Saturday, October 29, 2011

Woah der, new layout. What da hack?

My bird has an ugly squawk. I know that's not a nice thing to say, but it's true. 

I've finally posted for the first time in two weeks! :D I'm sowwy for all my business. I do feel really bad. :/

Ummm.... Today's been quite fun. -distractions- Anyway... -ahhh! more distractions!- 
Okay, so last night I went to a party. Which reminds me, I need to to listen to Last Friday Night by Katy Perry to complete my life. :P It was fun though. I mean, it wasn't like a huge party or anything. Just like a house party with 15 or so people. It was soooo much fun though. :) There were perty lights and yummy noms. :3 

Then, today 4/6 Curly Fries had their last marching band game for the '11-'12 season! Oh, it was so emotional.... and so much fun! We actually won for once! :D 31-14, baybay.

After that, I went with two of my other friends out to dinner and then ice cream. It was really yummy. We got Schnitzel and then I got hot chocolate, and they both got ice cream. It was a lot of fun though. :) Lots of insiders were made. :P

I need a shower. 

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Friday, October 28, 2011

math class and nanowrimo

 In math class, we're learning how to find the roots of polynomial equations, and it involves (at least right now; maybe there's a better way to do it) doing some factoring and then basically guessing and checking until one finds the right number. I really don't like doing these sorts of problems (not that I like math in general or anything, ew) because the whole point of math, at least how I see it, is that there are ways to do things that work out properly all the time; there's not supposed to be uncertainty in math. But now there is and I don't like itttt. :(

Did you know that Nanowrimo is in three days? WELL NOW YOU DO. It is not going to be pretty, this November. >.<

For Halloween, apparently I am supposed to dress up as Christopher Robin, which basically means dressing in yellow and trying to look as short and short-haired as possible, I think:

except pants instead of shorts, because Curlyfryland is freaking cold on Halloween
Virgil is going to lend me her Pooh stuffed animal and it's going to be rather interesting.

Ummmmm. Yeah.

Momo, Virgil, and I started writing a photosynthesis song today, inspired rather by Not Our Bio Teacher's cell respiration song. It's called "Plant," because it is to the tune of "Animal" and we think we're so clever.

And I think that's it.



Thursday, October 27, 2011

Things that I Wrote Just Now

Hello! I'm feeling really happy right now. So I'm gonna talk about teachers. 

Also, I have a lot of time so this post will be longer than the most recent 100 word posts we've been puttin' out. Aight. 

I love my teachers this year. Compared to last year where many of my teachers were either BAD or meh or forgettable, my teachers this year just make me soooooo happy. 

In APUSH today, our (House's and mine (my?)) teacher realized it was someone's birthday.
After a rather loud and squeaky rendition of Happy Birthday, he proceeded to skip (mind you, he's quite old) SKIP around the room while singing:
"Skip around the room!
Skip around the room!
We won't shut up until you skip around the room!"
With the birthday girl's arm linked in his. It was wonderful.

Next, he proceeded to tell us a story about how he "skipped around the room" with two sumo wrestlers in Japan and how his biggest fear was that they'd knock themselves out with their...their... man breasts (<---he said it like that). Also he drank 47 cups of soup and the sumo wrestlers drank about 700. 

He's also a good teacher, though. I promise.

In other news: I am continuing to love biology. Not only do we (Virgil, xiy, and I) have an awesome teacher, but it's just all so cool. And it makes sense. And I don't think I've learned anything in science since 7th grade!

Additionally, Virgil and xiy and I are having a dress like Bio Teacher day next week. We even invited the honors bio class. It'll be splendid. We'll all look something like this:

Also worth noting was a quote that was something along the lines of, "I guess she [my daughter] decided to be a slutty pirate for Halloween" :(. Hahaha. Good times.

