It's the last day of 2010. Holla, yo.
Yes, my fellow Curly Fries. I am pleased to tell you that we have, in fact, survived another year. Kissed our old school goodbye for a terrifyingly new one chock-full of intimidating/inspiring/OHMYGOSH upperclassmen and teachers. Our ears were massacred by the magical vuvuzelas. The mythbusters kept on busting, feeding us information science majors/minors never seem to be able to. T-Swift's new album came out (ba da ba ba baaa, I'm lovin' it). And holy snood what the heck Sarah Palin's got her own TV show. Whatever.
Well, I spent a large amount of my last day of 2010 in the fetal position with a stupidstupidstupid body that gave me a tummy ache equivalent to the feeling of chugging a glass of hydrogen peroxide on a dare. (Ain't pretty >.<) But I hope you all celebrated accordingly :)
So... yeah. Nihao, 2011. Wassup.
And you all ready to get back to school and still be writing the wrong year in the little space where it says 'date: __/__/__'? I totally am.
Even though I've got to get back to the festivities (i.e. a family friend's legendary snickerdoodles.... ahhhhhh <3), I've got two questions to quickly ask you girls:
1) Any goals/plans/resolutions/oaths to be sworn/promises for the new year?
2) How the frick are y'all gonna pronounce it, 'twenty-eleven' or 'two thousand and eleven?' Because I personally think both sound tremendously awk.
With all due respect,
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Post of "So" (In which I type a lot of so's)'s 2:10pm, and a Thursday-which is why I'm posting. So, erm. I have nothing to say, really...I dunno...what should I write about? So...ah...fanfiction? Sure. So, erm, I've been reading a ton of fanfiction lately...and now I'm obsessed with Harry Potter fanfiction about Sirius&OC...they're quite fun to read. I like the Marauders funny and carefree...ehm. So my mom's watching's about these people, in the country...with pigs...funny. Sooooo...Uhm, I have nothing to say. I don't particularly want to go to school. It's fun being able to sleep in and just lounge around all day. Sssso, ummm...I had crew today. It was tiring. I don't like qberts...they're boring. I don't like ab workouts in general. They make me feel so inadequate. Sooooo...that's pretty much all. Have a great rest of the day!
Luv, Lynda
P.S. I forgot to mention homework...yeah. I finished my science homework. Yay. Uhhhh...bye now.
Harry Potter,
winter break
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Oh, hai there!
Happy Wednesday! How have everyone's holidays been? Good? Great.
There is currently a sprinkle of some sort stuck under my 'x' key... Meh. Now I have to press really hard to get it to show up. Haha, I swear, that's the only way I could say it for y'all to understand what I mean.
Hum-di-dum. I just got home from working on a German project. It was quite successful, we had usable material on the first shoot. :) Now, I can just sit on my bed, fold laundry, do homework, and listen to music for the rest of the day. And that actually doesn't sound too bad... Maybe I'll watch a movie later when I'm "done"*.
I have nothing particularly interesting to say. School starts back up in a couple days for me and my fellow curly fries (my fellow curly fries and I?). Eh, either way...
Yay, finals in two weeks. I'll probably start studying next week, that should give me enough time, plus the weekend. :)
Sooooo, whatcha doing for New Years? I heard Virgil's having a New Years party at her house. I might just chill at home with some friends, patiently waiting for the year 2011 to arrive in all of it's glory... Yep.
I think I'm gonna just go now... Nice talking to ya!
Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,
*done as in "I'm almost finished but my brain hurts and I seriously won't be rushing at the last minute"
*done as in "I'm almost finished but my brain hurts and I seriously won't be rushing at the last minute"
new year,
yay boring posts
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
It's the Last Tuesday of 2010
^Isn't that exciting?
See, House, I'm not really a very good student after all. :P
Three more days until it's 2011! Yaaaaaay.
And because I have nothing constructive to say and I don't want this post to be a complete failure, I shall end this with a doodle I drew in Gimp yesterday.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Hello, curly fries et alia! I am writing this on sunday (again) because I don't think I will have time tomorrow. I just finished dinner and I can bet that House didn't wake up too long ago...that's funny. There is a lot of snow here in Germany--is there still lots of snow at home? I would like to propose that we choose our secret santas soon (are we still doing that?) because I want to buy that person something special here. I bought you all the same little things that were hand made by this lady at the Weihnachts Markt (Christmas Market). They were the only things that I could afford five of, though.
I builted me a snow man today!!
I will go now to play a game!
I builted me a snow man today!!
I will go now to play a game!
Friday, December 24, 2010
sleep and cookies. merry xmas eve.
Yup, that’s pretty much what my break’s been so far. I’ve slept in past noon most days, and I haven’t done that much homework (yet). Everything productive happens later at night… readingreadingreading, finding new music, etc. {Slept in especially late today because xiy is a good student (darn those good students) and made me do actual work yesterday. So now my brain is all like eghh.}
We decorated the house all Christmasy. It’s quite nice. Got a tree and ornaments and lights and all. Mum put up a million candles (including two Hanukkah ones on the tree ‘cause they’re the only kind that fit the holders), and I hung the stockings. We’re having lotsa people over tonight for a seven fish dinner thing that Dad does. (Me being vegetarian, I don’t much enjoy it… the pizza and cookies and water’s usually what I go for.)
So yeah.
Hope you’re all having a good holiday. I've got to fly now to go prepare the house for people.
Tomorrow’s Christmas! Happy holidays and stuff.
