Thursday, March 31, 2011

Right...I'm Back

Sort of. Technically, I will be back when this post is posted, but as of right now, it's 5:44pm on Monday, March 21st, 2011. Nice, eh?

So I'm posting because I'm quite sure that the me of the future (you have no idea how weird this is, thinking about it...) is sleeping on the plane/bus/car/whatever...I'm pretty sure I'll still be on the plane, but whatevs. I'll get back in the 'evening' says the itinerary, so I'll be jet-lagged and dead on my feet when I'm home. time to post!

Well...erm...I'm getting ready to go to the final meeting/mini-tour-concert, and uhm...not much to do. EXCEPT, this crapload of homework. I have like, this packet for science (not to mention the other worksheet) and a ton of math homework. Also, I took a test and 2 quizzes today, tomorrow, I'm taking 2 tests and one quiz. >.< So much stuff. Oh well. Worth it to go to EUROPE!YEAH!

ZOMG! It's the night before I'm heading to Europe, and I'm intensely exited, like....DUDE! I'M GOING TO EUROPE!!!! Anyways, I wanted to write about souvenirs for y'all (sorry, not y'all readers, just y'all Curly Fries). Much like Momo said when she was in Germany, about how she wasn't rich enough for gigantic presents, I'm not too rich myself (just rolling in silver coins, not gold...jkz, I'm actually pouvre <--FRENCH!). Sooo... I shall get y'all gifties, but they'll be cute little trinkets (or chocolate for Momo), picked with love and paid for with blood....kidding! They will be special for each person though, and I'll see about the whole "unique from Europe" thing. :)

Erm...that's any case, I'll be off to Europe around noon (take-off! WHEE!), so think of me! To the 6LCF, think of me at lunch...though maybe it'll be 7/8 by then. Have fun with Rabbits, House and Momo! You guys are doing a lab one day, maybe it's tomorrow...

BYE! I'M OFF TO EUROPE! (after sleeping...)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Elton John is a good person! :D

Yeah, don't ask. I literally just woke up from a 2 hr? nap. Maybe 2 1/2 hours. -.- Meh. 

Uh, yeah, spring break is this week, but it's Wednesday, so it's kind of almost over. Not really, though. I personally think teachers are  crazy for giving us homework. They call it a break for a reason! 

*Iamsoooootiredddddd* D: blarrrggg. And I seem to have misplaced my phone. :/ Oh, never mind, found it. :) 

Uh, so today in the morning, my grandma, my mom, and I went exercising at Curves. That was, I guess you could say, fun. Then we went home and I took my first nap of the day. Then we went to go get lunch. Then we went to this art museum. I like art museums, for the most part. Especially the one in my home city. :) 
Thennnn... we went to go get ice cream at this charming little ice cream shoppe. ^_^ The men who worked there had to wear bow-ties, and it was simply darling. The ice cream was quite lovely, (and homemade) too. :) Then I was so exhausted that, when we came home, I fell asleep. Again. For like, 2 - 2 1/2 hours. Yay. 
Goodness! There were lots of grammar mistakes!
Sooo That's my day. Hope you enjoyed your own. ^.^ yeah, bye!

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Hello there. How is your spring-break field-frolicking and baby-animal-hugging going? Fantasically, I hope.

The following is what the two pages representing this week in my planner look like: 

 (Looky there, you get to see what xiy's handwriting looks like. It's terrible, isn't it? Though House and Lynda each made their own contributions. And Virgil too, though that's a bit cut off.)

This has led me to conclude that planners are only good for doodling in. Writing assignments down in them is totally beside the point.

Anyway, I've spent my spring break so far mooching about at home. I have not traveled to any interesting places and I will not be doing so in the forseeable future, which is quite a pity. My parents have made me start reading these SAT test-taking strategy books, and it's nice to know that I've been getting all the grammar questions right without actually knowing why. Instinct is such a wonderful thing to have, isn't it? Though I really hate the SAT books because they explain questions in such a convoluted and broken way that it sounds like the wrong answer is the right answer when it really isn't, but they make it sound like it is and then my brain breaks and I'm all, "WHICH ONE IS THE RIGHT ANSWER GOSHDARNIT" and the book is all, "I WON'T TELL YOU SO THERE" and I'm all, "STOP MAKING ME FEEL INSECURE ABOUT MY ANSWERS" and the book is all, "HAHA NOOOOOOO NEVER" and then I quit reading entirely.

It's not very pleasant.

Also, we appear to have had over 11,000 pageviews. That's good, though I wonder how many of them are just a result of us not being logged in when viewing the blog.

And. . .uh. It's still really cold outside. Which isn't nice. But it's sunny, which is better. (And at least I'm not forced to run outside for gym class anymore. Spring break is such a wonderful time, isn't it?)

So I think that's it for today's post. Enjoy the rest of your March!


Monday, March 28, 2011

Well Wouldja Look at That! It's Monday!

Happy Spring Break, everybody!

I have had such a good break so far. On Friday, my family went to our lake house thingy and stayed until Sunday. 

When we returned, my sister began slowly cleaning her room. Let me tell you something about my sister's room: I haven't seen the floor in there for a very, VERY long time. It's very dusty and cluttered and all together, very messy.

Now, when you see such a mess every day, it's hard not to cringe and will yourself not to go in and blow everything up. I don't blame my sister--she's a very busy 17 year-old [zomg! I just realised how old she is...]

I, being the amazing sister that I am, offered to organise her book shelf. It was about 2 or 3 o'clock when I started. I pulled all the books off that were not hers, meant for children under the age of 12, and anything that she didn't particularly want anymore.

Of the six shelves full of books, only two of them were filled when I was done. 