Which reminds me, Halloween is on Monday! I'm so excited. I'm going to dress up as Tigger and I know Virgil's gonna be Pooh and xiy might be Christopher Robin and it'll be so fun!!! This is the only time of year that I can really express myself. <---Actually, I hate it when people say that. You can express yourself whenever you want. No one's stopping you. On Halloween, however, you can express yourself through costume without [necessarily] being judged. Which is why some my former costumes have included being a tomato, a blade of grass, and grapes.
LASTLY: Sometime in the last day or so, the 7 billionth person born on this hur planet. Isn't it cool?! I mean, it is kind of scary to think that there are billions and billions of people on earth and that there are so many problems already and all that stuff. But 7 BILLION!!! I can't even count that high! I remember in elementary school when I found out that there were 6 and a half billion people. That scared me. It's just. Woah.
I have to eat dinner now. BYEEE


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October thusfar

I thought it would be cool to sum up the month of October by copying & pasting all
of our posts from the month into wordle, and then just sort of see what happens.  
 Wordle: Six Little Curly Fries
You have to click on it to be able to read it well. 
"Lynda" is so big because of that one post when Lynda gave us a riveting retelling 
of her entire day, minute-by-minute in first person. 
Ahh, good times. 
Okay, back to homework. See ya.  

Sunday, October 23, 2011

omg what am i doing


... so I just realized I get to have the honor of posting on Halloween Eve. Eeeeeeeeep >.<"

It's been such a weird week! I have actually had (a few of) my evenings and nights free! No soccer! What! Ohmygoodness! (And Lynda still has lots of crew! Teehee!) It's been really weird. I've actually had time to start my homework, like, before nine o'clock pm. Soooo weird. What is this. No weekly sprints? What will I ever do.

*sigh* It's still been a really long week, though. Lots of things to be done >.<

My and Lynda's biology class did... err, not as excellently as we all were hoping to do on our scary huge cellular respiration test (*cue music* CELL RESPIRATION... WOO HOOO). Tomorrow I expect us to be attacking him with "Are you sure the answer key was correct?" "I said the same as hers/his, but I didn't get full points!" "No, you definitely told us in class that the answer was B! *sobbing*" "Whyyyyyyyy? D':"

Eghh. We'll see.
It's my bedtime now, however. Sorry to cut this post so short >.<
*quickly crawls into bed to hide from the scary Halloween monsters*

With all due respect,

Friday, October 21, 2011

tumblr and apples and things

So basically all I've done this afternoon is finish Three Bags Full and then browse tumblr, because it is such a lovely waste of time and there's so much wonderful stuff there. Though it is kind of confusing, especially at first, because there's really no comment system and if one doesn't have an account it's difficult to navigate unless one knows the url of the tumblr itself. And then there's the whole how-do-you-credit-a-picture-when-it's-been-reblogged-10,000-times thing, which I think is an issue, though I'm not sure exactly of the details. But overall it's a fun place to waste time in and everything is easy once one gets used to it.

[I don't remember if I ever put it on here (I probably have; lately, school-induced lack of sleep has shot my short-term memory to pieces), but here is my tumblr, if you care to take a look.]

Tomorrow I think my family is going apple-picking, which unfortunately cuts down on frantic-NHD-researching time with House, though I much prefer apples to the Marie Paul etc. etc. Marquis de Lafayette (though he's cool too--after spending so long researching Robespierre, it's a lovely change to be reading about a guy who is actually remembered fondly in history ^.^). For one, apples are much tastier and apple-picking is fun and I get to spend my time practicing my pathetic tree-climbing skills and exploring the apple orchard (there's this weird little old house nearby and I like to imagine the story behind it) and eating fruit :D. Gala apples are my favorite; I hate red delicious apples because they're always too mealy and icky and the skin is always too thick and red delicious apples are the only kind of apples school cafeterias ever have (that and tough-skinned, dehydrated oranges; smallish bananas; and maybe not-entirely-fresh salad on a good day)--those, and sometimes super-sour green ones--and I absolutely detest them. But gala apples are nice, and also fuji ones.