With all due respect,
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
*The first song is "Jingle Bells" in Chinese, the second, you all should recognize!xoxoxoxo
happy holidays,
home video,
Guess who went to bed past midnight last night and woke up before 11? (actually, I woke up even before 10 :3 ) Yay.
Uh, just gonna keep this kind of short, I guess...
Plans for today? Present wrapping, gotta finish the bracelet for my cousin, basically Christmas stuff. I'm about to have crepes for breakfast. Yum.
Well then, it's never too early to write a post... or be on Facebook. Eh... Actually, it's not all that early, I'm just a lil loopy since I kind of just woke up.
Happy Christmahannukwanza. ^_^ Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, y'all!!
Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,
P.S. - How long have we had another follower?? (TK?)
Uh, just gonna keep this kind of short, I guess...
Plans for today? Present wrapping, gotta finish the bracelet for my cousin, basically Christmas stuff. I'm about to have crepes for breakfast. Yum.
Well then, it's never too early to write a post... or be on Facebook. Eh... Actually, it's not all that early, I'm just a lil loopy since I kind of just woke up.
Happy Christmahannukwanza. ^_^ Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, y'all!!
Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,
P.S. - How long have we had another follower?? (TK?)
happy holidays,
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
uh. title fail.
Hello there; how has your Tuesday been so far?
So our winter special video was supposed to be up yesterday, but the video wouldn't show up because it was still 'processing.' I left it to process for about two hours and it still wasn't done, so I gave up and just published the post. Carrie tried again later but got the same result, which is why Momo's post is no longer up. I s'pose we'll just have to work it all out when Momo gets back or something.
Apologies, dear reader, if you were expecting a video. It'll (hopefully) be up soon.
There was a lunar eclipse in our area last night, and the full eclipse was supposed to be around three in the morning. However, the stupid weather was being stupid and it was cloudy when I woke up to see it (well, the moon may not have been completely blocked, but I took one look at those clouds and gave up and went back to sleep, heh). Grr.
Did anybody else see the eclipse? If you did, was it cool?
Sorry for this complete fail of a short post; I've just got nothing interesting to say. >.>
So our winter special video was supposed to be up yesterday, but the video wouldn't show up because it was still 'processing.' I left it to process for about two hours and it still wasn't done, so I gave up and just published the post. Carrie tried again later but got the same result, which is why Momo's post is no longer up. I s'pose we'll just have to work it all out when Momo gets back or something.
Apologies, dear reader, if you were expecting a video. It'll (hopefully) be up soon.
There was a lunar eclipse in our area last night, and the full eclipse was supposed to be around three in the morning. However, the stupid weather was being stupid and it was cloudy when I woke up to see it (well, the moon may not have been completely blocked, but I took one look at those clouds and gave up and went back to sleep, heh). Grr.
Did anybody else see the eclipse? If you did, was it cool?
Sorry for this complete fail of a short post; I've just got nothing interesting to say. >.>
lunar eclipse,
short post,
Monday, December 20, 2010
Winter Holiday Special Movie!!!!
I am writing this on Sunday right before I go to the airport to go to Germany. If you're reading this, I suppose the uploading thing worked. Anyway, this is the video we made yesterday, er, Saturday. I tried to blur faces as best I could, but you couldn't really do it individually. Maybe we'll edit it some more later. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it (especially the first song) and have a nice winter break. I don't know if I'll be able to post next Monday, but I'll try!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
We're still little kids at heart.
Today, the 6LCF assembled and my house and, for the first time since last year, ate curly fries together. It was wonderful. Then we built a fort... and then we destroyed it. Then Lynda and xiy had to leave, so the rest of us just sat around and watched The Notebook. Then my big sister came home from college.
I think that fort-building is an essential part of staying youthful. When I'm old, I'll make sure to build a fort at least once a year or so, and that way I can live forever!!
So, yeah. Winter break is finally here! It hasn't really sunken in yet, but then again, this would be the weekend anyways, so maybe it'll really feel like winter break once Monday comes around.
Speaking of Monday, Momo leaves for Germany tomorrow! Have fun, dear!!
I'm not going anywhere this year for winter break, which is nice. I can just relax and study for finals... or maybe just relax.
Christmas is in a week!! I would like to request exemption from posting that day, because I'll be spending time with my family. There's a chance I'll have time to post in the morning if I wake up before everyone else, but I'll probably sleep in.
Friday, December 17, 2010
magic rainbow happy sunshine
We're finally on winter break! Ahhhhh.
Okay, it's not quite as magical as it was back, like, last year, but the two weeks we get with no school is definitely something that makes me very, very happy. Sure, finals are around the corner. And sure, I've got a ton of reading and stuff over these two weeks. But whatever. Personally, I'm just looking at that no school thing.
My last day before break was pretty frikkin sweet. Our first concert was last night, so the bands all got a chillax-with-omg-are-those-DOUGHNUTS?! day. And one of our high school's graduates came back for a visit in Latin. And I actually understood everything our teacher was screaming in Physics. And Quidditch'll be starting up once we're back and done with exams! Quite exciting, yes.*
But enough with the happy stuff, I guess. Eventually, I'll have to do the homework they gave us for break, and finals are gonna be absolutely mental. Whatever. Everything's chill for now.
Anyway, I'm about ready to go and find a mug of tea and sleep for the next few hundred hours.
With all due respect,
P.S. Look out for a 6LCF winter-themed surprise in the near future.
*But then our History teacher had us watch a European film with examples of 'propaganda' [= massacre and blood >.<] in it... eeeh.
We're finally on winter break! Ahhhhh.
