Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Guess who went to bed past midnight last night and woke up before 11? (actually, I woke up even before 10 :3 ) Yay.

Uh, just gonna keep this kind of short, I guess...

Plans for today? Present wrapping, gotta finish the bracelet for my cousin, basically Christmas stuff. I'm about to have crepes for breakfast. Yum.

Well then, it's never too early to write a post... or be on Facebook. Eh... Actually, it's not all that early, I'm just a lil loopy since I kind of just woke up.

Happy Christmahannukwanza. ^_^ Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, y'all!!

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,  

P.S. - How long have we had another follower?? (TK?)

1 comment:

  1. Well, our two newest followers are two people from Writing Club whom Momo, Lynda and I coerced into following. Dunno if they actually read the blog, though.
