and that hurt more than the getting-teeth-pulled-out part), which is kind of problematic because it means I've lost all sense of where my bottom lip is and so I can't really eat. Or swallow. Or close my mouth. As a result, I look pretty gormless and drooly and not attractive in the least.

(Also, I don't think the nitrous oxide has worn off yet either, which means I feel sort of borderline hysterical at the moment, like I've just been on some crazy roller coaster and the giddiness hasn't gone away.)

And speaking of a new look, I got a haircut last Saturday, so now my hair is all layered and kind of short and stuff, and I guess it looks pretty nice. I can't put it into a proper ponytail, though, which is disappointing.

All in all, I look very different from how I looked last week; here is a visual aid.

Those bloody white things are the gauze. And in case you can't tell, FOUR OF MY TEETH ARE GONE. D:
I can't even eat ice cream because my gums are still bleeding and I don't want to eat bloody ice cream, because that'd be kind of disgusting. And I'd probably miss my mouth entirely and dribble all over the place, because my bottom lip is still so numb. Argghhh.

It doesn't hurt too much, thankfully, because I'm in no state right now to be swallowing anything more solid than water. I'd probably choke on the Motrin or something.

So, yeah, fun times.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy birthdayyyyyy, dear Carrieeeeeeee~



Let's Play a Game

Happy Rosh Hashanah, my dear curly fries!!
I love our school so much. You wanna know why? It's because there are so many people of different cultures, religions, races, etc. that we get fun holidays off. Like Rosh Hashanah. :)
Before I start the meat of this post, I want to wish Carrie the happiest birthday evarrr!!! 
I know xiy made an awesome banner (because I saw it, like, a month ago in bio) that should be put up soon! :D

The Meat of the Post:
For the longest time, I've been thinking about doing some sort of poll or something about "What do you know about the Curly Fries" type thing. Until recently, I've never actually been able to think of a fun and exciting format. However, I decided some time last week that I would just keep it simple. Here are the rules: 
There are 21 questions/statements about the curly fries listed below.  In the comments, write the number of the question and the name of the person it describes best. For example:
Ex. 1) Which curly fries' name begins with the letter that sounds most like the Greek letter mu?______
Comment: Ex 1.) Momo
It's pretty complicated.
Which curly fry:
1. did you meet first/have known the longest?

2. makes you laugh the most?

3. is most likely to be famous?

4. is the most athletic?

5. has the best/most varied taste in music?

6. is most likely to get married first?

7. is the most adventurous?

8. makes the funniest faces?

9. has the neatest bedroom?

10. has the messiest bedroom?

11. is most likely to travel/live abroad?

12. has the prettiest eyes?

13. is most well-rounded?

14.  is most likely to be a millionaire?

15. most likely to invent something awesome?

16. will be/is the most frightening driver?

17. is the pickiest?

18. is the most technologically advanced?

19. has read the most books?

20. shares the best memory with you? Please explain dis one.

Last Question: For each question, please give an answer for each curly fry:

21. Which animal does each curly fry represent?

That's the end of the game!! Make sure you comment with your answers below! 

Happy birthday, Carrie!!
I give you the day off as a present.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Whoa Blogger, you've gone back to normal.

So today was a Sick Pants day.

It's one of those days when I wake up and say, "I'd like to stay home sick from school today because I feel quite ill, but I cannot miss school because I have to get into college. Oh, the tragedy. So I shall go to school, oh yes, but I will wear the clothes that I would otherwise be wearing if I was staying home."
So yeah, I wore my Sick Pants* today, and I could tell that people were judging me. I'm usually a jeans-wearing person, and these pants are oversized university sweats with extra-fleecy pockets that make my thighs and butt look like they've doubled in size. I have to pull them up past my belly button (typing that word made me smile) just to keep them from dragging under my shoes. But I don't care because it's a Sick Pants day, and they're effing comfy. 

*And I mean "pants" in the American sense, not in the British sense. 

It was actually quite relaxing. It was like taking a sick day, except instead of staying at home, I went to school. Yeah, I did my work, kinda-sorta. I probably failed my APUSH reading quiz, but whatever. 
ADD note: I'm listening to Eddplant's "Picture Unrelated" right now, and even though I've had this album since like the day it was released on iTunes, I still haven't designed my own album artwork for it. I'm such a failure. 

It's one of those days when the majority of my Internal Monologue** is filled with swear words. Usually they don't make it to the External Monologue, but today was a Sick Pants day, and therefore those two things were one in the same. 