Okay, it's not quite as magical as it was back, like, last year, but the two weeks we get with no school is definitely something that makes me very, very happy. Sure, finals are around the corner. And sure, I've got a ton of reading and stuff over these two weeks. But whatever. Personally, I'm just looking at that no school thing.
My last day before break was pretty frikkin sweet. Our first concert was last night, so the bands all got a chillax-with-omg-are-those-DOUGHNUTS?! day. And one of our high school's graduates came back for a visit in Latin. And I actually understood everything our teacher was screaming in Physics. And Quidditch'll be starting up once we're back and done with exams! Quite exciting, yes.*
But enough with the happy stuff, I guess. Eventually, I'll have to do the homework they gave us for break, and finals are gonna be absolutely mental. Whatever. Everything's chill for now.
Anyway, I'm about ready to go and find a mug of tea and sleep for the next few hundred hours.
Happy winter break, y'all <3
With all due respect,
P.S. Look out for a 6LCF winter-themed surprise in the near future.
*But then our History teacher had us watch a European film with examples of 'propaganda' [= massacre and blood >.<] in it... eeeh.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Funny Video
Hello! I'm not going to have a long post. I've remembered a video that I once watched on Youtube...I decided to share with you (and save y'all from hearing me breakdown about Science Olympiad, and how the officials won't let us change the places, and how 3/5 of the Dream Team is dead(no, not b-ball. The Dream Team I'm talking about is so much cooler) that day, AKA, they have Latin thingy, and I'm panicking about how we'll even go to States with all the good people besides xiy and me, and, and ,and....*PANIC*)...Yeah...This is a much better option :)
The video is from's very funny...:D It should brighten your day a bit. Now, I have to go and panic more and try to write a SEARCH for my I-Search essay. Even though I supposedly already finished it...half of it...yeah...Enjoy!
Love, Lynda
Lynda freaks out,
Science Olympiad,
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Happy Wednesday, y'all!
Hewwo dere. ^_^
Happy Wednesday! Y'know, today actually has been a pretty great day. ONLY TWO MORE DAYS UNTIL WINTER BREAK!!! Hecks yes!
Okay, we DEFINITELY did not have a theme week this week... *sigh of relief*
Uh . . . so I'm working on English homework? Yay? Yeah, it's all good. Uh, band concert tomorrow? (Virgil? I gots to talk to you about a ride home? If I'm still allowed to take that offer? I have a ride there. ^_^ ) Uh, winter break's coming up? Uh, upcoming winter special this Saturday? Stay tuned for that because it is going to be super spectacular! :D Uh, that's it?
Yeah? Yeah. Life. Is. Good.
Gonna keep it short since I have homework to do. Blah. Have a nice life!
DFTBA!!! ♥
Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
It's so odd. Our school district has a reputation of never giving snow days, and then suddenly they drop two in a row on us. And right now, it's not even that bad out. It's cold, yeah, and still a bit windy, but nothing like yesterday. Not that I'm complaining, of course. ^.^
As you probably have realized by now, the Winter Special kind of failed yesterday. Everybody either couldn't or wouldn't leave the house, so we never ended up doing anything. (I was one of the 'couldn't' variety; I had to babysit my little sister while my mom was at work.) Our last chance for a Winter Special is going to be next Saturday; hopefully, we can all come?
So I've been watching the 1999 cartoon version of Journey to the West on YouTube recently (I've never seen all of the episodes before, so I'm working my way through them in chronological order; it's really fun), after not having seen them for a year and a half (the last time being at Science Olympiad, when Lynda kindly brought in a two-episode disc for us to see) and to honor such an event, I've made quite a few icons (screenshots=♥).
Here's a few I particularly enjoyed making:
Greek finals are tomorrow; we missed a review day yesterday. ARGH. I think I might truly die tomorrow morning.
I don't really know what else to say. Um. Snow days are sort of boring, really, though it certainly beats weight training and physics.
A Note for the Curly Fries: Hey, guys, when are we going to start book club? Our book of choice was the D'Aulaires' one, wasn't it? Weren't we going to start after NaNo? Is book club another one of those ideas that'll never see the light? Enlighten me, please, as to our current situation.
As you probably have realized by now, the Winter Special kind of failed yesterday. Everybody either couldn't or wouldn't leave the house, so we never ended up doing anything. (I was one of the 'couldn't' variety; I had to babysit my little sister while my mom was at work.) Our last chance for a Winter Special is going to be next Saturday; hopefully, we can all come?
So I've been watching the 1999 cartoon version of Journey to the West on YouTube recently (I've never seen all of the episodes before, so I'm working my way through them in chronological order; it's really fun), after not having seen them for a year and a half (the last time being at Science Olympiad, when Lynda kindly brought in a two-episode disc for us to see) and to honor such an event, I've made quite a few icons (screenshots=♥).
Here's a few I particularly enjoyed making:
![]() |
haha, sorry about the language in this one? :P |
Greek finals are tomorrow; we missed a review day yesterday. ARGH. I think I might truly die tomorrow morning.
I don't really know what else to say. Um. Snow days are sort of boring, really, though it certainly beats weight training and physics.
A Note for the Curly Fries: Hey, guys, when are we going to start book club? Our book of choice was the D'Aulaires' one, wasn't it? Weren't we going to start after NaNo? Is book club another one of those ideas that'll never see the light? Enlighten me, please, as to our current situation.
Monday, December 13, 2010
This is Already Getting to be a Super Monday!
