Thursday, September 9, 2010


I had a nightmare...*shudder* It was horrible. I don't know why it was horrible. Or even why it was a nightmare! It just...was. I'm too disturbed by it to write much (I fell asleep for half an hour, woke up in terror, and remembered it was Thursday). I'll just explain the nightmare.
It was a dark and stormy night...(influenced by the animated Snoopy persona that I have for Firefox) Everyone in the town of Edes(don't know why it was called that. I just...knew it was called that) was fast asleep. Including a girl named, Lynda. Pronounced with a SHORT "i". Very important to know. All of a sudden, (this was a fairly fast nightmare) people just started coming out(yes, I'm changing tenses.), and yelling, "Lynda!" Pronounced Line-da. NOT HOW YOU PRONOUNCE IT! The day went on, with people just acting normal, and calling me(changing points of views....yes, I know) Line-da. It felt sooooo scary. I don't even know why! It was like, Line-da, pass the butter! Line-da pass the salt! Line-da, can I see your homework? Hi Line-da! Why are you reading again, Line-da? etc. It was absolutely, the most horrific thing I'd ever experienced. I honestly don't know why. I just woke up after the last "Line-da sentance", which was, Line-da, do the conga!*shudder* Anyways, I woke up in pure terror. Horrible.
If anyone can explain to me why the heck that dream was so frickin' terrifying, let me know!
And, yes, for you readers out there, of which we have 2 new ones-Andy Bell and Hannahbananaboomboom (yay!), I actually think of myself as "Lynda" sometimes in the real world. (hahahahaha, to the ones who know what I'm talking about)

Oh well. I'm going back to sleep...As always, after Thursday comes Friday, which is a Greek day...I HATE WAKING UP EARLY!!!!! >:(
Almost forgot! Today, we didn't have school, because of Rosh Hashanah (which I spelled wrong on my blog...dang it)  I'm going to wish every Jewish person who's reading this, and not reading this, a happy new year! (I sincerely apologize if I get the next part wrong) L'Shana Tova!!!! : )
Isn't he adorable?
 By the way, for those of you who believe that I shouldn't mention Rosh Hashanah, because it's a Jewish holiday? Go learn some tolerance.

*The day I say "good morning" is the day I wake up really early and remember to post...which is a LOOOOONNGGGG ways away.


  1. GAH! I tried to change the picture but I can't center it!! Help?

  2. I'll try my best. Dunno if it'll work, though,

  3. ahahaha "go learn some tolerance" teehee

  4. I'll do the picture thing tonight...kapeesh? It seems I might have to adjust the picture a bit. Hope everyone will like it