When I was done with the shelf, my sister left to go to her friend's parents' wedding vow renewal. I figured that since I had done so much already, I might as well start organising other things.

Then I moved her chest of drawers to a different spot. Well, first, I had to dig a tunnel to make a path.

When I was done with that, I was on a role. I organised and moved and sorted through tons of stuff. When my sister returned home, there were three big piles on her floor: clothes, things she needed to go through herself, and trash.

It was, by then, about 5 o'clock. My sister and I went to town. Not only did we put stuff away, but we dusted, and swept, and wiped and everything. 

When we finally finished cleaning her desk off, it was about 9 o'clock. We were actually having fun! We read some of my sister's old diaries in which she apologised for the fact that she and I had eaten its pages when we were 5 and 3, respectively. 

I finished organizing my sister's desk and she finished putting all of her clothes away. 

Then we had an idea. We would move my sister's loft bed!

We started pushing and shoving until her bed was on the other side of the room.

At 10:30, all we had to do was fold the remainder of her clothes and dust some more. 

By 11 o'clock, we were finally done for the day. We called in our parents who, upon seeing the floor, nearly fainted (my cats were also curious as to where their massive bed of dirty clothes had gone). 

This morning, my dad and I woke up early (because we can't help but waking up before 8 am) and went to buy some new pants for me and some kitty litter for our cats.

We also got the car washed.

By 11 am, we finished running errands and woke my sister up to go to Target and get some boxes for her book shelf. We found all sorts of boxes and even a little chair that is also a storage unit. 

We headed off to lunch before installing all of the boxes in my sister's room.
I'm too lazy for a secret message today.
Now I'm typing this. :D
The end.
That was a very long post.
Happy Spring!!!

P.S. I made a Girl Scout cookie poll the other day because they are SO GOOD! Please choose 2 or 3 of your favorite cookies. :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I have to leave for the youth retreat and I forgot to pre-write a post for tomorrow. >.< sorry!!!


Friday, March 25, 2011

spring break!

Oh, how nice it is to be the Friday Curly Fry ^.^

Yay! The six of us are officially on spring break. Lynda's already out of town, enjoying our time off from school, of course. (Be prepared for a huge Europe post when she gets back.) Only two of my{/our} teachers are the type to give homework over this week of magic and butterflies.

'Cause like a third of the school was absent today, we didn't bother doing a whole lot. Our science teacher let us sit in on this fun with chemistry-type-thing show put on by the teachers for the juniors. One things they did was filling Balloons of Science with different gasses and then setting them on fire, and another was making little Soap and Methane Bubbles of Science. They let us hold those in our hands before igniting them ^.^ (Teehee, Momo is in my class, and she screamed pretty much every time something caught on fire, which was quite often. [yay lighting things on fire in pretty colors! {one if them was a pretty, Harry Potter-esque green and purple.}])

Also, Momo, xiy, and I tried our hand at writing a Latin Club-y fanfic in collaboration. It's currently posted in our Latin room and on Momo's blog. If you plan visiting either of those places, I suggest you check it out.

Anyway, we should go get back to frolicking in fields and hugging baby animals. {except not because it's still really annoyingly cold here.}

Or in my case, going back to my celebratory nap of success.
With all due respect,

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Hey y'all.

I'm typing this on Saturday, March 19th cuz I'll be in EUROPE! YEAH! on the day of this post. So I have a couple of things to mention in this lovely post. One, the experience of being in this "Park to Shop" Chinese store* (wazup w/ the name, yo?), two, JAPAN (it's connected to the shopping experience, sort of. Plus it's a super hot topic right now), three, EUROPE! YEAH! (*squeal*).
         O my, I just realized that ^ the above is probably a huge run-on sentence, and xiy, House, and Momo are freaking out right now. Sorry y'all.

'k, number one! Park to Shop is this lovely big Chinese store*, and we (my family) have never gone to it, because some dude told my dad the stuff isn't fresh. But recently, we've realized that, "hey! it's fresh n' cheap!" Hence our visits to it. So when I went this weekend, I noticed a couple things. I was on the lookout for good post material, because I felt bad for having a tiny post last Thursday. Anyways, I'll go in chronological order. We were looking for Hot Pot** ingredients, and we couldn't find this one kind of tofu that I lurve, and so my mom went and asked this store employee. He goes and finds this other store employee, and I'm like, "yay, this'll take a while, *yawn*" So I leaned on my cart and listened to the pretty music, which btw, was "Home" by Daughtry. One of my favorite songs, go and listen to it here. After a while, the employee comes back, and with him, a different employee. I glanced at him, and then I do a double take. Cuz he's hawt! Like, wow! It's been...never since I've seen an Asian boy who looks cute in America! (It's like the cute ones stay in Asia >.<) So I'm fanning myself, and trying to be inconspicuous about it, though I think I ended up looking sort of like I had fleas...NEXT! I'm walking around and see the ice-cream thing. Which gives me an idea. I know Americans are used to flavors of ice-cream such as chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and variations of those with toppings. I'm about to tell you the ASIAN flavors***: Red bean (yum, I love red bean stuff), mango, lychee (this berry-ish thing), coconut, and milk n' peanuts. Not what a typical ice-cream truck in the US has in stock, eh? On to the end of the trip. As we were walking out of the store, there are a couple Japanese and Chinese people holding signs saying "Show Your Love for the Tsunami victims of Japan!" I'm happy to say that my dad donated a couple dollars (which was basically all he had in his wallet...*sigh* the credit card fad). Unfortunately, I did see this white family come in to the store and basically shove away the people, and this white bitch was shaking her head and rolling her eyes like, "ew, get away, these people are so eww, they're asking for money from us, ewww" So if that lady is reading this post of mine, please note that I think people like you are a disgrace to the human race, and are absolutely disgusting because if you don't feel for the people in Japan, fine, but to push away people and act like that is just beyond sickening. I hope karma actually works on people like you.

