Thursday, September 1, 2011

When We Were Young (pt. 1)


It's Thursday! I had a lovely day today; in Bio, we are learning sooo much (and it's interesting) and in math we took a quiz that got interrupted by a fire drill that we get to finish tomorrow; I learned that in English class every Friday we get to have free reading time; we (the 6LCF) are having a book club with our old English teacher next week; I went "fencing" with Virgil; I had a great clarinet lesson; and I had basically only APUSH homework!

After reading Virgil's post and seeing xiy's comment about a theme week I thought we should have another "when we were young" theme. I guess I'll just continue it [this is rather impromptu so I don't know if everyone is willing/able to do this]. 
I found this old journal where I wrote stories (most about fairies, elves, etc.) from when I was 9. The writing quality is not nearly as good as Virgil's was but...yeah. Okay. 

Here it is.
Melodine's Elves

Once upon a time there was a young girl who was very lonely. She lived in a cottage in the woods with her mother and father. There was no on to play with because her kind father worked at a shoe shop and her loveing mother worked on sewing clothes for her family. [That obviously explains why she's lonely...]

So every day young Melodine played in a place where 20 trees grew in a circle. It made a fine play area for her. She would play house with a doll her mother had sewn out of extra cloth and cotton. Sadly house got boring and Melodine wanted to go somewhere other than the circle of trees.

So young Melodine made up her mind to go and explore. The next day Melodine put a buttered roll, a tin cup (in which she would put water) and tied it up in a hankercheif and hung it on a stick and set out to see the woods ahead of her.

After quite some wandering Melodine sat down next to a tree and drank her water and ate her roll. When she finished she started to walk again. A few minutes later she saw something quite peculiar, it was a small group of tiny houses.

TO BE CONTINUED WHEN I AM NOT AS TIRED... (this was all handwritten and really sloppy and omg....)

I'll finish later, I swear!



  1. aww that's adorable!!! I love how it's a "buttered roll." That just seems like the cutest phrase ever.

    Also I like how you put "fencing" in quotation marks... because we only call it fencing, lolz.

  2. "After quite some wandering Melodine sat down next to a tree and drank her water and ate her roll." Lol. How cute.