**Am I the only one with an ongoing Internal Monologue? Sometimes I wonder. Do you have one? Tell me in the comments! What does yours sound like? Mine is usually in my own voice, but sometimes it sounds like someone else's voice after I've been talking to them for a while, and it goes through phases of sounding like the Green brothers. Most of the time it's in third person, but occasionally second, and very rarely first. The pronoun "I" just sounds weird in my mind. It seems superfluous to waste time in an Internal Monologue when the "I" should be implied. Is it weird that Virgil has her library card number memorized? she asks herself as she glances down at the card lying next to her keyboard. Maybe she spends too much time on the public library's website. See that random switch of topic? There is no need for transition words in the Internal Monologue! Take that, Mrs. Po Po! I bet she feels defeated. (So the "I" slips in occasionally for simple phrases when Virgil's not actually talking in first person. It's a bit weird like that, kind of like the Aorist tense. What is the point of having an Aorist anyways? What does the word "Aorist" even mean? Is there an Aorist in any other language besides Ancient Greek? See my Internal Monologue is full of questions, and OH NO now this parentheses bit is going to go on forever. That would be awful. You probably have an discomfiting sense of lack-of-closure right now, Virgil definitely does. Okay, this is getting weird, she should just end it.) Wow, Internal Monologue would make a good NaNoWriMo novel. Virgil could keep doing this for days, but then she thinks to herself with a sigh, can a collection of random thoughts from throughout the day really be considered a novel? A novel needs a coherent beginning, middle, and an end, and Rule Number One of the Internal Monologue is that there is no coherency. Do you hear that? It's the sound of background music slowly building inside of Virgil's head, leading up to the climatic point of epiphany, but then she realized that there is none and the music slowly decrescendos but does not cease completely, because the music never really stops, not if you keep listening.

That's what my Internal Monologue is like, in case you were wondering, which you probably weren't. In any case, that's what it's like on a NORMAL day, but since today was a Sick Pants day, it was more like:

Virgil is walking slowly through the hallway, one foot in front of the other, going nowhere in particular unless Latin class counts as someplace particular. Particular is a strange word, does it imply particles? People are annoyed at her for walking slow, and it's funny because usually she's the thirsty one getting stuck behind slow people, what a strange role reversal. She likes this side of it a lot better, shufflin' along, not paying those people any heed. She doesn't give a sh!t. No, sir. Who is this "sir" she is talking to? She just ended a question with a preposition, but she doesn't give a sh!t because today it a Sick Pants day. 

I just switched both of the Internal Monologue paragraphs to "small" font, so that they won't seem quite as intimidating, and perhaps to indicate that they're written in a different mood. And I don't mean mood like "I'm feeling blue today," I mean mood like indicative and subjunctive. This is the monologue mood, and the endings are all beginnings and the beginnings are transitions. Did that make sense to you? It wasn't supposed to. The one thing that you should know is that there is NO imperfect, future, perfect, pluperfect, future-perfect, OR aorist (DEFINITELY NOT AORIST) in the Monologue Mood. There is only present. It's like Christmas. 
What else was I going to talk about in this post? I had a tentative plan to complain about my life and how busy it is, but I feel like I've done enough of that today. So instead of complaining, I'm going to talk about how awesome my friends are, because House and Momo took it upon themselves to make me feel better today, so they left me a note in Latin Class and they decorated my locker with paper chains, which was very kind and thoughtful of them. My friends are so sweet. 

So... this has been a very long and unproductive post by Yours Truly. It's time to go back to my English homework now, which, if I recall correctly, I left off at the Sermon on the Mount. Blessed are the bloggers, for they shall have curly fries. 

Peace, guys. May your lives be far less complicated than mine. 


Sunday, September 25, 2011



Though it's been a really hard week, this weekend has been a really good weekend for me :]
Friday night, my beautiful soccer team gathered at the house of one of our seniors to participate in some hardcore team bonding. We made really prettyful tie-dye tees ^.^
Aaaand then on Saturday, as you all know, our school's football team won their first game! Yay! And the soccer team won our first game, too! Ahhhh! So many exciting things.

It's been kinda rainy and ickyish on and off here, so the fields around the city are an absolute mess. My poor soccer cleats after our game were totally caked in mud, as were most of the players on both teams, haha.

You're just lucky the smell can't be transfered through the computer screen.
I think the team bonding thing really helped the team. Like, we're all actually friends this year, as sappy as that sounds. Last year, pretty much nobody had team spirit, there was a pretty cliquey divide, and it felt like nobody wanted to give 100%. Buuuut this season is different, yay :D

So yeah. Kinda excited for this week, since there's going to be a lot of soccer and fun and things, but I'm also really stressed, since I know there's going to be a lot of school work :/ *sigh* but it's all gonna be good.

With all due respect,

P.S. Homecoming is soon! As far as I know, of the 6LCF, just Carrie and I are going. (Partying it upppp.) That's also really exciting ^.^

Saturday, September 24, 2011


So... um... my birthday is kind of in 5 days. js. Not like I'm counting or anything. :P

Today, the 6LCFs' highschool's football team won their first game! :D It was incredibly exciting, especially since we don't usually win games. Like, ever. -.-" 

I just watched a movie! ^.^ It was called Leap Year. If you're into chick flicks/romantic comedies, you'd like it. :P I'm a romantic comedy type of gal, so naturally I loved it. :)
On a side-note: I'm talking to Eggr, and he just told me that he'd watch anything with me, even a chick flick. ^.^ Okay, I'll stop now. :P 

I am going to attempt to write a somewhat long-ish post. Maybe I'll actually succeed this time, unlike every other post that I said would be a long one. ...Eh, probably not. I apologize, I love talking and telling people about everything, but I'm just so lazy. It's horrible! Pweasedon'thateme.

