Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday, almost Thursday... darn computer

Hello!!!! Sorry, 6LCF :( This computer kinda hates me and decided to restart itself without my consent *sad face* 
Anyway, still keeping it short, I have not been online for the past 3 days, but instead have spent time enjoying the outdoors and starting and finishing Shadow of the Colossus. (WIN) The ending was really sad though. Maybe I'll explain about the game? well, it's a video game for PlayStation 2. And basically, the main character brings a princess, who was sacrificed, to this forbidden land (but you don't find out it was forbidden until the end) and the great voice of above tells you that you have to fight all these Colossi to bring her back, but there is also a toll you must pay at the end... TO BE CONTINUED!!! If we (as in my sister and her friend, with my other sisters' and my advice) were to play nonstop, we would've been able to finished in just over half a day. Yes, in all it took us just over 13 hours to finish Shadow of the Colossus. It was quite fun ^_^

So, next week I will be posting at a more reasonable time. Yay. 

DFTBA!!! ♥ 

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,


  1. Hi there, Carrie!
    Shadow of the Colossus sounds likes quite a fun game. :)
    Gee, the blog's been gong slowly. Where IS everybody? Like, even the Curly Fries who have Internet access aren't really commenting anymore.

  2. Hi!!! I am commenting right now! See??? I literally /just/ got back from Cali and I came straight here...well, after FB of course. Heheh