Apple pie is good too. I want pie. ;w;

Nanowrimo (I've given up on spelling it 'NaNoWriMo,' because that involves hitting the shift key too many times and my lazy-butt high-school-sophomore self is too lazy to do so; it's also why I didn't capitalize the apple names earlier, even though I think that apple names are supposed to be capitalized) is in ten days omg. I'm not sure if I can finish it this year, but I shall do my best.

There was a bio test today and it was difficult but Momo, Virgil, and I were featured in one of the short-answer questions and it was exciting. :D We were a detective firm and, through the discovery that the murder victim's oxidized electron carriers, disproved a policeman's theory about suffocation being the cause of death (long story). I think I got that question right, though there was another question that was really difficult. :|a

Aaaaaaaand that was an unusually long post (I never noticed how many Us 'unusually' has, but upon reflection, there's quite a lot). I must be feeling very chatty today.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

~♪ ♫ Cell Respiration woohoo ♪ ♫~

As you can probably gather from the title, this week in bio we've been learning cell respiration. And omgtherearesomanythingstoknowandtolearnaaggghhhI'mgonnafaaaiiiiiiillllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Besides the every day bore of school and the stress of having a huge bio test as well as APUSH and Latin quizzes (that I still haven't studied for) tomorrow and an upcoming Greek test and English and Greek projects and NHD (omg) and all those other lovely things associated with the 10th's been pretty good.

I think today constitutes for a "Bad Things are in my Life so Pity Me" rant.
Latin/Greek teacher hates me. It's plainly obvious to other people too. She always singles me out with stupid things and tries to make me look bad. She also always thinks I'm not doing my work when, in reality, I have just been multi-tasking to the lovely background of her droning voice. In Greek she is the same way. She tries to correct my already correct statements. Then again, she does that to everyone. I am just so annoyed with her. I can't even put it into words. Gahh. That wasn't a very long rant. Lynda's more experienced than I am.

The other night/morning I dreamt in haikus!! My alarm went off on Tuesday very normally. And as normal, I fell back to sleep. After I wake up and then re-fall asleep, I have crazy dreams. For some reason, I thought that my sister had to write haikus for her English essay. Hers was:

For anyone who knows anything about haikus, you might notice that that ^ is not a haiku. I tried to explain to her that a haiku has 5, 7, then 5 syllables. She argued that plate has 5 letters in it and signify has 7. This clearly dumbfounded me. I continued to dream in haikus. I don't remember them. The End.

As a parting gift here are 2 real haikus:

There're too many steps
to learning bio such as
cell respiration
Cats are really cute
they sleep in laundry baskets
I am so jealous.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What a treacherous thing to believe that a person is more than a person.

I thought I'd begin today's post with an epic Paper Towns quote. 
This post is going well already. 

Okay, what shall I talk about? *listens to The Cell Respiration Song for inspiration* 

Let's talk about song lyrics. This is a good song: 

I found myself standing on a rock
It was pretty big I couldn’t see around it
Just went on and on until it didn’t stop.
It was green and it was brown
It was blue and it was white
And it spun around so fast that the day turned into night.

I tried running forward so I could see over the edge
But soon I found myself sleeping in somebody else’s bed
And they said...

The opening lines of this song are some of my favorite lyrics ever. "I found myself standing on a rock..." it's such an awesome visual, like, standing a rock that's green, brown, blue, and white, and it spins so fast that day turns to night. Like, whoa.
Don’t look for light bulbs when you’re standing in the sunshine
And don’t think you’ll get tomorrow in your sights
No matter how many times you run it through your head

Because you’ll never get it right...

Just the words, "Don't look for light bulbs when you're standing in the sunshine." So beautiful. Ohmygosh. 

Umm NaNoWriMo is really soon. Whoa. ohgoshwhatamigoingtodo?!?!?!?

In other news, I found this website and I think I know what's going on my list for Santa this Christmas. 

