Friday, August 27, 2010

"Why hasn't anyone posted- oh... frick..."


So... we (as in our high school's marchin' band) just got back from our VERY FIRST EVER game! And it was pretty sweet, I must admit, even though our football team seriously sucks (and we were playing a really good team... the score was, like, thirty-something to zero-zip-nada-wow), I think it'd be right to say that we had a totally awesome time ^_^

In other news:
- We [the 6LCF] have made it!!!!! through our first week of school!!!! Ahhhh! (A lot of the others had their very first Greek lesson this morning, and they're pretty pumped up about dead squiggly lines whose names sound like robots. They'll probably have a fun year.)
- My birthday's in, like, less than a week. But whateves.
- Sixteen year-old Esther ("cookie4monster4"), a Nerdfighter, an inspiration, and a very very very awesome person, has died earlier this week. Which really sucks. Because leukaemia sucks. Because leukaemia's pretty much just the buttiest butt butt die, like, ever. Frikkin cancer. (If any of y'all want more info on/about/concerning Esther's awesome, I'd suggest taking a looksee at the Vlogbrothers' latest video or visiting her channel, cookie4monster4. Idk if any of you guys ever watched her. I did/do. But yeah. Enough of that.)
- Virgil thinks I dressed up too much today. Whatever.
- Virgil's gonna have a BOYYYYYYYYYYFFFFRIIIIIIEEEENNNDDDDD!!!! We can't wait! :D :D :D :D :D

What other YouTube channels [besides Dan Brown, communitychannel, Green Brothers, Alex Day, Charlie McDonnell, etc.] do you watch?

With all due respect,


  1. Oh! Your birthday! I've got the pic drawn and everything! :D

    Aw, Esther. :(

    Psh, of COURSE we're excited about dead squiggly lines that sound like robots! Greek is awesome!

    Oh, yeah. Question. Um, I dunno?

  2. re. the question - I don't know. I try not to go on YouTube as much as I used to, you know, so I can get some fresh air and exercise instead. Also, I'm not a huge fan of Dan 3.0, so I don't watch every single one of his vids anymore. The only channels I still watch regularly are vlogbrothers, nerimon, and charlieissocoollike.

  3. Who needs fresh air and exercise? Psh. (-glances over to pile of homework-)