Let's see... what can I talk about? I'm a really boring person, I don't have much to talk about. Maybe I'm just weird about what I put on the internet (IE: blog posts)

Well, there's a question I have: what's the real difference between i.e. and e.g.? I seem to always mix them up, and then I feel really stupid. I know e.g. is like "for example,...", but for some reason I always mix it up with i.e. and when I catch myself, I'm always wondering what i.e. actually means. It's like hydroxl and carboxyl in bio; they sound so similar, but they're really completely different. Well, kinda. 
Eh, I don't want to get into that now. Bio hurts my brain sometimes. Plus, I studied for like an entire hour today for my test on Wednesday. *cue groans* I have a German test that day, too! D: *crawls into corner and gets into fetal position* It's not that I don't like either class, it's just those are my two hardest classes, believe it or not. (Well, German isn't THAT hard, neither is bio... but the tests are kinda hard, and if you can't tell, I really don't like tests.) 

I'm enjoying the book we just finished reading for book club. :P I think it's brilliant. 
I love that word. Brilliant. It's such a nice sounding word. It makes everything else sound twice as fantastic as it already is. Brilliant. 

I believe that this was a very nice length for a post. :) I feel very accomplished. 

'kay. Bye! 

Smiles, hugs, and lot of love,

Friday, September 23, 2011

I am reading a novel about the French Revolution,

but at the moment, I don't think it's terribly good. I am, however, only on page 76, so perhaps I should reserve further judgement until later.

The book is Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly, and apparently it's supposed to be good (this opinion originating from the letter from the publisher stuffed at the front of the book), and it's about the French Revolution and I like the French Revolution, so, hey. Maybe when it gets more into the historical bits and less about the main character angsting and angsting and angsting (and angsting and angsting and angsting). Because that's already getting really boring.

It's Carrie's birthday soon! Happy almost birthday!

Aaaaaaand ummm. There was book club today. We ate cookies and it was fun.

I think we need another theme week. I can't think of anything to really post. 

So I will be taking my inspiration from Momo's "Five Ways To Start an Interesting Post," because I am unoriginal like that.

2. In elementary school, the best way to spend recess was...

On sort of rainy, drab-ish days like today (today was very rainy and very drab) when one's breath was visible in the air (the raininess and drabness hasn't quite reached that point yet), I remember we'd always play dragons and pretend to be blowing smoky water vapor and exploding things with our fiery breaths. It was really fun, and a good way to pass the time too, since on rainy days the slides would almost all be out of commission and monkey bars are no fun if one gets one's hands all wet and cold while hanging off them.

And then in winter, there would be all sorts of games along the lines of Antarctic Explorers and See How Fast We Can Pull The Sled and Dig Candy Out Of The Snow and Throw Badly-Made Snowballs At Badly-Made Snow Forts. 

I miss elementary school. ):



Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy Friday Eve!

Ice cream and candy and cookies oh my! Om nom nom. I eat waaay too many sweets. Fo realz. I should change my name to Augustus Gloop. My cholesterol is probably higher than all of y'alls' combine, not to mention my blood sugar...

I'll have an ice cream as I type.

This is gonna be problematic when I'm older...
Anywaysies. My grandparents are coming tomorrow! Yippee! AND we have book club and it's FRIDAY!!!!! <---ALL TOMORROW!!!

Now to the question I always find myself asking on Thursday nights: Will this post have a subject or not?

Please Choose One: Yes or No

If no--> Gahh. I have writer's block. This counts as a post, eh? Kaybai.

Looove, Momo

If yes-->I just Googled a prompt generator and it told me to think of prompts...did I not just look up prompt generator so I wouldn't have to do that very thing?
  Alas, I shall try, though. 
      5 Ways to Start an Interesting[Debatable] 
by Momo

1. I remember when I met _______, I thought...

2. In elementary school, the best way to spend recess was...[playing "domesticate the horse" with xiy and Lynda]
3.If you could make any inanimate thing come to life it would be... [uuh. A pencil/keyboard that would write/type everything I said when I told it to]
4. Discuss your relationship to your cat(s) and how much you love them/how they control your life. [I love them thiiiiis much.]

5. Analyze the relationships of EZ and House and Carrie and Eggr and point out all gushy parts about said relationships.

Gah. I'm sorry for that. All that took me half an hour because I'm so spazzy today. Sorry. Yep.

There are only, like, a million secret messages

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

GLEE! & some Harry Potter geekiness

So Glee starts tonight, hooray!! I want to get some substantial flute-practicing in before 8:00 (it's 7:15 right now) so this is going to be brief. Be grateful that I remembered this time!! 

So earlier I was doing tonight's Bio notes (actually I was doing last night's Bio notes, but I plan to do tonight's notes later!!) and I decided that it would be a brilliant idea to listen to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, because it relates to Potions Class which relates to chemistry, which is related to biology. It totally enriched my experience, and I remembered for the billionth time that I keep meaning to Google the lyrics of "In Noctem" (one of the tracks from the album that has indiscernible words). 

Let's have some translating fun (my favorite pastime!) 

