Monday, August 23, 2010

We're All Grown-Up! sorta...

Today, the last day [official] day of summer was spent by the Curly Fries wearing skirts. That's right. We all wore skirts today! Now, we have completed yet another of our many aspirations that is the 6LCF Bucket List (kinda). We also attended our high school orientation, which isn't nearly  as important as the fact that we wore skirts. However, as the title so nicely implies, we are growing up! *tear, tear* The Six Little Curly Fries are starting a new chapter of our life that does not involve the same lunch period for us all, which is quite depressing. I am thinking of changing mine so I at least four of us are together. 
Although I don't have much to say today, I would like to mention a certain awesome blog (<---click it!!!) that I was introduced to by my dearest friend xiy. This blog is extremely hilarious as well as well written. I have spent the greater part of yesterday looking through it, trying to absorb all of its glory. I love this blog!!!!!
Well, that's about it. I am sure xiy will give a lovely review of our very first day of high school tomorrow. That's all for now!
If you are reading this, please incorporate turtles into a comment below (don't be too obvious).


  1. By the way, what are you guys bringing to school tomorrow? (I think I'm going to bring folders, but I don't know if bringing notebooks would be worth it.)

  2. i dunno... some folders, maybe some notebook paper. I'm not sure if it's really worth bringing binders and journals until we actually know what we need.

  3. Are we capitalising the second m in your name now?

    And have you buried the time capsule...?

  4. I just felt like doing that today.


    I like turtles.

  5. House coming at you LIVE from the futureJune 27, 2017 at 1:46 PM

    I'm sure glad we all grew up in 2010, phew... would have been awkward to leave a relic of our horribly embarrassing adolescence on the internet forever.