Look at the icon I made! 

 That is all. 


Monday, October 17, 2011

我是 A Curly Fry

Lol, so the title says "I am a Curly Fry"...I've just been listening to a boat load (geddit? crew? boat? hahahahahahhahaha--seriously though.) of Chinese Music, and one of them's all like, "A little bit of 爱情, 一点点的 wonderful!" And I'm just like...."ARGH. THE CHANGING OF LANGUAGES IS TOO MUCH!" *brain explodes*

I have problems when switching from Chinese to English then to Chinese again REALLY SUPER FAST. I screw up both languages when I attempt this. You have to give them Chinese singers a ton of points for doing that so fast and so well.

This problem of language switching also occurs when I'm super tired. Like, dead on my feet. It'll take me like, 10 minutes to figure out that a) you aren't speaking Chinese, b) you're speaking to me, c) I'm speaking Chinese to you, and you're staring at me like, 'wtf?" For example, that one day?

Lynda walked into a classroom. She went up to the teacher when Teacher calls Lynda. Teacher starts speaking to her. Lynda hears "你昨天的作业还行么?" In reality, Teacher speaks in a different language. English. "Was yesterday's homework okay?" Lynda replies in CHINESE. "å•Š?作业?我觉得还行。" Teacher stares at Lynda. "What?" Lynda realizes the problem.... " was...uh, good?" Teacher: "Er....good. Good. Very good?" Lynda shrugs, a bit embarrassed.
*flashback ends*

So today in AP Bio, our student teacher (of sorts...she was never fully introduced, something about "mumble mumble local university contract mumble SPOKE. She's never talked at all, in, like, the past 5 or so weeks. We were all like, what? She talks? OMIGOSH. SO COOL.
Anyways...this is the extent of today's post. 

Au revoir! (I just finished a french art project's notecards to prepare the speech...I'm sort of in like, TRI-LINGUAL mode...It's very...strange.)


Sunday, October 16, 2011

wazzup y'all


Last night was our school's homecoming dance and football game and parade for all the extracurricular activities' clubs' floats. Our football team lost the game 14 - 21, but the game was pretty good, and our band was as shiny and fantastic as usual. The parade also went pretty well. This year's theme was Dr. Seuss, so a lot of the floats were, um, creative :)

And the dance.
First of all, I totally loveee seeing everyone all dressed up and groomed and everything. (Especially the boys. They, like, even shower.) It's so lovely! Everyone looks so pretty ^.^ (Especially Carrie!!!! Gurrrrlllll. You guise, she looked super duper pretty in a lavender dress.)

But yeah. Homecoming... it was pretty good. I had a lot of fun, at least :)
The music was, uh, not too varied from general heavy bass rap, so I don't exactly see my friends enjoying themselves there, so I hope their "anti-homecoming" party thing went well ^.^

And... yeah.
Let me update you on my life.

I cannot believe this. What am I supposed to do?
I will miss my muddy fields and lovely teammates and being able to shove people to the ground* in the sacred name of such a wonderful sport! D: Buuut I suppose it will be nice to have, you know, nights where I can start homework at a decent hour and all ^.^

Ohmigoodness. So yeah, that happened. And off-season training will probably be starting soon, then.

Aaand soccer ended because now's it's October >.<
I really dislike October. Why? First, soccer comes to an end. Second, I'm really weird, and my teeth chatter whenever it's the slightest bit cold, and this is usually when that phenomenon starts. And lastly, it's when all the horror movies start coming out >.<
Eeeeep. Horror movies. I don't mind that they come out and that people go see them, but the trailers are so sudden and scary and dark and all have creepy music, and you never know when they're coming! *shudders* I really, really, really dislike horror movies. Like, a lot. Also haunted houses. And sometimes skeletons.
So yeah. October. Eghhhr. That's what's up, pretty much.

With all due respect,

*Hehe, being a defender is fun.