In Noctem

Carry my soul into the night
May the stars guide my way
I glory in the sight,
As darkness takes the day. 
Ferte in noctem animam* meam
Illustre stellae viam meam. 
Aspectu illo glorior
Dum capit nox diem. 

Cantate vitae canticum
Sine dolore actae
Dicite eis quos amabam
Me nunquam obliturum

Sing a song, a song of life
Lived without regret
Tell the ones, the ones I loved
I never will forget,
Never will forget.

 Okay, so the English verses and the Latin verses are exactly the same, so no translating for me. Actually the second to last line of English is never given, and I think the last line is supposed to be "Never will forget me" but I guess that didn't fit or whatever. 

 [Danger: here be spoilers!]
I think it's interesting that this song is associated with Dumbledore's death (it's featured shortly before he dies, and maybe also while he's giving a speech at one point. I haven't actually seen the movie in a while) because it doesn't really fit to his character. I wonder why Steve Kloves (yes - Nicholas Hooper did the music, but I just looked it up and Kloves, the screenwriter, did the words) would write lyrics like "sing a song, a song of life, lived without regret." I feel like Dumbledore's life was filled with the most regret out of any character in the series, save for maybe Severus Snape. Is it just because he didn't know that yet? I don't know. Either way, it's beautiful, and the Latin lyrics give it a sort of feel that I associate with traditional church music - it's chilling. It's such a contrast to the freaky digitized voices in the track "The Drink of Despair" (are they supposed to be saying anything?). 

Okay, I'm done being geeky. I hope your mind* was sufficiently entertained by this post.  


*I always remember the difference between anima, soul, and animus, mind, because I just think of EZ and House: EZ is the masculine word and he's super-smart; House is the feminine word and she doesn't have a soul.  

Monday, September 19, 2011

Here a Lee, There a Lee, Everywhere a Lee a Lee!

Hurrah for History movies/musicals/videos!

I'm too lazy to post too much, so here's a lovely video to see! It's funny, and EDUCATIONAL! Oh, and the title if from the musical "1776", a lovely now whenever I hear "Lee/Li", I'll think "Here a Lee, There a Lee, Everywhere a Lee a Lee...It's the F F V, the First Family...A resolution, for independency!" Such a catchy song... :)

Isn't the rat ADORABLE??? *cooes*
Another one of the Horrible Histories ^ is, erm, most of them, they're all really, Battle of Thermopylae- "USE YOUR SPEAR, IF YOUR SPEAR BREAKS, USE YOUR SWORD, IF YOUR SWORD BREAKS, USE YOUR...TEETH!"
Luv, Lynda

Sunday, September 18, 2011

hoodies and cold piccolos

Hi hi.

My fingers are cold as I type this. Yes, fellow curly fries and members of the curly fry army, colder weather has set in for the past little while. I kind of like the colder weather, since hoodies are like one of my favorite things ever. But with the cold come sadface things, like out of tune piccolos covered in frost and audition+try-out season.

Buuuuut try-outs and auditions are nearly over :]

Momo and I made it into the band we auditioned for!! Gah, exciting. And Virgil (who was in the group last year 'cause she's so swag) made third chair, which is practically second chair, since there are two co-first chairs. Yayyy!

Coming up this week are auditions for the second band, which Carrie's auditioning for. We send her the best of luck :) {She's gonna be brilliant, no worries there.}

Our lovely three hundred and something person marching band is continuing to improve at a very lovely pace, as is the JV soccer team. The flute squad slants look straight and wonderful, and more and more teammates are learning the wonderful benefits of ~~*passing*~~ the ball.

*sigh* my life has deteriorated to school (daytime), soccer (after school), and music (the weekends).

Hope you're all well. (And that xiy's mouth doesn't hurt too much! :( )

With all due respect,

Saturday, September 17, 2011

{Oh. whoops, forgot a title}

Hewwo dere. 

It be is Saturday! 

Soooo today, what did I do? 

I woke up, then I gave a short flute lesson to my cousin, then I did some homework, and THEN I went to my friend's birthday party :) 

It was really fun. 
There were some chickens there too. It was crazy.  There's not supposed to be chickens roaming around where the Curly Fries live! D: And they were sick too. :( It was sad. 

I saw Momo today too! That was surprising. But it was because her sister was at the party I was at. But I was still happy to see her! :D 

okay. Well, I'mma go. 


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Friday, September 16, 2011

so it looks like it's finally fall.

I think fall has officially arrived in Curlyfryland, in the form of chilly walks to school (how much am I looking forward to walking to Greek on Tuesday? not. at. all.) and the sudden necessity of wearing jackets while doing so. Also, it involves lots of tea and sickness and leaves turning pretty colors. I saw a few really pretty pinky-red leaves today on the ground, which is a nice change from the standard year-round clutter of dead brownish ones.

Today we were supposed to watch the movie/musical 1776 after school for APUSH extra credit, but technical difficulties prevented us doing so. Lynda borrowed the DVD from APUSH Teacher #1-of-4 and Momo graciously invited us (us being Lynda, House, and me) to go over to her house to watch. It was pretty interesting, even though we didn't get to finish because then the band people had to go to a marching band game.

