Saturday, May 29, 2010

French Things, The African Children's Choir, Boston, etc.

Hello, my Muggle friends! How are you on this wonderfully sunny Memorial Day weekend? I am quite good. We only have seven more days of school, which is a delightfully small number. It feels like summer already, and it kills me to think that I have to put together my final French presentation AND study for finals.
I quite like French things, but the French language is not one of them. I like baguettes, wine, French ice cream, crepes, and I like going to France, but I don't actually like the study of the language. I'm dropping it next year so that I can continue with Latin and also take Ancient Greek. (That's what nerds do.) Maybe someday, like in college, I'll take French again. 

Since this week is the Week for Awesome, I am going to tell you about one of my favourite charities, the African Children's Choir. They are truly awesome. Basically, the African Children's Choir improves people's lives through music, "a magic beyond all what we do here (Hogwarts)." They hold auditions in some of the most poverty-stricken regions of Africa, and then a group of kids are chosen to be in the choir. These kids' lives are automatically turned around. Most of them have lost at least one parent to HIV/AIDs, often two, and they don't have much of a chance for an education or a future. After touring with the Choir for a year, the children go home where their entire education - through university, in some cases. The basic goal behind the organization is helping Africa's most vulnerable children today, so that they can help Africa tomorrow. You can visit their lovely website here and buy their songs on iTunes. 
I'm not going to give anything away, but let me just say that it was totally unexpected. And amazing. I was wrong about who the Necromancer was, but I was right about who Machiavelli's Elder master is, and you'd NEVER guess where Joan, Scatty, Palamedes, Saint-Germain, and Will are. I can't wait for Book Five.

THE CELTICS ARE GOIN TO THE FINALS!! I'm so pumped. The game last night against Orlando was epic. Kevin Garnett is such a beast in every possible meaning of the word, and Rajon Rondo is apparently going to be my new brother-in-law. Yayy. The Celtics play so well - like, really as a team, not just individual players trying to rack up their own statistics. That's probably do to better-than-Brown coaching. Okay, I know most of the other curly fries don't care  much about professional sports, so I'm going to stop now.

Um... what else was I going to post about? Have I told you that my brain turns to mush when it's hot outside?

Here are some questions for you guys, because I guess that's the new thing. Answer them wisely.
1) What excactly is the proper use of a rubber duck?
2) Are you the imprint of a departed soul?
3) What is your Patronus?
4) What is a Horcrux?
5) What is foreshadowing?
6) Harry/Ginny, Harry/Hermione, or Harry/Luna?
7) How do you feel about summer vacation? (Personally, I just can't wait to get back to Hogwarts.)
8) Regardless of Harry being born or not being born, do you prefer James/Lily or Sev/Lily?

Shorter post today to make up for the long one last week. :)

Peace, love, and otters,



  1. 1) You float them in the bath, though they can also be used to squirt water at people if used in the proper fashion.
    2) I don't think so.
    3) No idea. Hopefully something nice.
    4) I won't even tell you, Harry; you'll find out soon enough.
    5) ^see above
    6)Hmm... Dunno. Definitely not Harry/Hermione, though.
    7) ^.^ SUMMER!
    8) Sev/Lily is kinda cute, I have to say. Which pairing is more popular (though I think I know)?

  2. 1) Idk. Go ask Harry. He knows that kind of thing, right?
    2) ... *Checks* Uh... I'm pretty sure I'm not... but... uh....
    3) No idea. Hope it's something cool, though. Like a panda or a lion or a fox or something.
    4) [Haha, I don't want to jock off of xiy.]
    5) a warning or indication of a future event
    6) Hermione/Ron ^_^
    7) I like it, though I kinda miss the nice, organised learning. Like, all the chapters and units and quizzes and stuff. The free time gets to be a bit tedious. Great for catching up on YouTube/brushing up on the British accent, though :)
    8) Sev/Lily. It was meant to be. I mean, c'mon. James? Potter??

    Loved the post.

  3. 1. You squeeze 'em to annoy your sister cuz you aren't giving it to her
    2. nope
    3. A wolf? A phoenix? A dragon? Something mythical...definitely either a SILVER wolf or phoenix...
    4. Agghhh somethin' evil...
    5. what JK Rowling is awesome at
    6. Harry/Luna and Draco/Lynda
    7. Ummm...well summer gets kinda boring when your friends are all abandoning you...
    8. Sev/Lily! I didn't use to vote for them. Your fanfiction changed my mind. *sob* so sad *sob*

    Awesome post. I just read it today...
