Monday, August 16, 2010

The Second 3-Digit Post!

I dead. 

Haha! I tricked you all!!!! I'm not dead! I am just extremely hot and tired and hungry and possibly a bit sunburned. Day 2 of band camp is over, and I am starting to feel the burn (literally). Namely in my shoulders, neck, calves, and stomach. Today was mostly outside, with the exception of lunch and a run-through of the songs. We got assigned to our squads and marched in pretty designs. I think the final product will be really cool, but the whole practicing everything x100 and memorising music just doesn't seem too...appetizing...for me. *sigh*

On a completely different note:
This Friday the 6LCF are having a sleepless-over! (woot) We are planning an all-nighter at my house...possibly in a shed in my back yard. I don't want to spoil what we'll be doing...but it will not involve sleep. I am too tired to write. Maybe I'll add something later.

This little tidbit thing was added almost 1 hour after the initial post. I JUST HAD AN IDEA!!!! We should make a 6LCF time capsule at the sleepless-over! We could bury it somewhere and then in twenty years or something, we could dig it up and see the stuff that we buried. That's all.




  1. :D Yes! That is an awesome idea!
    Though, if we're going to do it in the middle of the night, we'd have to do it some place where people won't think we're crazy gravediggers or something. ^.^

  2. Not if I can stop 'im...Virgil's mine!(I knew you were going to do sumthin' like that.) How /do/ I stop him?
    ah...the time capsule...SO COOL!!!! hurhur gravediggers...hurhur

  3. @Lynda... stop whom?

    @Momo - the time capsule is a great idea! Do you think we should just bury it in your backyard?

  4. I guess...ignore Lynda. She had one too many crazy pills this morning.