Speaking of band, I hear Momo and House did very well in their band auditions; I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT; CONGRATULATIONS. <3 <3 <3

I have to get four of my teeth viciously yanked out tomorrow. D: I am not looking forward to it. Like, I'm going to have to walk around with four great big gaps in my teeth for months. It's going to look so stupid. Urghhhh. (Thank goodness today was school-picture-day [though, of course, picture day is nothing to look forward to] and not, like, next Friday or something.) And it's going to hurtttttttt and I don't like painnnnnnnnn and it's so unecessaryyyyyyyy and I don't like painnnn and it's going to hurt. D: D: D:

On a happier note, I got Photoshop last week and it is BEAUTIFUL. There are still some things I like better about Gimp (like how in Gimp you can press ctrl-z indefinitely to undo as many mistakes as you want, but in Photoshop you need to press ctrl-alt-z to undo more than one step, which is annoying), but over all Photoshop is awesomer.

Speaking of APUSH, here's a King George III.

And now I'm working on Carrie's birthday banner. It involves cake. ^.^

Annnnnd that's pretty much it. 


Monday, September 12, 2011

Stress...and Girly-ness

Hey all!

So, yes, the title of the post is "Stress..." and something else, we'll get to  that in a second. Yes, you see, today at lunch, a friend of mine asked me if I was stressed yet, and I thought: "No...not really" Then Momo kindly pointed out that I was freaking out about a couple of things, and I was sort of saying "NO! I'm not stressed, I'm not stressed at all" in a very nervous "STRESSFUL" way.


So I guess I am stressed. I dunno. I do know that if I don't get a weekend to just relax and sleep away, I'm pretty sure I'll collapse somewhere in the dark corners of our highschool...not a fun thought. 

Well. It certainly can't be this weekend, I have a regatta >.< First regatta of the season. I'm quite excited. I didn't row much in Fall season last year, because our coach...I think she had something against me, because she only let me row in about 2 races the whole season. Hmph. Oh well, now I have a new lovely dear coach, and he makes everyone row at every regatta! Hooray! Even better, this regatta is only 3.5K instead of the usual Fall 5K races...

And somehow, all this stress and lack of sleep and neck pain (oh, did I mention that my neck feels like it has a perpetual crick? Grrr) has led me to want to become girly....weird. Not full out "PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS! AHHHH" girly, merely, "maybe I should curl my hair...?" sort of girly....

Anyways, this post was going to be longer, but my computer time is up, and grrrrrr I dislike this time thing!!!

So, House, if you read this before tomorrow, please be proud that I may curl my hair....


Sunday, September 11, 2011


Hey, guys.

It's my bedtime soon. Very very very soon. So this should be a relatively short post sorry sorry sorry.

Every year, my grandparents bring my mum (and me/dad, if we're in town) out to this annual clam bake thing. I spent most of my day there. I'm pretty sure you guys have heard me whine about this before... it's that event totally perfect for me. As a vegetarian, I don't get to enjoy the main feature of the meal, the (allegedly overcooked) clams. I usually just to make sure to eat beforehand. Besides clams and food and more food, ~~Elvis*~~ (this is the color of the gems on his bling he was wearing today) made a very special guest appearance. I've never been much of a fan of people who dress up as other... things {see Disney World terrors}. Or being singled out of a large crowd of people I don't know. Or the music of Elvis being played really really really loudly.
Haha, but my mum really likes the event, which I suppose is what counts, right?

Anyway, once I got home, I spent forever practicing audition music.
Coming up are those gosh darn wind ensemble auditions for our school... gghaghaghhrh. Music. So much music. And it has sixteenth notes that need to go at 152 bpm x.x [Which coincidentally is usually around what my heartbeat sounds like when I'm going into the audition.] Flute auditions are Tuesday. omg. Tuesday. auditions.are.Tuesday.

Hope you guys had a good Sunday and didn't have to spend too much of it terribly saddened over mourning the 9/11 attacks :c

With all due respect,

P.S. that's such a sad note to end on, sorry >.<" did any of you watch the US Tennis Open finals today? Samantha Stosur won, which is pretty swag. alright, goodnight~~~

(*not really Elvis [though he def.  had the outfit])

Saturday, September 10, 2011



Happy Saturday. :) 

Let's see heeeeere... what did Carrie do today? 
Well, I woke up. Then, I had to attend the pep band game for my school against this private school. The weather was really weird today. It was like raining, and then it became all sunny and hot. I didn't really like it. Weather needs to stop being so indecisive. Gr. :( But then after the game I went to Eggr's house for like an hour. That was fun. :) Now I'm just chilling at home, facebook, and watching Chicago (finally!). :D 

This has been a very nice day. ^_^ 

Yay! 6LCF book club starts on Monday! :D 

Umm... I'm getting too sidetracked from this. Sowwy. :c  


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 

Friday, September 9, 2011

hooray for fridays!

Today there was supposed to be a fencing tournament and Momo, Virgil, and I were going to attend (and get soundly beaten by the eleven-year-olds, probably), but then it turned out to be an epee tournament (and for those who don't know, epee involves a slightly larger weapon and a larger target area and is generally far scarier than good ol' foil), and none of us know how to fence epee. And so we chose to stay safely at home instead of getting beaten by the adults who are apparently attending, because if there's anything worse than a scary fencing eleven-year-old, it's a scary fencing adult.

