Monday, December 13, 2010

This is Already Getting to be a Super Monday!

First of all, I would like to with Momo's Sister and Virgil's Sister a happy birthday!!!! [My sister said to add in Taylor Swift too]. Second, I would like to point out that this is the 205th post and nobody noticed the 200th post! :O That's okay. Third of all, and most importantest:  
WE HAVE A SNOW DAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEE! 
Which means that the Winter Holiday Special is also probably on!! This is so exciting! I happened to have my video camera out when a snow day was announced. This my sister's and my reaction (you may want to turn the volume down a few notches):

I will update this post later with the Winter Holiday Special stuff later...Now it's off to scream some more!

UPDATE: The winter holiday has been canceled because people either A.) Have to babysit B.) Are prevented by parents or C.) They/their parents are wimps and afraid of the snow (jk). Not, but seriously, though. You people are really indecisive..


  1. hahahahai love your reactions...but, yourealize the school >.>
    HA. the chair fell over

  2. hahaha that's really funny... especially your mom at the end... lol
    What a great birthday present for your sister!
