Thursday, May 27, 2010

Since Everyone Is Making Their Titles Long, I'll Make Mine Long Too

Well, well, well! You've come back to the lovely day of Thursday! I know that you can't resist today (who cares if it's not up to you if there is a Thursday or not, I'm happy with this mandatory day), so let's get started! <--that phrase, it reminds me to one day actually get up really early, so I'll be able to say "Good Morning!" I suppose I'll have ta wait til summer break....which, is in...14 days!!! School's almost over! *clears throat* well, this day count is if you count weekends, and the last day of school. Now, this week's theme is the "Week of Awesome" where we pick our favorite charities, and go berserk about it! My favorite charity is (the one I just, is that a word?) Soldier's Angels. I particularly like their motto, "May No Soldier Go Unloved". I've always cried when there's a movie with soldiers that die, and then there's inspirational sad music *cough cough Glory cough cough* (I loved Colonel Shaw and Major Forbes!) So, this is the reason why I chose a charity for soldiers and their families. The URL is go there if you wish to donate anything, or even if you just one to check it out. Since I would suck at describing it, I won't, and I'll just leave you to see the website on your own time, kapeesh?
Today, I wish to go on about something that bugged me the whole entire day. This is something that Virgil knows about. Xibalba AHH XIBALBA ...Look familiar? If not, this is how you say it: sih-ball-bah, or for you crazies that actually understand the phonetic language (you can tell I can't by teh way I say "crazies"), /ʃɨˈbɒlbə/. Now, this is the underworld. This is part of Maya mythology. The world translates roughly into "Place of Fear". Sound fun? It's ruled by a Mr. Hun-Came (One Death) and Mr. Vucub-Came (Seven Death). However, Mr. One Death is much more senior/powerful. There are several other "rulers" who are basically demons that are responsible for one gruesome thing or another. I'll list it below. For the squeamish folks, please ignore the picture and the list below.
1. Xiquiripat (Flying Scab) and Cuchumaquic (Gathered Blood) who sicken people's blood 
2.Ahalpuh (Pus Demon) and Ahalgana (Jaundice Demon) who cause people's bodies to swell up
3. Chamiabac (Bone Staff) and Chamiaholom (Skull Staff) who turn dead bodies into skeletons
4. Ahalmez (Sweepings Demon) and Ahaltocob (Stabbing Demon) who hide in the unswept areas of people houses and stabbed them to death
5. Xic (Wing)* and Patan (Packstrap) who caused people to die coughing up blood while out walking on a road.
Now that I'm done with this, I'll explain why I wanted to blog about this. You see, Virgil, darling that she is, was reading...THE NECROMANCER during math class! OMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSH!! THAT IS SO FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!! ...Anyways, she comes upon the word, "xibalba". It sounds familiar, so she asks me if I've heard it before, which I have. I was reading a book on mythology...*pause current subject* I need to pause so that I can go on about my theory that Dee, in The Necromancer, is going to get the necromancer to go to Xibalba and get dead people. That would be so COOL!!!*restart subject*...and so I came upon the word. Of course, I don't remember until 9th period, which means that that one word was annoying the heck out of me. Thank goodness it's almost the end of school; I don't have to pay too much attention. I would have said, "Xibalba" to the question "How does Scout's opinion of her father change in To Kill A Mockingbird?"(Um, Virgil, there is underlining) Ok.
Onto the next matter of business. The Question of the Day. (This is just a little tidbit of info. I had the same science teacher as xiy, so I also know about QOTWs) My questions are...
Why doesn't McDonald's sell hotdogs?
At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?
Why is there a disclaimer on the Allstate Auto Insurance commercials that says "Not available in all states"?
If you dug a hole through the center of the earth and jumped in, would you stay at the center because of gravity?
Do they bury people with their braces on?  
What's the difference between normal ketchup and fancy ketchup? 
If ghosts can walk through walls and glide down stairs, why don't they fall through the floor?  
If a bald person works as a chef at a restaurant, do they have to wear a hairnet? 
I have a whole bunch of strange questions like these, but I don't want to bore y'all. That's it for today! Tomorrow's House's turn to post, and she's probably going to, already did, is doing so right now...edit this post. Happy 2 days until the Six Little Curly Fries' one-month anniversary!!! (Imagine, we make such a fuss over one month, wait til the one year anniversary!!!)
Luv, Lynda
P.S. I've noticed that everyone has their own specific closing abbreviations.. Is suppose mine is just the alliteration of the "Luv, Lynda" *sigh* I feel so diminutive!

*I find it creepy that this dude's name is one letter apart from xiy's. At least we know that xiy's an awesome person, and would never do whatever he does! :) <3


  1. xiy, though "Wing" is a pretty name... :)May 27, 2010 at 7:22 PM

    Haha. All you people who are reading this and haven't watched Glory, go watch it on YouTube. It's a great movie, but it's really sad.
    Eeeeewwww all those icky demons that kill people in nasty ways! "Flying Scab"? I feel bad for the guy, really. It must suck to have that name.
    So, my answers:
    1)Maybe they're not as profitable?
    2)The one on the right, in theory, but you can use both. I do. :p
    3) Haha, I dunno.
    4)Ehh, no, you'd get burnt to a crisp before you could ever figure that out.
    5)Absolutely no idea. Go ask an undertaker.
    6)Fancy ketchup is FANCY! Duh! ^.^
    7)Because that's not dramatic, or something.
    8)Hrm. Probably, just to keep up appearances.
    Are you SURE I wouldn't do that...........?
    Though, hopefully, my presence doesn't cause people to suddenly start hacking up bloody phlegm. I'm certainly not as bad as all that! ^.^

  2. V (indeed, I'm copying House and only using the first letter)May 27, 2010 at 8:11 PM

    1)Because normal hotdogs are grossy-gross and kosher hotdogs are expensive.
    2)First one to the armrest wins.
    3)Maybe because it's not available in all states? I dunno.
    4)You'd arrive in the wonderful world of my good friend Jules Verne. :)
    5)I guess so, if they die with braces on...
    6)I think they put some sort of spices in fancy ketchup that really don't make a difference.
    7)Well, they can /float/. So they could go through the floor if they wanted to, but I don't they they would /fall/.
    8) At restaurants I think chefs wear those cool white hat thingies... there's definitely a word for that but I can't remember.
    P.S. are you guys watching So You Think You Can Dance?!?!? It's on right nao.

  3. H (God, I'm such a trendsetter.)May 27, 2010 at 10:56 PM

    I liked your post ^_^ (Nice job tying in /Glory/ with your charity; I thought that was kinda cool ^_^)

    6) Fancy ketchup's got the word "fancy" in front of it. Therefore it must be like a gajillion times awesomer than regular ketchup. But not really.... or something?

  4. I thought you weren't supposed to say "God" if you didn't believe in Him? (I was supposed to capitalized the "h" in "Him" right? That's what it's like in the bible...)