Speaking of fencing, I read a book called Foiled about a week ago that talked about fencing. It was kind of interesting to see what a legit fencer's life is like, though the plot got all muddy and strange about three-quarters of the way through, and it wasn't really developed properly. I don't know if there's supposed to be a sequel or if it was just because it was a graphic novel and there was some sort of restraint on length, but the plot was very badly explained toward the end. The drawing style was very good, though. And some of the double-page illustrations were really beautiful.

Also, I'm really tired. Today wasn't even a Greek day (and I fell asleep at ~10:30 last night too, which, all things considered, is fantastically early), but I woke up tired and the biology test didn't help at all, though I'm cautiously hoping that I didn't do too badly. 

And I really should be doing homework right now, but since I came home I've basically just been sitting around at home, eating and reading Agatha Christie. I really must have no life. (Agatha Christie is lovely, though. I'm reading The Mirror Crack'd at the moment, in a four-in-one Miss Marple Meets Murder book.)

The start of NHD is looming up rather scarily already, even though it's not completely due until January. APUSH Teacher is hinting pretty heavily that any boards (should we choose that option) are going to need to be MUSEUM QUALITY!11!1! and nothing less, which, uh, considering the state of last year's Robespierre board, might be rather difficult. But House and I are hoping for the best. :)

I was going to say something but then I forgot what I was going to say, and now I can't think of anything remotely interesting and so I guess I'll end it here. Or something.



Thursday, September 8, 2011

Melodine's Elves pt. 2

So everyone was commenting about how pretty and white and shiny blogspot is and now I understand why! Wow. It's so different!!! And shiny. Weeeee!! Anyway, as promised, here is the rest of Melodine's Elves with commentary this time:

Now Melodine new [ooh that's sad] that these tiny houses were the homes of elves [obviously] so she just stood there [logically]. She did not leave for a few moments, she was about to leave but for some reason she just couldn't she wasn't stuck [really?!] she just could not let herself leave [oooh].
Then it came to her [?], "I must build some more houses for them" [yes, I'm sure the elves would love if a giant came and started using up their precious farmland to build mediocre housing without asking]she said to herself.
Melodine started working immetietly [<--ha].
Soon she was singing [omg].Melodine had a very beautiful [b-e-a-uuu-tiful]. Suddenly, she heard someone but it seemed like it was under her [omg she squished one!!] so she looked down and there was the smallest person, it was an elf!
Melodine was frightened but then she finally said to the little elf, "Who are you I'm Melodine" [a bit abrupt, don't you think?].
The little elf said "I'm the mayer [eeewww] of the town my name is Tisbe" [I wonder if Lynda helped choose this name...]. Melodine said "Nice to meet you Tisbe". Tisbe looked kind of frightened but he smiled and said, "I heard you singing and our village loves your company"! [...]
Melodine had no idea what to say or do. Then the little man went inside a tiny cottage with smoke comeing [I didn't know it was 'coming' until, like, 6th grade] out.

That is all I'll be writing for today.
Not only is there are HUGE bio-test tomorrow, but I also have to somehow study for APUSH and Latin all whilst accommodating the needs of a certain kitten that won't leave my side and is currently weaving in and out of my arms. 

How I wish I was a cat. I wouldn't need to worry about the fact that my proteins are made of amino acids, that carbohydrates like glycogen and starch and cellulose are all made of glycidic linkages of polysaccharides. Agh. 

Well, I better study some more.

I don't like this whole school thing very much.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

nitwits, oddments, blubbers, and perhaps a tweak or two


So today I skipped fencing because I had a ton of work to do, and then when I got home, instead of starting to chip away at the mountain of homework, I: 1) ate too much food and 2) watched almost a whole hour of TV.
I have no self-control whatsoever.  *sigh* I should have gone to fencing. AND I'm supposed to be on a diet, but this stupid online health course has me so paranoid about anorexia that now I'm eating way too much. It's supposed to discourage people from becoming obsessed with their weight, but instead IT'S DOING THE EXACT OPPOSITE. How counterproductive. I just had a bowl of Ben & Jerry's, and now I feel guilty. I BLAME BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY.  
So, let's see. Things that are randomly coming to my mind...
1. Bio class today was so much fun. I'm giggling just thinking about it, even though I don't remember a whole lot, because I'm pretty sure Momo and I were both on laughing gas the whole time. 

2. This book that I'm reading, The Forgotten Legion, is really, REALLY good. It's quite a lot like A Game of Thrones - let's do a little comparison game, shall we? The eager English student inside of me is having a party. I really should be working on an English essay about mangoes right now, but whatever, this is more fun. 
Similarities between TFL and GoT: 
1. They both have alternating perspectives between different characters of contrasting status, who may or may not be on opposing sides of the same conflict and/or have stories that somewhere link together or will link together in the future. 
2. They both have a lot of political themes involved. 
3. They are both written by military-tactics-nerds. 
4. They both involved the objection of women in the form of both a) rape and b) prostitution. 
5. They both contain a lot of blood. 
6. They are both really great books. 

