Friday, September 10, 2010

Angsty Ramblings Brought to You by House

—My frikkin crazy science teacher


Right, so I logged onto the blog and I saw the new background, which I would like to call to your attention if you haven't already noticed it. Because I know that I saw it and was like "Dang, that's different... whatever. Cool," but idk if you had that same reaction. So.
I JUST GOT HOME FROM SOCCER PRACTICE (JV Women's). And I must admit that after all the conditioning and training and practicing and crap we've gone through, we have magically, stunningly, in-trucking-CREDIBLY gone from being a crap team to an even worser team. Which is impressive.
Because, see, you've got three types of people on the team:

1. People who have actually had legit coaching in the past, so they're 3/4 legit
There's a select few on the team that have actually, like, had actual coaches that have coached them at least one time in their life. And this group of girls can actually pass, trap, kinda dribble, and keep possession for more than two seconds. They're good enough to be bored to death at "practice," but not mental athletic machines that make the Varsity cut.

2. People who have been on this team but have actually developed a few skills!!!
I would like to give this group a lot of credit. These good people actually try try try their hardest to do what they can with the, uh, coaches we're given. However, they only get a little bit better with each practice. Not, like, a lot better, which would obviously be ideal.

3. A) People that try but still kinda suck
3. B) People that don't really try
[You're clever enough to work those two out for yourself.]


I think I should go now. Kay. Bye.

With all due respect,

P.S. Oh my gawwwdddd I got two and a half hours of sleep last night. This growing up thing suckssss >.<

-and this is the end of probably the most optimistic and vocabulary-y correct post you've ever read ever-


[*labels "cat vomit"* *actually lol's*]


  1. I love that new tag you put in there, House!

  2. Dude...COMMENT PEOPLE, COMMENT!!!! >.< WHY IS ANDY BELL NOT COMMENTING!???????(you're the only guy, you should take the first step)...(frick, that sounds bad)...(I don't mean it in some strange way...)...(pleaaaassssseee don't "unfollow" because of me...)

  3. Lynda. Frikkin chilllllll outttttttttttttttttttttt.

  4. Aw, poor House. :(
    You're not the type to be angsty, I don't think. Yeah, I changed the background. Since, you know, it's fall-themed and stuff.

  5. **bangs head against the wall**
    angst, angst, angst, angst, angst

    I really like the new background :D

  6. I'm Harry Potter. *angst, angst, angst*.

    I feel bad for you, House. Which category are you?