Japan. Subject number two. We all know (I hope) that there has been a 9.0 earthquake in Japan, causing a tsunami, and several nuclear power plant mishaps. The people in Japan have showed remarkable stoic and calm, and it's helped a lot, as they go through the search and rescue, clean-ups, and desperate cooling of the reactors in the nuclear plants. I think I type for all the Curly Fries when I write that we hope the people of Japan will be able to recover fully, and that the partial meltdowns can be dealt with. As I type, CNN reports that 7,653 have died in Japan, and some 10,000 people are still missing. The number may have grown by the time this post is posted, but for now, I wish those 7,653 people's family and friends well as they cope with the loss.

On a happier note, I'm in EUROPE! YEAH!, which is why I'm writing this so early. EUROPE! YEAH! =D Our school's orchestra and choir are going on a 9 day tour through Geneva, Switzerland; Nimes, France; Carcassonne, France; and Barcelona, Spain. It's actually more than those 4, but they're the main places we'll be hitting. EUROPE! YEAH! So, as you read this, I'm in EUROPE! YEAH! maybe giving a concert, as I'm not sure when the concerts are scheduled, because I'm getting the final itinerary and stuff on Monday (remember, I'm writing this on Saturday) for our last meeting and a mini-concert in anticipation of EUROPE! YEAH! I've packed today, and I'm excited cuz I packed capris and T-shirts! IT'S WARM IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE, AND IN SPAIN!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I think I might bring sandals *bliss* I love having my toes free to wiggle in the sunlight =D WHICH I'LL BE ABLE TO DO, CUZ IT'S GETTING WARM! Though it's supposed to get colder where the 6LCF reside, but hey, I'll be gone, and in EUROPE! YEAH! HAHA! YES! Soooo....I'll write more about EUROPE! YEAH! when I get back. Which reminds me, I get home on next Thursday, but it'll be in the late evening, and I'll be dead tired (we're gettting up at 6am in EUROPE! YEAH!) and there will be jetlag, so I probably won't post then. I might actually plan ahead and set up another post, for that day, but don't count on it. Soooo....Happy Early Spring Break! (well, for us)



*I say "Chinese shop", but it's technically an Asian store, because it has Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, and stuff. But my family just refers to Asian stores as Chinese stores, cuz it's where we get the ingredients for our non-American dishes :)

**Hot Pot is like this food thing where everyone gathers around a pot full of spices and boiling water, and then swish raw food around in it (or stick it in the pot for a while, and let it cook) until it's cooked, and then dip it in sauce. It's really good, and my description didn't do it much justice, but you get the gist.

***Asian flavors, I say very loosely, I kind of mean the stereotypical Asian countries (i.e. China, Japan, the Koreas...) but I also don't, like, I don't know about India, Thailand, and Vietnam. And I definitely don't know about Russia, Kazakhstan, and all the other "-stan" countries. Even with the countries that I do mean, the flavors are probably not all present, and some are probably off....sooo...I'm just emphasizing the difference between cultures. Sorry if it's misleading.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Hate It When A Unicorn Comes By And Steals My Popcorn...

You know what else I hate? When you go to take a shower, and a murderer pops out, and you have to push him out the window. It's just like, "Hey Man, chill, I'm trying to take a shower here, and look what you made me do! I *broke* the window!" You don't even care about the seriously injured/possibly dead murderer at the base of the window. No, this guy just made you BREAK YOUR OWN WINDOW! It's not like you could have gone and been all like, "Hold up, I gotta got open this window to push you out." No. This guy just pops out of nowhere! First reaction? Window. Hey, how about I push him *out of* the window? Little is it conscious in you that the window is -closed-. Now your window is broken, and you have to get a new one. Gee, thanks, Mr. Murderer. Just making me go around breaking my own windows. You had to pick me today? 

Yeah, that's my story. I just hate when stuff like that happens. It's terrible, you know? 

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhjdahjkbfkjlsahjrhejakbhfjslahb... I don't really know what to write about. My brain's been kind of foggy these past few days.
BUT, OH MY GOSH, SPRING BREAK IS IN, LIKE, [counts number of days] 3-ish DAYS! OH MY GOSH!  Guess where I'm going? To the southern-ness of this state that I am currently in. Ain't that excitin'? 

Where is you be going to? 

Asparagus is chill. :3

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Right, so House and I are doing our 9HD* project on Maximilien Robespierre, who happens to be incredibly fun to draw and also to research. So I thought that, to celebrate Lynda (who isn't yet in the lovely warm south of France but will be soon, leaving us in crappy, still winter weather back home /sob) going to Europe, I'd give you guys a lesson on Robespierre, one of Europe's finest. :D

JSYK, all pictures excluding this wonderful painting were drawn by me. xiy. So don't you dare claim anything below as your own work. Or else I shall be angry.

Robespierre's full name was Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre, but I guess he thought that it was too unwieldy and so he eventually just became commonly known as Maximilien Robespierre (dropping the "de" in his last name). He had quite a few relatives (i.e., his father and grandfather) also called Maximilien de Robespierre, so I guess maybe he wanted to be unique or something. I call him Robesy, because R-O-B-E-S-P-I-E-R-R-E is just so darn tiresome to spell all the time, let alone Maximilien.

Robesy's parents died when he was young, so he and his sisters and brother got left with various relatives; eventually, being a smart cookie, he got into a school in Paris called Louis-le-Grand. What's interesting is that said school was visited by the soon-to-be-headless king, Louis XVI, while Robesy was still in attendance there. Robesy even got to make a speech. I'm sure he was proud.
("No, I'm not," says Robesy. "The Robespierre is unamused.")