Difference between TFL and Got:
1. The Forgotten Legion is historical fiction, wheres A Game of Thrones is (as far as we know) completely fantasy. 
2. A Game of Thrones took me over a month to read, whereas it's only been a couple days with TFL and I'm about halfway done.

It's interesting how these days we are (or, at least, I am) entertained by the violence, sex, and politics (I feel like these three things go together) of civilizations that either never existed or haven't existed in centuries. Is it some sort of fascination with pain? Does it make our own lives seem better in comparison when we're reading about the depressing lives of characters who face terrible situations, half of whom are enslaved? I don't know about you guys, but reading about Daenerys getting raped or Fabiola getting sold to a brothel really puts my own problems into perspective. OH MY GOODNESS I GOT A BAD GRADE ON THE APUSH ESSAY, WHAT ON EARTH AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE? Maybe that's why I love reading Harry Potter so much - his life sucks. 

Don't judge me because I read just to make myself feel better about my own life, because that isn't even true. But I would be lying if I said that it wasn't one of the many reasons. 

I salute you if you actually read my little train-of-consciousness post. It probably makes no sense.


Monday, September 5, 2011


Today was my mommy's birthday. So...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY DEAREST MOMMY!

*cough* so...yeah.

The weather's getting cold, eh? I'm going to have to use blankets soon.

Oh, and, uh, I've put in a thingy (HTML code) where the blog automatically plays music when you go to the, if you don't like it, just scroll down, and there is a pause button on the left. Just click it. The song is "Gotta Get Back to Hogwarts" by Starkid for those of you people who don't know. Catchy song. Uhm, just a little note: THE SONG USES EXPLETIVES (like, in the middle). VIEWER LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. APUSH essay results came (at least, Virgil, xiy, and mine)...and...I really don't like mine. I hate it, in fact. But that's all I'm going to say on that topic, because it irritates me to think about it. 

So the theme (are we still doing that?) is sort of like, writings from our young days? Eh, here's my story, lovingly penned in purple gel pen--my 'lucky pen', in my diary. I'll just type it up for y'all, eh? It's copied word for word, without any additional editing. So...xiy, beware, there's like, a ton of comma things that you'll cringe at (more so than my current comma problem :)).

Ellian Genine
Once upon a time there was a princess who loved a prince but her father would not allow it. 
"BUT FATHER I love him!" 
"NO!" Knock Knock
"Your Magesty . You have a message from King Hall and Queen Senia."
"You are invited to dinner." So when King Genine (her father) left she sneaked off with her beloved and got married. King Genine was actually quite happy!
"I love you" was what Ellian told Mike her husband.


lol. I have no idea what the point of the story was. I don't understand why King Genine is suddenly okay with the whole thing. I also don't like the name "Mike" much. That's funny that I used it, because (can you tell?) I tend to come up with unique and bizarre and exotic-ish names for my characters. Eh. I definitely wasn't a good writer in 2005. Yes, I know the exact date, it's part of a diary entry. Shall I write the rest of the entry? It's rather rude. I feel like I should have a talk with my younger self about manners...but then, it is a diary (which I actually update, occasionally--though for a while, I had a text file for my diary. I password locked it, and then typed diary entries. I believe Momo tried to hack it at one point...didn't work though).

Well I should tell you: Mrs. M (abbreviation of her name) is our (one of) lunch ade, she is fat and mean she won't even let us play with dirt! I hate her! Any way tomorrow is a test so, bye!
Love, Me
Oh...I had such a lovely little heart, so filled with childish anger and hatred of people who didn't let me do what I wanted. I think that lunch aide didn't want us (Momo, xiy, and me (and...House? I don't remember...) to play in the bushes, and we wanted to make little elf forts. Those were the days...we had recess back then...*sigh*

Well, g'night. Tomorrow is Greek >.< I get to review about more stuff I don't remember in the slightest. *half-hearted cheer* yay!

Luv, Lynda

Sunday, September 4, 2011

birthday and not much else

Holy snoodeboppers what happened? Blogspot, you got yoself a makeova! Maybe I'll actually like you a bit now :D

Hey, guys.
Last Friday was my birthday! Wasn't that exciting!
xiy drawded me the most beautiful picture!! Did you all see it? It's really cute :]

To celebrate getting through another whole gosh darn year of life, I got to take our very first APUSH essay test of the year! Lynda and Virgil already seem... less than 100% pleased with their grades. Oh boy. This will be fun >.< At least we have a whole year to get acclimated and improve, yeah?

But then I got to finish my day off with a tremendously hot, wonderful game of Friday night football! And the band marched fantastically! And the band played fantastically! And the team played well! Gah, so exciting.

