Thursday, August 12, 2010

End-of-Summer Cleaning

Ah. Hello everyone. (I'm pretending that this blog has readers who aren't apart of the 6LCF.)
So you thought that I wouldn't post again? That is the reason I chose to wait until this late to post. Not. The reason that I waited this late was because I had NO time. It is, the annual End-of-Summer Cleaning Week. Also known as, My-Mom-Has-Taken-A-Week-Off-Work-To-Wage-War-With-The-Dirty-Ways-Of-My-Family Week. Fun, eh? I have been taking part in this. Not exactly willingly. Yesterday, she cleaned the sun room's carpet. As in, took out the Turbo Carpet Cleaner that sprays water and detergent and actually has little scrubbers to help clean. So the carpet that was once gray, black, brown, with orange spots, has turned into a white-with-brown-specks carpet (the brown was originally there). Amazing. Today, she has taken all the removable rugs, carpets, and mats, and cleaned them thoroughly. Not to mention completely whitened the dirtiest dining room chair. After that, she proceeded to terrorize all the dirt and grime on the carpeting of our basement. She has gotten sunburn on her shoulders, and her face has turned red. Since I don't get sunburn, my shoulders have just been tanned to a color that resembles burnt sienna. Ah. What a day.
Now, to another subject. School. High school, as a matter of fact...
From the years K-8, we have been given the school supplies list, schedule, and locker combinations well before the start of school. I believe this is a given. Otherwise, how would we have time to buy all the notebooks, binders, pencils, pens, rulers, calculators, pencil lead, erasers, notebook paper, etc? That's a question I have for this year. I didn't get a supplies list. Did my fellow Curly Fries get one? I don't think so (correct me if I'm wrong, though :)). We are getting ours the day before classes start. On the day of our 9th grade orientation*. Wonderful, right? Now, all I have to do is to tell my parents to go out and buy stuff at night. After they come home from work. Hehehe...Not gonna happen. So this year, I'm going to wing it. I have binders from last year, and notebooks, and notebook paper. All I will do, is have a binder/folder and a notebook/notebook papers for each class, except gym. Aren't I a genius?
Themes. I have some ideas. Please vote, and/or add new ideas!
  • Your favorite country, and fun facts about it.(Country Week)
  • A hilarious video that you can add a link to.(Funny Video Week)
  • Some place that you want to go.(Place-you-wanna-go Week?
  • A rant? : )(Rant Week)
  • A quote?(Quote Week)
  • A person who you admire....wait, that sounds like a school essay...(...)
  • Specific song that you like, and lyrics.(Song Week?)
Okay! That's it for this week's Thursday!**

* Lynda!!!!!!!!!! I thought we agreed not to give our ages/grades away!!!!
** You also wrote half of this post on Friday...tsk, tsk, tsk.


  1. By the way, Lynda, you overuse commas. :)
    And, no, I didn't get a school-supplies list. It's so impractical and stupid and just bad planning on the school's part, IMO.
    -I don't really *have* a favorite country, soo. . .
    -Sure? What does that entail? Facts about the place as well, or just a description of your dream trip or something?
    -Whenever I rant about something, the something is always difficult to put into words and it's difficult for the general public to understand. So I'd just sound bratty and immature. :|
    -I don't want "Quote Week," because we already have a quote.
    -Gods, no. I hate "who is your hero?" and the like questions, because I don't HAVE a hero. (I suppose I wouldn't mind a "who do you admire?" question quite as much, but still.)
    -Sure. Go ahead.

  2. *I meant quote PAGE. As in, "we already have a quote page."

  3. They don't give out supplies lists because different teachers have different needs for their classes. (Lynda!!!! You gave away our ages!!! Oh well.)
    -Don't do too well with rants...
    -Nah (see xiy's reasoning)
    -See xiy's response...
    -Eh...sounds a'ight...

  4. I like the ranting idea :) but what ever happened to book club? I still want to make it happen! We have to actually pick a book!
    ~Virgil (I'm logged in right now)

  5. how'd I write half of this on Friday?
