Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hello ^_^

Why, hello, you! ^_^
And how are you on this lovely day? It's way too humid outside for me, so I might just stay inside like I actually am able to do today. Yay.

So I arrived at my grandparents' house a few days ago (Sunday afternoon, to be exact), and so far all has been fun, even though I'm happy to be coming home in a few days. Let's see, what have I been doing so far? Well, on Monday we just got comfortable, ran a few errands, that type of stuff, but yesterday we went to the Wilds. *pauses for oohs and ahhs* The Wilds is basically a giant conservation for endangered animals from all around the world. They have safari rides for visitors for around and through the different pastures and areas. It's really cool if you've ever seen or are interested. Their website is if you'd like to read about it. :)

So far today, I've just been lounging around, having some noms, and fiddling around on the computer. That's... probably... what I'll keep doing for today, since I have the house mainly to myself.

I'm just going to keep this post relatively short for today. There's not much else to say...
Well, okay then... bye! DFTBA! <3

(To my fellow 6LCFs, personally, I miss the questions. They gave us more to comment about...)

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,


  1. Hi, Carrie. ^.^
    You can keep posting questions if you want; it's more of a personal choice right now, since we don't have a new *theme* thing to do yet. :)
    Your trip sounds very fun, especially the Wilds.

  2. Hi, Xiy.
    Oh yes, my trip was very fun, thank you. I'm coming back (not for long though :( ) tomorrow! And I'll keep that in mind. :)