The Six Little Curly Fries are gonna try to do a legit book club thing this year, which is also exciting. The first book we'll be reading is Room by Emma Donoghue. I'm like super duper excited about reading this book ^.^ From what I've heard/read/seen, it's a really legit novel. Also, last year, I felt like the school got really jammed up with work and things, so I wasn't able to take time aside to do fun things like read on my own. I hope this book club thing works out; I think it would be really great to stay, like, actively reading through the year :)

Anyway, that's all I've really been up to lately.
Sorry for the short post. It's been a long week >.<"

With all due respect,

Saturday, September 3, 2011

WOAH! new post thingy layout. :O

AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! It's all new and shiny and stuff! *.* I don't know if I can take it. It's so... so.... soo...... meeeeeeh.. NICE! :D 
Why is the format of everything changing??? >.<

So anyway, I had a very eventful day today. :) I went to a hall of fame that is rock and roll. It was fun. There were a lot of cool exhibits. and by cool, I mean it in both terms: they were interesting to look at, and I was freezing. And I got a magnet to put in my locker! :D 

It was very nice. It was also very hot. That wasn't very nice. :( 

And I got lost on my way to the fame that is in hall form. That wasn't very nice either. 

But otherwise, I had a very nice day today. :) 

so, uh, yesterday was House's birthday! *cue yays* And we got to die of heat at an away game. *cue more yays* and then we came home and it was alright. *cue even more yays* 

And today is an honorary Curly Fry birthday. :D I can't remember if we made a nickname for her or not, so she shall remain anonymous as of right now. 

Well, I must go. Ciao, my little lovelies.♥ 

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy Birthday, House!

Alright now, let's all sing it together: 
♫ Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you; happy birthday, dear Hou-ouseeeeeee~; HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! ♪

Today is our lovely House's birthday! Isn't that exciting? It is exciting. And Carrie's birthday is soon, and then all the Curly Fries will be the same age until November, when Lynda gets to be all haha-I'm-so-cool and gets a year older again. But at the moment, we nearly all match!

I actually drew this banner way back in July, because I was really bored and had nothing better to do at medical camp. Well, I did the sketch at medical camp, not the coloring. I did the coloring at home. ^.^

And Blogger's changed to be all pretty and clean and white and confusing and stuff! Does that count as a birthday present?

It's September now, but apparently the weather hasn't gotten the message yet. It was ~90F today, and the third floor of our school gets ridiculously hot in that sort of weather. And I just so happen to have French last period, which means I get to trek up the sweltering staircase (you can practically feel the steam; it was so humid today that paper started feeling soggy by the end of every class period) to a sweltering-er classroom while we reviewed the imperfect tense. Arrrgh.

But then it'll get cooler next week (I hope), so it'll all be good.

In Bio today, we had to do a lab about pillbug behavior. Momo, Virgil, and I named our ten pillbugs; the littlest one was Roanoke (the fattest one was Winthrop, the most rebellious was Anne Hutchinson, the two that looked most like each other were John Green and Hank Green, the skinniest was Delaware, the misfit-est was King George, and the meekest one was Canada), and it ended up dying, funnily enough. The pillbug we replaced it with was named Jamestown. :P

We were supposed to put the pillbugs in two petri dishes connected by a sort of hole-tunnel thing cut out of each dish so that they could move freely between the two (it kind of worked, but they kept escaping--Anne Hutchinson especially). A wet sheet of filter paper was put in one and a dry sheet in the other; apparently, the bugs were supposed to exhibit taxis and prefer the wet over the dry, but it didn't really work, because they just sort of wandered randomly.

(The wet-sheet dish was England and the dry one was America, because it always rains in England and because most of the bugs had American names anyway.)

And that's about it for today, I think. 



Thursday, September 1, 2011

When We Were Young (pt. 1)


It's Thursday! I had a lovely day today; in Bio, we are learning sooo much (and it's interesting) and in math we took a quiz that got interrupted by a fire drill that we get to finish tomorrow; I learned that in English class every Friday we get to have free reading time; we (the 6LCF) are having a book club with our old English teacher next week; I went "fencing" with Virgil; I had a great clarinet lesson; and I had basically only APUSH homework!

After reading Virgil's post and seeing xiy's comment about a theme week I thought we should have another "when we were young" theme. I guess I'll just continue it [this is rather impromptu so I don't know if everyone is willing/able to do this]. 
I found this old journal where I wrote stories (most about fairies, elves, etc.) from when I was 9. The writing quality is not nearly as good as Virgil's was but...yeah. Okay. 

Here it is.
Melodine's Elves

Once upon a time there was a young girl who was very lonely. She lived in a cottage in the woods with her mother and father. There was no on to play with because her kind father worked at a shoe shop and her loveing mother worked on sewing clothes for her family. [That obviously explains why she's lonely...]

So every day young Melodine played in a place where 20 trees grew in a circle. It made a fine play area for her. She would play house with a doll her mother had sewn out of extra cloth and cotton. Sadly house got boring and Melodine wanted to go somewhere other than the circle of trees.

So young Melodine made up her mind to go and explore. The next day Melodine put a buttered roll, a tin cup (in which she would put water) and tied it up in a hankercheif and hung it on a stick and set out to see the woods ahead of her.

After quite some wandering Melodine sat down next to a tree and drank her water and ate her roll. When she finished she started to walk again. A few minutes later she saw something quite peculiar, it was a small group of tiny houses.

TO BE CONTINUED WHEN I AM NOT AS TIRED... (this was all handwritten and really sloppy and omg....)

I'll finish later, I swear!
