Monday, July 19, 2010

Oh, How I've Missed You All!

Momo is back!!!!! *Applause, cheers, screams of happiness!*. Well, I'm back from a lovely month at camp. It was so awesome, and I have so much to tell you guys! 

First of all, I would like to say "thank you" to xiy and Virgil for writing the only letters. I saw House in the third week there so she didn't technically have to write me....but Lynda and Carrie! I am heartbroken! Oh well. I'll live. Besides, the mail I got was super slow in coming (it took forever to reach me), and I'm sure you were all so busy. 

Second of all, I was going to buy you guys presents, but I'm not a money tree. Instead I just found a ton of 4-6 leaf clovers that you guys can choose from (I want the 6-leafer!!!!!) when I see you next. 

Third of all... well, I actually didn't have a third point. Hm. Oh! I have something interesting! The portfolio with all the work we did in the month that I was at camp weighs four fricking pounds! I weighed it at the airport while I was waiting to get checked in. It's pretty intense. 

I've noticed that all the posts have gotten immensely short. Summer must be really kicking in for you guys. It feels like it just started for me! Haha. Yesterday I was at the beach in Ocean City, NJ with all of the cousins from my mom's side (17 to be exact), and it was so nice. I had to buy a new swimsuit though because both of mine got jacked up at camp. One got icky from the icky lake and the other got stretched out from something. I am guessing the sauna. And yes, we do have a sauna at my camp. Booyah!* At the place where I got my new bathing suit, they only had bikinis/tankinis (which are worse than bikinis) so I got a bikini and some boogy board short things. The only teensy problem was that because I was in the Ocean, which has waves, the bottoms kept almost falling off! I have no butt. Which can be sometimes problematic. 

Speaking of Oceans, I couldn't help but notice that no one mentioned the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico being fixed! It's so exciting! Now they just have to clean up the millions of tons of oil that leaked out! Yippee!! I actually learned a lot about this at camp because for my class' third Projekt projekt project (sorry, still in German spelling mode) we had to read a ton of articles about in German and then debate about how much BP would have to pay. There were two sides, BP and the people. I was BP. We lost. And we have to pay $30 million. *sigh* It was a really cool project though, and I got a good grade. 

Not only did I get a good grade from camp, but I managed to get 3 free t-shirts! I pretty much made the store bankrupt because they really only sell about 3 t-shirts a day. Bwahaha! My nerdiness makes people bankrupt! Woot!

I think that was about all that I have to say. I like the new format of the page. You can tell Virgil made the slideshow thing at the top. Tee hee. Actually, House could have made it too, but I am pretty sure Virgil made it. 
I am in that picture somewhere. But unless you know me in person, you don't know where I am!!!!! Hahahahaha! And I am wearing fancy clothes! I am sure House approves of my fanciness.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Questions:
1. Have you seen Toy Story 3?
2. Would you like to come see it with me sometime?
3. Guess what kind of hat I got from Norwegian people? (House may not answer)

Momo :D

*Since when do you say "booyah"...? O_o


  1. Hey, Momo! Glad to have you back! ^.^
    I'm typing this from the really icky, ancient computer at my momo's workplace. It has a really gross keyboard. And the keyboard's smaller, I think, so it's kinda hard to type. Oh, and it butchers the font of this website really bad so that Trebuchet looks really pixelly and bad. *Sigh*
    [Did you like my letter, Momo?]
    [Oh, and House made the slideshow, but it was for Virgil's b-day.]
    1) Nope. Is it good?
    2) Oh, yes. That would be nice. But I wouldn't want to impose.
    3) A Norwegian hat? I dunno. Hopefully it's a cool hat. :)

  2. Haha, I said "my Momo's workplace." What I MEAN is my mother's workplace. See what I mean about the weird, icky keyboard? >.>

  3. Yayayayayay, I missed you ): but I talked to you last night, so it's all good (: sorry I didn't write you, I really meant to...
    1) not yet
    2) I would *love* to!!
    3)Hmm... I dunno. I don't think you told me what it looks like when you told me about it.

  4. 1) yeah, I've seen it, but 2) I'd see it again :) it was good! 3) uh... the Norwegian kind?

  5. The person who you can guess who it is if you read the comment. about heightJuly 19, 2010 at 10:25 PM

    I cannot believe this....she's BACK!!!! OMG!!! SORRRYYYYY!!!! I sent a where it went. >.> Ahh...I MISSED YOU!!!!!!
    *goes to facebook*...HOW!? HOW IS IT THAT YOU GROW>>>>EVERY FREAKIN' DAY!!????? NOOOOOOOOOOOO...i hate being short. ARGHHHHHHHHHH How tall are you?????
    2. I would absopolutely love to!
    3.a....flamingo hat?....a....knit hat thing that has pretty designs, with a pretty poofy thing?<-result of a hasty google image search
    Argh.. I knew I forgot to do something. I shoulda snapshot'ed the blog when it was Virgil's b-day. That way you'd see it! *smacks forehead*

  6. Alright, first of all, I made the slideshow. But I made it *for* Virgil('s birthday). And I do appreciate your fanciness. Maybe you should try that hard every day, no?
    1) No
    2) Uh
    3) ...

  7. Ahaha, Lynda. I am so sorry. I /only/grew like one measly inch. Okay? You will learn to love my height one day. @House. No I will not be fancy every day. I can't do hand stands in fancy clothes! @Everyone, would you like to see it all together sometime? Say...tomorrow?

  8. tomorrow? er...aren't you tired? I mean, you just got home...right? NO> I WILL NEVER LEARN TO LOVE YOUR HEART> THE ONLY THING STOPPING ME FROM PUMMELING YOU SO THAT YOU'LL SHRINK IS...hhmmm...what is stopping me?....*thinks for a while*
    Oh...*sigh*, it's your amazing personality, and the fact that you're one of my best friends....ONE OF THESE DAYS I'LL CREATE A SHRINKING MACHINE AND STUFF YOU AND XIY INTO IT! (Carrie and House are fine. They never gloat about it)

  9. AGH> Whoops...typo. I meant your "HEIGHT" not your "HEART"....weird...hahahahaha... me learning to love your heart. sounds like what a guy would say to a girl or vice versa.

  10. @Momo: Well, it's "tomorrow." And I can't go this week or next week during the week (Mon.-Fri.) because I'm going to this thing called Shipwreck Camp (see my post).