(Which really makes you wonder, did they know that in another thirteen years, give or take, everything would be completely different?)


At any rate, after finishing his education, Robesy went back to his hometown of Arras and became a lawyer, and he didn't do anything terribly of note until 1789, when he was elected to be one of the representatives to the Estates General (which was, for those who don't know, a big meeting of all the estates, or classes, of France so that they could work out a plan for how to solve problems). After the Revolution started, he helped with the (eventually failed) Constitution.

Not too long after, Robesy joined the Jacobin club; this was a group of intellectuals that broke up later on into the Feuillants (the more moderate people) and the Jacobins (the radicals, that Robesy was affiliated with).

While all this was going on, the king (Louis XVI, remember) was secretly trying to slip away from Paris, but that plan went south and he ended up getting captured. Later, after he was tried and then beheaded, France got even more chaotic; thus started Robesy's most infamous blaze of glory--the Reign of Terror.


Basically, the Reign of Terror was a year-long thing in which lots and lots and lots of people were accused of being counterrevolutionary (most on really stupid charges, like saying "A fig for the Nation!" or making bad morale-damaging wine or supposedly poking their eyes out to not have to fight in the army**). Anybody could be accused, really, and there were lots of laws made to justify it all. During this time, Robesy was part of the Committee of Public Safety; he is, probably, its most infamous member.

Since they were all forward-thinking revolutionaries and all, the entire calendar was changed during the Reign of Terror. Instead of the conventional twelve-month year, the revolutionary calendar was split into months that were based off of natural themes. Which still doesn't excuse them for naming a month Fructidor, of all things (apparently it was the month of fruits?), or giving every month a promotional painting, many of them featuring half-naked women. Anyway.

Robesy even started this thing called the Cult of the Supreme Being, which was sort of like a religion but not really, because obviously forward-thinking revolutionaries thought that religion was a bunch of nonsense. Robesy, of course, was the head.
Eventually, though, people thought that Robesy was going too far and they ousted him on 9 Thermidor Year II by the revolutionary calendar, aka 27 July 1794. Robesy was shot in the jaw and pretty much spent his last hours in extreme pain. He was guillotined without trial the next day.

(And thus ends Robesy's tale.)

Some Other Interesting Stuff:
  • Robesy was BFFs with a guy named Saint-Just (aka Louis Antoine Léon de Saint-Just). They were both (along with Robesy's brother Augustin) guillotined on the same day. Whee.
  • What's interesting about Robesy is that it became more and more difficult, as the Revolution went on, for him to distinguish between the Revolution and himself. He treated them as one, and the end result, as you can see, wasn't pretty.
  • Robsey made a lot of speeches about his vision for a future, virtuous French republic that was basically all sunshine and flowers. But first, he said, you had to kill all the horrid counterrevolutionaries that were mucking it up for everybody. Cue the RoT.
  • Poor Robesy. Nobody likes him. Napoleon is considered nicer. Or more heroic. Or something. Anyway, Napoleon's more famous.

If I haven't yet bored you to tears and you still want to know more, I recommend the book Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution by Ruth Scurr, and also this wonderful documentary called "Terror! Robespierre and the French Revolution." Their portrayal of Robesy sometimes looks like a sheep, which is always nice. :)


Well, yeah, that's it for today. Unless you want to read about me rambling about my life, which I'm sure you don't, since I just assaulted your eyeballs with such a huge post. |D


*National History Day, or NHD, is the actual legit tenth-grade competition. However, since we're still little kids and can't handle the big-kid projects, our history teacher has come up with the idea of 9HD, which is the watered-down version. Which is still pretty intense, I guess, but not really. At all.

**Because, seriously, France was fighting, like, half of Europe during the revolution. None of the other countries with monarchies wanted to risk revolutions like France's, and they were all trying to invade and reinstall the king.


Monday, March 21, 2011


I had a bad day today.
First, I overslept this morning and missed Greek. I was sad. Not really.
Then I had a Latin test that I was definitely not prepared for and I had to do it without the shining face of our regular Latin teacher.
In gym I was forced to participate. Ew.
 In science I got a C on a test that we took because of our stupid dumb teacher not being able to teach.
Lynda colored ALL OVER my English stuff. (Well, I guess that's kind of forgivable since I was coloring on her face and arm. Also, it was kind of funny...)
Then the worst happened. In math class, we had a test. Normally, when it's a test day, we walk into class and get our tests immediately. Today, though, our teacher took her own good time (10 minutes!!!!) until she handed them out. In the middle of the test there was some legit screaming outside so we stopped to see what it was. So I didn't finish, like, 3 or 4 problems. Each problem is about 5 points. That means, basically, that I'll fail the test. Yay. 
Also, my neighbors are already on spring break and are in the Bahamas. I WANNA BE IN THE BAHAMAS TOO!!!!!!!! :(

There has been some good stuff today:
In band we got to listen to this cool brass quintet.
I had an AMAZING youth retreat over the weekend.
When I die, I'm going to heaven to chill with Jesus.
Aaand I started writing on my own blog again. 
So I guess, when I look on the bright side of things, life isn't all that bad. I mean, I could be homeless because a tsunami destroyed my country or in the middle of a dangerous rebellion against an insane dictator. I guess life could be worse, which always makes me feel better. Venting helps, too. 

Have a nice Monday everybody!!!!
Go read my other blog post!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The First Frappuccino of the Year

Today is possibly the most auspicious day of 2011, because today was the day I got my first frappuccino of the year. This is a very important milestone, because it means that the weather has at last gotten warm enough that I can get an iced drink at Starbucks instead of a hot drink. Up until now, every Starbucks drink I have purchased in the year 2011 has been a hot cafe mocha. Today I got a mocha frappuccino. 

