Saturday, July 24, 2010

In Which Virgil Tries to be Brief and Fails

Me: House, have you posted today?
House: Today's Saturday.
Me: Oh, I knew that.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Virgil!  *cue theme music*
La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! Virgil loves reunions and Scotland, too! That's Virgil's wooorrrrrrlllllddddd!!!

Hello! Well, I have a lot to cover today. Last Saturday, I was extremely busy with frivolity and such at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, so I couldn't be bothered to write a legit post. This post, to make up for it, will be exceptionally longer. *pauses for chorus of "yay" 's* I'm not going to go into too much detail about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, because 1) it was just too amazing to describe and 2) I don't want to brag/ make people jealous. So, I shall give you a brief summary. Brace yourselves. 

First off, I was there for this Harry Potter conference called Infinitus, which was basically a gathering of the most awesome people in the world, with the important exception of the five other Curly Fries. I saw this musical called "The Final Battle" which was a bit like A Very Potter Musical only it complied EXACTLY with the books. It even showed scenes that were just mentioned in Deathly Hallows but not completely played out - like when Ron and Hermione go to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and <spoilers not included for Carrie's sake>. So yeah, it was the whole entire Final Battle, starting with when the trio gets back to Hogwarts. SO EPIC. Then there was the Night of a Thousand Wizards, which was basically this HUGE party in the Wizarding World which took place after the park had officially closed for the night, and it was ALL Harry Potter geeks. This made it really cool, because not only were you in Hogsmeade and Hogwarts, but nearly everyone around you was dressed in wizard robes or other HP attire. (Everyone, that is, except for my dad.) there was UNLIMITED FREE BUTTERBEER. I went on the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride, which is like a roller coaster only... not... and the hour-long queue to get in is nearly as amazing as the ride itself! The line snakes through Hogwarts castle, and - well, it's just too awesome to describe. I spent two whole days trying to absorb the awesomeness that is Hogwarts castle. On Saturday, I saw a pre-viewing of A Very Potter Sequel, which was totally awesome, and on Sunday I got my picture taken with Darren Criss! (On Monday, our Universal Studios tickets were expired because we only got them for two days, so we went to Disney World, which was fun as well!) So yeah, that's me trying to be brief.

Today was basically the only day all summer that all six of us were here, so we had a little shindig at xiy's house that involved plenty of hilarity. It was so much fun - I hadn't seen any you guys in over a month! 'Twas a fun 6LCF reunion. We were going to make another sock puppet video, but that takes so much... effort... plus, my hair (that is, the hair on my Virgil sock puppet) kept falling off. >.<

So... on Monday, I leave on my annual trip across the pond to Edinburgh, Scotland, (best city in the galaxy) and then we drive to the Lake District. My mum's family lives there, so it will be great to see them again. Uh... yeah. I may or may not be able to post for the next one or two weeks (I get back the Saturday after next, but I'll be way too jet-lagged to write a coherent post. 

I can't wait until school starts and we'll be able to see each other every day again!

Peace, Love, and Potter,



  1. Hah, I told you I'd comment ^_^July 24, 2010 at 11:40 PM

    Fhurst :O (lol, whut?)
    Hahaha, because you TOTALLY call me "House" when we're talking normally. Duhh. (Across the pond. Yes.)
    Today was super fun; it's awesome to see *all* of you guys again ^_^

  2. Yeah, 'cause we use our 6LCF code names ALL THE TIME. xD
    [It makes normal conversations confusing for the people who know us under different monikers. . .]
    O.O Butterbeer!!! That sounds so yummy. . . *.*
    I agree, the reunion was nice. By the way, Virgil, your sock puppet's hair is still at my house.
    And, Carrie, you left your eyepatch. :(

  3. Virgil!!!! How could you utter the s-word? (school) OMG! Now I've said it too! It's summer, you may not even think about that place!

  4. @xiy -

    Virgil shall be going bald from now on :D you can throw away the hair :)

  5. normal moniker sounds a lot like my code moniker. WTF? What's a moniker?

    Ooooohhh.......*pause*...I forgot.
    wASN'T THE butterbeer really sweet? (mugglecast said so...)

  6. Yeah, it was extremely sweet. It was so good, but honestly, I couldn't have more than about five or six sips of it before being extremely full. That stuff is rich. They should serve it in little dixie cups instead of huge glasses, lol.

  7. CARRIE!!!!!! (wuz heer)July 25, 2010 at 11:00 PM

    Thanks for not spoiling it for me, Virgil. :)