First of all, I would like to with Momo's Sister and Virgil's Sister a happy birthday!!!! [My sister said to add in Taylor Swift too]. Second, I would like to point out that this is the 205th post and nobody noticed the 200th post! :O That's okay. Third of all, and most importantest:
Which means that the Winter Holiday Special is also probably on!! This is so exciting! I happened to have my video camera out when a snow day was announced. This my sister's and my reaction (you may want to turn the volume down a few notches):
I will update this post later with the Winter Holiday Special stuff later...Now it's off to scream some more!
UPDATE: The winter holiday has been canceled because people either A.) Have to babysit B.) Are prevented by parents or C.) They/their parents are wimps and afraid of the snow (jk). Not, but seriously, though. You people are really indecisive..
UPDATE: The winter holiday has been canceled because people either A.) Have to babysit B.) Are prevented by parents or C.) They/their parents are wimps and afraid of the snow (jk). Not, but seriously, though. You people are really indecisive..
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Happy 9th Birthday, Virgil!!
I was a very strange eight-year-old, but I think that I got even stranger when I turned nine. Here is my diary entry for my ninth birthday.
Happy Bday to Me!
Thursday, June 30, 2005 <3 <3 <3
Dear Bonnie the Bunny, (that's what I named my journal don't judge!!)
I an nine years old! I can't believe it! Well, all of the news is good. The party was fun, for guests. For me it was horrible. (Cue the preteen angst) When we went in the pool, nobody would let me play with them. The cake was delicious... not! Well, at least I got really good presents. [insert crush's name here] got me a dolphin mobile! I counted, and I have fifty-five dollars worth of certificates, checks, and gift cards!
Dolphin Girl (Yes, that is how I signed off every journal entry. Stop judging.)
P.S. I'm going to New Jersey tomorrow!!
Most of the entries are basically like this. I titled every one of them (titles like "Off to the Library!" and "Lemonade Stand!"
Not only did I whine about my day, but I also planned future novels. Here is an outline for a future bestseller called "Puppy Love."
Puppy Love
A family decides to adopt a puppy. Puppy grows up. Dog gets fats, too slow. Dog sadly gets run over by a car. Little girl saves the puppies that were in the middle of being delivered when the car hit.
I'm not sure why a pregnant dog in the middle of labor would be in the street, but yeah, that's the story.
This is the entry that I wrote after I first started reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It's a few days after the release date because we had only ordered one copy so I had to let my older sister read it first. (When the seventh one came on, we ordered two copies so I wouldn't have to go through that kind of torture again.)
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 <3 <3 <3
Dear Bonnie the Bunny,
Today was filled with disaster. Not a big disaster, just lots of little ones. Like the power going on and off, the air conditioning not working, things like that. Well, Carol finished Harry Potter, so I started reading it. I also finished my needlepoint. I have already started to work on the one that I got yesterday, it has a really cute baby leopard on it.
Dolphin Girl (Stop judging!!! Stop!!!)Okay, I'll stop embarrassing myself now. Bye.
theme week,
what a horrible day,
when we were young
Friday, December 10, 2010
deck the halls!
Lookie there, the holidays are just about upon us once again. Though I'm not much religious, I do enjoy the holidays. (Sure, all the squealing kids can get annoying, but still.) Yayy ^_^
Went to see (Ahhhh) Billy Elliot (ahhhh) last night. Yeah, I know that the hubbub has mostly subsided. Mum and I had, like, really good seats, front and centre. And you know how after, like, a musical or a concert that you particularly like, you've got all the songs playing through your head for the full week before and after the performance? Yeah, that's where I am now :)
Another song that's been stomping its merry way around my head the past couple days is this one that Virgil had me listen to the other day, "Bread" by Charlie McDonnell ( But she presented the song with a challenge: figure out what the heck it's supposed to signify. Aggghhh
And... yeah, that's about it in my life at the mo'. I'm gonna go get my dinner of oatmeal, and then imma gonna go to bed. (Didn't want to sound too negative after Lynda's post yesterday, but I've been wayyy too sleep-deprived this week. Like, I could probably count the hours of sleep I got this week pretty easily. [See, I can't count that high...])
Gosh, that's pitiful. House = oatmeal, musicy crap, and sleep.
With all due respect,
Edit: Oh, right! Theme week.
Uhhh. Errr. I didn't write very much when I was little... the only things I can really think of at the moment would be the diaries in which I wrote my juvenile little crushes and dreams. Cute? Yeah. Ready for the public? Never.
When I was young... when I was young, I did a lot of reading. Yeah, I read and listened to music, but I didn't really really love music like I do now. Oh, and I made art! When I was littler, I was wayy into art. Picasso and Van Gogh were[/are] my favourite stars :)
Went to see (Ahhhh) Billy Elliot (ahhhh) last night. Yeah, I know that the hubbub has mostly subsided. Mum and I had, like, really good seats, front and centre. And you know how after, like, a musical or a concert that you particularly like, you've got all the songs playing through your head for the full week before and after the performance? Yeah, that's where I am now :)
Another song that's been stomping its merry way around my head the past couple days is this one that Virgil had me listen to the other day, "Bread" by Charlie McDonnell ( But she presented the song with a challenge: figure out what the heck it's supposed to signify. Aggghhh
And... yeah, that's about it in my life at the mo'. I'm gonna go get my dinner of oatmeal, and then imma gonna go to bed. (Didn't want to sound too negative after Lynda's post yesterday, but I've been wayyy too sleep-deprived this week. Like, I could probably count the hours of sleep I got this week pretty easily. [See, I can't count that high...])
Gosh, that's pitiful. House = oatmeal, musicy crap, and sleep.