Really, the only difference is the ice, (being in my drink rather than on the ground) but the symbolic difference is really part of what makes this time of year amazing. It's WARM outside. I can look out the window and see blue sky. People around here say that they would like to live and Florida where it's blue sky nearly all the time, but I think people in Florida don't appreciate it as much. When the sun comes out after winter here, everybody rejoices. Because the cold of the winter is bearable, but the fact that the sky is gray for the whole entire season really gets me down. And now SPRING HAS SPRUNG!!!!

I also went to Bruegger's today, but we get the same bagels every week no matter what season it is. 

This weekend is a Harry Potter weekend on ABC family, so that's why I'm in such a good mood. There was an extra-special preview for Deathly Hallows part 2 yesterday AHHH I'M SO PUMPED! I'm actually counting down the days until I get my braces off, but once that's done I'll start counting down until Harry Potter. 
I'm wearing a Ravenclaw shirt today. XD
One more week until spring break!!!! By the way, I probably won't be able to post next Saturday because I'll be at an Episcopal thing called Happening (it's a really exciting one-in-a-lifetime thing) where I will sadly not have access to the internet. I might think to write something up earlier in the week and set it to post automatically on Saturday, but knowing me I'll probably forget, so just letting you know. I'll be busy doing Jesus-y stuff. Hooray!!

I don't really have anything else to say, and I have a ton of stuff to do, so farewell!!! :)


Friday, March 18, 2011


Right, so.
This week has actually been pretty good for me. Getting to sleep in every day definitely made it tons better, like omg. Sadly, our nine-day weekend is almost over, since next week is back on the same schedule.* Oh, well.

At least we got to end the week on a high note. It's been soooo freakin warm outside the past couple days. Probably my favourite part of spring coming is witnessing the one specific weekend where the weather peaks just enough. All the girls retreat inside, digging up the old booty shorts and shaving (don't forget moisturising!) legs that are pale and worn from winter. Toenails are painted, tank tops are dug up, and North Faces are shed.

Okay, maybe not quite yet... we still need to get through, like, Easter (which has been rather blizzard-y in the past), but holy cow, it's an exciting idea.

OMG, so today was our [prego] Latin teacher's last day!!! D':
We're all gonna be devastated without her, so don't be surprised if you notice Momo/me/Virgil slipping in a bit of whining in the near future ^.^ (especially around finals... *shudder*) {↓ original artwork by Virgil}

zomg whyyyy?? *sadface*

and... yeah.
I'm gonna go practice my solo thing for this solo/ensemble event [tomorrow] our school has us do every year >.<
With all due respect,

P.S. Over thar ---> is a very pretty page that is dedicated to banners we've (i.e. mostly xiy) have doodled out. pretty! you're here, so you might as well go have a look at it :)

*Ewwwww, routine. Back to being injected with Subject A, Subject B, etc. period by period...

Thursday, March 17, 2011


crap, I have no time. Sorry. eep! my computer keeps logging out. ignore all punc/grammar mistakes. no time. wanted a better post...planned it all out. ACk. havta go. bye
L---nvm. canna type more than 2 words at a time....ooh, made it to 6! yay

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Yes, that is a the song that came onto my mp3 right before I began typing this. :3 It made me quite happy, and I thought of all the other 6LCFs. 

Woo, Wednesday! Oh... wait. I always post on Wednesday, don't I? Heh, whoopsies... 

Uh, I get to sleep in this entire week since the sophomores have to take their OGTs. XD YESSSSS! sleeppp ^_^ 

Anyway, I have to go like do stuff... so yeah. Have a nice life! :) 
My deepest apologies for such a short post. :P


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

kdjfhskdjff i can't think of a witty title

Today I had to run a mile around slushy track without a coat in overcast, windy, forty-degree-though-it-felt-much-colder I-swear-it's-raining-look-I-just-felt-a-raindrop weather. It wasn't fun. At all. I still don't think my arms have completely thawed out yet.

(And then, afterwards, I was treated to a game of dodgeball in which I spent most of the time standing unobtrusively in the corner and getting hit by red foam balls thrown at very high speeds. I fail to see why dodgeball is considered a rewarding and amusing sport.)

On the bright side, I didn't have to wake up until nine in the morning today and spent much of my morning reading fanfiction. And then I studied a bit of French (ew, French) and then printed out my English essay (completely terrible) and then went back to reading. It was very enjoyable.

In a completely unprecedented and magnanimous gesture, our (well, "our" sans House, because House just isn't cool enough to be in the same class as us) English teacher gave out numerous tootsie rolls to help in our Great Expectations-reading endeavours. 

(I still think that Pip is a naive idiot and how in the world does he get into debt without even doing much? I mean, honestly. Ugh.)


Tomorrow I'm going to have to brave the terrors of gym class again, but hopefully it'll be raining and therefore the running will be confined to a warmer and more indoor setting. Preferably one without snow and a wind chill. Maybe.

(I just realised that I don't have to get up early for Greek tomorrow. That thought is too incredibly beautiful for words.)

(I don't know why I'm inserting all these parenthetical anecdotes, actually. Hm.)

(Ah, well.)



Monday, March 14, 2011

Momo: The Happiest Girl in the World, a Memoir

This is a short memoir of my day and the upcoming week*:
As I blissfully walked to school this morning at the early hour of 10:55 am, the single word that kept repeating itself in my mind was "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh".

