Wednesday, July 14, 2010

This is the 6LCF's 75th post!! *excitement*

Hello you!

Yes, I am indeed posting the 6LCF's 75th post. This is a bit exciting. I mean like, 75 posts in 2 months?? That's crazy! Anyhow, today I was not feeling well so I unfortunately could not go to the wonderful magical world of *theatre camp*. *sniffle, sniffle* Oh well, I should be feeling better by tomorrow. :)

I have no idea what I'm going to ramble about today... I sort of thought I'd do a "My thoughts of this and that" sort of thing. Like, how many Priuses (Prii???) I've been seeing lately. Not that I don't like them, it's just there's SO MANY nowadays. Seriously, I've been seeing a Prius every 5 minutes. Less than 5  minutes sometimes. Yeah... Ummmm..... so.... *awkward silence*

Moving on...

To my Dearest 6LCF, Chow-Chow has passed away after a lovely and adventurous 4 1/2 years on this earth. Actually she passed away last week. I believe it was Wednesday night... :( May she R.I.P. in the fluffy heaven/ after-place of all good critters. *sniff sniff*

Still moving on...

ON A HAPPIER NOTE, next Thursday and Friday I will be performing stuff :D for my camp. Which is exciting... So next week when I post I probably will be flipping out. Maybe even just do a post of...words. Musical words.

I think I'm about done here. I will go back to being uncomfortably not well, and lazy, and maybe even finish the book I was reading, write some stuff. That sort of thing.
Okey dokey. DFTBA! ♥

(P.S.- My birthday is on a Wednesday (2 months and 15 days from now) and I'm excited since I get to post?? on my birthday! Woo.)

1) What do you enjoy doing when you're at home sick (if you're able to actually move around)?
2) What is your favourite kind of pet?
3) Lamps or overhead lights?
4) Polka dots or stripes?
5) Time travel or space travel?

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,


  1. Awww... Goodbye, Chow-Chow. Have fun in the afterlife! :)
    Oh, that's nice that your birthday's on your posting day. Mine is in exactly one month (WOOT!!) today!
    [I'm expecting some nice decorations and a birthday drawing, guys.]

    1) I mostly mope around and look pitiful, so that my parents'll feel sorry for me and coddle me. ^.^;;
    2) KITTY! :D
    3) Hmm... Both have their uses. Overhead lights if I want brighter light in a larger area; lamps for the coziness factor.
    4) I'm not sure. Both are nice if done tastefully.
    5) Oooh... Both are neat... Um, generally in stories, bad things happen to time travelers, so I guess space travel would be the safer option.

  2. I hope Chow Chow has fun up in my BFF Jesus' eternal beach party in the clouds. I hear they have a blast there.
    1)Eating soup and reading :)but I usually don't stay home sick unless I really, really have to. It's not that I hate missing school, but I hate having to come back the next day and catch up with everything.
    2)Well, the only pet I own is a cat, but idk, I'd like to have either a dog or a snake when I grow up. Or both.
    3) It depends. um... what xiy said.
    4) pokadots, definitely.
    5) Both are really cool. Time travel can really screw things up, from what I've read, so even though it's infinitely cooler, I'd have to go with space travel just because it won't end up in an apocalypse-like thing.
