Sunday, November 13, 2011

Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette is a very long name oh gosh x.x


I have finally learned the meaning of sophomore year, and it is NHD. More accurately, the destruction of your life, courtesy of NHD. Also known by its full name, "National History Day," it steals the lives of young children with much potential across the nation in its cold, dead grip. I'm already regretting agreeing to take on this beast x.x (at least I have the most brilliant partner in the world, xiy, and together, hopefully we shall be able to overcome the horrors in store.)
... and tomorrow's only the second deadline of the longgggg project. Oh, my.

In other news, sophomore year is progressing nicely. My daily amount of YouTube watching has diminished to almost nothing, but that's alright. At least I've found some new music to study to.

I can't believe it's fall! It's very autumn-y here. There are lots of leaves on the ground, and the weather is even more temperamental than it usually is. I'm quite happy about the leaves falling, though, since it means now is leaf-raking time! I do like raking leaves. It's so much fun, and you have such a lovely pile to jump in at the end of your hard labor ^.^
I also like fall because it marks the beginning of cold weather time, otherwise known as tea and hot cocoa time, otherwise known as my favorite time of the year {seeing as how it correlates so nicely to hoodie and sweatshirt time}. Also, October is over, so I needn't live my everyday life in constant terror.

Other recent developments in my life:
- I saw a very fluffy puppy today and successfully resisted the urge to steal it for my own.
- The hair atop my head has gotten longer.
- I've lost many of my pencils/pens that I started out with in the beginning of the year, which means I get to dig a little deeper into my supply for the rest of the school year.
- Lauren Lopez talked to me, looked me in the eye, and brushed her hand on my by accident. Thus, my life has been lived to its fullest and I am now entirely satisfied with the Universe.
- Oh, and 11/11/11 11:11 happened! Did you guys make a wish? :D

... and so ends your weekly adrenaline rush from reading my fabulously interesting post. ta-daaa.

With all due respect,

1 comment:

  1. haha this post is my life.

    yes, I made a wish!!! :D but I can't tell you what it is!!!
