Monday, September 27, 2010

Book Club, Chinese Club, and Creepy Stalkers (club?)

Hi. It's Monday. Yay. Why did I choose Monday for my day to post? Everybody hates Mondays (including myself) and I look forward to Tuesdays just to be done with Mondays. I can't wait for the one-year anniversary so we can change our days. Dibs on...I don't know yet.
THE RESULTS ARE IN! The book club book has officially been decided! We will (at some point in the near or not-so-near future) be reading and doing book-club-y stuff with  D'Aulaire's Book of Norse Myths. By D'Aulaire...I'm guessing. The book club is not an exclusive 6LCF thing, though. If you are a follower or reader (but if you read, you should be a follower. Just sayin') you can join in on the fun. I think we'll be posting stuff on the book club page--check that out every now and then. Also, grab friends, family, pets, neighborhood rapists, and priests to join in on the fun. Maybe we could accumulate a few followers that way too!
Next subject: Chinese Club. Today, xiy, Lynda, and I went to Chinese club; despite the fact that none of us officially take Chinese. Today was the Moon Festival thingy and we ate moon cakes and Pocky and other stuff. I liked it quite a bit. I learned a new  song too! I think the Chinese teachers are expecting us back next week...they have food sooo....
In other news: Creepy stalkers join Momo's lunch table and eat smelly liverwurst sandwiches and talk about stalking 1.) The girls' soccer team 2.) Momo and 3.) back-door-neighbors. Now, I know he's no true stalker, but he was really weird. He just came and sat down at our (me, my sister, her boyfriend, her friend, and her boyfriend's two friends) and pulled out that delightful liver*gag*wurst. Not only did he make a mess and have bad manners, but he also tried to get me to buy him food. Back to the stalking: Moments after he sat down, our new friend told us a story of how he had wanted to watch the girls' soccer team play a game. So, he rode his bike in the rain to a nearby field. The soccer team was not there. Our stalker persisted; traveling to a few more soccer fields and then a different city. Next, he asked me my name. And if I had a Facebook. Then he got up and bought some popcorn. After my table members discussed possibly vacating the premise, he returned. So, we all sat and listened to the new guy talk about how he found out that his friend (who is a girl) lives behind him and how they're back-door-neighbors. He was all like, "It kind of sucks that she's a girl because with my boy neighbors I can just go over and walk into their houses without knocking. But with a girl it's useless!" I nodded for the one hundredth time as he explained how he had never seen her house so he went to check it out. He explained how he went to his garage to see the back and then walked around to the front to "check her house out". He noted that it is "much nicer than mine." And that he wants to see the inside. Hmm...I would warn the girl if I knew her. Well, that's all about the stalker. *shiver*
Speaking of shivering...Today while doing my homework I noticed how cold I was and I was complaining about the below 50 degree F temperature. Then my dad offered to turn on the heat. It must be really cold. D: I was even a little cold while warming up for fencing! That's when I'm supposed to WARM up! I hate the weather here.Hopefully tomorrow will be warmer! Until next week.
Sahcraht massage! Ahf yah sah thahs, wraht yar cahmmahnt ahn Spahgatta Nadle.



  1. Baht tahpahn Spahgatta Nadle tahkes sah mahch ahffahrt.
    Thahr. Hahppah?

    Anyway. Bleh, stalker. And not in the nice, lemme-follow-your-blog-and-nothing-else sense. xS
    You guys probably should vacate the premises if he comes back tomorrow.

  2. "Setting new records upon the yellow earth."

    teehee ^.^

  3. Dah ah kna tha stalkah? Ha sahnds crahpy...
    gosh. That was hard. setting new recorsd upon...what?

  4. Did you look at the song? Gosh. It's the best song ever!