With all due respect,
Edit: Oh, right! Theme week.
Uhhh. Errr. I didn't write very much when I was little... the only things I can really think of at the moment would be the diaries in which I wrote my juvenile little crushes and dreams. Cute? Yeah. Ready for the public? Never.
When I was young... when I was young, I did a lot of reading. Yeah, I read and listened to music, but I didn't really really love music like I do now. Oh, and I made art! When I was littler, I was wayy into art. Picasso and Van Gogh were[/are] my favourite stars :)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sorry to Ruin the Winter Cheer
I noticed that xiy has posted the winter holidays made me feel slightly guilty that I'm completely not feeling the happiness. Why? Because
Yes. That's why.
Let me start off my story (my, lotsa stories there's been) with an explanation: Yesterday, it snowed so bloody much, I thought there was gonna be a *SNOW DAY* today.
A corner of our backyard. With a wisteria. |
As you can see, it was pretty...I was happy yesterday... Anyways, so I really was hoping for a snow day...but today, not a snow day got progressively worse.
1. I wake up at 7:50. School starts in 10 minutes. I panic, rush out of bed, brush teeth, throw on clothes, rush out door.
2. Forgot lunch, run back in, get lunch.
3. Forgot keys, run back in, get keys.
4. Rush to school, see xiy's dad point to indicate xiy is long gone...DUH. This irritates me as I am still in a sleepy/panicky stupor.
5. Goes to 1st period. Math. Takes math test. Fails math test. (I'm not even kidding. Math teacher calls me up after 10 minutes of grading, asks, "What happened?" I've gotten all the problems on the last page: WRONG)
6. Goes to 2nd period. French. Gets told that store project thingy is next week...Is irritated
7.Goes to 3rd period. Global Studies. Does stupid worksheets in stupid class filled with stupid people who ask stupid questions and can't answer any other way but stupidly to stupid crossword puzzles.
Where was the first atomic bomb dropped in Japan? Stupid Person: Uhhh...Tokyo? Me: NO. Stupid
What happened to the US in the Pacific that caused the US to declare war on Japan? Stupid Person:
Uhmmm...WWII? Me: NO. Stupid Person: They shot the president? Me: NO. Stupid Person: The
8. Goes to 4-5th period. Orchestra. Director informs everyone that the trip to France picture is being taken today. Wear black. (I'm wearing bright purple with white stripes)
9. Goes to lunch. *sigh* peace...
10. Goes to 7-8th period. Science. Idiot teacher TinRabbit tells everyone: "That super-huge-outline-you-stayed-up-the-whole-night-finishing-and-then-failed-your-math-test-because-of? It's not due until tomorrow."
11. Goes to 9th period. English. Nothing, really...
12. Goes to 10th period. Gym. Gets picked to be on a stereotypical black ppl team. Rowdy, cussing, competitive, thinks Asians are useless. Gets pushed around by a fat bitch on said team. Screamed at by team captain: Arrogant, stupid, obnoxious, skinny-jean-wearing, ugly-butt, disgusting, stinky brat (boy). "You just standin' there lookin' retarded!" Loses to all other teams. Loses the Win-a-Popsicle round. Doesn't get popsicle for 4th day in a row.
13. Goes to crew practice. Dies of exhaustion. But fun. :)
14. Goes home. Freezing. Turns on heater.
15. Parents come home. Dad still giving silent treatment.
16. Eat dinner. After dinner, dad yells about how I should just quit the Middle School Science Olympiad team cuz I don't practice. Also cuz the teachers had high expectations, thought I was good enough to come back and help. Dad says that I should tell them I quit because I'm not good enough. I suck. I suck at life, I suck at school, I suck at not being fat as a pig for slaughter, I suck at running, I suck at crew, I suck at committing to things, I suck at this, I suck at that..etc.
17. Goes upstairs, feeling very, very, very depressed, angry, sad, hurt...etc. Mom yells at me for talking to her funny(I didn't), tells me to go downstairs and make brownies for my dad. I ask why, she yells at me for being nosy...?
18. End of the day...If all of my wishes had come true for today, a lot of people would be dead or tortured.
19. Writes post...goes over day...feel awful.
More pictures from yesterday! (trying to force myself to be happy here)
Another look..See the specks of snow on the camera lens? |
My hand is on the ground. You can barely see the top of the snow! |
YAY! It's another theme week! (Oh gosh, my posts become so long)
Here's a story in my diary that I wrote on March 9th when I was in 3rd grade...Yes. I know the date. I wrote it in my diary...
Copied exactly, no changes at all:
Story (Cindellian*
Ellian Genine**
Once upon a time there was a princess who loved a prince but her father would not allow it. "BUT FATHER I love him!" "NO!" Knock Knock "Your Magessty.*** You have a message From King Hall and Queen Senia." "You are invited to dinner." So when King Genine (her father) left she sneaked off with her beloved and got married. King Genine was actually quite happy! "I love You" was what Ellian told Mike her husband.
The End
*This was completely scribbled out with purple gelpen
**This was written approximately in that place relative to the title in purple gelpen
***The extra "s" was scribbled out.
The purple stuff is where I started to write in purple ink. The gray is when I wrote with pencil...
Hope you enjoyed my professionally written story!
Luv, Lynda
P.S. Greek tomorrow....*groan*
annoying ppl,
Lynda wants to scream,
theme week,
what a horrible day,
when we were young
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
[Enter Title Here]
Well, today has been just wonderful. :D
^Yes, I'm being serious. No sarcasm there, folks!
What has made my day so wonderful, you ask? Well then, I must tell you... in song! Lawls. JK!
