Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Oh, hai there!

Happy Wednesday! How have everyone's holidays been? Good? Great.

There is currently a sprinkle of some sort stuck under my 'x' key... Meh. Now I have to press really hard to get it to show up. Haha, I swear, that's the only way I could say it for y'all to understand what I mean.

Hum-di-dum. I just got home from working on a German project. It was quite successful, we had usable material on the first shoot. :) Now, I can just sit on my bed, fold laundry, do homework, and listen to music for the rest of the day. And that actually doesn't sound too bad... Maybe I'll watch a movie later when I'm "done"*.

I have nothing particularly interesting to say. School starts back up in a couple days for me and my fellow curly fries (my fellow curly fries and I?). Eh, either way...
Yay, finals in two weeks. I'll probably start studying next week, that should give me enough time, plus the weekend. :)

Sooooo, whatcha doing for New Years? I heard Virgil's having a New Years party at her house. I might just chill at home with some friends, patiently waiting for the year 2011 to arrive in all of it's glory... Yep.

I think I'm gonna just go now... Nice talking to ya!

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

*done as in "I'm almost finished but my brain hurts and I seriously won't  be rushing at the last minute"

1 comment:

  1. blarghhh homework. and finals. ugh. January is not going to be pleasant. . . >.<

    The New Year's party sounds quite fun; I hope I'll be able to go.
