Friday, September 30, 2011

xiy's new look

I am writing this post while the other Curly Fries are off at school, and I have to say that it is quite a nice feeling to be at home while everybody else is in ninth period. However, the reason for my absence involves getting four teeth pulled out earlier today, which is not a happy occurrence. At all.

(Like, I would definitely prefer being bored to death in a freshman-infested math class learning about stupid matrices with all my teeth intact instead of sitting at home minus four teeth and bleeding copiously from the gums.)

So right now, I'm still drugged up on Novocaine (and that hurt more than the getting-teeth-pulled-out part), which is kind of problematic because it means I've lost all sense of where my bottom lip is and so I can't really eat. Or swallow. Or close my mouth. As a result, I look pretty gormless and drooly and not attractive in the least.

(Also, I don't think the nitrous oxide has worn off yet either, which means I feel sort of borderline hysterical at the moment, like I've just been on some crazy roller coaster and the giddiness hasn't gone away.)

And speaking of a new look, I got a haircut last Saturday, so now my hair is all layered and kind of short and stuff, and I guess it looks pretty nice. I can't put it into a proper ponytail, though, which is disappointing.

All in all, I look very different from how I looked last week; here is a visual aid.

Those bloody white things are the gauze. And in case you can't tell, FOUR OF MY TEETH ARE GONE. D:
I can't even eat ice cream because my gums are still bleeding and I don't want to eat bloody ice cream, because that'd be kind of disgusting. And I'd probably miss my mouth entirely and dribble all over the place, because my bottom lip is still so numb. Argghhh.

It doesn't hurt too much, thankfully, because I'm in no state right now to be swallowing anything more solid than water. I'd probably choke on the Motrin or something.

So, yeah, fun times.



  1. D: We missed you so much today!!! Virgil and I were very sad in bio without our third bio buddy. And at lunch there was an empty seat and in math, Virgil's twinsie and I cried because you weren't there to groan at the freshmen with us...IT WAS SO SAD.

  2. Yeah, bio was pretty tragic. Momo and I actually had to do WORK for the lab today. Isn't that awful? And APUSH felt quite lonely without you and your drawings. *tear* I hope your mouth feels better soon!!! <3