Anyway, yeah, story time!
It was a beautiful Wednesday morning. I woke up bright and happy at the loving hour of 6 AM and went to go take a shower... -Fast forward some time- In band, we actually got a chance to run down our hardest song and it actually sounded pretty legitimate. Which is good since our concert is on Monday. Yay. (Momo knows what I mean, she was there.)
During second period, which is German, I finally took my spoken exam and, what I believe, went incredibly well. Yay. While we were taking notes on Familie Vocabulary, I somehow ended up, quite literally, sharing a desk with one of my class buddies. How about we call him Kuddles*? Yes, I was sharing a desk with Kuddles and Herr didn't care. :) I mean, we were taking notes and all but it was just on the same desk and we were sitting in the same desk-chair combination thing that teachers refer to as our "learning positions". And Kuddles kept tickling me. I almost fell off the desk-chair combination that we were sharing.
Did that last part make you giggle/laugh? ;)
In global studies (Aka, third period) We had a sub, and Momo will also agree with me, which was quite nice as compared to our regular teacher. *Slight shiver* I mean, she's not HORRENDOUS. I just don't really favor her on a regular basis. Anyway, we actually got our assignment done and all was well. Yay.
Yes, I do realize that I'm running you through my day.
During fourth/fifth period, I had geometry. Nothing special, just geometry. Although, I got a C+ on my test... Oops. Okay, moving on...
Sixth/seventh period was science. The first half of class we just did our daily quiz and finished up our worksheet. The second half of class, our teacher had to leave and we watched a terrible video which luckily ended just as class did.
Eighth period was lunch. Noms. :) I had a very good lunch and received my [almost] daily piece of gum from the kid behind/next to me.
Ninth period was English. I think that all of the curly fries (except House) will agree with me that English was, in a way, rather enjoyable/entertaining. Tenth period was gym. Gym means volleyball. Actually, it wasn't all that bad today. Lynda, what did you think of it?
And of course, I had to walk home. In the snow. All, what seems to be now, at least 1 foot of it. Probably over 1 foot of snow within less than 24 hours. And I had to walk home in it. None of the sidewalks were shoveled. It was bad. In fact, there was so much snow that I was able to make a list, a *list*, describing how much snow there was. Yeah, not fun.
So how was your day?
Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,
*Kuddles was my nickname for this kid back in, like, 8th grade? So, yeah.
Woah, woah, woah. There was a theme week??? should I add the tags even though I didn't really... do a theme week post??? o.O
*Kuddles was my nickname for this kid back in, like, 8th grade? So, yeah.
Woah, woah, woah. There was a theme week??? should I add the tags even though I didn't really... do a theme week post??? o.O
more snow,
theme week,
what a wonderful day.,
when we were young
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
So It's a New Theme Week, Yes?
It's theme week, but I would first like to bring up another completely unrelated topic.
If you don't know, EZ is House's boyfriend, and they have been going out now for a year, hence the 'one-year anniversary' thing. I'm no judge of these sorts of things, but apparently they are incredibly cute together.
Here is a hurriedly-done planner-drawing that I drew in honor of the occasion:
![]() | |||
[taken from my webcam, so it's a bit fuzzy; sorry] |
Happy anniversary, guys. ♥
Now for the theme week goodness.
I couldn't find my third-grade journal (it's somewhere in the house, and I know it's somewhere in the house because I read it over the summer, but now I can't find it), so today I shall be presenting my fourth-grade language arts notebook. It's not quite the same thing, but I hope you enjoy.
Notes: Okay, so I was really trying to be funny when I wrote this. I barely remember the actual writing process itself, but I do remember drawing a very nice accompaniment picture (I was particularly proud of my depiction of the clown's neck-ruff, I believe).
Here it is:
The Circus* Clowns
One day, Bert the Clown was trying to sell a car for a million dollars and nintey-nine cents. The care was VERY beat up. There was almost no** paint on it. Still, Bert thought that $1,000,000.99 was a good price for a beat-up car.
His friend, Rubber, was trying to convince him to lower the price. Bert wouldn't listen. Rubber was getting pretty exasperated by this time, and he said, "Why don't you just listen to me for once? Can't you even lower the price to a million dollars and fifty cents?!?" Bert didn't want to upset his friend, so he lowered the price to $1,000,000.50.
A clown called Mr. Waldon was walking by. Bert jumped up and said to Mr. Waldon, "How would you like to own a car for only a million dollars and 50 cents*** plus tax? It's a really good deal for a really good price!." Rubber slapped his forehead. "You didn't tell me there was tax! Isn't $1,000,000.50 enough?!? You still want tax?!?!?" he shouted. Bert said innocently, "Of course I do. It's only $100 more. Anyway, I'll get so many customers, you're be jealous!" By this time, Mr. Waldon had left, disgusted by the price plus tax (in case you're bad at math, the total price was 1,000,100.50. Who'd buy a beat-up car for such a price?). By the end of the day, Bert hadn't made a single cent. Feeling embarassed, he apologized to Rubber.
*I'm unsure as to why 'Circus' is crossed out; I guess it's because this story has nothing to do with circuses.
**Originally double-underlined (I must have felt that the car's lack of paint was something that needed extra emphasis).
***Originally '50 [insert cents symbol here],' but I was too lazy to find the correct Alt+number combination to produce one.
Besides the two changes noted in ** and ***, the story has otherwise been left alone in terms of grammar, spelling, and formatting.
