Tuesday, September 20, 2011

GLEE! & some Harry Potter geekiness

So Glee starts tonight, hooray!! I want to get some substantial flute-practicing in before 8:00 (it's 7:15 right now) so this is going to be brief. Be grateful that I remembered this time!! 

So earlier I was doing tonight's Bio notes (actually I was doing last night's Bio notes, but I plan to do tonight's notes later!!) and I decided that it would be a brilliant idea to listen to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, because it relates to Potions Class which relates to chemistry, which is related to biology. It totally enriched my experience, and I remembered for the billionth time that I keep meaning to Google the lyrics of "In Noctem" (one of the tracks from the album that has indiscernible words). 

Let's have some translating fun (my favorite pastime!) 

In Noctem

Carry my soul into the night
May the stars guide my way
I glory in the sight,
As darkness takes the day. 
Ferte in noctem animam* meam
Illustre stellae viam meam. 
Aspectu illo glorior
Dum capit nox diem. 

Cantate vitae canticum
Sine dolore actae
Dicite eis quos amabam
Me nunquam obliturum

Sing a song, a song of life
Lived without regret
Tell the ones, the ones I loved
I never will forget,
Never will forget.

 Okay, so the English verses and the Latin verses are exactly the same, so no translating for me. Actually the second to last line of English is never given, and I think the last line is supposed to be "Never will forget me" but I guess that didn't fit or whatever. 

 [Danger: here be spoilers!]
I think it's interesting that this song is associated with Dumbledore's death (it's featured shortly before he dies, and maybe also while he's giving a speech at one point. I haven't actually seen the movie in a while) because it doesn't really fit to his character. I wonder why Steve Kloves (yes - Nicholas Hooper did the music, but I just looked it up and Kloves, the screenwriter, did the words) would write lyrics like "sing a song, a song of life, lived without regret." I feel like Dumbledore's life was filled with the most regret out of any character in the series, save for maybe Severus Snape. Is it just because he didn't know that yet? I don't know. Either way, it's beautiful, and the Latin lyrics give it a sort of feel that I associate with traditional church music - it's chilling. It's such a contrast to the freaky digitized voices in the track "The Drink of Despair" (are they supposed to be saying anything?). 

Okay, I'm done being geeky. I hope your mind* was sufficiently entertained by this post.  


*I always remember the difference between anima, soul, and animus, mind, because I just think of EZ and House: EZ is the masculine word and he's super-smart; House is the feminine word and she doesn't have a soul.  


  1. That was very Geeky. :) I really liked the way you distinguish animus/a and I shall use it from now on. :D

  2. The Latin went over my head, but I do like how you used the house+ez tag again. ^.^

  3. hahaha...House is the feminine word and she doesn't have a soul....HAHAHAHHA

  4. you guys suck. also, you forgot a comma.

  5. Virgil, the last two lines are indirect statement. "Tell them [that] I never will forget" and they left out esse. Also your animus/a thing is hilarious. House, I think you have a soul, but you call yourself soul-less, so...