Friday, October 14, 2011

oh hey wait blogger's turned back into its old self :|a

Today is Friday and I did really nothing constructive after school besides read a very lovely sheep detective story* and also do my math homework, the former of which I enjoyed much more than the latter. At least factoring is easy; Geometry Teacher drilled it so firmly into our heads last year that it's very difficult to forget, though the dumb freshmen in my class who have not had the (dubious) fortune of taking geometry with Geometry Teacher are consequently rather dense in such matters. In fact, some of the freshmen in my math class are just overall very dense; Math Teacher will tell them very specifically not to blurt out the answer and they will raise their hands, every single one of them painfully eager to show off their not-so-precocious talents (some are noticeably more enthusiastic than others, though that's not saying much, when their base mode of existence in class seems to be 'OOHHH TEACHER TEACHER I KNOW THE ANSWER OOHH OOOHH CALL ON ME TEACHER I KNOW I'M SMART'), and promptly proceed to blurt out the answer.

It is pathetic. Even the teacher gets fed up on a daily basis.

Anyway, in other news, tomorrow is Homecoming which is supposed to be a big deal but it isn't, not really, though the parade is rather fun. I'm going to be taking the PSAT tomorrow morning, and of course that's going to be oh-so-fun. And then I get to march with Chinese Club's float and shout cheesy slogans ('Beijing Welcomes You!'), probably, but there's candy so that's okay. And of course I'm not going to the dance, because that would just be silly.

And then more things are going to happen this weekend and it makes me feel like I actually have a social life, except I don't. Wheee.

I don't have any drawings to show you today.

So, yeah, I think that's it.


*the two things which I love to see mentioned in any sort of fiction is either a) sheep or b) the French Revolution; I'm not sure why. Probably I'm weird.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

50 Things (err...21)

You know how a ton of YouTube people have done '50 Things' where they say 50 things in their room/house/whatever? I thought of that in Chinese club today so I think I'll do it with my backpack. It probably won't be nearly 50 things...

  1. Pencil case
  2. Fricking expensive calculator
  3. Ender's Game (it's sooo good so far even though I've barely read any of it)
  5. Note to parent from September 16th...maybe I should give that to my parents...
  6. 2 plastic bags
  7. Chap-stick (the blue flavor)
  8. Cell phone
  9. Gum
  10. Origami (x2)
  11. Lanyard with nothing on it.
  12. Planner
  13. Math stuffs
  14. Bio stuffs
  15. APUSH stuffs
  16. Lunch box
  17. Latin textbook
  18. The Crucible
  19. Greek text book
  20. Letter from my German friends (I DIDN'T KNOW I HAD THAT!!!)
  21. Cute little animal things
That wasn't as interesting as I'd hoped. But, seeing as this week seems to be a boring-ish post week, I think I'll be OK.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

oh yeah. today's tuesday.

no capital letters today. too much effort, hitting shift.

besides, all letters must be equal!

i just got home. then i had to deal with casting stuffs for a play at my church. now i can go start my homework.

sorry for the crappy post.

to make up for it, here are some haikus i found in the "notepad" section of my phone:

i quite like haikus
they use both writing and math
but i don't like math.

blah. holy snoodle
latin class is so boring
julius caesar

blueberry bagels
they are oh so delicious
eaten with cream cheese

you're welcome.


Monday, October 10, 2011


Hey there, peeps...

Howdy y'all...



Today's Monday.

So we have this Andrew Jackson trial thing for APUSH tomorrow, and I have to sort of dress up, and I'm like...grrrr. It annoys me that Nicholas Biddle doesn't wear sweatpants and t-shirts all the time. Then I'd be like, comfortable. >.<


So Chinese Club wants to build a frickin' float. A dragon, to be exact. How they're gonna do that, I have no idea. I'm just responsible for bringing duct tape.


That's about it for today.
Sorry for the boring post; it's been a long day and there's Greek tomorrow...sooo...I'm not really in the mood for a long drawn out post.