I can't believe that my fourth-grade mind thought that his was funny and worth writing about. Sigh.
a) the tags for this week are 'when we were young' and 'theme week.' Don't forget the tags! (Momo, I already tagged your post accordingly.)
b) Could we possibly extend this theme week to two weeks? I've got a lot of stuff I want to share, but I don't want to post a giant monster post. If not, that's also fine. :)
theme week,
when we were young,
Monday, December 6, 2010
I Can't Think of a Title
Today was a wonderful Monday for me. 1st came the fact that we had early dismissal (always a bonus), there was a fight outside of our Latin class and our possibly-idk-if-it's-chub-or-maybe-she-really-is-pregnant Latin teacher went and saved the day and it was epic. Also, in band, we didn't sound as awful as we have been sounding, we had a sub in history which means no tyrannical teacher for a day, I had only a little homework, aaaand in addition to all that: 9 DAYS UNTIL WINTER BREAK!!! Woot!! Also, my grandma (haha, accidentally wrote grandmomo the first time) sent, like, a BAGILLION German cookies and they're delightful. There is also snow on the ground and it still hasn't gotten driven over enough to look disgusting. I also got all my homework done before fencing.At fencing, only 8 people were there (Lynda came and watched us because, as I'm sure she'll scream in the comments, CREW WAS CANCELED!!!!!). Aaah. It was a good day. Oh, I also forgot, Virgil bought me the funniest book called Lamb and I love it so much.
I think that was sufficient joyful ZOMG-ing for the day and now onto the main subject of my post: My Third Grade Journal. On Saturday my mom made me clean (ew) and I found my school journal from third grade. I thought I would start putting little excerpts in my posts. So, without any spelling or grammatical changes, here is a bit of my third grade mind*:
3 Ways To Trick Your Mom 10-25-04
1. Set her alarm clock to 9:00 and when she wakes up go through a normal morning until she sees the time. Then say you forgot to brush your teeth and grab some toothpaste and stick it in your moms shoe with the top off.
2. Make a paper spider and put it on your ceiling and start to scream and when your mom comes to get it just say all is well.
3. When your mom is asleep dip her hand in warm water (she might go to the bathroom!)
Stay tuned next week for Garbage Can!
Secret Message: I was so annoying when I was little!
*The cover says, Momo loves to write! Please read now! Then, Don't Read this Journal! Do Not Write in me!...?
secret message,
theme week,
third grade,
when we were young
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Adventures in the Post Office: A True Story
It is a wonderful December morning. There's a layer of fresh snow carpeting the ground, it's chilly but not too cold, and I am clutching my delicious peppermint mocha from Starbucks, breathing in the rich, sweet fumes. It's a great day to go to the post office.
My dad and I arrive at the parking lot; he carries the package, I carry my mocha. We are going to mail my sister's birthday presents today, and they're all wrapped up and neatly packed in one of those "it fits, it ships" boxes. We go inside and patiently wait in line. There's a short line for the window, but of course it's moving slowly, so we wait and talk.
A woman with a baby and two small children is in front of us in line. The children are very well behaved, and they munch happily on the pretzels that their mother has given them. The little girl and I make faces at each other. She giggles. The cute little baby in the mother's arms is sleeping quietly. It's just a normal day at the post office.
There's another line which feeds to the same windows but is meant for special services. A woman with a huge shopping cart overflowing with identical brown paper packages gets in this line. Everyone stares. There are so many packages. It's like that scene in the new version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, when all of the Whos are doing their Christmas shopping, and they all have piles upon piles of presents. This woman's packages are wrapped in plain brown paper, but she does resemble a Who. Her nose is red and upturned, but her face looks more like Professor Trelawny's. Everyone silently prays that they will get to the front before this Who-lady does, but no such luck for us. The man in front of her finishes his business, and she goes up to the window with her shopping cart full of what must be at least sixty packages. The post office worker's eyes widen, but she begins the tasks of preparing all of the packages for shipping. The Who-lady unloads her packages and stamps them one by one.
My dad and I exchange glances.
"It's like some sort of comedy," he comments.
"Or a reality show," I suggest.
Other people contribute similar remarks, but the Who-lady does not hear us. She stamps a few more packages, and then says to the post office worker:
"I'll be right back. I have to get the rest out of my car."
The post office worker's jaw drops. "Are you serious?" she says with an air of attitude, like somebody who has just been told that they have been sentenced to five years of counting grains of sand as a punishment for something they must have done in a previous life.
The Who-lady doesn't seem to be in any mood to mess around. "Oh, I am very serious."
She leaves with the shopping cart, while my dad, the other patrons and I all begin theorizing about where the hidden cameras might be placed, and whether we'll see ourselves on YouTube later as a comedic skit about how real-life people in a post office might react to a film-like situation. We wait for her to come back.
When the Who-lady returns, the cart is even more full than before, with piles of identical packages towering about twice the height of the edge. She does not say anything, or even acknowledge the fact that everyone is staring at her. She just begins stamping every package and setting them on the counter, one by one. We can tell that the post office worker is not very pleased, but at the same time, she is trying not to laugh.
Eventually, another window opens and our line once again begins to move. My dad and I mail the birthday package, and we exit the scene, leaving behind about fifteen bewildered people and one determined Who-lady.
The End.
So yeah, that was my adventure today. I thought I would share it with you because it seemed really funny at the time, but now that I read over it, it seems kind of mundane. Oh well - I hope you enjoyed the two minutes of your life that I just wasted.
Happy Advent!
