Saturday, September 24, 2011


So... um... my birthday is kind of in 5 days. js. Not like I'm counting or anything. :P

Today, the 6LCFs' highschool's football team won their first game! :D It was incredibly exciting, especially since we don't usually win games. Like, ever. -.-" 

I just watched a movie! ^.^ It was called Leap Year. If you're into chick flicks/romantic comedies, you'd like it. :P I'm a romantic comedy type of gal, so naturally I loved it. :)
On a side-note: I'm talking to Eggr, and he just told me that he'd watch anything with me, even a chick flick. ^.^ Okay, I'll stop now. :P 

I am going to attempt to write a somewhat long-ish post. Maybe I'll actually succeed this time, unlike every other post that I said would be a long one. ...Eh, probably not. I apologize, I love talking and telling people about everything, but I'm just so lazy. It's horrible! Pweasedon'thateme.

Let's see... what can I talk about? I'm a really boring person, I don't have much to talk about. Maybe I'm just weird about what I put on the internet (IE: blog posts)

Well, there's a question I have: what's the real difference between i.e. and e.g.? I seem to always mix them up, and then I feel really stupid. I know e.g. is like "for example,...", but for some reason I always mix it up with i.e. and when I catch myself, I'm always wondering what i.e. actually means. It's like hydroxl and carboxyl in bio; they sound so similar, but they're really completely different. Well, kinda. 
Eh, I don't want to get into that now. Bio hurts my brain sometimes. Plus, I studied for like an entire hour today for my test on Wednesday. *cue groans* I have a German test that day, too! D: *crawls into corner and gets into fetal position* It's not that I don't like either class, it's just those are my two hardest classes, believe it or not. (Well, German isn't THAT hard, neither is bio... but the tests are kinda hard, and if you can't tell, I really don't like tests.) 

I'm enjoying the book we just finished reading for book club. :P I think it's brilliant. 
I love that word. Brilliant. It's such a nice sounding word. It makes everything else sound twice as fantastic as it already is. Brilliant. 

I believe that this was a very nice length for a post. :) I feel very accomplished. 

'kay. Bye! 

Smiles, hugs, and lot of love,


  1. Happy almost-birthday, Carrie! <3 <3 <3

  2. i.e. stands for "id est" which means "that is." So instead of like giving an example, i.e. is usually followed by additional explanation of what you just said, i.e. say it in a different way or add more detail.

    ^see what I did there. pretty cool.

