Wednesday, May 19, 2010

*Cue action theme-song* I'm on a mission...

Why, hello there! Sorry about the title; I actually did come up with a mission today. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what it is. :) Maybe one day... one fine day. But anyways, I messed up my finger yesterday... and now my typing is messed up. For the time being I'm not able to do a number of things (i.e.: type, play flute, participate in gym class, etc...) It really is not fun. So for the record, never ever play handball. Ever. Please promise me that you will not go and try handball because you may end up like me. Oh wait, you'll probably survive. I'm just such a dork, I get hurt in regular everyday activities (ie: turning corners, participating in gym, etc...) Still, be cautious, young ones... be cautious.
Hey! Ho! Lookie here! It's THEME WEEK! And as you may have read in previous posts, this week's theme is Blue Laws. *goes on Google to look up 10 blue laws to share with you* (and I get interrupted ...Hi House... and Momo. Thanks for IMing me while I'm posting. I promise I did not mean that in an annoyed tone.) But back on track...
Ten incredibly outrageous things that are illegal in Massachusetts (AKA- 10 blue laws in MA):
[Teehee, I'm using Roman numerals!]
I. It is illegal to give beer to hospital patients.
II. At a wake, mourners may not eat more than 3 sandwiches.
III. Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked.
IV. An old ordinance declares goatees illegal unless you first pay a special license fee for the privilege of wearing one in public.
V. Taxi drivers are prohibited from making love in the front seat of their taxi during their shifts.
VI. It is illegal to go to bed without having a full bath first.
VII. No gorilla is allowed in the back seat of any car.
VIII. Tomatoes may not be used in the production of clam chowder.
IX. Quakers and witches are banned.
X. Children may smoke, but are not allowed to purchase cigarettes. (I really don't like the first part of this law... smoking is bad and kills you. Doesn't MA love its children?)

Well, that was amusing, wasn't it? Much more amusing than my usual ramble. 'Tis all for now. DFTBA! ♥

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,


  1. Aw, Carrie, you're not dorky! I get hurt turning corners too. :p
    Heehee, I liked the snoring law (and the child-smoking one as well).
    By the way, I second Carrie's "never play handball" statement. Especially if you have an old, mean gym teacher who plays favorites in an extreme manner.

  2. Last night, your momMay 19, 2010 at 6:30 PM


    Loooove, Momo!

  3. @ nvmber V... but what about the back seat?

  4. anonymity is a confusing thingMay 19, 2010 at 8:00 PM

    @Cornelius*: But then they wouldn't be *on their shift*, 'cause you'd need to be in the front to drive the taxi.

    *Virgil, is that you?

  5. Momo, I can't tell you the mission... it's a secret...

    And that's sorta the point... like I guess not while they're driving. but while they're waiting for people they can't make love in the front seat?

  6. @anonymity is a confusing thing - they could be *on shift* but not be working. Well, depends how you define *working*. Don't taxi drivers have hours?

  7. Your mum's mom's ma's mother's grandmother's mami's mama's ma'amMay 20, 2010 at 2:27 PM

    I'm just saying, but technically, you are "working"....I mean, the scientific term! You are doing work on the guy/girl (this depends on whether you are a girl, guy, gay, lesbian, etc.) Anyways....I personally like the goatee license, one, and the full bath before bed. :)

  8. @ your mum's mom's ma's mother's grandmother's mami's mama's ma'am- you forgot to add something. You don't have to be doing work on a guy/girl, what about gorilla, chimps, rabbit, flea, table, chair, steering wheel...etc.?

  9. I <3 you Edna! I'm over you though. Sorry. But you're still really cool!

  10. I've got a question about the quote box (above the "HELLO")... can we edit that whenever? Like, if we find a good quote that we think works?

  11. Yeah. Just go to "Customize," then click the "Edit" part of the little box that says "Text." It should work. Hopefully. Yeah, it does.

  12. Yeah, sure. I just put in that quote for now, but you can change it as you please - maybe not every day, though. Just edit the text, and voila! Je parle francais.
