Saturday, August 7, 2010

Peaches, Brief Bit on Canada, guys have a label called, "Lynda punishment"???)My Punishment

Ok...So to start off with, I'm back from Canada. Umm. I'm also back from picking peaches today (yum). Ahh... My punishment. So, I'm ok with the 5000 words thing. It'll be a pain, yes, but it's not humiliating (unless I go off and ramble about something embarrassing). Um. NO. Virgil, all I can say is that you are evil to bring up the NaNoWriMo novel idea. (Oh gosh, I've just realized that saying that will make you guys a bit leaning-y to that...but I can't erase it cuz my backspace thing won't work) Ah. Canada was fun. It's much like the USA. Ummm. Yeah. A lot of things are really different though. I'll just mention a few here, and go on about my trip on my own blog (so I can beef it up a bit). The water. It's HORRID. As in, OMIOSH-I-will-never-drink-this-again-it'll-kill-me-and-I'm-dying-for-a-drop-of-Deer-Park!!!(Deer Park is a brand. I suppose there's supposed to be a copyright/TM/SM/R thingy) The, ah, languageS. It's cool when I flip over the Oreos container, and see FRENCH. *giggles madly* Anyways. Peaches. Oh, my, gosh. It's killing me. The itchiness of the peach fuzz! I think I've become allergic to anything and everything. I got this huge itching urge, and I know it's itchy on everyone else, but my skin turned reddish, and I just couldn't stop scratching! Washing with soap and water did help. The peaches this year (my mom+cousin say that the White Lady peaches mixed with the yellow ones) were not that great. I think the past few years were better, I would know, because we've gone there for 10 years in a row (talk about dedication+loyalty!). Though, last year, we couldn't pick them, we had to buy the expensive already picked ones at the farm. Ummm.. Ok. Lastly, onto my "punishment". Er. Guys? Aren't y'all getting a bit too excited? I'm mainly talking about xiy and House. (The text block, xiy, the text thing!) (The happiness, House, the mentioning it in every one of your comments and posts!) Ah. oh, I wanted to ask something. Virgil, are you sure this is the 100th post? The post thing said this is 95. If it is, I believe I ruined it for you...again? Ahaha...
Alright. I'm done. I know this isn't something so awesome that it's posted on a Sunday, but no one else posted, so I thought it would be ok. Besides, isn't my punishment extremely important-ish? So, I'm connected to it. In a way.


  1. No, the 100th post is next Saturday. But since you posted, House has it now.

  2. BWAHAHAHA. Yes, Lynda, House and I are much too excited. >:)
    I think I'm allergic too. I've got this awful rash on my legs and on my bottom jaw and on the insides of my elbows. It's awful.

    Canada sounds fun. But, about the water, is it the drinking water (I should think, since you mention Deer Park) or, like, the swimming water?

  3. where does it say the number?

  4. @Virgil: On the dashboard, above "view blog." I think. Somewhere there. Right now, it says "95 posts."

  5. omigosh...The whirlpool. It was soooooo funn!!!!!!! I LOVE HOT TUB RELATED THINGS>>>>AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*comfortable sigh*
    The drinking water sucks. Did you know though? THe pool water was warm. I love that place.

  6. @Lynda and xiy:
    It sounds like you're allergic to something else (not peaches) because the rashes are on the outside of the body. Unless you just, like, rubbed peaches everywhere. Why peaches?

  7. @Momo: No idea. I did sort of rub peaches everywhere, though, so that might be the problem. The rash might be from something else, though.