 I woke up rather late this morning, around 8:30 am, and, despite the fact that school normally begins at 7:10 on Mondays for me, I was at ease. I stayed in my bed for awhile, staring at the map of Africa looming over my head. I probably would have stayed there had my mother not walked into the house, calling my name. I slowly eased my well-rested body out of bed and slid into my bathrobe and slippers, not bothering to get changed. I walked down the stairs to find my mother, who just returned from exercise class, bearing the most lovely of gifts--a frappucino from Starbucks. I settled into my chair at the breakfast table and sipped my frappucino as I read the comics. I read a magazine and checked Facebook before finally heading back to my room at about 9:30 to take a shower and get dressed.

I lounged around the house with my sister and studied some Greek. Soon enough, it was nearing 10:35 and I got packed for school. I left the house and gleefully sauntered off to school (in full daylight!!!). In my mind, I made fun of the elementary students as I passed the elementary school. I smiled at my elderly neighbor as she drove past, shooting me a confused and somewhat angry glare. I arrived at school and headed to Greek for a super-fun test. The day progressed and I attended band (we got giant pixie sticks! yum!), Latin (yay!), History (meh) and math (HAPPY PI DAYYYY!!!!). Then guess what? I WENT HOME!!! That was all the school I had to endure for the day!!!

 If you haven't caught on, dear reader, I hope you've realized that today (this week) was/will be no normal week. No. This week, we will laugh at the sophomores as they partake in state testing and the rest of us--the rest of us lucky chilluns--we get an entire week of school that starts at--wait for it--11:39 am !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for us Greekers on which school starts at 10:55 on said days. 

I enjoy these lazy mornings and short school days so much. I'm pretty sure that this will be the happiest school week of my high school career.
As I've said too many times today, I would gladly donate a month of summer to have a year of school that starts at 11:39 each day. I repeat: GLADLY. Not only does our nearly 3-month-long summer break get a bit tedious after awhile, but the Germans do it [and if the Germans do it, everyone else should too]. In Germany, summer break is only 6 weeks long (next to our 10-and-then-some weeks). In Germany however, school doesn't typically start at noon-ish, but they do get random week long breaks throughout the year. Here's what I think: we start school at 11:39 every day with a rotating schedule, take four weeks off of summer break, and POW! High schoolers are suddenly magically well-rested, grades go up, people are all-together happier, more homework actually gets done, AND we don't have to go to school before it's light outside in winter. Yup. That is the dream life. 

Until then, let's just enjoy this week of happiness.
It'll suck next year when we're the ones taking the standardized tests...
~ Momo

*There are two things wrong here: 1. can you even write a memoir about your day?
2. Is it allowed to write a memoir about the future?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

silly high school

She deserves to be punished.
How about actually finishing that mini-Nanowrimo we assigned her a while back?
I'm chewing on ice right now. It's yummy.

Today we are going to talk about silly high school. Let's go through Virgil's schedule... IN PICTURES!!!
The gray things coming out of my head are supposed to be the arms that I'm sleeping on. The purple letters are supposed to look like zetas.
My band director has crazy blue eyes that can BURN STRAIGHT THROUGH YOUR SOUL!!!
the most worthwhile class of the day!

That's all for now. Maybe I'll add more later. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Have You 'Freaked' a Cigarette in the Past 30 Days?


We had a survey in school (specifically English class) today, and that was one of our lovely questions. Not that I really remember it. I just randomly clicked my way through the whole thing. I went from "I have never had a cigarette in my life", to the next question, in which I clicked, "30 hours and more"...the question? In the past week, how many hours have you smoked, total? *shrugs* I don't really care, just a ridiculous survey. I took them seriously in 8th grade, but not this year. Nope, not this year.

WHAT THE FRICK, MISS SCIENCE TEACHER????? (I will be shrinking the following rant to a miniscule text, as I have been told not to refer to said science teacher as 'stupid'. I won't call her stupid, but I need to vent about how much I am not learning in science physics chemistry)

Anyways, yeah. Um....I'll probably update later when I'm home from crew. Which reminds me, we're going to the boathouse today, and it's raining and cold.  Why is my life cursed so? Yesterday, I was accompanying people to a swim test, and it was raining and windy. I had my umbrella, and it did not WORK! I mean, the stupid umbrella was dry, and I was soaked!!! eep, gotta go

^our English class ended.

Anyways, I went to the swim test, and my left side became wet, came back, and my right side got soaked. :(  grrrrr. oh yeah! I saw a certain Curly Fry and her boyfriend! *sing songy voice*

House and EZ sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!
First comes love,
Then comes marriage (which their friends have planned),
Then comes the babies in the baby carriages (which their friends have also planned)...


*snicker* This song was sung due to the fact that House was heading towards EZ's house! How scandulous, the IDEA! <--reminds me of Camilla in Great Expectations.
Soooo....write y'all a lot later when I'm done with crew...*sob* wet. cold. tired. muddy.

LATER:  Hey y'all. Crew was fun. We went to the boathouse and got cold, but I didn't lift any boats. Yay! No heavy lifting for Lynda! Also, I learned that sweatshirts so don't cut it. I was freezing. Well, I guess I have to go pester Dad to buy me a windbreaker that will keep me warm. (Northface is expensive...maybe Nike? Then again, Nike's also expensive...but crappy brands will have crappy stuff...idk. Warmth is worth the money, I think) isn't cold, here, where we live and go to school, but near the water is frickin' cold! Good thing I didn't get too cold.

Though when we came back, the fog was so heavy, I couldn't see past the track from the side doors where our bus stopped. Damn, it was scary. I kept imagining freaky people jumping out at me and kidnapping me and then killing me and then raping me and then killing me again and then mauling me to pieces....yeah... On the other hand, the walk was a great boost to my ego.
I started out like this: "I'm ugly. It's ok. The kidnappers will see me, go like, 'zomg! She's too ugly to kidnap, let's go.'" 
Around halfway: "I'm not that ugly. The kidnappers might think about kidnapping me! But it's ok. I'll just run. They won't think I'm worth it..."

see? If you ever need a change of self-image, take a walk in the dark, foggy streets...


