Monday, August 30, 2010

*No title today*

You'll find out about this later...(but that's me!!!!)
Hello, people!!!!!~ <--Heheh, I just pressed that swirly button. I love that thing. ~~~~~~~~~ It's my favorite letter. ~.~ Haha. That's a funny face. :~) Now the swirly is a nose!!! Look what other noses you can make: <:o) (that's a clown!!!!) or you can make a chicken nose: :>, or a guy with no nose, but buck teeth: :B Hahahahaha! These faces can have different eyes too! You can make this kind of smiley face: =). Or you can make this one: %). Or even this one: 8). Wow!!! So many faces!!!! :{) <---AAAAHH! HE HAS A BEARD!!!!!!  </:{> <-- Santa!!!!!!!!!  Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh right. A post.

*Sigh.* I have been getting so distracted recently. It must be because school started and my brain is telling me to do stuff that does not involve the use of the brain. Stupid, lazy, dumb, fat brain. I was so distracted on Saturday, that I took an almost 2 hour-long break to play with some Playdoh that I found*. I was just sitting at the homework table, looking around, when I saw a shiny bag (actually, it wasn't shiny, just interesting). So, naturally, I stopped doing my work...well, continued not doing my work...and investigated. I was all "OMIGOSH! PLAYDOH! I LOVE PLAYDOH!!!! LET'SPLAYWITHTHEPLAYDOHANDMAKEFUNTHINGSTOMAKEOUTOFPLAYDOH!!!!!!!!!!

So I made some stuff. And took some lovely pictures:

That is me!!!!!! All innocent and sideways!
Look how it crushes my fragile body.
I fell because my back pack was too heavy. :(

The part after these too pictures is too gruesome for me to show on a I will only show the repercussions.

The back pack left me for the dead. How very sad.
And another view...notice the back pack's expression.

I also made some Playdoh Hyperbole and a Half figures...but I can't get those photos up. Oh well. I hope you liked my lovely interpretation of life in High School.

My whole intention was to demonstrate how terribly heavy back packs can be (mine was 33.5 lbs. yesterday).It really is unhealthy. I think I will have eternal back problems from this once-innocent creature. Speaking of which...maybe I should write on some of the papers that live in the bowels of that thing... 
GAH! I can't believe no one has found these yet. If you did, please write "purple eraser" in the comments.

* I didn't spend all of the two hours playing with Play Doh. I also made towers and watched the screen saver on my computer.


  1. Hahahaha! I loved that! especially Mr. Backpack's face. ^_^

  2. Haha, that was supremely awesome. We should do more of these picture-posts, yeah?
    To make it interesting!
    How about we do a picture-oriented posts all this week?


    I can sooo picture you doing that.