Saturday, October 8, 2011

I feel like I should write a really nice post today...

...but then again, I don't really feel like typing. 

Meh. Everything's distracting me! 

Today has been very eventful. 

Yeah, this just proves how lazy I am. 

Now! I shall tell you about my day. 

Well, this morning I gave a small flute lesson to my cousin. She's gonna be, like, the next Virgil at flute. She's in 4th grade, but apparently she already knows all the 4th grade stuff so they let her play the 5th grade music. Then, after that my mom and I went downtown and helped out with this peaceful riot thing going on with the Occupy Wallstreet. I was actually really neat, and I got to help out a little bit! So that was neat. After that, when we got home, I had to go kittysit. The kitties remembered me. :3 They're so adorable! 

Yep, that was pretty much my day. Now I have to go do laundry and schtuff. Maybe have a AVPM/AVPS  marathon like I promised myself. 


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 

Friday, October 7, 2011


Ffffff I completely forgot I was supposed to post today, so this is going to be short.

This week has been okay, if rather long and slightly painful (two tests a day on average and a re-tightening of braces do not make for a happy xiy), so yeah. And Virgil lent me Ender's Game today, and I am on page 35 and it is lovely.

Here; have a drawing to make up for the utter lack of substance.
how clouds are made:
this is the colored and polished version of a doodle I drew on the whiteboard in math class

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Agh!!! No time to post!!! I got back from school at 3:20, did my homework, ate a snack, got ready for band and I'm waiting for my sister right now to come so we won't be late to the game. There is no time to post. We won't get back until 11 tonight (and I won't post then). Sorry. Too much to do. Not enough time to do it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

What a Terrible Day

Hullo. I had a horrible day. Here it is--in detail:

6:50- Lynda wakes up...goes to the bathroom.
6:52- Lynda trudges back to bed, hoping (desperately) that it's only 5 in the morning,and she has another hour to sleep.
7:00- BRRRIIINNGG--Lynda's alarm rings, just as Lynda is snuggled in her bed, warm again...
7:10- Lynda wakes up for realz, from the doze she had since she slammed the snooze button on her alarm.
7:15- Lynda counts to 10 for the 50th time, telling herself, "I'll get up when I reach 10."
7:25- Lynda actually gets up, shivers, and then rushes to pull on the warmest clothes she can find.
7:40- Lynda is done brushing her teeth, hair, washing her face, dressed, packed, and headed(staggered) downstairs to eat breakfast.
7:45- Lynda is done glugging down milk and eating a dinner(lol, dinner) roll.
7:47- Lynda eases on shoes (she has painful blisters from the regatta on Saturday--OOOOWWWW...speaking of which, the regatta was cold, wet, and generally quite miserable), gently...
7:48- Lynda is pulling off shoes again, rushing up the stairs (erm, hobbling up the stairs) to get her iPod, 'cause she wants to listen to it on the busride down to the boathouse.
7:50- Lynda gently eases on shoes again (blisters still throbbing with pain).
7:52- Lynda runs (limps quickly) down the sidewalk in pursuit of xiy, and screaming at the top of her lungs, "XIY! OI! XIY! WAIT!!!"
7:56-Lynda and xiy make it to school. They part ways.
8:00- Lynda walks(totters) to French
APPROXIMATE TIME OF 2nd PERIOD: Lynda reads American Pageant (APUSH txtbk) during math class, in desperate hope that she will finish so she will pass the chapter quiz that's going to happen in 7/8 period.
......3rd period-5th period...... SKIP (it's boring)
LUNCH- Lynda eats. Lynda's friend, Bzz and Dani comment that Lynda's eggplant food look like octopus and snails, respectively.
9/10 period- AP BIO....'nuff said
3:00- Lynda rushes (dodders) home in search of crew regalia...
3:06- Lynda arrives home...realizes keys are inside said home.
3:07- Lynda begins to panic.
3:08- Lynda's 'beginning panic' goes to full out 'PANIC' mode...
3:10- Lynda flags down passerby (highschool boy) by yelling, "YOU! YES! YOU! C'MERE!"
3:11- Passerby shuffles warily closer to crazed Lynda.
3:12- Lynda asks to use his cellphone.
3:14- Lynda realizes she doesn't know who to call (neighbor xiy is at Chinese Club)...hands phone back to boy.
3:20- Lynda runs (teeters) back to HS. Finds xiy, makes a scene. 
3:30- Lynda runs (totters) back home. Grabs umbrella and backpack (from doorway, where she put it), scares a first grader by whipping out the umbrella, and brandishing the umbrella like a sword.
3:50- Lynda arrives back at the HS, finds other crew buddy, borrows clothing, relaxes a bit.
4:00- Lynda is on bus to crew.
4:01-5:16...Nothing interesting happens.
5:17- Lynda's boat goes too close to coach's launch/motor boat thing/ship...Lynda's oar nearly decapitates coach's head.
5:18- Lynda thinks she heard a thunk when her oar goes flying over coach's ship. 
5:30- Coach complains that his "unsinkable radio with the flashing light that goes on when in water" has sunk somewhere, and he can't see the supposed-to-be flashing light. Lynda realizes that the *THUNK* she heard when her oar went over the coach's ship was the radio colliding with her oar. Apparently said radio went flying out into the water...Lynda feels a tad bit of guilt...
7:00- Lynda arrive back home. She is content.
And thus ends my day. And my post. Have a lovely night.


