Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Today is the Seventh of September

Yay. *halfhearted cheer*

Well. There's not really that much to say. Today was pretty hot, but it's going to be one of the last high-eighties-Fahrenheit days we'll be getting here for a while, I think. Tonight's low is supposed to be 59F, at any rate. 

Oh, and 6LCF has ten (10) followers now! Woot! Thank you, all you wonderful people, for following us and reading this blog! We Curly Fries really appreciate it. :) <3
[*cough* If you want, you can tell your friends. Spread the word, y'know. ^.^ </shameless self-advertising>]

Erm, I really don't know what to post about today; I guess I'm really burnt out by last week's giant post. Oh, which reminds me--fellow Curly Fries, we must choose the edition of children's Norse mythology we're reading for book club. Let's have an exact title by next week, yes?

And because I don't want to have an all-text post, here's a icon with fireflies on it I made, the original photo having been shamelessly nicked off of a news article on Yahoo.com by yours truly. ^.^ 

It's very pretty, isn't it? *.* All those swirly golden lights. . .

My science teacher is very silly. She does not know the different between a constant and a control in a scientific experiment, and insists on treating the two as if they were interchangeable, which they're not, not really. A constant is a variable or many variables which are not changed; a control is an experimental group that has nothing done to it in the way of changing variables so that there will be a basis for comparison.
In conclusion:
A control is sort of made up of constants, but they are NOT THE SAME THING.
My science teacher is stupid. >:( And I'm going to have to put up with her for an entire frikkin' year. xC

Also, there's this practice quiz for the science test tomorrow online that she said she'd give us a link to (so that we wouldn't have to copy down some giant link in our notebooks), but it has not yet appeared. Argh. >.<

Er, that's about it.
