Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's xiy's Birthday!! *throws confetti* & 100th Post!!!!!

Normally I would sing the "Virgil's World" theme song, but since today is xiy's birthday, it's technically her world.
*cue music*
La la la la, la la la la, xiy's world! La la la la, la la la la, xiy's world! xiy loves writing, and Tolkien too! That's xiy's worrrrrllllddd!!!!!

Happy Birthday, xiy!! 

In honor of xiy's birthday, I have pushed my skills with technology to the limit. When House drew a picture for the blog banner, I managed to scan the picture, get it on my computer, AND upload it. That sounds like an easy task, but I had to use the memory card from my camera (because our hp scanner doesn't scan to CDs or USBs for some annoying reason) and then I had to figure out how to transfer it from said memory card to my computer, which involved putting it back in the camera and then finding the chord that connected my camera to the computer, etc, etc. It took like an hour. I also added pretty lights to the blog. 

Usually it's xiy who does all the technology stuff, but she shouldn't have to decorate for her own birthday!

...yeah. I also made her a present, but it doesn't have anything to do with technology. It involves construction paper, a lot of tape, a martini glass, moldy shorts, and so on. She'll find out what it is when I give it to her later today.

This is going to be a collab post because of the special occasion. 6LCF: your mission is to write a birthday message to xiy in the provided space below. 

Momo: Not only is it xiy's birthday today, it is also the 100th post on 6LCF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, xiy! Yay, 6LCF! Yay!!! I LOVE YOU, XIY!!!!! You are so awesome and cool and stuff. I wish I was as talented as you! I hope you have the most spectacular of birthdays and like Virgil says below, go wild!!!!!!!!!!!!! But use protection. Don't do drugs. And bombs are bad. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lynda:Ok...Happy Birthday xiy! Your sarcasticness and hilarious takes on the world make me laugh when I'm feeling sad, so continue being strangely weird! Yes, those were compliments. Anyways, hope you like the present I got you, my B-day card, ecard, and the awesome cake cursor that I've attached to the blog. Isn't it cool? Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!

House: xiy!!!! You're so awesome and amazing and brilliant and nice and smart and funny! Like, the ultimate Nerdfighter. (Plus, you're one of, like, a handful of people that I know that actually can use a dash appropriately in writing ^_^) And I am honoured to be in your tightest circle of friends; it means so much to me :) I HOPE YOU HAD A BIRTHDAY ALMOST AS AMAZING AS YOU ARE! We all had an awesome time <3
OH! And when making your picture, xiy, I realised that I'm the only 6LCF whose name doesn't start with a letter that is also a Roman numeral. Sorry for breaking the pattern, guys... -.-" (<- xiy taught me that ^_^)

Virgil: You're a frickin amazing person, xiy, and I hope you know that. We all love you very much, because you're just so frickin amazing and because you're you, so yeah, have a happy birthday. Go wild, but not to wild, because we don't want to have to have your party in the hospital or the police station, okay? <3


Lynda still needs to do her punishment, whatever that may be.


We should really decide on a book for our 6LCF book club, if we're going to do it.


Peace, Love, & Otters,



1 comment:

  1. ... what *is* her punishment going to be? I know we have a couple ideas, but I think we really need to get together something concrete.

    We should totally do the book club, yeah, I think everyone agrees on that. And as to which book... uh, we're /kinda/ working on that?
    (We're really bad at planning things ^_^)
