Saturday, July 10, 2010


First off, I apologise for the exceptionally short post that this is about to be. I just got home from Kentucky, but you see we have company at my house, so I have to get off the computer ASAP and not be such a "recluse."

Kentucky was fun. Lots of hard work and digging. We were building a retaining wall out of tires. I pretended that I was at Camp Green Lake, but that got old after about two days. Dig dig dig dig dig dig dig. 8 to 3:30. But then after digging, we got to swim in the lake that was there, so it was nice. :] 

Band camp on Monday.

Infinitus on Friday.

I don't think you realise that I've been waiting to go to Hogwarts since I was like six... and yes, it is quite a few years overdue, but I'm finally going.

Peace, Love, & Otters


P.S. Crap, questions. Right.
1.) Bottom bunk or top bunk?
2.) Fruit gum or mint gum?
3) Fries or mozzarella sticks?



  1. Hey, Virgil. Nice to have you back.
    Lucky you; I want to go to Hogwarts too... *petulant tone* (hey, I made a rhyme!)

    1) Top, though sometimes I get scared of falling off (but I never do)
    2) Mint. Fruit always leaves an icky aftertaste--especially Juicyfruit or whatever it's called.
    3) Fries.

  2. 1) Top, but the bottom give you like your own little space.
    2) Fruit gum (:
    3) mozzerella sticks

  3. I know you all missed me.July 17, 2010 at 9:02 PM

    1) Bottom.
    2) Depends on the brand.
