Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Too Much Homework. . . x.X

The xiy that is typing this post is a reincarnation of a previous xiy, who died tragically while trying to complete the overwhelming amount of homework she was given today.

Haha, just kidding. But I did get tons of homework today, which explains the reason I'm posting later than I usually do. Not that it's really *that* late, but still.

Well, the whole reincarnated-me thing reminds me of this one book, Kraken, and since I've got nothing better to do than complain about my workload, I shall explain why reincarnation reminded me of it.

Kraken is a novel by China Mieville, and in it there's this character (I forget the name) who can teleport things by breaking them up into tiny pieces and then putting the pieces back together at the other end (apparently, this is reminiscent of Star Trek, although I don't know anything about that). However, the catch is that if he tries to transport living things, the process of breaking-up actually kills the living thing, and then the putting-back-together sort of clones them. It's a totally new them at the other end, but with the same memories and everything, so you can't tell the difference. But, in essence, they died and were reborn.
So the teleporting guy has teleported himself many times before, and it's come to the point that there's a ton of vengeful ghosts of past hims who are all very, very angry.
[By the way, teleporting-guy is not a main character, but it's totally cool and weird all the same.]

So, yeah.

Vote in our Norse-mythology book poll! Currently, D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths, Gods and Heroes from Viking Mythology, and Favorite Norse Myths are all tied for first place with three votes each. The Usborne Illustrated Guide to Norse Myths and Legends only has one vote.

I made a 6LCF banner over the weekend.
Isn't it pretty?
Yeah, that's about it. NaNoWriMo's in one month and sixteen days! :D I've got a few chapters outlined and a lot of the backstory, so I'm pretty much all set. I'd be happier if my characters were out of hibernation, but I suppose there's plenty of time to wake them up before November.

Happy Tuesday!

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