Saturday, September 25, 2010

Why October is Obviously the Best Month of the Year

Hello, all!!

La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! Virgil loves October and mochae too! That's Virgil's worrrrrrrllllld!!!

I'm a little bit on the hyper side right now because I just had a grande mocha from Starbucks and I don't usually get grandes because they're ginormous. (Firefox accepts ginormous as a word!) Today, however, I was in desperate need of caffeine after a long rehearsal so I deviated from my usually order of merely a tall (which, for you non-Starbucks-goers, is a small) and got a grande. I love mochas. Or is it mochae? Is mocha a first declension noun? Mocha, mochae (f): yum.

Today is Saturday, September 25th, which means that a certain someone's birthday is coming up! It also means that the most awesome time of the year is once again nearly upon us: October. 

I've spent my whole entire life trying to decide which time of the year is the best. The Christmas season is, of course, high up on the list, but where the 6LCF live it gets unreasonably cold in December. November could be argued as the best month since it is National Novel Writing Month, but the stress and lack of sleep partially cancel out the awesomeness. Summer is awesome since there's 1) no school and 2) my birthday, but summer also involves putting on sunscreen, which is one of my least favorite activities. It also involves sweating a lot, which I also do not enjoy. (I used the word "also" too many times in the last couple of sentences. I apologize.) There's really no argument for February or March or April.  Sorry, guys.

October is very clearly the best month of the year, and I am going to tell you why. 
This is going to be in list form, because I had enough of writing persuasive essays in English class last year.
The reasons are in no particular order.

1.) Hoodie weather!
In October, the temperature gets just cold enough for one to wear a hoodie all day, but not so cold that one has to wear an unflattering marshmallow jacket. Hoodies are the best type of clothing to hug people in. 
2.) Pretty leaves!
The leaves go all pretty in October - not like in November, when they start to get all brown and gross. The best kind of leaves are October leaves.
3.) Apple cider!
People drink apple cider in October. I love apple cider.
4.) Halloween! 
     a. Pumpkin carving!!!
     b. Haunted houses
     c. Hay rides
     d. Dressing up
     e. Trick-or-Treating
     f. Candy!
     g. Making decorations
5.) Outlining!
In October, you can enjoy the awesomeness that is NaNoWriMo without the actual stress of knowing that you have to complete your 1,667 words per day. You can outline, world-build, character-build, and all that good stuff. 
6.) Routine
When October comes around, the year has at last fallen into a normal-ish routine. After October, one starts to get really sick of this routine, but it's awesome for the time being. 
7.) Clubs
Extra-curricular activities at school take all of September to get going, and then in October, everything is finally organized. Science Olympiad events will be assigned. Latin Club will be able to start thinking about things that are more important than the Homecoming Parade.
8.) The tennis season ends!!!
This one is fairly self-explanatory. I will finally have a life, and I will no longer have to physically exert myself.
9.) Hot drinks! (Apple cider sort of falls under this category)
October is the month in which one transitions from frappuccinos (cold drinks) to cappuccinos (hot drinks). This is really, really exciting.
10.) Harry Potter movie marathons on ABC Family
Of course I own all the films anyways, but abc shows them with the deleted scenes! OMZ!!!

Those are just a few of the many reasons why October is the best month of the year. I would open the comments to discussion, but is discussion really necessary when it's just so plain that October is the best? No, I didn't think so.

In the comments, add one more reason why October is amazing that I haven't listed already. 

Peace, Love, and Otters,


P.S. I forgot one! October is when there's a family weekend at my sister's university! I get to see her for the first time in almost two months! Yayyyy!!!


  1. Well, in October, it starts smelling like autumn, and autumn has a very nice smell. x3

    Virgil, I think you forgot about fencing. You do still want to do fencing, right? So you're going to have to exert yourself still.

  2. idk if my mom is gonna let me >.< I told her that I wanted to and she didn't seem to think that it was a good idea.

  3. she thinks it'll be too much of a time commitment or something...

    even though it's less of a time commitment than tennis.

  4. Have you ever noticed that evening looks so much prettier during October/ autumn time? Like, it's breezy but really sunny and just lovely. ^_^

    If there was a like button, I would like this post... just saying.

  5. NGGGHHH... I hate October. (At least, this year)
    We have crew regattas every Saturday...technically ever Friday through Saturday. I love November. It's nice and cool, still hoodie weather, it just begins to snow, so that I don't hate the snow, I think it's gorgeous and pretty(not to mention I love to snuggle-alone, with a stuffed animal, in a blanket), it's my BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!! It's NaNoWriMo, and this year, it's the Crew BREAK MONTH WOOT WOOT!

    Today is my brother's birthday, Mouse is turning 3 yrs old. He is sooooooooooo adorable! He's super excited cuz I told him that my cousin and I got him a present (truck shaped fork and spoon :0 SO COOL!) and he has a new Lightning McQueen blanket for naptime on Monday from my parents...

    This was a long comment. Maybe I should type it in a post...nah. too lazy


  7. 1. Totally agreed with Lynda. Also, November includes Thanksgiving (which also includes family) and we spend half of November out of school for various minor holidays. I just wanted to mention that November 30th is the best day of November and any day 11 or more days before is not cool. :)

    And I agree with "Anonymous" (Lynda?)...
