Tuesday, September 6, 2011

nitwits, oddments, blubbers, and perhaps a tweak or two


So today I skipped fencing because I had a ton of work to do, and then when I got home, instead of starting to chip away at the mountain of homework, I: 1) ate too much food and 2) watched almost a whole hour of TV.
I have no self-control whatsoever.  *sigh* I should have gone to fencing. AND I'm supposed to be on a diet, but this stupid online health course has me so paranoid about anorexia that now I'm eating way too much. It's supposed to discourage people from becoming obsessed with their weight, but instead IT'S DOING THE EXACT OPPOSITE. How counterproductive. I just had a bowl of Ben & Jerry's, and now I feel guilty. I BLAME BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY.  
So, let's see. Things that are randomly coming to my mind...
1. Bio class today was so much fun. I'm giggling just thinking about it, even though I don't remember a whole lot, because I'm pretty sure Momo and I were both on laughing gas the whole time. 

2. This book that I'm reading, The Forgotten Legion, is really, REALLY good. It's quite a lot like A Game of Thrones - let's do a little comparison game, shall we? The eager English student inside of me is having a party. I really should be working on an English essay about mangoes right now, but whatever, this is more fun. 
Similarities between TFL and GoT: 
1. They both have alternating perspectives between different characters of contrasting status, who may or may not be on opposing sides of the same conflict and/or have stories that somewhere link together or will link together in the future. 
2. They both have a lot of political themes involved. 
3. They are both written by military-tactics-nerds. 
4. They both involved the objection of women in the form of both a) rape and b) prostitution. 
5. They both contain a lot of blood. 
6. They are both really great books. 

Difference between TFL and Got:
1. The Forgotten Legion is historical fiction, wheres A Game of Thrones is (as far as we know) completely fantasy. 
2. A Game of Thrones took me over a month to read, whereas it's only been a couple days with TFL and I'm about halfway done.

It's interesting how these days we are (or, at least, I am) entertained by the violence, sex, and politics (I feel like these three things go together) of civilizations that either never existed or haven't existed in centuries. Is it some sort of fascination with pain? Does it make our own lives seem better in comparison when we're reading about the depressing lives of characters who face terrible situations, half of whom are enslaved? I don't know about you guys, but reading about Daenerys getting raped or Fabiola getting sold to a brothel really puts my own problems into perspective. OH MY GOODNESS I GOT A BAD GRADE ON THE APUSH ESSAY, WHAT ON EARTH AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE? Maybe that's why I love reading Harry Potter so much - his life sucks. 

Don't judge me because I read just to make myself feel better about my own life, because that isn't even true. But I would be lying if I said that it wasn't one of the many reasons. 

I salute you if you actually read my little train-of-consciousness post. It probably makes no sense.



  1. VIRGIL - you are awesome. I loved that post. Good luck, girl! You'll be fine. :)

  2. ^True dat.

    Also, at least you don't, like, kill puppies to make yourself feel better. I think reading is quite acceptable.

  3. ^I agree with Momo. And SBL.

    OH MY GOODNESS THE HEALTH COURSE. I still need to take that final, one of these days. . .
