Friday, November 18, 2011

happy almost-birthday, Lynda!

Tomorrow is Lynda's birthday! Hooray!

Tomorrow is also when I have a fencing tournament/library thing (not in that order) to go to and a Greek project to finish and a lot of homework to do, and I'm not really looking forward to the last half. We might possibly go see the second Happy Feet for Lynda's birthday, though from what I can tell from the trailers it has no redeeming qualities other than very cute penguins. I guess that makes up for the possible lack of plot and general sequel-not-as-good syndrome, so I'm looking forward to it.

Momo is right now probably in Jerseyland, which sounds like fun. I'm not going anywhere for Thanksgiving, but that's alright as well, since sleeping is so much easier when there is no traveling involved.

I was going to start homework tonight but then I got distracted by The Little Prince, some of which I can read in French though I mostly stuck with English, which is kind of a sad book but also quite a happy book and I do recommend reading it if you haven't already (I read this one sequel to it when I was little without having read the original book, which made me very confused but now I understand all the things!).

Virgil and I left Nerdfightery notes in all the copies of John Green's books in the school library today. It was fun, but then the librarians chased us out because it was four PM and the library, being silly, closes early.

There was also a kind-of book club meeting today in which nothing very much was accomplished. There were muffins, though.

/ramble ramble ramble


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