Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Hello there! How are you on this lovely and extremely hot (meh.) day? I'm sweating half to death and it is not fun at all. Grrr.... 
Summer is slowly drawing to an end, and school is getting ready to begin once more. Joy. You know, why does summer save its hottest days for the end? It only makes me want it to end faster. But then again, I like fall very much. Fall = Thanksgiving (yum. food.), my birthday!, Halloween, pretty colours, cooler temperatures, etc., etc. *Sigh* Lately, I have just been lounging around the house, enjoying the air-conditioning. It really is wayyyy too hot outside for me. >.< But luckily, this basement is cold. Me likey. :D 
Oh oh oh! You know what else I like about fall? Marching band. *Cue hoorays* And marching band camp is beginning in a couple of days. 6 hours of flute. Oh, the excitement. [And to those 6LCFs in MB, are we supposed to bring our instruments with us on Rookie day??] 

Anyway, I suppose that's about it. Have the most spectacular end of summer! DFTBA! ♥ 

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 


  1. At least you're not playing tennis and doing suicides for three hours during the hottest part of the day >.< my brain feels like it's made out of scrambled eggs, and my legs feel like jelly! (saying "unjellify" doesn't work. I've tried it.)

    Yeah, we bring our instruments on rookie day. Why wouldn't we? :)

  2. My sister said tennis is terrible too. I can't wait to play clarinet in this weather...

  3. lol y'all have to do suicides ^_^ (*Knocks on wood*)
    Well, of course. Don't you carry your instrument around you like everywhere? ^_^

  4. haha fun. yeah, I guess that makes sense, but I was just making sure. :)

  5. Aw, all you poor people doing athletic activities in the hot sun. But if you enjoy doing it, it's not as bad though, right?
