Friday, July 23, 2010

Wait... whut?

"一个小熊猫,叫 Martin,吃很多糖。你好,熊猫! 我爱你!"*
^The full extent of my Chinese. Besides mad counting skill.
— My 小组课 at the Chinese language immersion camp thing I was just at for two weeks (lolz, that's probably not grammatically correct at all. Sorry, xiy and Lynda.)


So... yeah. I've been at camp, which is why I haven't been posting. But now I'm home. Yayy.

The first thing I notice about the blog is that there seems to be a certain lack of blog spirit, as shown by the shortness of recent posts. [-hypocrite-] At first, I was like, "Oh, hey, someone should give them a nice little dose of Curly Fry spirit!" But then I was like, "Oh, wait. Yeah, not me." (And that sums up the past bit for you nicely.)


Uh. Not much has happened. Oh, yeah, except that A Very Potter Sequel came out TWENTY TWO HOURS AGO! And I've had stuff going on today, so I haven't seen it [yet]. I'm probably going to devote my night to watching AVPS. (But, really, I haven't really done much. The only legit thing I've done is soccer conditioning. Lots and lots and frikkin lots of it. And I edited Virgil's prologue. But that's about it.)

... and I guess we're not doing the questions thing. Whatevs, cool.

With all due respect,

*Dear Google Translate: By the way, you're often incorrect. Just saying. xo, H


  1. Dude! EZ is fluent!!!!! And you...well, you're getting there. :)

  2. Lolz, I know stories about Pandas named Martin. And that's it. Sure, I'm getting there ^_^

  3. Yeah. Once summer is over and we start actually having lives again, the posts will be longer. haha

  4. lolz, we don't have lives. that's why we have this blog, duh.

  5. Haha, pandas named Martin.
    The Chinese was actually quite good, my dear House. *is proud*

  6. Aaaaaaaw!Why is the panda's name Martin? Why isn't it something more Chinese sounding? GOSH!

  7. Well, "Martin" in Chinese would be something like, I dunno, "ma ding." So it would more or less sound the same, just slightly more Chinese-y.

  8. Because 96% of pandas are named Martin, Momo. Duh.

  9. typed...CHinese!!!! *IS SOO FRICKIN'PROUD!!!!*
