Thursday, October 27, 2011

Things that I Wrote Just Now

Hello! I'm feeling really happy right now. So I'm gonna talk about teachers. 

Also, I have a lot of time so this post will be longer than the most recent 100 word posts we've been puttin' out. Aight. 

I love my teachers this year. Compared to last year where many of my teachers were either BAD or meh or forgettable, my teachers this year just make me soooooo happy. 

In APUSH today, our (House's and mine (my?)) teacher realized it was someone's birthday.
After a rather loud and squeaky rendition of Happy Birthday, he proceeded to skip (mind you, he's quite old) SKIP around the room while singing:
"Skip around the room!
Skip around the room!
We won't shut up until you skip around the room!"
With the birthday girl's arm linked in his. It was wonderful.

Next, he proceeded to tell us a story about how he "skipped around the room" with two sumo wrestlers in Japan and how his biggest fear was that they'd knock themselves out with their...their... man breasts (<---he said it like that). Also he drank 47 cups of soup and the sumo wrestlers drank about 700. 

He's also a good teacher, though. I promise.

In other news: I am continuing to love biology. Not only do we (Virgil, xiy, and I) have an awesome teacher, but it's just all so cool. And it makes sense. And I don't think I've learned anything in science since 7th grade!

Additionally, Virgil and xiy and I are having a dress like Bio Teacher day next week. We even invited the honors bio class. It'll be splendid. We'll all look something like this:

Also worth noting was a quote that was something along the lines of, "I guess she [my daughter] decided to be a slutty pirate for Halloween" :(. Hahaha. Good times.

Which reminds me, Halloween is on Monday! I'm so excited. I'm going to dress up as Tigger and I know Virgil's gonna be Pooh and xiy might be Christopher Robin and it'll be so fun!!! This is the only time of year that I can really express myself. <---Actually, I hate it when people say that. You can express yourself whenever you want. No one's stopping you. On Halloween, however, you can express yourself through costume without [necessarily] being judged. Which is why some my former costumes have included being a tomato, a blade of grass, and grapes.
LASTLY: Sometime in the last day or so, the 7 billionth person born on this hur planet. Isn't it cool?! I mean, it is kind of scary to think that there are billions and billions of people on earth and that there are so many problems already and all that stuff. But 7 BILLION!!! I can't even count that high! I remember in elementary school when I found out that there were 6 and a half billion people. That scared me. It's just. Woah.
I have to eat dinner now. BYEEE



  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT PICTURE. What's sad is that it kind of does look like Bio Teacher, especially with that coffee mug. . .

  2. Except Bio Teacher isn't quite that buff, lol.

    Bahaha we're such nurds. I'm excited for Halloween though!!! :D
