Monday, May 17, 2010

A Post From Momo:

Woah! New style, look what I can do now: couldn't do this before! Or this: sweet! And different preview thing, and page breaks!
Sorry, the formatting for posting changed, I would stop, but it is just so fun! Weee! BTW, this post is going to be in 4 parts-ish...unless I ramble. Then it may be 5 or 6. But then again, I may forget what to write a part, so it may be 2 or 3 parts (crap. I'm rambling, never mind).
Happy Monday, May 17, 2010! Enjoy it now, because this moment will be gone in a few seconds, there it goes. So sad.  Ahem. Did you know that today is a very "holidayful" day? Because it is (oh no she did not just begin a sentence with "because" *gasp*). Today is Armed Forces Day, UN World Information Society Day, UN World Telecommunication Day (that sounds interesting, eh?), World Hypertension Day (as does that), Anniversary of the 1st US Same-Sex Marriage (yay!), Mia Hamm's birthday, and Constitution Day (Norway). Man, I just love World Hypertension Day! FTW!


Have you heard about our cooking teacher yet? Ms. Land we'll call her. She is extremely stupid, annoying, culturally challenged, and frankly, a very bad cooking teacher. This week, we will be learning about Asian Cuisine. I do not think however, that Ms. Land realizes that "Asia" is not just China. She asked xiy and House what they could tell the class about what they eat at home and where they are from. House is adopted, but she has been to China before. She doesn't eat Chinese food at home, but Ms. Land doesn't understand that. xiy does eat Chinese food at home, but seemed a tad annoyed with Ms. Land's pronunciation of words, her descriptions of food, and just a tad annoyed with her references to other Chinese traditions. I think they should have made Ms. Land look even dumber by doing this:

Ms. Land: "House," [she didn't actually say House] "where are you from? What do you eat at home?"
And House should have said: "Um. I'm Korean. I don't know about Chinese food."
She didn't do that though because she is too good. *Sigh*. Then somehow, our class got into this whole argument with Ms. Land whether it is pronounced "sherbet" or "sherbert". I, being the short-tempered little girl that I am, shot my hand up and said, "Well, actually, I think some people call it sherbert and that both are correct." Needless to say, Ms. Land does not like smart-a**s like she made a bet. She told me that if I brought in a product (not a picture) with "sherbert" written on it, she would give me 50 extra credit points. That is a lot of extra credit. Soooo I did a little research. I found out that sherbert is another name for sherbet and that both are appropriate. I also discovered that sherbert is slang in Britain and Australia for beer. I told my mom about this, and she and I are about to go to the grocery store to buy some sherbert/sherbet. If we can't find any with the actual label of "sherbert", I will make my own label with a sticker machine I have. Mwhahahaha! I feel so evil!


Guess what?!?! This week (well, on Friday) [Edit: Er, actually next Saturday...], 6LCF will be celebrating their one month anniversary! On Sunday (I think) we will be having a collab. post talking about the history, or lack thereof, of the Curly Fries. Look forward to that...

If we did not mention it already, last Saturday we had a very successful flashlight tag/Monty Python party. Sadly, Carrie couldn't make it, but she was there in spirit. Also, if you don't know, flashlight tag is like, a tradition of us. It is a cross between hide-and-go-seek, freeze tag, and ghost in the graveyard. You have to wait until it is dark outside, then have one person be "it". They count to 60 while everyone else hides. The "it" person must find everyone by shining a flashlight on the person (this is called "being tagged"). If you are tagged, you must go to jail. You may try to leave jail, but the "it" person normally keeps a close eye on you. People can also free you if they are free and they tag you. Once everyone has successfully been locked up, the round is over and you begin again. We try to play this a lot, it's super fun. I don't have anything else to see you, talk to you, until next week...Bye!

I lied! I forgot to say what I learned this week. This week I learned that "What had happened was..." is in the plu-perfect tense. That's all. I couldn't think of anything funny. Now laugh and go away. Bye. For realz.

Never mind. I lied again. I want to have a theme this week. Leave any theme suggestions in the comments, then xiy can have the first theme post and I can finish it off next Monday. Unless no one wants a theme. I would be sad. Happy Hypertension Day!!!!!



  1. I have an idea for a theme. Remember Ms. Broth (no, not her real name!), the US History teacher, telling us about blue laws? Each one of us should sign our post off with, "did you know that in [state] it is illegal to [law]?" or something like that.
    Oh, and beautiful post, Momo (I liked "Mrs. Land" especially)! Such prettyful highlighting! :D *.*

  2. :) I think that is a splendid idea xiy! So, do you want to start tomorrow? If anyone else has ideas, that's fine too.

  3. "If you don't mind, can I ask where you're from?"
    "Where are you from?"
    "Oh. I'm from ____."
    "It's, like, by Shanghai-"
    "Oh, you're from Shanghai!"
    "... sure. Shanghai. [Yeah, go with that... whatever.]"
    (xiy: *Rolling eyes in exasperation*)

    I liked the post ^_^ (Ms. Land. Teehee.) For a theme... uh, idk. Yeah, that could work, blue laws, unless anyone can come up with a better one/one they want more. I don't care much... a theme sounds fun, though ^_^

  4. May I suggest that at some point we have a "Week for Awesome" - each day the pointed person (I would say "appointed" but I've been chillin' with my bud Willy Shake) posts about her favorite charity/cause and why it is awesome.

  5. That sounds good (is that Virgil??? your mum).
    P.S. I went to the store to get sherbert (the beer kind) but the kind that normally has "sherbert" on it was out! I printed out 3 pages of info. about sherbert. :P

  6. @Momo: Haha idk if she'll accept that, Momo. But keep checking; you might prove her wrong with physical evidence later ^_^

    @Momo/Virgil: Yeah, I like the Awesome week theme. Sounds cool. (Anyone second the motion...?)

  7. I second the motion. All in favor say "I" (is it "I" or "aye"?)

  8. It's "aye."


  9. Aye.

    @Momo - that wasn't me; it was your mum. Durrr.

  10. someone who is confuzzledMay 17, 2010 at 8:06 PM

    And one little note: isn't the one month anniversary (the 29th) next Saturday? ("Next" meaning not the end of this week, but the week after this one... the one that has Monday being May 24th.) And then on /that/ Sunday would be the collab post... right?

  11. Indeed, the blog was started on the 27th of April, and today is only the 17th of May. >.<

  12. this anonymity thing's getting kinda weird, guysMay 17, 2010 at 8:13 PM

    Oh, good. (I was like, "A hole in Momo's logic... never!")

  13. anonymity is fun.

  14. yup, it's nice to hide behind a cloak of anonymity sometimesMay 17, 2010 at 9:02 PM

    But next week, we're doing blue laws (did you know that in some city in Arkansas, it is illegal to "kill any living thing"?).

  15. What if you kill a zombie? They should only count as 50% living... right? (So that's three Aye's as of now... all opposed, say "Nay"? [And if there are any latecomers that would like to vote "Aye," that's alright, too.])

  16. Is that what I reallyMay 18, 2010 at 7:05 AM

    Okay. So let me get this straight. Next week (starting today) we are doing blue laws. The week after that (our anniversary week) we will be doing the Awesome thing...?

  17. Edna is so awesome that sheMay 18, 2010 at 2:36 PM

    aye!! I like it. I've never heard of blue laws before...

  18. That's not what IMay 18, 2010 at 4:12 PM

    Yay! We got Edna's approval!!!! Good. So xiy will kick off theme week (and we have a special surprise on Sunday!!!!)
