Friday, December 10, 2010

deck the halls!

Lookie there, the holidays are just about upon us once again.  Though I'm not much religious, I do enjoy the holidays.  (Sure, all the squealing kids can get annoying, but still.) Yayy ^_^

Went to see (Ahhhh) Billy Elliot (ahhhh) last night. Yeah, I know that the hubbub has mostly subsided.  Mum and I had, like, really good seats, front and centre.  And you know how after, like, a musical or a concert  that you particularly like, you've got all the songs playing through your head for the full week before and after the performance? Yeah, that's where I am now :)

Another song that's been stomping its merry way around my head the past couple days is this one that Virgil had me listen to the other day, "Bread" by Charlie McDonnell (  But she presented the song with a challenge: figure out what the heck it's supposed to signify.  Aggghhh

And... yeah, that's about it in my life at the mo'.  I'm gonna go get my dinner of oatmeal, and then imma gonna go to bed.  (Didn't want to sound too negative after Lynda's post yesterday, but I've been wayyy too sleep-deprived this week.  Like, I could probably count the hours of sleep I got this week pretty easily. [See, I can't count that high...])
Gosh, that's pitiful. House = oatmeal, musicy crap, and sleep.

With all due respect,

Edit: Oh, right! Theme week.
Uhhh.  Errr.  I didn't write very much when I was little... the only things I can really think of at the moment would be the diaries in which I wrote my juvenile little crushes and dreams.  Cute? Yeah.  Ready for the public?  Never.
When I was young... when I was young, I did a lot of reading.  Yeah, I read and listened to music, but I didn't really really love music like I do now.  Oh, and I made art!  When I was littler, I was wayy into art.  Picasso and Van Gogh were[/are] my favourite stars :)


  1. I think that what "Bread" is trying to convey is that the fulfillment of one person's goal (i.e., success pie) may not be very good for another person's (i.e., all the poor, obese, pastry-eating residents of the town).
    Also, too much of a good thing never ends up being terribly good after all.
    And then you try to do something good for the populace (i.e., trying to feed them bread instead of sweets) and they completely ignore you because they'd so much rather have their yummy cake than boring old bread.

  2. I thought it was to never trust anyone. I mean, Flora(I think that was the girl's name) made yummy bread for that Sponge lady, and then what does she do to her? She goes and steals Flora's recipes. I think "Bread" is saying that don't trust anyone but yourself, otherwise, they take advantage of you. >:(