Wednesday, March 9, 2011



I'm really tired, and I still need to write body paragraphs for English. Ew. 

*grunt, mumble*
People don't understand... so it just doesn't make any sense to put my analogies :/ I would go on a ranting spree, but that wouldn't be nice. but I am not too happy right now. People are just... erg. >.< fine. No more Miss nice Carrie. I just don't get it.  Do people really think that I'm just here for decoration? That I don't notice things around me? That I actually *notice* not being included? (I would say 'ignored' but then people would put up a debate that "they're not ignoring me" and people. always. win. debates. especially against me because I'm such a friggin' push over.) geez. I don't care that I'm ranting, either. I've had enough of this! And I bet that either people are gonna ask "Oh, what's wrong?" and then not listen to what I have to say and make up excuses and not care at all about how *I'm* feeling or they just won't ask at all. Can't people just be real for once? I'd definitely appreciate it. 
And NO, I am not talking about the 6LCF, although some things irk me here too :/ but just in life. I have a life. Isn't that what this blog is about? What's happening in our lives without mentioning specific names? Yeah, exactly. 
No more Miss nice Carrie. I'm done being pushed over.
And I really don't care that almost nothing in this post is grammatically correct. I don't care today.


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

P.S.- I wuz gon put sumthin' heer. gee, I forgot... uhh.oh well, that was a waste of signing in again. My bad.
P.P.S.-Recycling tags? Whut? Anybody care to explain?   

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

adventures in fencing

Just a note before I officially start this post:

So I see someone changed the header-thing to what I drew last week; I changed it back because I think it's more practical to have the full name of our blog on the title instead of just "6LCF" and also because I like the one with the six of us in a row better because I think it looks better as a banner.

If you guys think we should change or something, I guess we could. Vote in the comments, maybe?



Today, Momo and I went fencing. Some of the other fencing chillunz were acting odder than usual today; here is my quickly-doodled artist's interpretation of them, with explanations below.
Exhibit A: The Push-Up. For some reason, people were doing push-ups today, and the way they were doing them varied between sticking their posteriors high up in the air while attempting to do the push-up, sagging a ridiculous amount in the stomach area (it's sort of difficult to tell, but that's what the second guy in green is demonstrating) or just slacking off entirely (okay, maybe not, but I wanted to draw a happy sleeping person).

Exhibit B: The Lazy Kid Who was Forced to do Jackknives. While we were supposed to be doing jackknives (like sit-ups, but harder), one kid was just lying there, being all "ohoho I'm so clever look at me not doing what I'm supposed to." Then, later on, he was mobbed by a bunch of other fencing chillunz, and they were trying to make him do said exercises by pulling him around by the legs and arms and yelling.

Exhibit C: Failure Butt-kicks. There's a reason they're called "butt-kicks," people. You're supposed to make your heels come in contact with your posterior during each jump. Just bending your knees slightly while jumping maybe three inches off the ground is not acceptable. Many of the fencing chillunz seem to have missed out on this rule, and were blatantly disobeying it.

Oh, and as if this weren't odd enough, two kids were making nooses out of jump ropes during warm-up time. It was very odd.


The National Greek Exam is tomorrow, which means I get to bring lunch. Yay.

Also, I hate gym class. Fitness is not fun. D:


And now I think I should go, as I've some English (and possibly physics chemistry as well, though I might procrastinate some more on that) to do. Goodbye~. 


Monday, March 7, 2011

Recycling Tags, New Page, and When will we...?

 Part 1: Directed @ Curly Fries Only
On Friday in writing club, instead of writing, xiy, Virgil, Lynda and I were looking at this splendid blog. We noticed as we scrolled down how massively massive our cloud of tags has grown. One finds tags like bingo, duckling, Korea, mail man, religious tolerance, stink, and third grade. Frankly, there are far too many tags for an organized way to find specific posts. I, personally, have been recycling my tags* for quite some time now, seeing as the problem has grown wild. However, if we don't all communally stop using random tags, no one will ever be able to find specific posts. Ever. So if you, 6LCF, would all so kindly recycle your tags, I think everyone would be happier. Also, I think I may delete some of the more obscure tags, if possible. Okay. Is that okay with everyone?

Part 2: New Page
Last week, House ever so kindly set up a new page. On it, we are all supposed to choose 1-3 of our favorite posts and display it for the world to see. This will make any especially memorable days stand out and allow for newcomers to think we have supermega posts every day (which we all know doesn't always happen). If any readers have personal favorites that they would like to suggest, please do so. 
Part 3: Will we ever/when will we...?
  • do other parts of our bucket list?
  • finish the bucket list?
  • think about book club?
  • do book club??
  • plan our anniversary celebration?
  • change days/colors?
  • be done with school already?!
  • celebrate House and EZ's wedding if the world ends in 2012?!?
  • plan Virgil's wedding?
  • go to Mars?
Oh. Sorry. Got a little carried away.
 Chickens don't really have fingers.
Anyway, happy Monday, everybody!!!
~μομο EDIT: μώμω
* Recycling tags, by the way, is just using old tags instead of creating new ones.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


This is one of those weekends when it seems like I have do ALL THE THINGS. 

There was a flute festival thing today, which was fun. House, Carrie, and I were all there. House's parents very kindly gave me a ride home, and my sister came back from college for spring break! Yay! 

Tomorrow is going to be so hectic. I don't want to think about it....  

Here's a cover that I made for the book I'm working on:

I got the original photo from the internet, but all the effects are a la moi. (That's why it's not that good.) Speaking of writing, I just decided that I want to make the entire book in present tense, because writing in first person past tense is weird and I end up using the word "had" way to much, so having everything in present would be easier. Also, if your life is flashing before your eyes, then you might experience in the present tense, I think. Uh oh, now I've given away too much. 