My dad and I arrive at the parking lot; he carries the package, I carry my mocha. We are going to mail my sister's birthday presents today, and they're all wrapped up and neatly packed in one of those "it fits, it ships" boxes. We go inside and patiently wait in line. There's a short line for the window, but of course it's moving slowly, so we wait and talk.
A woman with a baby and two small children is in front of us in line. The children are very well behaved, and they munch happily on the pretzels that their mother has given them. The little girl and I make faces at each other. She giggles. The cute little baby in the mother's arms is sleeping quietly. It's just a normal day at the post office.
There's another line which feeds to the same windows but is meant for special services. A woman with a huge shopping cart overflowing with identical brown paper packages gets in this line. Everyone stares. There are so many packages. It's like that scene in the new version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, when all of the Whos are doing their Christmas shopping, and they all have piles upon piles of presents. This woman's packages are wrapped in plain brown paper, but she does resemble a Who. Her nose is red and upturned, but her face looks more like Professor Trelawny's. Everyone silently prays that they will get to the front before this Who-lady does, but no such luck for us. The man in front of her finishes his business, and she goes up to the window with her shopping cart full of what must be at least sixty packages. The post office worker's eyes widen, but she begins the tasks of preparing all of the packages for shipping. The Who-lady unloads her packages and stamps them one by one.
My dad and I exchange glances.
"It's like some sort of comedy," he comments.
"Or a reality show," I suggest.
Other people contribute similar remarks, but the Who-lady does not hear us. She stamps a few more packages, and then says to the post office worker:
"I'll be right back. I have to get the rest out of my car."
The post office worker's jaw drops. "Are you serious?" she says with an air of attitude, like somebody who has just been told that they have been sentenced to five years of counting grains of sand as a punishment for something they must have done in a previous life.
The Who-lady doesn't seem to be in any mood to mess around. "Oh, I am very serious."
She leaves with the shopping cart, while my dad, the other patrons and I all begin theorizing about where the hidden cameras might be placed, and whether we'll see ourselves on YouTube later as a comedic skit about how real-life people in a post office might react to a film-like situation. We wait for her to come back.
When the Who-lady returns, the cart is even more full than before, with piles of identical packages towering about twice the height of the edge. She does not say anything, or even acknowledge the fact that everyone is staring at her. She just begins stamping every package and setting them on the counter, one by one. We can tell that the post office worker is not very pleased, but at the same time, she is trying not to laugh.
Eventually, another window opens and our line once again begins to move. My dad and I mail the birthday package, and we exit the scene, leaving behind about fifteen bewildered people and one determined Who-lady.
The End.
So yeah, that was my adventure today. I thought I would share it with you because it seemed really funny at the time, but now that I read over it, it seems kind of mundane. Oh well - I hope you enjoyed the two minutes of your life that I just wasted.
Happy Advent!
post office adventure,
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Beware the stupid people who feel the need to point out the month every time they see you.
Why am I so annoyed about it? The story:
This boy, "可气"...pronounced: "Ke-qi"(I'll refer to him as Keqi, ok?), saw me this morning, and he said, "Hi Lynda, it's December!"
Me: "Great..."
Keqi: "3 more weeks, eh?"
Me: "...?"
Keqi: "WINTER BREAK!!!" *laughs idiotically*
Me: "Yeah...great!"
Keqi: "Whatcha doin' this break-time?"
Me: "Um...staying at home, sleeping."
Keqi: "Cool."
Me: "Uh, I have to go to...math. Bye."
Keqi: "Sure, bye! You're so smart, you take 9HonorsMath!'re such an Asian...Oh wait, you are an Asian!" *I-am-so-funny laugh*
Me: *gnash teeth*
Then what happens? On my way to 2nd period. I see him in the hall:
Keqi: *waves frantically* "It's DECEMBER!!!"
Me: *waves back...* "yay!"
On way to 3rd period:
Me: "I don't wanna go to Global Studies...*mumblemumble*"
Keqi: *sees prey(me)* "HI LYNDA! IT'S DECEMBER!"
Me: "..."
Keqi: "SO COOL, HUH?"
Me: "I have to go to Global Studies...Don't wanna be late for funnest class I have!" *scamper*
On way to locker to get my packed lunch:
Me: "..."
Keqi: "It's DECEMBER! 3 weeks left! Aren't you excited?"
Me: "Yeah. Look, I gotta go before the line to buy lunch is too long. Bye!"
Keqi: "OK! BYE!"
On way to 10th period:
Keqi: "Hi Lynda! It's Decem-"
And that was my day...Interesting, no?
Guess what ppl? Crew started again, today! It was actually pretty fun/tiring...I still have hw to do, so I'm not very happy about that. In fact, if this becomes like the Autumn, my posts will probably be short, incoherent(remember that one post?), and about sleep and my hatred of Greek mornings...Ah well...I've warned you. I hope it won't become like that...I'll try hard not to let it become like that, ok? Ok.
Luv, Lynda
annoying ppl,
Lynda freaks out,
Lynda wants to scream,
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Happy December 1st! (And 1st day of Hannukah [: )
Did I spell that right? Hanukkah. Isn't it spelled with a 'C'?? Is that, like, an alternate spelling that isn't technically correct?
Oh, right, yeah. I'm not Jewish, by the way. But everyone who is is pretty excited for their 8 day holiday.
[OMG. Such a fail... I just deleted the whole sentence.] Ever heard of Ratatat? Look them up. Legitness right there. :D If there's anything I love more than techno, it's instrumental techno.
Uh, I'm hungry. And I have homework. Ew. Probably gonna cut this short then.
Bye now.
Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,
[whoops, forgot the font color. My bad.]
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