Saturday, October 1, 2011

"... and they were all throwing their homecoming tiaras into the sky!"

Oh, hey. Didn't see ya there. 

Okay... maybe I did. 

Today's been just fabulous! 
First, the marching band curly fries (minus House?) had a game today. In the freezing cold. How awesome. We played against our neighboring suburb. We lost. *Sadface* I was a very sad lose too. 21-7. Them. Anywhoo, it was incredibly cold. Everyone was all bundled up in their polyester/plastic marching band uniforms and raincoats, cuddling together in the dreary weather to keep warm. I don't think many people cared if they looked ridiculous today, as long as they were warm. Yes, it was that cold. THEN, the main director, Mr. Lemons, made us take OFF OUR RAINCOATS FOR HALFTIME. I officially think that he is crazy. We're still  freezing WITH the raincoats on; you want us to take them OFF??!?!?!?!? Crazy person. >.< During halftime, not only were we cold, oh no, we were also up to our waists in mud! It was awful. :( I don't think we've ever had a worse halftime show. We were waaay off tempo for one song, and then we were slipping all around for the rest of the show. It was just so horrible in my opinion, I don't even want to talk about it anymore. 

I believe Lynda has a rigotta (sp?) this weekend? Good luck to her and the rest of the team! ♥ 

Uhhh... Oh. Yeah. 

After that, I went shopping with my aunt. That was a lot of fun. :D There's this superrr pretty store called Charming Charlie's. That is the shiniest store I have EVER been in! I've been there twice, but I just love it more with every time I go. :) I went tonight to go get my homecoming jewelry. It's so shiny! and pretty! and colorful!  I just love it. :) I can't say what I got though since Eggr reads the blog. :P but I got nice things. After that, we went to this restaurant called Stir Crazy that sells, like, Asian noms. It was soooo yummyful. I love Asian noms. :) Then, we went to go get frozen yogurt from this place called Yogurt Vi. That was really good too. Basically, you pick up a cup and then you choose what ice cream you want and put on whatever toppings you want and then they charge it by the ounce. It was really cool. I got a mix of chocolate and vanilla with caramel and caramel cups. Omnomnom :3 Then! I went to American Eagle and got this super fluffy sweater that I love! :D 

But now I am home and "helping" my mom make cupcakes. I have to get up early tomorrow. Ew. I don't wanna! D: Sooo... I'm probably gonna go to bed soon. Meh.


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 