Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!!!

The title says it all. The end. Not really though....Happy Memorial Day though to those of you who live in the U.S. of A. with us! In our little town (that isn't too little) we celebrate this lovely holiday with a giant parade (and we dom't have school, woot, woot!). The marching band comes out (we've got an AH-MAZING band) and all sorts of people march the 2 miles or so. Groups like Girl/Boy Scouts, soccer teams, hockey teams, churches, people campaigning, library people, and other random groups. This year I walked in the parade with my church, instead of walking however, I rode my unicycle. I'm cool like that. It was really, really hot and I died a little. It was fun to chuck handfuls of candy to little, ungrateful, greedy children. The hockey team (of like, eight year-olds) in front of us each had a bag of candy in one hand, and yet, when another one chucked some candy to the crowd, they all dove for it! I was like, "You do realize that you have a bag of candy in your other hand...right?" I didn't actually say that to them though. Before I went to the parade I was at Virgil's house, creepin' on her. Just kidding! We had a 6LCF sleepover in which we made sock puppets and a video. The video isn't loading very well so that will probably be added into this post later.We had so much fun making it though! First we "went swimming in the moonlight" as xiy says, then we came inside and "brainstormed" for an hour about what we would do. It ended up being improv and a dance. Lots of brainstorming required...

I just went swimming for an hour or so and now I'm back and the video that I was talking about is here!!!!! YAY!!!! I realize now that it may be a little boring for most people...but it is funny to us. So hmph! We finished video taping at like 12:30 last night, er...this morning. I am soooo happy for the monthiversary!!!

Hmm...what else...? In honor of Memorial Day I will tell you a short (very short) history of it. Ahem.
  1. It is a holiday. In the U.S.A. Where they remember people.
  2. It is always on the very last Monday of May (which is today O.o)
  3. Also known as Decoration Day.
  4. It was first celebrated for Union soldiers after the Civil War.
  5. Which is around when the Union was reunited. *clap, clap, clap*
  6. After World War I all soldiers were included in the celebration/memorial.
  7. At 3 p.m. local time, there is a remembrance for all who died (I didn't know that!!!)
  8. Back in the olden Confederate days, Memorial Day was celebrated with a solemn service remembering those who passed.
  9. There is "The National Memorial Day Concert" which takes place on the west lawn of the United States Capitol.
  10. Many schools recognize this as the start of summer. Ours doesn't. Poo.
Sorry for the short post people! Happy Monthiversary and Memorial day!!! And watch that video!!!!


Ooops! I forgot my question of the day! I only have 1+ 1/2.
  • Where do those white puffs that fly through the air come from and why are they so hard to catch?


  1. Yay! Wonderful post!
    I really don't know the answer to your question...I guess they just come from random plants, but I have no idea why they're so hard to catch.

  2. Those are nargles. duhhh.

  3. Oh yes, thank you Luna. :P