Um, I'm reading the Hunger Games trilogy right now and it's SO AMAZING OMG. I just finished Catching Fire yesterday (after spending like a day reading it...) and the ending was just SO INTENSE so I don't care what people say about Mockingjay, I'm going to read it anyway because Suzanne Collins has turned me into a READING ZOMBIE. 

I'm about to go out to dinner, so that's all the time I have, folks. Come again soon!


Friday, March 4, 2011

holy snoodle.

gosh darn it all to heck, I forgot to write a blog post today.
it's been an icky week overall. the other Curly Fries know I missed a bit of school this week... blech.
House is tired.
House will proceed to go relax and read now.
house might edit this into an actual post tomorrow.
House is too lazy to go change ^that to a capital H. sorry for that.
if you actually loved me, you'd pity me in the comments below :P
With all due—zzzzzz...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

lynda loooooooves the world! lynda is a happy, happy girl...

...unless she is in Global Studies with a pack of ignorant fools. *:(
Draw a circle; that's the Earth.
Draw a circle; that's the Earth.
I'm Heeetttaaallliiaaa!!!! :)
Global Studies....we started the China unit today, and omigosh, I knew the people in my class were annoying and relatively dumb, but they really overexerted their "dumb" brain cells today. But...ahh...don't have much time. Lotsa homework. xiy and  I just made an "Apple Tarte Tatin". Looks kinda ugly. Hehe
Well! Gotta go, bye!
Luv, Lynda
P.S. Greek tomorrow...*groans* Lynda neeedddddsss slllleeeppp...
P.P.S. Honestly, I was going to rant about my gl. st. class...but I don't have time. Poopy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'z don't like being bwoken. :(


So, uh, yeah, I kind of broke myself yesterday. Two hours before I had my band concert, and I still went! Hooray for band director H and me being twoopahs! [troopers, jsyk.] Anyway, I bet you want to know what happened... And I will tell you, but not in full detail for those who may be faint-hearted. So here goes... Yesterday [Hrm, I already said that] I was stepping out of my shower, and since ours has that little metal piece I ended up whacking my once-good big toe (long story, but the other 6LCFs should know...) against. Joy. It hurt, a lot. And it also proved how short I am becoming! (Lynda, Virgil, and I are becoming short buddies. ^_^ ) So yeah. Tomorrow, ironically, I have a doctor apt. regarding the OTHER toe (the already bad one) but now it doesn't matter since they now have to look at the messed up one. Yeah, no fun. Wish me luck. :) ♥

BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE!... I get to miss a day of school. Yay. Which means that I get to miss 2 tests/quizzes. Double yay. 

But then again, I also get to be an über cripple. Meh.
But then again, I also get an elevator key. (And for those who do go to my school, that is a very exciting event... except for me who is deeply confused in the elevator for 3 reasons: 1) it takes 2 minutes [exaggeration] for the elevator to arrive, but only a minute for it to travel 3 floors? 2) The inside is orange. and 3) sometimes, other people will call the elevator on the 2nd floor while you are going to the first floor. Yeah. ALWAYS check which floor you are on ATM... unlike me who was going up to the 3rd floor, almost got off at the second, and was not willing to go up a flight of stairs in my fragile state.)
That was a very long parenthetical addition. 

So. Um. I'mma go nows. bai. ^_^
BTW, the band concert went really well, thanks for asking.♥
[Another] BTW, I love the new banner-picture-thing, xiy. :)

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

oops i forgot a title


Sorry about the lateness of this post; however, in my defense, I was using my time to a) procrastinate on French, b) procrastinate on physics chemistry, and c) draw you guys something pretty.

:D [Click the picture to see it in all its 4000x3000-pixel glory.]
The highlights:
  • House is trying to drag a recalcitrant Kitty (the dinosaur, for those unenlightened ones) and is scowling at the world.
  • Momo is standing on her head on Kitty's head and laughing at us non-daredevil types.
  • Carrie is sitting on Kitty's back, directing House, and otherwise generally having a grand old time.
  • Lynda is sea- car- dinosaur-sick. Poor Lynda.
  • Virgil is slacking off on her duties (i.e., helping House move Kitty) and has chosen to follow the example of everybody's favorite lazy slave and is having a Latin-Convention-hangover-induced nap.
  • xiy (i.e., me) is painting in the sun (having just finished the clouds, etc). She is floating unaided, because she is dictator-artist and dictator-artists can do whatever they want in their own pictures.
  • Yes, we appear to be floating in sky. Deal with it (please).
  • The sign has a lopsided heart on it because I find it incredibly difficult to hand-draw nice hearts in Gimp. Also, it's to signify our undying friendship, etc., etc.
  • And do finally officially clear this up: Kitty has spines on her back because, before, when I only drew her head and about half her body, she looked something like a rather large purple snake-camel thing. And she's a dinosaur. So I thought that spines would make her look slightly more dinosaur-like.
  • No Archie or Hector this time; I was too lazy to put them in.

Starting yesterday, I actually have to, like, exercise in gym class again. CPR class was boring and sort of odd, but at least I didn't have to a) spend undue amounts of time in a locker room that consistently smells of feet, b) repeatedly take "one-minute jogs," every single one being called "the last one, really," c) make a fool of myself by doing ridiculous stretches, d) injure my tailbone while doing sit-ups, or e) did I mention the bit about me looking stupid?
And at least in CPR I could finish (i.e., completely screw up beyond all recognition because I cannot do mental addition and I'm terrible at surface area/volume problems) my horrible math homework.

Right, so that was my smallish rant. I do hope you enjoyed it. That, and the picture.
